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Welcome to the 10th grade!

Dear Sophomore Students and Parents,

Welcome! Were so excited youre here. Before the fun begins, please read through this
document together, sign, and return them to your humanities teacher for credit.
Warm Regards,
Ally Johnson, Shane Nelson (Humanities), Dan Thurber (Math) and Summer Sanford (Biology)
Contacting Us:
Email: The best way to reach us is via email, which is our firstname.lastname@animashighschool.
Digital Portfolios: Follow whats going on in classes at,, and
Infinite Campus: Check grades and attendance by going to > Our Family >
Infinite Campus. Username: parentfirstname.parentlastname. (i.e. john.doe) Password: ospreyparent
GoogleClassroom: In some classes, students may submit work and parents may check
completion through See individual syllabi for details.

Important Dates:
Sophomore Class Camping Trip - September 6th to 8th, 2017
Fall Student-Led Conferences (SLCs) - October 18th, 2017
First Semester Presentations of Learning (POLs) - December 19th to 22nd, 2017
Spring Student-Led Conferences (SLCs) - February 2th, 2018
Second Semester Transitional Presentations of Learning (TPOLs) - May 29th to June 1st, 2018

For All Classes:
Laptop and powercord.
A daily planner. It can be paper or digital.
Pens and/or pencils.
Colored pens or pencils for annotations.
Headphones for individual work time.
Flash drive for printing.
For Ally and Shanes Humanities Classes:
An organization system of your choice. It could be:
A binder for all your classes, with a section for humanities class.
A binder just for humanities class, to keep in the classroom.
A two-pocket folder just for humanities class.
A composition book. It can be paper, or it can be a Google Doc.
(Optional) Post-it notes for marking texts.
For Summers Biology Class:
A composition book that can be taken out of the classroom and into the field.
Folder for organizing papers.
Dry erase markers.
For Dans Maths Class:
Scientific or graphing calculator. To use your phone, please download a graphing calculator app.
Folder for organizing papers.
Colorful dry erase markers.
Notebook - If you use graph paper, the lines must be faint enough to clearly see your writing.
To help the sophomore class run smoothly, I will:
Be on Time
I will move with a mission between classes.
I will be in my seat, ready to work, by the end of break.
I will ask permission if I need to leave class.
I will wait to be dismissed at the end of class.

Minimize Absences and Make Up Missed Work

I will check in with my teachers ahead of time if I know Im going to be absent.
I will check my teachers DPs and GoogleClassrooms to find out what I missed while I was out.
I will make up missed work within the number of days I was absent.
Parents: I will not plan trips during POL prep or POLs.

Use Technology Appropriately

I will put my phone away and keep my laptop closed during discussions and lectures.
I will use technology for academic purposes, not social media, games, or non-academic pursuits.
I will wait for an appropriate time and ask permission if I need to make a call or send a text.
I will bring my own headphones instead of sharing with a peer.
I understand that using my cell phone inappropriately in class will result in its confiscation.
I understand that If I habitually abuse cell phone privileges, my parents may need pick up my phone.
I understand that the teachers are not responsible for any loss or damages that could occur if my
phone has been confiscated and is in their possession.
Parents: Please help your students resist the temptation to text by texting them outside of class
time, or contacting them through email or the front office.

Respect Our Common Spaces

I will throw away my trash and recycling in the appropriate bin.
I will clean up any spills or messes I make and put away the materials I use.
I understand that class will not be dismissed until the classroom is clean.

Choose Healthy Fuel

I will not bring sodas or sugary beverages to class.

Be Professional
I will use school-appropriate, respectful language, refraining from profanity.
I will adhere to the Animas Dress Code at school.
I will wear professional dress to SLCs, POLs and Exhibitions.

Advocate for Myself

I will ask for help early, often, and before having my parents contact my teachers.
I will contact teachers using a professional email, with a clear subject line, a greeting, a
closing and proofreading.
Parents: Please encourage your student to advocate for themselves before contacting us.

Student Signature: ____________________________ Student Name: ____________________________

Parent Signature: _____________________________ Parent Name: _____________________________

Please sign and return these expectations to your humanities teacher by Friday, August 25th, 2017.

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