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German History Essay - 1,716 words

German History The German defeat in 1945 has spanned a specific anti-nazi literature, which was to show that there was a popular
discontent with Nazi regime among Germans. This, of course, is very far from truth not just the overwhelming majority of Germans
were supporting Hitler but also many Jews. Ursula Hegis Stones From the River is a story of physically challenged girl Trudi
Montag, who grows into adulthood during time of Nazi rule in Germany. She was a dwarf and it was causing her much suffering as
other kids used to make fun of her condition. Trudi tried different techniques to stretch her body; one was hanging from the door
jamb. Yet, no matter how hard she tried, it proved to be impossible to fix the mistake of nature.

One time when she was swimming, a group of boys started to pick on her and this was the last drop for Trudi in anger she begins to
throw stones in river, as an ultimate gesture of defying the cruel reality. From this time on, Trudi gives up on trying to blend into
society and withdraws into her own world. Her father owned a library in Burghof and this suited Trudi very good, as she was able to
forget her problems while avidly reading books. At this time, Jews were being persecuted in Germany on ever-larger scale. Trudi
becomes sympathetic to them as she innerly feels theyre also deficient in some respect and thats why people hate them so much.
Subconsciously, she associates Jews with herself and as time goes by, she begins to feel alienated from her own people and culture.
There a morality to be found in Trudi Montags story, but this depends on readers own perception of this period in German history.
Needless to say that the topic of persecution of Jews is very controversial, there is a growing revisionist sentiment among many
modern historians, who strive to re-examine history by only taking actual facts into account, without pursuing any political agenda.

Numerous eye-witnesses stories cannot be considered objective, as they were never meant to be critically analyzed. Ursula Hegi
puts blame on Nazi ideology for Trudi being treated unfairly and for her feeling of inadequacy, yet even if Trudi was born in the most
democratic country, shed be getting picked on this is simply a cruel law of nature. The only reason that people with physical and
mental defects are having such a hard time while trying to be accepted by society, because itd be counterproductive for the society
as whole, if opposite happened. The natural selection is what enabled humankind to evolve, this is the rule that is equally applied to
all living creatures. According to statistics, 50% of all children under 10 years old in America are overweight, being under high risk
of dying from heart attack before they reach the age of 40. This is nothing but a result of natural selection being artificially replaced
with universal equality. On personal level I feel sorry for Trudi, yet I also think that there is no need for us to make any
generalizations, based on her story. National-Socialism is essentially a cult of physical health, beauty and intelligence - of course,
Trudi could never find herself fit in, being physically deficient.

Many historians refer to the rise of Nazi party as conservative revolution as opposed to liberal revolution with ideas of equality and
progress. This only partially is a truth. The twelve years of Nazi rule in Germany is nothing else but an extraordinary attempt to
adapt the ideas of ancient Greeks to the realities of modern times. This is no secret that all our concepts of democracy, beauty and
progress derive from ancient Greece and Rome. Hitler just made one step further he applied these ideas to German society, making
this nation the happiest on Earth within a few years. So, in broader sense, Hitlers revolution was also based on ideas of progress and
equality, but only equality among equal Today many people are puzzled with the fact that nation of philosophers and composers had
so easily adopted the ideals on National-Socialism, they think of it as something incomprehensible. This is the classical case when
people look at something at point blank range, yet they still cant see it. European culture was developing as a succession of the same
ideas from ancient times, through Renaissance, to comparatively recent historical past.

Thats why National-Socialism came as very natural worldview for not to just Germans, but to majority of Europeans. As war drew
closer to Europe in 1944-1945, millions of Europeans were willing to join SS so they could fight advancing barbarians from the east,
just like in times when the whole Europe had to unite in order to defend itself from invasions of Huns and Mongols. Even the most
hard-core critics on National-Socialism admit that from time when Hitler came to power to outbreak of Second World War, Germany
from country with staggering inflation rate, with 60% of unemployment and being deprived of its historical territories, became the
most powerful and happy country in Europe. If it wasnt up to the war, Hitler would go down in history as greatest German that ever
lived National-Socialist party deployed a racial approach in its social policies. It has to be said that its only aft

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Essay Tags: nazi party, german history, nazi, hitler youth, final solution This is an Essay sample / Research paper, you can use it for your research
of: German History

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