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Write down electronic configuration of Fe3+ ion and answer the following
(i)What is the number of unpaired electrons in it?
(ii)How many electrons in it have n=3 and m=0?
(iii)How many electrons in it have l=1?
(iv)What is the number of electrons in M-shells?
2. (a) Briefly explain ;
(i) Five factors that affect ionization energy of elements.
(ii) Four causes of anomalous behaviour of the first element in a group of periodic table.
(iii) The cause of the diagonal relationship.
(b) Give four reactions which show how beryllium of group IIA is related to aluminium in group
(c) Discuss briefly the trends of oxides of elements of period three (3) in the periodic table

3. (a) What is the basic difference between Mendeleev’s periodic law and the Morden
periodic law?
(b) A neutral atom of a certain elements has 17 electrons.
(i) Write its ground state electronic configuration.
(ii) Classify the element into s,p,d, or f block.
(iii) Determine whether it is diamagnetic or paramagnetic
(c) Study the following hypothetical elements placed in various groups and periods of part of the
periodic table and then answer the questions that follow.
Group/period I II III IV V VI VII O
2 A B C D E F G H
3 I J K L M N O P

Giving reason (i) identify

(i) An element which is most likely to have the highest electron affinity.
(ii) An element which is likely to have the highest electronegativity.
(iii) An element which is likely to have least first ionization energy.
(iv) A pair of elements which is likely to form strongest electrovalent bond.
(v) Two elements which are likely to have strongest reducing properties.
(vi) Two elements which form neither negative nor positive ions.
(d) (i) Define the term deliquescence and explain what makes a hydrated salt to deliquescence
(ii) The following sketch shows the solubility curve of calcium chloride in water .

Explain the discontinuities in the solubility

(iii) Briefly explain at least three hazards associated with te useful applications of sulphur and
lead or their compounds
4. Study a portion of periodic table indicated below and answer questions in part (a) and (b)
a) (i) Identify with reason the block in which elements A,B D and E are to be found if their
electronic configurations are as follows :
A. : 1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3s 2 3 p6 4s 2 3d 10 4 p6 5s1
B. : 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 6 3s 2 3 p 6 4s 2 3d 8
C. : 1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3s 2 3 p6 4s 2 3d 10 4 p10
D. : 1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3s 2 3 p6 4s 2 3d 10 4 p5
E. : 1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3s 2 3 p6 4s 2 3d 10 4 p6 5s 2
(ii) Write the molecular formula of a compound formed when D combines with E.
b) (i) Justify that , the first ionization energy of J is larger than that of G although are found in
the same period .
(ii) Account for the increase of metallic nature from M to H.
c) Briefly explain each of the following trend;
(i) Some members in the periodic table are said to be related diagonally.
(ii) Fluorine is more reactive than other members of the halogen group.
d) Describes how hydrides of the elements in period 3 react with water
5. Briefly explain the following
a) (i) Metals do not occur as nitrate in nature
(ii) Activity series of metals
(iii) A metal A is found in Free State in nature while metal B is found in the form of its
compound .Which of the two metals will be nearer to the top of the activity series of
(iv) Aluminium cannot be extracted by reducing alumina with carbon
(v) Limestone is added to the blast furnace in the extraction of iron from haematite. Support
with equations.
b) Describe methods that are applied in extracting metals which are
(i) Very reactive
(ii) Less reactive
6. (a) (i) State the periodic law

(ii) What is the advantage of arranging elements in the periodic table on the basis of atomic
numbers rather than atomic masses?

(iii) Give three (3) diagonal similarities between Be and Al.

(b) Basic characters of elements in the modern periodic table always increase down the
group. Justify this statement by considering the oxides of group V elements.
(c) Explain the following
(i) Silicon has a higher melting point than it is expected.
(ii) Graphite is used as lubricant as well as a cell electrode but not diamond.
(iii) The first ionization energy of boron is lower than that of beryllium although boron is
towards right across period 2 in the periodic table.
(d) A researcher decides to place a newly discovered element at the bottom of group (VII) .What
would be the expected physical and chemical properties of the new element? Give your
answers bases on
(i) The state of element at room temperature and pressure.
(ii) Redox properties of the element
(iii) Atomicity.
(iv) Reaction with alkali
7. (a) With reference to the elements of period III of the periodic table , give the formula of
the oxide with the following properties
(i) The most basic oxide
(ii) The amphoteric oxide
(b) Briefly explain the action of water on chlorides of period III elements
(c) Give reasons to support the following
(i) When salts of iron are exposed in air they turn from blue green colour to brown
(ii) Concentrated nitric acid renders aluminium passive
(iii) Zinc and tin are used to protect iron from rusting.
(d) With the help of chemical equations, state the physical changes that will be observed and
their inference in each of the following experiments.
(i) Sodium oxalate solution is added into potassium permanganate solution in acidic medium
(ii) A hydrogen sulphide solution is added into potassium dichromate solution.
8. (a) Why hydrogen element was placed in group I in the modern periodic table?
(b) Account for the following
(i) The cationic size of an element is smaller than its atomic size.
(ii) Group I elements are called alkaline metals.
(iii) Group II elements melt at higher temperatures than group I elements.
(iv) Some compounds are said to be polarized
(c) Briefly explain the following facts:
(i) Every first member of the group in the periodic table behaves anomalously from other
(ii) Some elements in the periodic table show diagonal relationships.
(iii) Some elements are called d-block elements.
(iv) The compound of Sc are colourless.
(d) The valency shell electronic configuration of element X is represented as 6s 2 6 p3 .
(i) Give the block, group and period of element X in the periodic table.
(ii) Give the possible oxidation state of element X.
(iii) Give the formula of oxide of X.
9. (a) (i) Classify the following oxides as amphoteric , basic or acidic: Al 2O3 , Na2O, ZnO
and CaO (ii) Using five examples , briefly explain the uses of sulphates of selected
metals in different fields
(b) Explain these facts with suitable equations
(i) The aqueous solution of iron (III) chloride is acidic.
(ii) Gaseous iron (III) chloride at low temperature exists as a dimer and is a covalent
(iii) Red hot iron decomposes steam reversibly
(iv) The aqueous solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate is alkaline.
(c) Why iron (III) carbonates does not exist?
(d) With suitable examples, describe the chemistry of zinc oxide ( ZnO )
10. Why was Thomson’s model; of atom discarded and replaced by Rutherford’s model? Why
Rutherford’s model is also called the nuclear model of atom?
11. From the following sets of quantum numbers, state which are possible, Explain why the other
are not permitted.
1 1 1
(i)n=1 l=0 ml=+1 ms=+ 2 (ii)n=1 l=-1 ml=0 ms=− 2 (iii)n=0, l=+1 ml=0 ms=+ 2
1 1 1
(iv)n=0 l=+1 ml=+1 ms=− 2 (v)n=2 l=1 ml=0 ms=+ 2 (vi)n=2 l=2 ml=0 ms=− 2
12. (a)Using the s, p,d notation ,designate the orbitals with the following quantum numbers:
(i)n=4; l=2 (ii)n=4; l=3 (iii)n=2;l=0 (iv)n=3;l=1
13. Is it possible to know the exact path of electron in 2p orbital? Name and state the principal
you reply upon for answering the question?
14. Is it correct to say that ‘’every atom even atomic number has all paired electrons’’? Name the
rule you reply upon while answering the question?
15. How does Bohr’s model account for only certain specific lines in the emission spectrum of
16. Calculate the energy associated with the first orbit of He+. What is the radius of this?
17. (a) A blackish brown coloured soli;’A’ when fused with alkali metal hydroxide in the
presence of air , produces a dark green coloured compound ‘B’ which on electrolytic
oxidation in alkaline medium gives a dark purple coloured compound C.Identified A,B,and C
and write the reactions involved.
(b)What happens when an acidic solution of the green compound (B) is allowed to stand for
some time? Give the equation involved .What is this type of reaction called?
18. (a)What is modern periodic law? Discuss the main features of long form of Periodic table.
(b)Give the general electronic configuration of s, p, d and f-block elements

19. (a)How are the elements classified as metals ,non-metals and metalloids in the periodic table
(b)How does an atomic radius vary in the periodic table?

20. (a)What are isoelectronic ions? Give examples of 5 ions which are isoelectronic with argon
.How does ionic size vary among isoelectronic ions?
(b)Explain why Na+ is smaller in size than Na atom.

21. Account for the following :

i. (∆𝑒𝑔 )2 is positive
ii. (∆𝑖 𝐻)2 is always greater than (∆𝑖 H)1
iii. The ionization enthalpy of F is higher than that of O
22. (a)Arrange the following atoms in the increasing order of their second ionization enthalpy
and explain the assigned order :Na, Mg, Al
(b)Arrange F, Cl, Br and I in the decreasing order of their negative electron gain enthalpy and
explain the assigned order.

23. (i)Discuss briefly the trends in chemical properties of group 17 elements (Halogen family
).Gives reasons for anomalous of fluorine
(ii)Give two examples of the compounds in which halogens show positive oxidation state

24. Discuss briefly the trends in chemical properties of group 15 elements (nitrogen family)
(a).Why does nitrogen show anomalous behaviour as compared to other members of
this group?
(b)Arrange the following in order of the property mentioned and give reasons for you

PH3, NH3, SbH3,AsH3….(increasing basic strength )

HF, HCl ,Hl , HBr…..(Increasing acidic strength )

HClO4,HClO, HClO2…….(increasing oxidizing ability)

25. Explain the following giving reasons:

i. Nitrogen does not form pentahalides.
ii. NF3 is an exothermic compound but NCl3 is an endothermic
iii. Nitrogen does not form pentachloride but phosphorus forms
iv. SF6 is well known but SH6 is not known.
26. (a)the first element in a group of p-block of the periodic table displays different physical and
chemical properties from the heavier members of the group .In the light of this statement give
comparative explanations for the following:
i. Nature of the oxides of nitrogen and bismuth
ii. Maximum numbers of covalency exhibited by oxygen and sulphur
iii. Structure of N2O5and P4O10
(b)Explain the shape of XeF4 on the basis of VSEPR theory (Atomic number of Xe=54)

27. Present a comparative account of the following :

i. Structure of oxygen difluoride and XeF2
ii. Proton affinities of NH3 and PH3
iii. Action of water on F2 and Cl2
iv. Physical state of nitrogen and phosphorous
v. Shapes of ClO2 and Cl2O
28. Give appropriate reason for each of the following observations
i. Only higher members of group 18 of periodic table are expected to form compounds
ii. Fluorine is stronger oxidizing agent than chlorine
iii. NO2 readily forms dimmer , whereas ClO2 does not
iv. Phosphoric acid behaves as a monoprotic acid
v. SF6 is not easily hydrolysed where SF4 is readily hydrolysed.
29. (a)give reasons for the following observations:
i. The tendency of catenation decrease in group 15
ii. The decreasing stability of+5 oxidation state with increase atomic number in group
iii. SF6 is not readily hydrolysed though thermodynamically it is should be,why?
(b)Draw the structures of the following species:

i. NO3- ii. ClO4-

30. (a)Assign reason for the following species

i. The bond energy of F2 is less than that of Cl2
ii. Sulphur in vapour state exhibits paramagnetism
(b) Draw the structures of the following species:

(i)XeO3 (ii)BrO4-

31. Elements A burns in nitrogen to give an anionic compound B, Compound B reacts with water
to give C and D.A solution of C become milky on bubbling carbondioxide . Identify A,B,C,D
Assign appropriate reason for each of the following:

i. White phosphorous is much more reactive than red phosphorous

ii. Hydrogen fluoride is a much weaker acid than HCl in aqueous solution
iii. Sulphur in vapour state exhibit some paramagnetic properties
iv. How is ammonia manufactured industrially? Draw flow chart for the manufacture of
ammonia .Give any two use

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