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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/ tanggal :

Kode : Waktu :
Kelas : VIII Pukul :

Perhatian : 1. Semua jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia.

2. Nama dan nomor test ditulis pada sudut kanan atas lembar jawab.
3. Gunakan waktu yang tersedia dengan sebaik-baiknya.

1. Mr. Agus : Excuse me, … I’m going to explain the material today.
Students : Okay, Sir.
A. do you understand me? C. are you all right?
B. may I have your attention, please! D. talk loudly!

The following text is for questions 2 and 3.

Attention, please! The museum will be closed within thirty minutes. Please keep your distance
when heading to the exit. Thank you.

2. Why does the speaker need to get the visitor’s attention?

A. To ask people to enjoy the trip C. To calm the situation in the museum
B. To make people listen to him/her D. To check people’s understanding

3. What should the visitors do after hearing the information?

A. Head to the exit C. Meet the speaker 4
B. Go to the museum D. Close the museum .

Nanda : Let me tell you how to join an online class. Click the link and enter the
username and password. ….
Aldi : Yes, it is. Thank you.
Nanda : You’re welcome.
A. Is it clear for you C. What’s your opinion?
B. Do you agree? D. What do you think?

5. Dewi : Do you understand the assignment?

Nina : No, I don’t. How about you? Do you understand the homework?
Dewi : Yes, I do.
Does Dewi understand the assignment?
A. Yes, she do. C. Yes, she does.
B. No, she don’t. D. No, she doesn’t.

6. Andin : Did you draw these cartoons?

Irma : Yes, I did. I am going to make a short cartoon movie.
Andin : …. I hope you achieve success.
Irma : Thank you.
A. I think a short movie will be better. C. Do you understand about the movie?
B. What is your opinion about the cartoon? D. Wow, that’s great cartoons!

7. Lily : What a beautiful dress today, Sasa!

Sasa : Thank you.
What kind of expression does Lily say?
A. Giving appreciation C. Asking for attention
B. Giving suggestion D. Asking for opinion

8. Kinan : Several people tend to consume organic food. ….

Edo : I think It’s a good thing to do, because organic food is good for our body health.
A. I don’t think so. C. Could I have your attention?
B. What do you think about it? D. The organic food is healthy.

9. Agnes : Can you give me an opinion about my singing?

Rosa : It’s really good, but I suggest to try singing in a high tune.
Agnes : Thanks, Rosa.
Rosa : No problem, Agnes.
From the dialogue above, Rosa is ….
A. asking for opinion C. checking understanding
B. giving an opinion D. showing understanding

The following dialog is for questions 10 to 13

Lina : I can’t use the printer because the ink cartridge is empty. Can you replace it, please?
Dino : Sorry, I cannot do it. I have never done it before, so I’m afraid of wrongly replacing it.
Lina : O.K. Let me ask father to do it.

10. What does Lina ask Dino to do?

A. To call their father C. To buy a new ink cartridge
B. To replace the printer D. To replace the empty ink cartridge

11. Dino says, “Sorry, I cannot do it.” What does he express?

A. His willingness C. His capability
B. His unwillingness D. His incapability

12. From the dialog we know that ….

A. Lina is going to print a document
B. Dino is willing to replace the empty ink cartridge
C. Dino and Lina’s father cannot repair the printer
D. Lina forces Dino to replace the ink cartridge
13. Lina says “Can you replace it, please? What is the closest meaning of replace?
A. buy C. change
B. make D. throw

The following dialog is for questions 14 to 17

Arka : Kirana, will you fetch me a plate from the kitchen, please?
Kirana : Sorry. I have to leave now.
Arka : Wait! I just need your help for a few seconds.
Kirana : Sorry, I’m already late. Bye, Arka.
Arka : Bye.

14. Where do you think the dialog probably takes place?

A. At home C. On the street
B. At school D. In a laboratory

15. Kirana says “Sorry, I have to leave now.” What does she express?
A. Her uncertainty to help Arka C. Her unwillingness to help Arka
B. Her intention to help Arka D. Her incapability to help Arka

16. From the dialog we know that ….

A. Kirana has no time to help Arka C. Kirana and Arka will work together
B. Arka will leave the house immediately D. Arka is busy recently

17. Arrange the jumbled words to form a sequential sentence.

is willing to – homework – at – check – busy – Aunt Dewi – my – she – although – physics –
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
the moment – is
11 12
A. 7-11-6-10-2-5-1-9-8-12-3-4 C. 6-1-3-12-5-4-7-10-2-9-8-11
B. 7-12-5-3-11-9-8-1-4-6-2-10 D. 6-1-4-7-10-2-9-8-12-5-3-11

The following dialog is for questions 18 to 20

Our Kitchen Rules :
 If you empty it, fill it.
 If you dirty it, clean it.
 If you open it, fill it.
 If you spill it, wipe it.
 If you cook it, share it.
Siti is talking about the kitchen rules in her house with her friend.
Siti : Did you have any kitchen rules at home?
Ayu : Oh, we don’t have any. What about in your house?
Siti : We have kitchen rules.
Ayu : Really? Like what?
Siti : Well, like when we spill something, we (18) ….
Ayu : Oh, what if you empty a jar?
You : (19) …
Ayu : That’s good.
18. A. must take it away
B. should leave it
C. must empty it
D. must wipe it
19. A. must fill it C. must not do it
B. must clean it D. must tell others

What does the text mean?

A. People should use low voltage
B. People must turn off the power before opening the device
C. People must not disconnect the power
D. People are forbidden to open the device

The following dialog is for questions 21 to 23


21. Where do you see the text?

A. at home C. in the storey building
B. in the park D. in traditional market
22. From the text, we can conclude that we … use the lift, when there is fire.
A. must C. are forbidden
B. should D. are permitted
The prohibition means ….
A. to get into the area, someone must report themselves
B. there is a building construction in the area
C. no one may enter the area
D. the area is open for everyone

The following dialog is for questions 24 to 26

Mr. Ali : Let’s help grandma. She must be busy serving customers in the shop right now.
Reni : Sure, Dad. How will we go there?
Mr. Ali : On foot.
Reni : All right, Dad. Let’s pass the rice fields. It is faster to reach the shop.
Mr. Ali : O.K. You should wear a cap because it is hot.
Reni : Sure. Wait, Dad., grandma texted me to bring plastic bags for sugar.
Mr. Ali : Ah, they are over there. Please get them.
Reni : O.K, Dad.

24. What does Reni’s grandmother do?

A. A vendor C. A farmer
B. A grocer D. A breeder
25. What does Mr. Ali suggest? He suggests to…
A. wear a cap C. bring plastic bags for sugar
B. pass the rice field D. work hard to achieve leaving
26. From the dialog we can learn that we should …
A. be friendly to others C. help others sincerely
B. be honest to parents D. work hard to achieve success
27. Agus : Please take out the trash!
Putri : … I don’t want to make the room stinky.
A. No, I won’t C. I put here
B. All right D. That’s wrong

The following dialog is for questions 28 and 29

Mr. Tomy : O.K. everyone. To begin our lesson today, I’d like to ask you about your homework.
Have you all done it?
Students : Yes, Sir.
Mr. Tomy : Good! Now, please share your work with the class. Who’s going first?
Dina : I will, Sir.
Mr. Tomy : O.K. Dina, please read your work. Everyone, listen to Dina’s work carefully and make
your comment on it.
Students : Yes, Sir.

28. What does Mr. Ali ask the students to do with their homework?
A. To submit their homework soon C. To read their works aloud, in turns
B. To begin the class today D. To exchange their works with others’

29. Mr. Ali says, “… make your comment on it.” What does the word “it” refer to?
A. the lesson C. the classroom
B. Dina’s work D. Mr. Ali’s work

The following dialog is for questions 30 to 32

Rara : Would you like to have lunch with my family tomorrow afternoon? We are going to
celebrate my sister’s graduation from university.
Nana : I’d love to. Thanks. Anyway, where and when will it be?
Rara : Pari Sewu Restaurant, at 1 PM.
Nana : O.K. I’ll see you there.

30. Where will the speakers meet tomorrow?

A. at Nana’s house C. at a university
B. at a restaurant D. at Rara’s house
31. What can we conclude from the dialog?
A. Nana declines Rara’s invitation.
B. Both of the speakers will have dinner together.
C. Nana’s sister just graduated from university.
D. Rara invites Nana to her sister’s celebration.
32. How many person will they have lunch?
A. one person C. three persons
B. two persons D. five persons

The following dialog is for questions 33 to 35

Mentari : May I go to Sita’s birthday party this evening, Mom?
Mrs. Sonia : You may not. You still look pale and should have a rest.
Mentari : Sita is my best friend. I don’t want to disappoint her. Don’t worry, Mom. I’m feeling
better now.
Mrs. Sonia : All right, dear, but let me accompany you to the party.
Mentari : O.K, Mom. Thank you.
Mrs. Sonia : You’re welcome.

33. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Best friend C. Mother and daughter
B. Doctor and patient D. Teacher and student
34. What will the speakers do?
A. They will be a rest C. They wiil hold a birthday party
B. They will see a doctor D. They will attend a birthday party
35. From the dialog, we can conclude that Mentari …
A. is recovering from sickness C. stays home this evening
B. looks healthy and cheerful D. disappoints her friend

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