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Question 1
Question 1

a) was
b) slowly
c) because
d) drown
e) After
f) Had
g) my
h) under
i) panicked
j) I

Question 2

a) malaria
b) yellow fever
c) muscle ache
d) rashes
e) clothes
f) fabrics
g) hair
h) our health
i) long-sleeved shirts
j) our trousers

Question 3

a) True
b) True
c) False
d) False
e) Pulau Tenggol
f) Federal Territory of Labuan
g) i. serene
ii. mouth-watering cuisine
h) The word mouth-watering is used in order to describe how tasty the food is.
i) The island of Penang has many historical buildings, many of which are located in the inner city
of Georgetown.
j) (Suggested answer)

To :
From :
Subject: Holiday in Penang
Dear Malik,
The school holidays are just around the corner. Have you made any plans? I plan to visit
Penang. Would you like to join me? My uncle stays in Penang so we can stay at his house. He
has promised to take us around town when we are there. Let me know if you would like to join
this trip. I am sure it will be fun!

Eng Hock

Question 4

a) Lisa is complaining about the condition of tap water.

b) The tap water smells awful.
c) i. Selfish
ii. Irresponsible
d) They dump dangerous chemical waste into seas and rivers.
e) i. file a complaint
ii. indiscriminately
iii. unwanted materials
iv. preserving
f) They will die and eventually become extinct.
g) They must enforce the law.
h) i. The campaigns can reach more people.
ii. Information about the campaigns can be spread quickly.
i) i. Manage our waste properly.
ii. Avoid throwing rubbish into the drains as they will usually end up in the rivers.

Question 5

a) We will suffer from sunburn.

b) The persona wants to hide.
c) Fire engine
d) i. Hibiscus / RM10 note / Strawberries (Accept any suitable answer)
ii. Hibiscus / RM10 note / Strawberries (Accept any suitable answer)

Question 6
(Suggested answer)

It was a hot and humid afternoon. David was walking along a patch next to an orchard. As he
was walking, he noticed some rambutan trees. The sight of the fruits made his mouth water.
Then, an idea came to his mind.
David looked around. He was convinced that no one was around so he began to climb
one of the trees. Within minutes, he was happily plucking the rambutans and eating them.
David was feeling unsatisfied. He wanted to pick more rambutans so that he could sell
them. He climbed higher and higher but he did not realise that he had stepped on a weak branch.
The branch snapped and broke.
David fell with a loud thud to the ground. He was in pain and his arm was broken. He
shouted for help and luckily, a passer-by heard him. The kind passer-by took him to the nearest
clinic. David had learnt his lesson well.

Question 7

In the short story Cheat, the character that I like the most is Lynne Webbings. She was a very
hard working person. She put a lot of time and effort into writing her short story. Lynne was a
gracious person. Although she lost the competition, she congratulated Geoff and did not resent
him for winning. She remained good friends with Geoff. However, Lynne was a suspicious
person. She suspected him of cheating, she felt that it was unfair. Lynne had a strong sense of
fair play and thought that it was unfair of Geoff to win if he had cheated. However, she was a
good friend and a kind person. She didnt want to get Geoff into trouble so she decided not to say
anything to Mr Velos. Even when Mr Velos found out the truth and mentioned that Geoff had
asked to be disqualified, Lynne was appalled and against the idea. Lynne was self-aware and
always questioned herself as she tried to be as honest as she could to herself. In the end, she
wondered where she had read a story about a sheepdog in a flood and whether she too may have
copied the idea for her story without realizing it.

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