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(Tower of London)

English Civilization

Francisco Javier Arellano Lpez

Gabriela Rodrguez Gonzlez

Daniela Segura Vzquez
Juan Carlos Oviedo Maldonado
Roberto Gabriel Hernndez Villarreal

Monday, December 12th, 2016.

San Nicols de los Garza, Nuevo Len

Englands flag is represented by a red cross set on a white background, and it is

known as the St Georges Cross and it has represented England in various forms.

The red cross was also an emblem of a knighthood system originating to Englands
medieval times, known as the Most Noble Order of the Garter. With such global
recognition and acclaim, it was an obvious emblem for the official flag of the
English renaissance has a very distinct character. The efforts to establish English
schools of painting or sculpture didnt have much success, and the most notable
paintings belong to the school of Holbein, while most of the sculptures are linked to
the Italian sculpture Torrigani.

On the other hand, the English renaissance boasts unrivalled poetry, drama, and
prose. Their sudden, splendor, and fertility can only be compared to the outburst of
art in Italy. In the 16th century England, the number of writers who have endured is
almost as high as the names of painters and sculptors of the Cinquecento.
Despite some buildings in a partly Renaissance style from the reign of Henry VIII,
notably Hampton Court Palace, the vanished Nonsuch Palace, Sutton Palace and
Layer Marney Tower, it was not until the Elizabethan architecture of the end of the
century that a true Renaissance style emerged, influenced far more by northern
Europe than Italy.

Church architecture essentially continued in late Gothic style until the Reformation,
and then stopped almost completely, although church monuments, screens and
other fittings often had classical styles from about the mid-century. The few new
church buildings were usually still Gothic in style, as in Langley Chapel of 1601.

(Langley Chapel)

English renaissance produced poets, dramatists, prosodists, theologians, whose
names belong to all time. Among them, the name of Shakespeare transcends the
place and belongs to the world. They brought new life into English literature.

Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542) and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1517-1547), both
travelled to Italy. They imported the Pretarchan sonnet into England and
inaugurated the reign of the lyric. Totells Miscellany, an anthology of poems
written between 1537 and 1557, proves how suddenly, how generously, the art of
poetry developed. It contains the work of a little group of poets led by Wyatt and

English poets and writers of the renaissance knew instinctively that life is greater
than art, that art can only live so far as it interprets life. Such knowledge was no
part of the Pleiades philosophy. To them art was the accompaniment, not the
interpretation of existence.
England shaped the new forms upon patterns with which Italy first, and in later
days France, provided her. She molded them, infused them with her qualities, till
they become her own. The influence should not be exaggerated, as the most
important thing in art is the one makes out influences.

England delighted in experiments, metrical and verbal, in euphemisms, in every

kind of intellectual pastime. And she did so with valuable results. If Wyatt wrote her
first sonnet, Surrey gave her the first blank verse. From that time onwards, the work
of transmutation was ceaseless.

William Shakespeare

Since Elizabeth I, Queen of England, was the ruler womens fashion became one
of the most important aspects of their period. As the Queen was always required
to have a pure image, womens fashion became increasingly seductive, the idea
of the perfect Elizabethan women was never forgotten.

Elizabethan era had its own customs and social rules were reflected in their
fashion, that would depend usually of social status.

Not only fabrics were restricted on the Elizabethan era but also colors, depending
on social status. Purple was only allowed to be worn by the queen and her direct
family members, depending on social status, the color could be used in any
clothing or would be limited to mantles, doublets, jerkins, or other specific items.
Lower classes were only allowed to use brown, beige, yellow, green, grey, and
blue in wool, linen and sheepskin, while usual fabrics for upper crusts were silk or

Queen Elizabeth I
28: The lord Mayors Show (English)

31: All Hallow Eve or Halloween (English)


17: Accession Day/Queens Day (English)

That time transformed the Petrarchian style, Sidney and Shakespeare perfected
the English sonnet; its laws became more elastic, less mechanical than those of
Petrarchs school.

The sonnets became an exercise, and a fashion, as much as did the writing of
elaborate letters in the 18th Century France.

Shakespeares passion, with its myriad beauty-reflecting images, Spencers

intellectual majesty, Daniels high-pitched Platonic conceits, and Draytons
emotional power, all came to life within the prescribed fourteen lines of the little

English renaissance sonnets came out towards the end of the 16th century,
Sydneys Stella and Astrophel, Daniels Delia, Dratyons idea, Spencers
Amoretti, all of them sonnet sequences, came out between 1591 and 1595. And
1597 saw the first manuscript version of Shakespeares Sonnets.

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