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D iuretics
GG: Chapter 25
Phys: Chapter 31
Site of action (FA12 p524) (FA13 p499) (SU13 p188)
Mannitol (FA12 p526) (FA13 p500) (SU13 p189)
Acetazolamide (FA12 p526) (FA13 p500) (SU13 p189)
Furosemide (FA12 p526) (FA13 p500) (SU13 p189)
Ethacrynic acid (FA12 p525) (FA13 p500) (SU13 p189)
Hydrochlorothiazide (FA12 p526) (FA13 p501) (SU13 p189)
K+-sparing diuretics (FA12 p526) (FA13 p501) (SU13 p189)
Diuretics: electrolyte changes (FA12 p527) (FA13 p501) (SU13 p189)

3 Question Warm-Up
1. A 28-year-old woman is involved in a motor vehicle accident (MVA). She
initially feels fine, but minutes later she loses consciousness. CT scan reveals an
intracranial hemorrhage that does not cross suture lines. Which bone and vessel

were injured in the crash?

2. A patient presents with rose gardeners scenario (thorn prick with ulcers along
lymphatic drainage). What is the infectious bug?

3. What bone disorder results from excess PTH? (SU13 p218)

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D iuretics
End of Session Quiz
4. What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs? (FA12 p524-526) (FA13 p499-501)
Triamterene Mannitol
Acetazolamide Metolazone
Hydrochlorothiazide Chlorthalidone
Bumetanide Furosemide
Spironolactone Amiloride
Chlorothiazide Torsemide
Ethacrynic acid

5. What diuretic or class of diuretic would be most useful in each of the following
situations? (FA12 p524-526) (FA13 p499-501)
Acute pulmonary edema
Idiopathic hypercalciuria ( calcium stones)
Mild to moderate CHF with expanded ECV
In conjunction with loop or thiazide diuretics to retain K+

Edema associated with nephrotic syndrome
Increased intracranial pressure
Mild to moderate hypertension
Altitude sickness

6. What is the site of action of mannitol? (FA12 p525) (FA13 p500)

7. What is the site of action of the thiazides? (FA12 p474) (FA13 p452)

8. A patient with heart failure exacerbation needs medical diuresis but has a sulfa
allergy. What diuretic can be used?

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