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Tthere was this little guy sitting inside a bar,just staring at his drink. He didnt move for a half an hour. Then
this big trouble making truck driver stepped up right next to him, took the drink from the guy, and drank
every it all down.
The poor man started crying. The truck driver turned and said, come on man, I was just jooking. Here, Ill buy
you another drink. I just cant stand to see a man crying.
No, its not that. Today is the worst day of my life. First, I overslept and was late for an important meeting.
My boss became outraged and then fired me. When I left the building to my car, I found out that it was stolen.
The police said they could do nothing. I then got a cab to return home, and after I paid the cab driver and the
cab had gone, I found that I had left my wallet in the cab. I got home only to fine my wife had left home and
put a note on the frigde saying that she is marrying another guy.
The man paused. Then he continued, I left home depressed and came to this bar. And now, just when I was
thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison....

1. These are what have been happening to the little man, except___________
a. Losing his wallet
b. Losing his life
c. Losing his wife
d. Losing his job
e. Losing his car
2. What was going to happen to the truck driver?
a. He was going to die
b. He was going to buy the little man a glass of beer
c. He was going to tell another joke to the little man
d. People in that bar were going to punch him
e. He was going to help the little man
3. The last sentence of the text is called_______________
a. Ending
b. Resolution
c. Twist
d. Conclusion
e. End of story
4. Why did the little man decide to come to the bar?
a. He wanted to kill the truck driver
b. Because he was so frustrated
c. Because the truck driver invited him
d. He wanted to find his wife
e. He wanted to drink a glass of beer
5. Why did the truck driver drink the little mans beer?
a. He was not only joking
b. He wanted to make fun of the man
c. He was thirsty
d. He did not have enough money to buy a glass of beer for himself
e. He wanted to make the little man cry
6. My husband asked me if it was alright for me to live in Bandung.
The direct speech of the sentence is :___________
a. I said, It was alright for me to live in Bandung
b. I said to my husband, Is it alright for me to live in Bandung?
c. My husband asked, Is it alright for me to live in Bandung?
d. My husband said, Is it alright for you to live in Bandung?
e. My husband said, It is alright for you to live in Bandung.
7. My faher said that I should not forget to wash his car.
The direct speech of the above sentence is : My father said __________________
a. You shall not forget to wash your car.
b. You shall not forget to wash my car.
c. You should not forget to wash my car.
d. I shall not forget to wash my car.
e. I should not forget to wash my car.
8. Andrew refused to answer _________
a. How he had saved my daughter from the accident
b. How did you save my daughter from the accident
c. How do you save your children from the accident
d. That I saved her daughter from the accident
e. To save my daughter from the accident.

People have (9)_______________ folklore for thousands of years. We are natural (10)_____________. Before
there were printed books, we entertained ourselves and taught lessons through stories.
(11)_____________ storytelling, people pass down folklore through jokes, songs, poetry, riddles, nursery
rhymes, and even art. Over the year, a folklore story is told and retold. People living in different times
and (12)___________-places sometimes change the story to fit (13)_____________ own shared beliefs.

9. A. Shared
B. to share
C. share
D. sharing
E. been share
10. A. Storytelling
B. story tellers
c. story makers
d. story players
e. story editors
11. a. Although
b. even though
c. hence
d. besides
e. so
12. a. Differentiate
b. differ
c. differing
d. different
e. to differ
13. a. Their
b. them
c. my
e. our
14. find some sntences that use past perfect tense from the 1st text
15. write a short dialogue to show love expression (at least 4 love expressions)

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