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Billmans 8th Grade Humanities Syllabus

Welcome to my class!
I am so excited to get to know each and every one of you this year. We will be focusing on U.S.
History this year, and I love this subject. I hope by the end of the year that you will love it too.

General Procedures:
Be respectful: We are all members of the same classroom community, and as history shows us, it is
in everyones best interest to work together well. Be kind to one another, to me, and to yourselves.
Be scholarly: You are charged with doing the work of historians, politicians, diplomats, orators, and
authors. Take your work seriously, and do it well.
Grow: We are all here to learn. Challenge yourself. Take academic risks. Be passionate and proud of
the work you do, realizing that great gains come from mistakes as well as successes. Do not be
afraid to fail. Be willing to give constructive criticism, and accept it from others.
Contribute: We all learn more and grow more when we are part of a collaborative community that
allows us to safely express our thoughts and have them challenged or affirmed. Be an active part of
that process.
Procedural Directions:
If you need to go to the bathroom, let me know and I will most likely just tell you to take the pass
and go ahead. If someone else is already out, wait. If its an EMERGENCY just go.
Feel free to drink water in class. Just keep it away from your laptop.
Snacks and other drinks may be consumed during breaks. Just clean them up when you are done
and keep them away from your laptop.
Our class spans two class periods. I will give you a break every day. It may not be when the bell
rings between the two class periods, though. If we are in the middle of something important, we
arent going to stop just because the bell rings.

There will be abundant use of technology in the classroom. You will need to be responsible
when using it.
o Be on task when using technology
o Phones can be used in the classroom after getting my permission.
o If you are misusing technology, you will lose it.

Discipline Plan:
If you are having a problem we will work together to fix it, just let me know. If you are doing
something to distract from your classmates learning I will deal with it in an expedient and logical
way. If the problem continues, we will use the campus-wide Five Phases plan.

Spiral/composition book: each student will need an interactive notebook, as we will be
School Binder: you will need a tab in your 3 ring binder for history to keep track of returned paper assignments
and assessments. We will be using a mix of both digital and paper assignments this year, and I want you
organized with both.
Headphones: you will need to bring earbuds or another listening device every day.
Other supplies: We will use colored pencils, colored pens, glue, scissors, tape, etc. throughout the year. It would
be great if you had your own, but if you do not you can share mine.
Donations of hand sanitizer and tissues are gladly accepted.

A student will be counted tardy if he/she is not in the classroom at the time the bell rings. If you are late for a good
reason, you should have a signed pass from a teacher with a time on it. It is a school policy that each late arrival results in
a lunch detention

Grading Policy
Activity Percentage of your grade
Daily work (short activities, warm-ups etc) 25%
Quizzes/Writings 35%
Tests/Projects 40%

Grade CorrectionsYou will be taking some assessments in my class to help you prepare for future tests and
so that I can collect concrete data on your progress.
There will be an opportunity to make up or correct quizzes to a 95, which will replace your original grade.
Test grades are permanent, but corrections are a separate grade in the test section of the grade book. You can
get up to a 100 on test corrections, so it will make a big difference to your grade.
o Test corrections are REQUIRED if you score anything but a 100 on a test.
Most assignments (never warm-ups, or MemBeam) can be resubmitted for a 50% return of lost credit.
Make-Up Work
Responsibility of the Student!
Days student is absent is equal to days to turn in
Also required for All Days Missed!
o Make up your warm-ups
o Ask for any clarification
Tests and quizzes must be Scheduled with Teacher (students responsibility)
Late Work
It is very important to have work in on time!
The ASPIRE team is working together to create a consistent late work policy. However, I can tell you that I
personally dislike late work a great deal. If you are worried about your ability to complete an assignment on
time, approach me beforehand so that we can work together to create a plan for you.
Contact Units of Study in U.S. History
Lindsey Billman 8th History
Unit 1: Exploration and Colonization
Phone: 817-251-5320
Unit 2: American Revolution
Conference: 1st period
ASPIRE WEBSITE: Unit 3: From Confederacy to Constitution

Unit 4: New Republic (New Nation)

Unit 5: Era of Andrew Jackson and Westward Expansion

Unit 6: Reforms (changes) in America

Unit 7: Causes of the Civil War

Unit 8: Civil War, Part 1: Significant Individuals, Events,

and Amendments

Unit 9: Civil War and Reconstruction

Unit 10: Research Practices and Ante-Bellum Period

Please return this to Class on Wednesday 8/23
Parent Signature and Info Page
Students Name: ______________________________________________________________
Birth Date: ___________________________________________________________________
Parents/guardians: _____________________________________________________________
Who do you live with:___________________________________________________________
Emergency Name and Number: ___________________________________________________
Emergency Name and Number: __________________________________________________
Emergency Name and Number: ___________________________________________________

Medical Concerns (Especially Allergies!): __________________________________________

What are you most looking forward to this year: _____________________________________
What is your goal for this school year: _____________________________________________
What is the easiest way for you to learn: ____________________________________________
What was your favorite thing about history last year and why: __________________________
Who was your favorite teacher last year and why? _______________________________
Tell me something awesome about you:_____________________________________________
I have reviewed the syllabus with my student.
Guardian Signature X_____________________________

I have read and understand the expectation in the syllabus.

Student Signature X_________________________________

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