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Lesson #5 Context Clues/ Paragraphs

Lesson Overview: This lesson instructs the students in a using the different kinds of context clues and the step-
by-step process in paragraphs.

Resources or Materials Needed

Clue Me in Presentation

Paragraph Worksheet

Green, Blue, and Yellow Highlighters

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities

5-7 minutes- Have the students talk in partners to figure out the different types of context clues. Give them 1-2

minutes to discuss. Have each partnership come up and write a type of context clue on the board. Quickly

review the different types of context clues.

Step 2: Content Presentation

20- 25 minutes- Hand out the Clue Me In.. Worksheet and open up the Clue Me in.. PowerPoint. Work

through the paragraph together. Have the students highlight with you the different clues to find the meaning of

the bold words.

Step 3: Learner Participation

4- 5 minutes- Students will annotate the three paragraphs with you on the board.

Step 4: Assessment

8- 10 minutes- Hand out the paragraph worksheet (see Appendix D) and have the students answer the questions

on the worksheet independently.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

3- 5 minutes- Go through the worksheet and have the student correct their answers with a highlighter of their


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