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Soal Bahasa Inggris No 18 (REPORTED SPEECH)

18. Mother : Clean your room, Siska!

Siska : Yes, mom.

Vinda : What did your mother tell you, siska?

Siska : She told me

A. Clean my room
B. To clean my room
C. Cleaned my room
D. To clean your room

18. She said to me, Give me another book

She told me another book

A. Give her
B. Gave her
C. To give her
D. To give him

Soal Bahasa Inggris No 19 (OPINION)

19. Kayla : What do you think of our soup?

Doni : with the soup you served me

A. Im happy
B. It is hurting
C. Im satisfied
D. Im glad to hear that

19. Seto : In my opinion, Jessica is very beautiful.

Dian : many boys like her.

A. I dont know
B. I think so too
C. Do you think so?
D. I disagree with that

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