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Stop the war

inside, light the

candle, share

As I am writing the world in on the brink of despair, bad news appear more and

more and certainly I am not sure about our tomorrows, about my

tomorrow ,about the World tomorrow. I thought what I could do for the world to

help to improve peace and happiness, good economic conditions of the world.

I can share what I do for my own mental peace and happiness and what brings

me mindfulness.

I am Russian and my religion is Russian Orthodox. I do not know if this

tradition exist in other religions but in this Russian religion, we have a ritual,

which means to offer a candle in the Church. As I was about in my University

graduation, my health suddenly started to decline. May be because my life was of

the series of setbacks and unhappiness suddenly my mental and physical health

started to decline. I have no choice but to cry out to God, Universe and Source to

help me. I decided for forty days to burn candles in and have one desire to get my

health, financial situation and overall well-being in good condition. As I started to

do it, my life and health get better and I started to find answers for my condition.

As I look at the flickering candle, I thought our lifes are like this candle there is

beginning, light that each person brings and end. I decided to be more mindful

about life and find happiness even when it is difficult to find thinking that as a

candle, our life is short and what light we bring in the world depends on us. I tried

to notice things that I did not notice as people who need help after that I started

to share with what I have even if I had small for myself.

I decided to feel that the world could be a better place if all people start to share

with their talents, money, or anything it could improve any economy and return

the peaceful situation in the world.

If people would be more sharing and kind to each other, we would be much

happier. For example, situation with Russian sanctions, the more sanctions-the

more is conflict between America and Russia.

Instead, if the countries started to share, have trade the economy of the

world would not be in deplorable state. There would be circulation, which would

make everyone happy. Conflict only makes bigger conflict. The small fighting

makes bigger fighting but sharing resource and exchange can increase economy

and improve relationship between countries. It I difficult to ceasefire and come to

better agreement but what if governments agree on cooperating and improving

relationship the risk of bad influence of sanction will go away. If the conflict

dissolves everybody would be in win-win situation and happy. Sharing is the one

word that can improve economy and mitigate political disturbances.

I always thought why people fight, why there is war... There are different

reasons and one of this that those conflicts reflect internal problems of the

individual, which extrapolated to the society, nation, and countries. Internal

conflict that we have should be cleared way and peace should be restored inside

of us. What can help to individual is the meditation and mindfulness to bring mind

to peace and exterminate the anxiety and anger we have inside.

The meditation with candle could help:

Look at the candle and wish something that you want to resolve. Look

mindfully at the candle and wish your desire. It could be to make your life better,

to make relationship better, and to find out the way of difficult business situation.

Do as forty days and you notice how your problems will start to find solutions.

One can attract something good in life even in the midst of the hurdles. If 40 days

does not help do 120 days-light one candle each day and wish upon it.

The fire from ancient time is the source of warmth. Candle meditation

would sooth the nerves and make you more mindful about your decisions. If you

have a big problem try candle meditation and wish which you desire (in good

terms only).What I do these days is I light a candle and wish we would have a

peaceful world that tensions around Korea would be mitigated. I light the candle

for the happiness of people who are in continuous dread of possible strike. I want

to start the candle movement that everyone started to light candles in churches

and synagogues or simply at home to stop the tension in that part of the world.

That each person in the world would desire the peace on earth. If there were

peace, there would be good economy and happiness. In a war situation nobody

wins everybody would suffer. Our world is one ship and if somewhere is the hole

or disturbance, whole ship suffers.

The meditation is what can help to improve economy: if the businessperson

decides after meditation, his or her thoughts are more aligned with the Source,

which helps to have a better decision.

Collective charity

The reason of the social uproars can lie in the environment that is heavily

congested with fumes, heavy metals and other metals. I had a friend who

suffered from mental illness but he remained intelligent and can outsmart

anybody. I start to wonder why it is so. Is his illness connected with psychological


After her illness happened, his mother bought for her Spirulina algae in tablets

and after that, her health for many years was great. I think the reason for the

illness was in intoxication in the body. The city where we abode is famous for the

heavy environmental problems. Actually, it turned out that it is difficult to

breathe here in the mornings and evenings.

I think the main reason for people to be aggressive is intoxication that came

from the polluted environment.


Why America is divided now, why we have so many political debates. I think

there is correlation to the body intoxication and well-being of each person. If

there is a big campaign to help people to treat, the bodies we can avoid mass

upheavals in the society.

I have a case of this friend who by taking only spirulina could maintain her

health for a long time.

If I do research, I can help to many people to avoid intoxication, tiredness

and aggression and in the end, the mass demonstration can be avoided if the

governments think how to help people to feel less stressed and intoxicated. My

research and investigations can help to the development of the idea further

According to some resources, Almaty where I live urban air the level

of pollution of the air in Almaty exceed the norm more than 9 times. The

norm is not high -60kg .The air became dangerous. Middle level of

pollution increased the norm. These are the evidence that my city is much

polluted and other cities are polluted as well. I want the world society to

take attention to our city Almaty and help to solve ecological problem we

have. Our city is situated in the shore of the mountains and fumes and

gases collect in the city. There is no air to breathe in the morning. It would

be good if scientists thought not how create weapons but create good

environment for our decendants.If people do not solve environmental


problems we would definitely come to doomsday to the world where we

can abide because of bad air and heat.

To improve well-being of society we need not only to detoxify our

body but also to think how we can help our mother Earth from the changes

that humanity imposed on it through development. Not only governments

but also all people should rise money for the innovations to cleanse the

environment from fumes and gases and to stop the climate change. Those

are the most important because of the change in the air not only ecosystem

our blood, our organs, our mental abilities change. We are more tired

besides of the common stress we receive from hectic environment we are

abiding in.

The one language for the world:

I like to do Tarot cards and often the card Tower comes into my

reading. I started to analyze it appearance in my reading. First time I

interpreted destruction of the old and new beginnings for me but then I

started to look at deeper meanings. Now I see it a Babble tower, which is

broken, we come to the world with one language English. The polylingual

world is changing and we are able to communicate in one language English

that spread all over the world. Certainly, people of other languages may

think why it is not my language but thinking strategically having one

common language will unite the world and help to communicate better.

Another Tarot card that appear often in my reading is Death. Somebody

could think it is a bad card.I see it a death of the old world and old rules and

beginning of new era. We are coming through the period where the world at

stake and only decision of each person could change the events that follow

during this not simple politically and economically period.

If the people of the world unite as one to overcome and wish whether upon

a star or a candle we may pass this dangerous period.

The third card that appears often when I do Tarot is Empress. I think this

card symbolizes our Earth that is fruitful and abundant for everyone. The first idea

that was given is sharing. Only sharing can help it to become more abundant.

Sharing ideas, talents, money, happiness

One of the reason of the world conflicts is the resources depletion. The

conflict in Syria started from ecological misbalance. The earth was barren and

depleted it caused many unemployed citizens which in turn gave the reason for


That is why we need to think about how to bring the water in the regions where

soil is barren. New water channel could bring the difference in the climate and

countries where soil is depleted and there is no water sources. This business

could save life not only life not only of the plants but also human life in the region

where water is scarce.


Another card that appears often in my reading is Imperator. The men and

women with authority is very important now. Because of the decision of

authorities, the life of many people can change for either good or bad.

Imperators of our world, which I mean not only presidents but also other men

and women in power, can change the world for good by good decision to give

more light to the world in the form of good education to the citizens, good living

conditions, help to homeless and other good deeds.

In addition, the final card, which I drew often these times, is the World.

Look at our Earth it I interconnected: the rivers, sees, and ocean have one water,

which we human pollute, the climate change that happen can have worst

implications than we think. Human on the way to progress forgot that we drink

from the same well. It I important to find ways not to pollute anymore and find

innovations to cleanse and purify water in rivers.

If all people were united under one idea of Peace and one language sharing

good ideas and innovations between countries, we would come through the

series of the transformation that would allow our world to develop in a good


How to revive trust in each other:

In this tumultuous time, it is easy to lose trust in people in general. I think we

need to make frames and change our psychology toward positivity. It means

being overall positive and expect that only good things happen to us. This

psychological frame will make you think in positive light than negative. Even if

something bad unexpected happens our attitude can change the result for better.

For example if someone have a very demanding and angry boss who always pick a

fight one can reframe it. He must be pointing at my deficiencies. If the boss

becomes a bit violent, one can develop the mindset of turtle.

It means to hide emotions and reactions until the boss finishes his or her bravado

This mindset to be able to hide emotions as a turtle came from ancient yogi

practice. It is very important for manager or any other leader to be able to control

emotions like a turtle to hide emotions and in mediation than mull over and think

What the boss meant for his severe scolding. May be in the end I am who was

not right! The turtle stance would save a businessperson from conflict and

unwanted tussles. Let look at the example of the totem animal turtle-it travel

slow, have a shell which turtle brings anywhere which protection and the house.

Wherever it travel, the house is within. In this time we need to take knowledge

and our shell, even in difficult time when we remained with nothing our

knowledge will be our house and protection with which we can be a nomads in

the world. This I what I see that the future is for travelling businessmen who are

not afraid of changes take their knowledge as their home and move wherever

their services are resources are mostly needed. As someone said, slow and

steady wins the race.

Another totem animal is eagle. Eagle is very brave and flies very high: the

leader should be as an eagle who sees everything in top-down approach and from

different angles. The one problem that exist could become a solution if looked at

different angle. If the problem is problem in one place when on moves to

different area it can see that this is not the problem in another place, may be in

another place it is not the problem but an asset.

We, people, have many stereotypes that we like and think that this is right.

People who travel a lot find that in other countries everything is different. It is

when people move to different countries their insights changes and they see the

world from different perspective. When I travel to Korea I found out that people

wash in slightly cold water and the houses in the winter are cold which is different

from Russian home where water is hot and it I comfortably warm. Suffering first

year of colds and inconvenience, I noticed that my immune system became only

stronger in the environment.


People in Korea a lot of them live in floor culture it means to sleep and eat on the

floor. First time I thought is as inconvenience but then I notice that my spine is

not hurt as before sleeping on straight floor.

The constructs that society develops is mere constructs and they can change if

one move to different society. It means that all rules and constructs that society

creates is mere reflection of life culture but it does not mean it is 100% perfect. It

is just as it is.

Chimera identity

Leaders and businesspersons who have to travel a lot intake the cultures

they lived in. Suppose someone have lived in Korea for 15 years. It means that

this person already have changed identity as he or she partook another culture.

He or she become identified with different culture. If someone eats with and

watch other cultural resources it change his mind and behavior toward the

natives of this culture. The person is not the same as he or she were. Be as an

eagle: look from different perspectives.

I want to summarize what was said in this little book:

1. Light a candle

2. Meditate

3. Share

4. Detoxify yourself and environment


5. Learn language of international communication

6. Do charity for someone who will never repay you

7. Fundraise to solve ecological situation in your region

8. Create an innovation

9. Revive the trust in somebody you lost trust in

10. Have a mindset of the turtle-keep calm whatever situation is

11.Acquire and protect yourself with knowledge like turtle shell

12.Be a nomad

13.Slow and steady wins the race

14.Be an eagle: look from different perspective

All that I said I important but the main idea is

Stop the war inside, light the candle, share


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