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Name ------------------- Class F.Sc. Part 2 Test No -----------
Total marks: 40 Time Allowed.
Syllabus: chapter # 1

Question No.1: Encircle the most appropriate answer 1x 8 = 8

1. Potassium oxide is:

(A) acidic (B) amphoteric (C) basic (D) neutral
2. Which is not an alkali metal?
(A) francium (B) caesium (C) rubidium (D) radium
3. Which metal oxide is insoluble in water?
(A) MgO (B) CaO (C) SrO (D) BaO
Which of the following has smallest size?
(A) Al (B) Al+ (C) Al++ (D) Al+++
5. Which is the least reactive of all the alkali metals?
(A) Li (B) Na (C) K (D) Cs
6. Most of the elements are :
(A) crystalloids (B) metalloids (C) metals (D) non-metals
7. Which of the following has highest melting point?
(A) NaCl (B) KCl (C) RbCl (D) CsCl
8. In periodic table all the non-metals are placed under which of the blocks.
(A) s (B) p (C) d (D) f

Question # 2: Answer the following questions shortly. 2 x 8 = 16

1. Why ionic radius of anion is always larger than its parent atom? Give reason.
2. Why 1st electron affinity is negative and 2nd is positive of electronegative elements?
3. The oxidation states vary in a period but remain almost constant in a group. Give reason.
4. Why diamond is a non-conductor and graphite is fairly a good conductor?
5. Define hydration energy . how it varies in groups and periods of periodic table?
6. Prove with chemical reactions that ZnO behaves as amphoteric oxide.
7. The melting and boiling points of elements increases from left to right up to middle of s and p-block
elements and then decrease ownward. Why?
8. Basic character of oxide increases down the group. Justify it.
Long questions 4 x 4 = 16
Q.1 (A) what are the resemblances and differences of hydrogen from halogens?
(B) explain the variation of ionization energy along the periods and groups in the periodic table?
Q.2 (A) what are halides? Classify them on the basis of nature of bonding. Describe covalent halide in detail.
(B) justify the position of hydrogen at the top of group IA in the periodic table?

The Elite Academy Pasrur (0333-4662322)

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