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Angelic Realms

The Eloists


The hosts of Light are always with you, for you have set your mind
and heart on serving the Creator through all the days of your life. Our
presence with you remains unseen, and most of the time you are
unaware of our influence though our thoughts and actions touch the
events of your life in the most constructive ways to render only
goodness and truth in your ultimate unfoldment. When we are here
with you, our inspiration raises your spirit into the finer realms of
Light, and as long as you dwell on that Light and strive to see only
the good, express only the good, and live only the truth as you best
understand it, then no darkness can come upon you as you journey
on your way. Remember that we are a team for you are an anchor
through which we work. You are one in our family, joined in this Life
that unites all, as separated as we may seem in distance or
dimension. All such barriers are mere illusions that have no
existence within the eternal realms of spirit.


You are blessed with visibility of the future. You can see events
happening that will change your lives and bring happiness if you
follow the highest light. We, too, sense even bigger events that will
affect your dynamics and the way you spend your time. But these are
"small potatoes" compared to the groundswells that will arch into
breakers of monumental size to spill over the planet. They are
forming now and will rock the boat in many places before they finally
wash away the tired and old ways of the past.

You are blessed with a sense of purpose that will take you into new
realms of thought to understand the future. Infinitely greater waves of
spiritual knowledge will be available, and useable, in the new world
being carved. You will be among the first to apply some of these
principles and will guide others toward a spiritual understanding of
their place in the world. This is as it should You are blessed with a
sense of purpose that will take you into new realms of thought to
understand the future. Infinitely greater waves of spiritual knowledge
will be available, and useable, in the new world being carved. You
will be among the first to apply some of these principles and will
guide others toward a spiritual understanding of their place in the
world. This is as it should


Although it may be raining outside, we see wonderful shafts of

sunlight emanating from those points of the globe where there are
souls who are dedicated to promoting the Ever Present Purpose of
us all. They shine day and night, regardless of the weather or the
climate. It is in such locations that we can "hook up our power lines",
so to speak, and relay the messages from the higher heavens.

Many people have become aware of unseen forces, of spirits who

are present with them or who move about nearby. But not many
individuals have links to angels who only speak in the Creator's
name and safeguard all mortal efforts to improve their immortal

We speak cautiously, lest some reader misinterpret our words. There

are spirits who are good at heart and helpful, but still do not have
extensive knowledge of the higher realms. These spirits are likely to
be encouraging but short-sighted in their communications with
mortals. Think carefully before believing all that is said, especially if
you are a "beginner" or are in the company of individuals whom you
do not know well. Again, we urge caution and careful contemplation
with the Inner Voice of the Ever Present before going ahead with

suggestions which may be made.

This is an explosive time, psychically. Many doors are being opened

as the Light from the higher heavens penetrates the veils of the earth
plane. It is a time of inspiration and a time of discovery. We
encourage you to sit regularly



There is an aqueduct of spiritual water flowing from the highest

realms of heaven down through all the spheres to this planet earth.
Those of us who desire to know of this power are required to keep
our minds as pure as possible, free from selfish preoccupations and
ambitions, always radiant with love for others. Thus we make
manifest our realizations of the heavenly realms. It is almost
impossible to realize how great and beautiful is the concentration of
the Angel Hosts. It is an inspiration to us as we strive always to live to
the highest that we know. We are glad that you continue in thought
with us, and feel the heavenly unity that souls attuned to the same
purpose feel, even though we are miles apart. Our blessings are with
you in all your affairs. We affirm that the Creator's Glory shall fill your

soul, and thrill you with new life and energy.


Come with us, dear friends. We journey "to the stars" where All is
Truth, All is Light, All is Love.

It is not a sugar-coated world full of fleecy clouds and empty words of

praise. It is a world as solid and real to the adamantine souls who
inhabit it as your world is to you. There we labor long and hard, but
not chained to endless drudgery, for our tasks challenge us with
infinite diversity. Every endeavor is so filled with love and devotion
that we are assured of fulfillment, profound pleasure, and endless

Here among the etheric chasms and mountains of light there is no

cruelty, no deception, no avarice, and no greed. Here the realization
that we are all one family permeates our awareness as consciously
and fully as does All Light, Jehovih. That Infinite Love, that Ever
Present Voice, that All Pervading Mind fills our hearts and all our
days with perfect harmony. Here all the pains of our past are

forgotten, all our shortcomings which hampered our progress are like
distant memories. But with all our joys we are not beyond your reach.
The Voice comes to us with a determined breath, carried on a
fragrant breeze, and reminds us of your small planet passing through
our realms. The Voice Speaks from within the Light of our Councils
and reminds us of your struggles during this period of rapid growth
but filled with the Blessings of All Light in this Time of Kosmon. With
our help it will blossom into the best of times for your children and
your children's children for generations yet to come. We will
accomplish this together, you and your coworkers, joined in the
Purpose with all of us, one in the All. Then, when your day arrives,
we will return to our realms together as co-workers and helpmates,
ready for the infinite labors that await us, filled with delightful ,
challenges and unknown blessings yet to be realized and embraced.



Welcome, my friends, to the land of Abundant Good Fortune and

Opportunity. We come here this day to let you know that there is a
magnificent feast going on to celebrate the arrival of one of our most
cherished fine soul friends, who walked the earth quite some time

ago. He visits us from time to time to let us know the conditions of
those parts of the celestial heavens that are still beyond most of our
sights. He can entertain and awe us for days on end with the stories
he brings of those heavenly spheres, which go hand in hand with the
talents he shares. We certainly learn much from this amazing soul
and he freely gives us whatever information he can in answer to our
questions. Some things, of course, must remain hidden from our
consciousness for a while yet. Nevertheless, we strive to focus on
the beauty, organization, ethereal majesty and continuity that lie
beyond these planes. Welcome indeed are the suggestions he
makes for our improvement and greater development. We recognize
that he is but an emissary for the Light Ever Present and we respect
the words of advice he brings so thoughtfully. The Light shines
brightly over his en tire countenance when he speaks. His eyes just
glow with the love he expresses; out of his mouth stream melodious
tones of harmony and good cheer. His endeavors serve to motivate
us for a long time. We can benefit from such pure living examples as
well as you. "Keep up the good work!' he says. And then it is time for
him to once again bid farewell for a season. We stretch forth our
arms in token appreciation for his beneficial exchanges. Off he soars
to worlds of ever-glistening rainbow arches and scenic forests and
breath-taking, glowing plains of light. All praise be to the Creator of
us all!


Today we will speak about our etherean realms that rest among the
"stars, planets, galaxies and the heavens above". Look out above
you on a starry night and with even a little imagination you will find
yourself awed by it all, even though your corporeal senses can
perceive only the smallest part of that which is above and about you.
Look about and you will see countless points of light; some of which
are planets in your solar vortex, while others are stars that are within
a small segment of your corporeal galaxy. Still others are vast
galaxies themselves, though at such distances from your ken that
they appear but dimly and are difficult to perceive with the unaided

From the light of even your most sophisticated telescopes you

perceive only a small part of your corporeal universe and nothing at
all of our grand and infinitely more awe-inspiring spiritual universe.
To your dull and limited corporeal senses it is just a black void,
stippled at remote distances by points of matter that form planets,
suns and nebulae. The rest is a cold black void, and so it is within the
limits of the dimensions wherein you reside.

We, your friends in spirit, know it to be quite to the contrary, for we

reside in a dimension of being that is more expansive and real than
the three dimensions of corpor. Even on your level of being, our
realm interpenetrates yours, but until you are freed from the small
spectrum of perception that your corporeal senses provide, you
cannot see us, nor hear our voices, nor see the world in which we

Our world fills all of space in which you perceive a void. How often
we hear corporeans joke in their perceived wisdom in declaring that
there can be no heaven because they can see no evidence of it and,
besides, where would you place it, amongst the clouds or over the
mountain tops? We think the joke is really their short-sightedness, for
all they need to do is step outside and look above them to see that
the heavens of their' ancestors, as well as the heavens of all souls for
generations to come, rest above and about them in every direction.



As we move ahead from the summer solstice, we are held in a

powerful focus generated through the concerted wills of countless
millions in the higher angelic realms. These are important days for us

of the angelic realms in our organized efforts for world upliftment.
Winter and summer solstice, each phase of the moon, especially
the new and full moon: these are all important days for us in which
focused activities, ceremonies and orchestrated efforts are
undertaken to help the world through unified thought and
orchestrated will. Charged with this spiritual energy, we link with you
in focus in a way that is much like the touch of a high-powered
electric cable to a generator. We step down our energy into your
focus and then re-channel this energy by drawing it out from you
again at a different "frequency," which can then be employed in
various ways on the lower planes to help humanity. That is one
reason why we often refer to you as a step-down transformer. We
are frequently joined by thousands of other Angelic Hosts who are in
focus with each point of your triangle from the plateau above you.
Hold the Light to complete your tasks.


Question: Do Angels breathe?

Answer: Breath is Being on all planes, for as above, so below. We

inhale and exhale, and we feel in every particle of our being. Why do
you think of us as different? The only real difference is in the matter
of our expansion, of having outgrown the mortal limitations, and of
standing clear of mortality. Yet we laugh and love and dance and
sing and jump and breathe. Oh, we breathe with conscious
realization of the goodness of life.

Suppose you were on our side of the picture of reality in essence.

Suppose you were positively aware of the Eternal, and you felt your
kinship with His whole creation, and you knew His will was being
done. In our state of total awareness, no mental torments can touch
us, for as souls we are free from the illusions of time and space and
mentality. So you stand here beside us, brilliantly gay, and free of all
mortality: no negative thoughts of separation, no sense of
intolerance, dislike or feelings of lack and want. In fact you are so
totally different from mortals that as you see their woeful state, they
seem to be a creation apart from true Being, and you yearn to help
them in their poverty of being, and share the richness and treasure of
your objective existence in the Eternal now.

Here you are beside us, wanting to help, and studying the reasons
for the separation. You see mankind as governed and controlled by
laws that have no reality in fact: laws of materiality, of death and
disease and sin, and all kinds of abominations. You walk up to a

particularly unhappy soul with the firm intention of trying to help, and
you say, "Awake! Arise up! Shine! All the mess you are in is not
reality, but a sham, a false picture, a delusion." The poor soul looks
away and says, "Why don't the angels help me? Woe! Woe! Why
don't they lift me up out of this hell? Why are they so far away? Look
at me, all miserable and ill at ease. Suffer, suffer. Ah, me! Ah, me!"
You stand beside him and shout: "Lift up your eyes into reality. Feel
the vitality of His Presence. Let go of all this nonsense." But every
part of the mind of the poor unfortunate insists on focusing on the
lack, on the failure of the past and the impossibility of the future. Yes,
standing beside us you can see yourself and your friends, and
perhaps get a slight picture of the problem - the problem of
separateness, of denial of Divinity. There is no magic word, no "Open
Sesame". To break through to Reality requires a faith, and an
absolute child-like knowing that you are taken care of way beyond
your mortal ken. We want you to visit with us on our side and
remember that when you are here, you are in a state of being that
knows and feels only positive, joyous Reality; no worries nor cares
nor woes. You feel only perfect harmony and peace, and utter faith in
the absolute victory of Benevolence.


The heavenly realms about your planet are as varied and sundry as
are the countries and cultures that have resided under its canopy,
only multiplied many times over to allow for the many levels and tiers
of existence, which cover ever broader spheres than that of the
corporeal earth, and include many races and cultures that had long
since quit the earth plane before your recorded histories began.

Life on the lower atmospherean plane is as varied in experience as

are the number of individuals inhabiting it. All have their own peculiar
experiences and stories to tell. Suffice it to say that on arrival here
the individuals initial change is far less substantial than you, dear
mortal, would think. The transformation called death does involve the
transition from one dimension of existence to another, but the
process involves more of a shedding of a dull and coarse exterior
than it involves any change in wisdom, virtue, or understanding.

All of us find ourselves on arrival here relatively unchanged, at least

from our point of view. For though you cannot see us, to ourselves
we feel every bit as real and solid as ever we felt in the past; and
though some never lose their consciousness for a moment in the
passing while others may sleep for weeks or years in their transition

before regaining consciousness, yet on their awakening they feel
every bit as whole and human as they did in the past.

To many the transition is a painful experience emotionally, for once

they realize they are dead as to mortal existence and yet as alive and
alert as ever, the sudden comprehension of that truth and all the
unspoken implications that this fact entails, often causes pains of
remorse for all that was left undone due to ones shortsighted
misconception of the true meaning of life.

Once the person realizes the great truth of immortality, not because
anyone has told them so, but because they know it from personal
experience a flash of enlightenment steals over their being (if they
are at all in touch with their "conscience") and that sudden
awareness can be quite a shock to ones sensibility. One suddenly
begins to look to the past with a completely new perspective and to
the future with a far broader understanding. Those who have given of
themselves unselfishly and generously, those who have not been
pretentious, calloused or egotistical, meet with this realization with
little remorse, but others we fear often become quite dejected and
require a great deal of counseling and assistance. Loving mentors
who specialize in this service take personal care of their charge and
with great understanding and sensitivity guide them to find peace in

their hearts and help them find the means to mend whatever wounds
may pique their souls.

Some souls, it is true, are either too coarse to care about the errors
of the past or the lack of promise in their future. Others still are not
aware that they have passed the portal of death at all and cannot be
made to understand. Many of these must be left to go their way until
they are ready for assistance. Beings always stand ready at the
watch to give assistance when it is requested, but till then the laws of
spirit require us to let them go their way unmolested unless they drop
so far into the depths of darkness that they become a risk to other
spirits or mortals. At that point, we must intervene for the safety and
well-being of all. The fact remains, however, that growth must first be
desired for one to grow, and assistance cannot be appreciated or
well appropriated to know that help is required for the impediment
under which they suffer.

The environment into which one enters on arrival is dependent on

two factors. One is the grade of development at the time of passing,
for that will determine whether that individuals constitution is
adaptable to a given atmospherean grade or plateau. Those who are
of a lower grade of development naturally gravitate to the plateau
which is relatively more dense in atmosphere and therefore at an
elevation that is closer to the earth where the lumens of spiritual light

are more subdued (by the greater proximity to an earthly plane).
Those who have, through assimilation to the I AM within their being,
nurtured greater love, kindness, compassion and good works
throughout their lives will find themselves naturally assimilated to a
higher plateau where the atmosphere is lighter, brighter, more
rarefied (as are their very beings) and as a consequence more
radiant with higher lumens of spiritual light that emanates from within
them, and around them, yet from no apparent central source.

The second factor, though somewhat dependent upon the first factor,
is the individuals sum total state of mind, for the quality of ones
thoughts tend to create an environment or landscape that is
somewhat symbolic or representative of that individuals quality of
thought. Those who enter the lowest planes of existence, for
example, having lived a life filled with crime, hatred and deceit, will
find the world about them to be dark and decayed, distorted and
desolate. Those who have been selfish and self-serving will find
themselves very much alone with themselves in a stark and barren
plane. Those who were progressive, loving and kind may find their
abode on first arrival to be composed of grassy hills and gardens
filled with trees, flowers and birds. The possibilities are almost
endless, but these examples propose to illustrate the truth that our
thoughts do play a greater role in our lives when we are in spirit, for
we are more ruled by our thoughts and feelings than you are in

mortality. At least on your plane of existence the effects and power of
thought are not so blatantly apparent as here in spirit. The fact
remains that all souls who are not bound in darkness, who are in
ascension regardless of grade, are met and nurtured on first arrival
here by helpers or guides who may or may not be known to the new
arrival. Such helpers are at that persons disposal to give
assurances, guidance, to answer any questions and guide them on
their way. But at all times one is given complete freedom to accept
assistance or reject it as one wishes, and, seen or unseen, there is
always someone nearby to give aid as soon as the desire for it is
thought or vocalized.

When help is desired, there occurs a fundamental change in thought,

and just as suddenly there will appear those who are ready to help.
This is not necessarily because assistance was far away but
because the unprogressive mind of the troubled soul was prevented
from seeing those who were nearby all the time. Many who are
particularly troubled in spirit believe when they have wakened from
death that they are alone in a darkened cave or closet, when all the
while the darkness and solitude existed only in their state of mind
and their own limited vision. Those who have passed over in a bitter
or angry state of mind may find the world they have created within
their immediate environment is all rocks and cliffs and chasms, and
little do they realize that the barrier between them and a happier

environment is more a product of their state of mind than it is one of
physical transportation.

The lower atmospherean planes are more sensitive by nature to

illusions of mind and mood, and this is why those angels who are of a
more exalted state of mind and authority are easily able to create
subjective heavens on the lower planes to please and stimulate
earthbound esyans into a more progressive attitude, even though
these heavens are an illusion and a faade. Such were the happy
hunting grounds that have been popularly described in the Native
American culture. Once one has been elevated to a higher state of
awareness within the more organic second resurrection plateau,
such playground. deceptions are no longer needed to prod newborn
spirits into the pathway of growth and so they are no longer
employed at those levels. However, the angelic beings who reside on
these planes do actively participate together to create, through their
combined thoughts and will, an environment of landscapes and
buildings that best suit their purpose.

Man is not merely an animated clod, to lie down with his fellow-clods,
and know no more than they. We do not see all there is of him: he
has a wondrous body, but a vastly more wondrous spirit, to which no
night is dark, no body opaque; no distance can baffle its gaze, no
bodily sense limit its knowledge. It is the true man, and the body but

its encasement the shell, only useful till the spirit is plumed for its
flight. Then the materialist and the adventist are alike wrong. The
materialist sees but the surface of things, knows nothing of the all-
controlling spirit within, yet makes his knowledge the boundary of the
universe. The adventist calls in miracle where it is altogether
unnecessary. Man is a spirit: he is not to become one. Nature knows
no favored saints, who are to be spiritually created for the barbarous
heaven of a half-Jewish, half-Christian mythology, while the rest are
left to sink into nonentity; but she has given to all freely as life, light,
and air, that spirit can smile at death, and soar triumphant when the
lifeless body sinks to the dust.



Let us now direct the power of the Hosts of Angels to resurrect a

spirit who has just passed from its physical temple. Let us unite in
concentration to bless that person. Our faith and love will give the
Hosts of Angels the needed spiritual force to enable it to lift it out of
its present mental state of disease and discord into one more
peaceful, and save it from experiencing any state of spiritual life like
that described by the Wanderer.

"Ever-Present Great Spirit! Creator of earthly and spiritual habitations
for Thy Immortal children! Thou hast, through Thy Angels, shown us
how to create the spiritual atmosphere in our souls and in this Place
of Radiance, through which Thy immortal helpers can work through
us for the benefit of all. We praise Thee that we have become Thy
servants to help make known to humanity the first gleams of that
truth, which is destined to fill the world. We praise Thee that Thou
hast given Thy Angels charge over us to inspire and protect us in all
our ways. Thou hast done this because our lives are consecrated to
carrying out the Creator's purpose through the Hosts of Angels.
Conscious of Thy love and goodwill glowing in our hearts and
glowing through the presence of these resplendent beings, we unite
with them to bless and exalt this child that its spirit may be lifted free
from the sorrows of earth to the peaceful heights of that land which is
so radiant with the joys of Immortals.

We bless you, immortal soul, with our love. The Angel Hosts draw
you from your chaotic state into an atmosphere of peace and power.
These Angels clothe themselves with our spiritual strength, and thus
are able to touch your spirit and draw it irresistibly by the power of
their love."


Benevolence reigns in our hearts, filling this plateau with peace and
loving power. Everywhere we can see and feel the Creator's
Presence. For us it is almost palpable. The unseen mind of the I AM
radiates from every blade of grass, every drop of water, every flower
blossom and even from the alabaster that adorns our buildings.
There is an energy, an iridescence, that gleams from every crevice
and which touches our beings in such an objective way that we
almost tingle from its influence.

The unseen Power that fills all of creation is only minimally a part of
your consciousness on your mortal plane of being, and then only
when you are still and alert. But here in the realm of spirit it jumps out
in an invigorating way that cannot easily be ignored. We live in a
conscious awareness of the Ever-Present at all times.

It takes a determined ill-will to be downcast while immersed in the all-

pervading Presence that surrounds us and permeates all our senses.
For those on the planes below, closer to the earth's surface, it is not
so easy; it is not so bright. All is veiled in clouds and mists of their
own mental creation, and there the Creator's presence is even less
palpable to those inhabitants than it is for you on the mortal plane.

There the inhabitants' minds are filled with darkness, gloom and

It is there that we continually sojourn to bring light, hope and the

healing balm from the realms of Light. We bring them into your
presence during council and show them the possibilities of
progression. We bring them into your crescent to stimulate and
revive their dulled minds into a state of awareness from which they
can begin the long road upward. We bring them into your focus to
begin their reeducation, planting those small seeds of truth that will in
time germinate and grow. Charged with the light from your focus we
can touch their dulled minds in ways that would, under different
influences, be more difficult. Your mortal vibrations in close proximity
to their plane of being, both in distance and kind, make all of this
possible and make your focus most useful to us.

Be with us in Spirit and be open to our guidance and inspiration.

Together we can be a force of Light that will brighten the darker
corners of these lower planes and bring inspiration to those on your
plane who will listen. The latter group will be among the ones who
will be able to bypass the lower planes of being when their time
comes, because the truths that we keep reiterating will create the
bridge necessary to span the chasm that stands between your plane
and ours.


We dwell in the serenity and strength of the Almighty Presence. We

desire that you shall gain the degree of soul exaltation which will
permit you to feel and know this serene strength from moment to
moment every day. In order that you may so enjoy living, your spirit
must be purified of all the stored up hereditary mortal qualities which
have the tendency to stifle spiritual development.

A new world of spiritual life and progress has been opened to you,
and if you will follow in this path of peace you will pass through
processes of spiritual purification which will renew your body with
healing life, and exalt your mind to a realm of beauty and harmony
heretofore undreamed of.

Your soul, the organizing intelligence of your nature, has to some

extent been clouded and limited by your cultural background,
ancestral and hereditary conditions, but it can be vitalized from day
to day, and become strong and radiant with the light of the Creator's
love which is now locked within it. Your mind has been too easily
affected by the heavy and disturbing minds of both the physical and
spiritual worlds around you. Now you are having the experience of a

glorious new mental freedom, as you tune in with the positive
atmosphere of the minds of Angels.

Try to realize that all human beings are played upon by forces in the
invisible world. Jealous earthbound spirits inspire inharmony
between you and others. When we realize this, our next step is to
realize that we are the masters of our fate, and the captains of our
souls. We have the power to subdue these antagonizing forces, for
we are one with the Immortals. As we use our souls creatively, and
bless our friends, visible and invisible, we give power to the Angels to
bless through us, thus melting down all interference. We then keep
positive and radiant with goodwill, consciously attuned every moment
with the Angels, and thus do our part. Then the Angels, seeing our
consecration and determination to conquer the forces of darkness,
are enabled to come closer to us, and help us, doing for us what we
could not do alone. Our auras are gradually purified, and conditions
in our lives are smoothed out. Prosperity flows more freely, and all
things begin to work for the good of all.

The Angels rejoice as you bless with them here in council, and they
enfold you in their love. Gradually they will purify your subconscious
mind of the crystallized qualities of thought and feeling which have so
long been a source of mental and physical misery. This will make you
a more effective instrument through which the Immortals can

express not only for your own joy, but also for the enlightenment and
liberation of a multitude of souls now suffering from sorrow and pain,
even as you have suffered. The power of the angelic kingdom will
grow and extend its influence as you, and many like you, devote your
lives in giving to others the light and joy which the Angels have made
real in your life. Many years of personal devotion cannot accomplish
what has been accomplished more efficiently for you by fulfilling the
necessary conditions in concert with an angelic pleroma through
which the mental clouds could be dissolved from your soul, and your
sense of physical suffering changed to one of health and peace.
When efforts are made to create the right mental and physical
conditions to enable the Angels to manifest their power, they can
answer prayers and express the healing mercy of the Creator as they
cannot do otherwise. With sufficient effort on your part, these
conditions are made manifest.

Now that you know that the spiritual conditions for your personal
transformation can be made, do you not desire to learn more about
those conditions as a means of enjoying continued life and health
here and now? You must understand that the mere restoration of a
sense of peace and physical well-being does not complete the
process of spiritual growth and regeneration. It only shows
possibilities of using wisdom and power which could make all
humanity greater than they are now, conscious of their immortal

powers even while living in their corporeal body. Conditions in the
world are dark and disturbing, and it is easy enough to look at these
and be disturbed and frightened. That is what the majority of people
do who have no faith in the Creator's power in their souls, and do not
see or believe in the overshadowing Hosts of Light, who are bringing
heavenly power to this stricken planet. But we who have spiritual
vision, and have faith in our souls as being stronger and mightier
than any outside condition, do not lose heart for a minute. We know
that victory will be ours as the New Age unfolds and matures.

Renew your faith in the power of the Creator. The minute you
relinquish control to the darkness through your fears and worries,
you swing out of rhythm with the great Benevolent pulsations of the
heart of the Creator, and become part of the confusion flowing in
rhythm with the clouded minds of unaspiring mortals. Stand true to
your purpose. Together we can all accomplish what cannot be
done alone. Together we form a spiritual association on earth, a
counterpart of the great Hosts of Angels. As we make efforts to fulfill
their conditions, we receive their blessings.

You have within you untold powers, that it is your joy to unfold
throughout your existence. We pour our realization of the Creator's
goodness into your soul, and strengthen your intuition and wisdom,
that you may easily find the solution to your problems, and stand

serene and poised, in the midst of tumult. In order to continue to
receive the full benefits of the Immortals, it is necessary to maintain a
focus with the Angels regularly, to study these and other spiritual
truths until they become a constitutional part of your being, and to
practice blessing others through your thoughts, words and actions
under the protection of the Angels.

United, we move forward, as valiant workers for the Angels, on the

frontiers of the New Age.


Little dancing figures appeared on the wall of the shelter - a mixture

of light and shadow from the earliest rays of the sun and the slowly
moving branches. We sat patiently and drank in the depth of the
morning's beauty. Our minds were calm and open, though filled to
the brim with the world around us.

"Are you capable of receiving the light?" asked a voice-in the

breeze. "We beg to please only show us the way", I and my
compatriots answered.

"Then witness what the sky has given you," the voice continued. A
ladder took shape and we began to climb its rungs, one by one.
Potent was the feeling that pervaded our every move. "Can we really
ascend to the world beyond?

Our hearts are beating fast; can our minds remain still?" The mentors
guided us carefully onward. Words were spoken, though in a foreign
tongue. Or was it the rushing of the air that changed their sound?
Our eyes were not working properly, it seemed; all images came
through a different type of sensing. But they were real and vivid
nonetheless. Zephyrs of soft perfume touched our cheeks and drew
us onward. Where were we heading? Our thoughts rang aloud and
were answered promptly.

"You have come into the land of spirit. Be sure and practical about
what you wish to see. Your stay is a short one, but we will
accompany you where you wish."

Our hosts quickly saluted and, in the blinking of an eye, vanished.

The strangest noise began to whir around our heads. Could we get
accustomed to our new surroundings in time to make an adequate
decision? Slowly, the sound disappeared and our eyes started to
focus on the details of the landscape. Familiar things such as trees

and rocks dotted the area. It was a pleasant, inviting scene but
nothing unusual in its elements.

"You are only at the gateway," we were told. "When you make your
choice you will travel further." This made us contemplate our
situation for a while and before too long we agreed on asking to visit
our favorite earthly-type place: a grove for meditation, as we were
sure that those in spirit also spent time in quiet solitude.

"We can show you how we pray," our hosts conceded, "but it is not
as you think. We do not lead a monk's existence. Rather, our lives
are filled with organized activity and much of this requires our
presence in groups. However, we do enjoy walks in gardens, forests
and on lakeside shorelines. Actually, our whole daily routine makes
us mindful of the Creator's loving presence and we do not need
temples as such to worship. We grow in strength through our united
efforts. One day you'll see what we mean in its entirety. For now, we
can only give you a brief glimpse. Your bodies will not sustain you in
such an environment.

Our hosts withdrew again to let us decide a course of action. We

admittedly had not come "for the fun of it", but we were curious more
than anything else about their way of looking at the earth from the
vantage point of spirit.

"Another difficult thing to prove to you," they said. "We develop our
sense of soul sight. It is not automatic upon entering this realm.
However, do come with us to the observatory and you will see for
yourselves how the planet itself appears. We cannot guarantee that
you will comprehend what passes before your earthly eyes, but then
we are still in the process of studying all aspects of its vortexian
character as well. Pass through this open door and you will be on
your way."

We considered their proposal and opted to follow them. Once the

thought became crystallized, we were at our destination in an instant
with no further effort.

"Is this a bit unusual?" we asked. "On the contrary," our hosts
insisted. "It is the customary way of travel."

And so we passed through the portal and became immersed in a

steady wave of glimmering light. Not daylight that we were
accustomed to, but rather a peculiarly penetrating essence. Our
hearts skipped a beat when we saw what lay beyond: a huge dome
which reflected the constantly changing atmosphere surrounding
every star in our known universe. Did it mean that much to us?
Actually, we explored but a corner of the magnificent array before it

became time to take our leave and return to our familiar daily

The reality of our sojourn did not become clouded though, for we
were quickly recalled to experience other aspects of life beyond the
five senses. This was not automatic, but prepared for carefully and
with detailed instructions. Not a casual trip for the uninitiated by any
stretch of the imagination. Our hearts had to be pure in all regards,
our intentions valid and sincere. We were to give aid to those who
might consider understanding such endeavors and prepare them for
the benefits as well as the responsibilities of the knowledge they
would gain. A secret society, one might say, of angelic mentors in the

And we are here with you now, speaking through yet another who
would climb the ladder and discover the wondrous mysteries of the
land in the heavens above. Be swift in recognizing your potential. Be
honest in all you think and do and you too will shine as brightly as the
stars. Go forth this day to learn all you can, oh seekers of the Light,
and you will be amazed by what you see.


During the winter the morning and evening sky is often resplendent
with stars. To walk among the stars is always refreshing to one with
an active imagination. To such a one they are not merely points of
light in the sky. They are peopled planets; they are splendid suns;
they are universes of suns.

Walking in the mornings and evenings in the winter when the sky is
clear is a walk among the stars. I forget for the moment the sorrows
and sufferings of our tiny planet. I inbreathe the free magnetic life
that pulsates through the boundless space. I renew my soul's
physical garment of magnetic energy.

Yonder moon, suspended in a sea of ether, poised and balanced so

nicely, and whirled around the earth with such perfect precision of
movement, is a comrade satellite to the earth. I think how in like
manner our earth is suspended in space, and sustained by a
calculating and ordering power wiser than the intelligence of man.

I may be walking the streets among raucous machines emitting

odors, but in imagination I am riding through boundless space on a
huge ball that is traveling at a terrific rate of speed. I am a son of the

Creator speeding serenely among the constellations of suns. I waft
my blessings to the inhabitants of the morning or evening stars, who
are voyaging with me through space. I feel the answering soul-thrill
of their greetings as they receive and respond to my blessings. Yes,
my feet are treading the earth, but my soul is reaching out to
comrade souls who dwell on distant planets, and on those other
undiscovered planets beyond the ken of man's sight or calculations.
With untired imagination I fly on the wings of thought to Aldebaran,
the fiery fishing eye of Taurus, and to Sirius, the Dog star of diamond
brilliance. I try to comprehend the magnitude of Betelguese, whose
size is said to be as great as the orbit of Mars as it swings around the
sun. And then if my walk is not yet ended I turn to contemplate the
whirling nebula of Orion, and think of the power of the Creator active
there in that vast vortex, millions of miles in extent, which is creating
a solar system that in millions of years to come will have Planets cool
enough to become the birth-places, nurseries and schools for trillions
of future sons and daughters of the Creator.

As I walk along I meet the policeman, postman, janitors and others

on their daily mission. All these early risers, including early dogs and
late cats, I greet heartily as my soul pours out to them a blessing of
love and joy. They do not know that they are voyaging through space
on an endless soul adventure, and that they can have the joy of living
the eternal life now, but I know it and I want to impart the joy of my

realization to their souls. This passing salutation is my opportunity
to establish a contact with souls I could contact in no other way. I
try to impress my personality upon their minds by my expressions
of goodwill. For what purpose? To fulfill the Creator's purpose
which is expressing consciously through my mind.

I want to impress an image of my personality upon their minds, so

that this mental image will receive the spiritual life which I am
constantly sending to all souls from the Place of Power within. I want
to link as many souls as possible with the radiant spiritual power
which is being broadcast from the overshadowing Angel Hosts.
These blessings are life and resurrecting power to souls in all parts of
the world.

I look to a future reaping of all the soul-seeds I am now sowing.

Some time in the future when we are all in the spiritual world, some
of these souls who are unprogressive and lost in mental states of
sensuality or greed may be more receptive to our efforts to enlighten
and help them because we were speaking acquaintances while we
were on earth.

We shall be able to produce the same effect upon everyone who has
read these words, even though but to scoff at them. We shall be able
to revive these living words born of our soul's realizations, which are

stored in their memory, and through these words lead them into the
mental paths of wisdom and peace.

Therefore, I walk among these heavily clouded soul-stars pouring

forth my soul's realization in affirmations of blessings. I recognize
that each person walking the street represents a multitude or spirit
personalities in the spiritual atmosphere: father, mother, sons and
daughters, grandparents, relatives, friends and foes, who have
passed from earth, are all closely united with them by affection or by
hatred. So each person represents a multitude of both earth-bound
and enlightened spirits. To those that are not yet ripe to receive, we
can sow the seed for future reaping as we pass them on the street
and establish a soul contact with a word, a smile and a blessing.

Can you follow a still more complex revelation? As I walk these ways
through which humanity walked yesterday, and will walk today, I am
aware that throngs of earth-bound spirits surge through the mental
currents which have been created by the thoughts and desires of
multitudes of mortals. Still seeking for the gratification of the senses
as they did while embodied in the flesh, these spirits float in the
currents of mortal desires. As I walk I radiate soul awakening
blessings which will arouse many of these spirits to seek for a
happiness more real and permanent than earth can render.

We do not walk alone. We walk in the midst of a ministering host of
glorious immortals. They inspire and augment the blessings which
our souls create. They add their soul powers to all our words. While
we are thinking of and blessing single individuals, they are seeing
and blessing multitudes of undeveloped human spirits. Therefore,
our walks among humanity are fraught with great good to many,
because years ago we learned that we could become the Creator's
blessing personified. We are about our Creator's business of
educating and liberating souls in darkness. Our constant practice of
blessing through all the hours of all the days and weeks, months and
years, since that first realization, have enabled us to develop a power
of soul that is invaluable to the angels in heaven as a means of
reaching and blessing the Creator's slumbering infant angels who
walk the earth, or drift in the spiritual atmosphere of earth, unaware
of their mighty potentialities.


Have you ever seen a glorious sunrise, when the sky became redder
and redder, until finally the glowing sun rose above the horizon and
touched every tree and roof and mountain top with its light, and

gradually reached down into the valley and touched every object

The Light of Heaven shining through the Angelic Hosts is like that.
The sky in the east has been bright for some time. The sun is risen,
and its light is touching every soul attuned to unselfish love and
service. It will gradually reach out and touch all those in the valley of
the world.

Those of us who attune our minds with the Angelic Hosts in daily
meditations felt our souls on fire with the Light of Love at times. We
flamed forth our blessings to the world, and there was such an inflow
of love from the Angelic Hosts in return that many felt and knew that
we were in heaven ourselves.

When you are in an atmosphere of love created by sympathetic souls

attuned to high ideals, when everyone with whom you speak is
interested in helping you to be happy and well, when the subject for
general conversation is the spiritual welfare of the human family,
your soul grows, your material burdens are thrown off, your
depressions disappear, you gain strength, you feel joyous and free
and glad that you are alive! Your soul is at home when you are in that
atmosphere of love. You are in heaven on earth!

We thank our Creator for our many friends and correspondents, and
for the privilege of gathering together with them in these Conferences
of the soul, which help us all to get nearer to each other, and to that
great Over-Soul, the source of our eternal being.



Peace and light are all around! Concentration and cleansing the mind
are the key. It matters most that you are clear and open; be
prepared. Be ready and that means to think and live with awareness:
Let it fill you up. Create images of a calm light filled atmosphere, of
the second resurrection and of the beautiful angelic souls that are
with you. Picture yourselves in a deep and clear state of being.
Picture yourselves surrounded in golden light; feel its power all
around. Creating the proper images will assist you in your
development and in maintaining a strong awareness.

By being more mentally aware and active, you create a more

dynamic link with us and we are able to utilize your help more readily
and completely. The Creator is Ever-Present and a source of power
within you. Develop a lifestyle that enhances your spiritual life and

you will find the messages you receive of increasing light and


In our alabaster bubble we relax and play. We read delightful verses

to each other, and sing lovely songs. For you see, we all have
beautiful voices to sing with now. We all play an instrument of our
choice brilliantly. Sometimes we improvise some games which are
challenging and put every player on his toes.

We never play to win, always to glorify the Creator. No one is better

than the other, for we are all good in our own way? There is no
inharmony here, no jealousy or envy. There is only love, love for
anyone who can express the Creator's light within admirably.

You have no games equivalent to ours. Your games would not be

challenging to us, too easy to guess what will happen next. One of
our games involves a beautiful ball of light about the size of a
grapefruit. Each player tries to coax this ball-of light into different
colors, ascending ever higher, with a more astounding assortment of

rainbow hues and formations than the player before. Another favorite
game is to see who can form the most beautiful canopy of light above
with music or with songs. Each person uses all the ingenuity, all the
inner resources of light and wisdom to the utmost to outdo the others,
thereby glorifying the Creator for His Magnificence in creating so
many different talents among us.


We are happy to be here tonight. It is a grand occasion for so many

souls gathering together to celebrate the Creator and His creations.
A special gathering calls for special arrangements. We have
musicians here tonight playing spiritual music of light, sound and
color. We have dancers here, ethereal and ever so graceful, dancing
such beautiful steps that are impossible to execute on earth. Their
leaps are to unexpected heights. They have such an inner force that
it is the most pleasurable form of visual arts.

We have light-bearers making intricate patterns of light in the sky

during intermissions or change of performers. We have magicians
performing impossible feats, for all is possible here. We have story-

tellers who are so good at their craft that all listeners are transported
back in time and space, for we can all communicate with our minds,
more so than with words. By all means, words are still used here. But
for the finer things, we communicate in spirit only. We have no need
for movies, for the mind can conjure up pictures ten times better than
any screen.

Ah, yes, we have heavenly refreshments. You would no doubt like to

see and taste some of them. You can, too, you know, if you just
make up your mind to join us up here once in a while in your
councils. You have gotten very close to us several times, only you
have turned back prematurely. Next time you feel an urge to soar, do
so. Rise up to the sky and be with us, even just for a few minutes.
You will feel so light, so clean, and so healthy, more so than you
have ever felt in your life. That state of well-being is difficult to
describe and must be experienced to be understood.

Embark on your epic journey. Open up your wings and take flight.
We'll be there to meet you.



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