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Let Go and Let GOD.

Whether we approve or not, People shouldnt be discriminated against because they are different.

Find someone who loves you well. Someone who never belittles you. Even in the heat of an argument. Someone
who is gentle with you, but does not treat you like you are fragile. Someone who knows what you are capable
of, and celebrates those pieces of you. Not someone who is intimidated by your strength. Someone who
doesnt make you feel guilty for being flawed. It is not loves job to punish you. And remember the person you
love is just as broken as you are when they fall short. No one is perfect do not hold them to this standard.
Find someone who is patient, forgiving, and apologetic. Someone who practices forgiveness freely and often.
Love someone who is humble, kind, and empathetic. Not only with you, but with a beggar on the street, or a
stranger in the supermarket. Common courtesy is important. Compassion is important. Kindness is important.

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