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H.S.C. Preliminary Examination, (2023) 03-04-23
Time: 03 hours Chemistry Paper-II Maximum Marks: 85


1. Select the most appropriate answer for each from the given options.
(i) The atomic no of an element belonging to group VA and 3rd period is
(a) 7 (b) 13 (c) 15 (d) 23
(ii) The functional group in RSH is
(a) Alcohol (b) Carboxylic Acid (c) Ether (d) Thioalcohol
(iii) Which of the following is an example of electron rich hydride?
(a) Methane (b) Aluminium hydride (c) Sodium hydride (d) Ammonia
(iv) Select the incorrect statement regarding alkanes.
(a) It is known as paraffin (b) In alkanes, carbon hybridation is Sp2
(c) It is an acyclic saturated hydrocarbon (d) Alkanes have the general formula CnH2n+2
(v) The gas is used in wielding
(a) Methane (b) Ethylene (c) Acetylene (d) Ethane
(vi) When two moles of ethyl chloride reacts with two moles of sodium metal in the presence of ether what will be formed?
(a) 2 moles of ethane (b) 1 moles of ethane (c) 2 moles of butane (d) 1 moles of butane
(vii) Hybridization involves
(a)Addition of an electron pair (b) Mixing of atomic orbital (c) Removal of an electron pair (d) Separation of orbitals
(viii) The number of unpaired electrons in gaseous species of Mn +3 and Co+3 respectively are:
(a) 4, 4 (b) 3, 3 (c) 4, 3 (d) 3, 4
(ix) Kipp’s apparatus is used to prepare
(a) HCl (b) Chlorine (c) H2S (d) SO2
(x) An isomer of acetone is:
(a) Formaldehyde (b) Diethyl ether (c) Acetaldehyde (d) Propionalaldehyde
(xi) Which of the following best characterizes electron affinity?
(a) Neutral atoms with unfilled orbitals having repulsion for electrons. (b) Atoms with low ionization potential
(c) Neutral atoms with unfilled orbital having attraction for electron. (d) Neutral atoms of noble gases having attraction for electrons.
(xii)Across period atomic size decreases due to )
(a) shielding effect (b) increase in nuclear force of attraction
(c) decrease in nuclear force of attraction (d) photoelectric effect
(xiii) Which of the following is incorrect for ionization energy?
(a)Energy needed to remove the most srongly bound electron from its ground state. )
(b)It is represented by X ====.> X+ + e- )
(c) It increase from left to right across a period (d) It increase down the periodic table.
(xiv) Humans are unable to digest?
(a) Starch (b) Complex carbohydrate (c) Denatured proteins (d) Cellulose
(xv) A zwitterion is: )
(a) an ion that is positively charged in solution (b) an ion that is negatively charged in solution
(c) an ion electrically neutral (d) a carbohydrate with an electrical charge
(xvi)Zinc and mercury do not show variable oxidation state like d-block elements because
(a) They have only two electron in outermost subshell (b) Their d orbital are incomplete
(c) They are soft (d) Their d-orbitals are complete
(xvii)Which elements is/are major elements for plants growth?
(a) Phosphorus (b) Potassium (c) Nitrogen (d) All of these


NOTE: Attempt any eight questions. Select Four part questions from inorganic chemistry and four part questions from
organic chemistry and one part question from any one. All questions carry equal marks.
(i) What are demerits of Mendeleev’s periodic classification? How was it modified?
(ii)How is Bauxite purified by Baeyer’s or Serpeck’s process?
(iii) What is water gas? Give methods of its preparation?
(iv) (a) write the valence shell general electronic configuration of the following groups
* IA and IB * VA and VB
(b) What is Aqua Regia? How does gold dissolve in it? Give equations for the reactions.
(v) Give the reasons of the following:
(a) Ionic Hydrides are called true Hydrides.
(b) Lithium and Beryllium markedly differ from other members of their respective groups.
(c) Plaster of Paris is used in making plaster coats and moulds.
(v) Describe the preparation of Chlorine gas by Castner-Kellner cell or Nelson cell.
(vi) (a) What is Blue Vitriol? Give two equations for its preparation.
(b) What are outer and inner transition elements and how many series of each of them are present in the periodic table? Also write
the names of the inner transition series.
(vii) Write IUPAC names of the following
(a) [Fe(NO2)6]-3 (b) [Cr(en)2Cl2]Cl (C) [Co(H2O)3(NO3)3] (d) [Cu(NH3)4]SO4


(viii) Differentiate between the following: (with chemical test)

(a) Saturated and Unsaturated hydrocarbon.
(b) Reducing and Non-Reducing Sugar.
(ix) Define the following:
(a) Homologous series (b) Cracking (c) Refining of petroleum (d) Carbohydrate
(x) What is synthetic fiber? Explain Nylon and Polyester.
(xi) Write equations of the following conversions:
(a) Benzene to Nitro-Benzene (b) Ethyne to Ethanal (c) Ethanol to Ethanoic Acid
(xii) Define and classify vitamins. Explain Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C.
(xiii) (a) Give reactions of Benzene and Chlorine:
* In presence of Lewis acid catalyst *In presence of sunlight
(b) Write structural formula of the following
* Vinyl acetylene * Hydroqulinone * 2-Bromobutanal
(xiv) Write the chemical equations to show what products will be formed when CH3MgCl reacts with:
(a) CO2 (b) acetone (c) Methyl chloride (d) water


NOTE: Attempt any two questions. One question from Inorganic Chemistry and the other from Organic Chemistry. Both
questions carry equal marks.

Q.3.(a) Explain why hydrogen is misfit in group IA and VII A of the periodic table.
(b) Describe the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process. Draw the flow diagram.
(c) Write notes on the following: *Borax * Atomic hydrogen

Q.4.(a) How is pure copper obtained from roasted pyrite ore?

(b) Complete the following equations:
Cold dilute
* Zn + HNO3 * CaSO4.2H2O

* Cl2 + NaOH(dil) * Ca2B6O11 + Na2CO3

(c) Write the chemical formula of the following
* Gypsum * Suhaga * Sandhur * Litharge * Lunar caustic * Bleaching powder


Q.5.(a) What is Fermentation? How is Ethyl alcohol obtained by fermentation of?

* Starch * Molasses
(b) What is orientation in Benzene? Explain orientation in monosubstituted benzene. Name three each of ortho, para and meta
directing groups.
(c) Explain electrophilic substitution in benzene with reference to Friedel-Craft’s acylation

Q.6. (a) What is Elimination reaction? Write Bimolecular Elimination Reaction with its mechanism.
(b) Give equations of the following reactions.
* Phenol with dilute nitric acid
* Ethanol with sodium metal
*Toluene with KMnO4
* Acetylene with cold KMnO4
(c) Explain the mechanism of SN1 and SN2 reactions with examples.


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