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Work Ethics

Ethics, 'Naithikta' means to live with the right understanding and right knowledge.
Work ethics is nothing but to understand what we are doing, why we are doing and
how it should be done optimally so that the vision is met. At the same time, one has
to check whether the 'Vision' itself is set right. How do we know that? Vision also
needs to be set with the right and holistic understanding such that it benefits the
humanity and helps sustainability. A vision should help us cooperate, not just
compete. In cooperation, we would care, share and grow together. In competition, we
would waste a lot of resources too. Thus Vision statement of any organisation tells a
lot of the organisation and its thought process and culture within and its participation
in the building of the society.

Having said that, what does work ethics mean to us as Librarians? The answers are
within you if you understand your role wherever you are.

1. Do I want to contribute to my organisation? - Intention/ Motivation

2. What is the vision and mission of my organisation? - Goal
3. What will be the role of Library in this Goal? - Contributorship
4. What will be the role of Librarian and entire team at Library in this process?- Roles
and Responsibilities
5. How do we as a team at Library optimally do our roles?- Research & Knowledge
about the Professional skills of Library Science
6. How do we verify if we are doing optimally? - Continuous Feedback and
interaction with end users/ stakeholders of the organisation
7. How do we as an individual in a team contribute best to the organisation? Is there
any expertise of a team member that can benefit the organisation? Can we take this as
an opportunity to go beyond library into the real world and see how the end users are
using the information and try to find out if there is a gap and if so how best that can
be met by the Library team? - Sustainability

Well, ethics are defined automatically, when your whole effort is towards being a
contributor, having a complementarity attitude so that we can have a more humane
society. And believe me, as a Librarian and team Library we can best do this! Our
research skills will help people in the organisation to take more informed decisions.
Are we ready to stand up for this opportunity? The answer to this question is also a
part of our work ethics as a Librarian!

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