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Intro to Express.

js: Simple REST API app with Monk and MongoDB 1 of 5

by Azat

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After looking at Google Analytics stats Ive realized that there is a demand for short Node.js tutorial
and quick start guides. This is an introduction to probably the most popular (as of April 2013)
Node.js framework Express.js.

Express.js Node.js framework


This app is a start of mongoui project. A phpMyAdmin counterpart for MongoDB written in Node.js.
The goal is to provide a module with a nice web admin user interface. It will be something like,, MongoHQ or MongoLab has but without trying it to any particular
service. Why do we have to type db.users.findOne({'_id':ObjectId('...')}) any time we want to
look up the user information? The alternative of MongoHub mac app is nice (and free) but clunky to
use and not web based.

REST API app with Express.js and Monk

Ruby enthusiasts like to compare Express to Sinatra framework. Its similarly flexible in the way
how developers can build there apps. Application routes are set up in a similar manner, i.e.,
app.get('/products/:id', showProduct);. Currently Express.js is at version number 3.1. In addition

to Express well use Monk module.

Well use Node Package Manager which is usually come with a Node.js installation. If you dont have 8/28/2017, 10:10 AM

Intro to Express.js: Simple REST API app with Monk and MongoDB 2 of 5

it already you can get it at

Create a new folder and NPM configuration file, package.json, in it with the following content:

"name": "mongoui",
"version": "0.0.1",
"engines": {
"node": ">= v0.6"
"dependencies": {
"monk": "0.7.1",
"express": "3.1.0"

Now run npm install to download and install modules into node_module folder. If everything
went okay youll see bunch of folders in node_modules folders. All the code for our application
will be in one file, index.js, to keep it simple stupid:

var mongo = require('mongodb');

var express = require('express');
var monk = require('monk');
var db = monk('localhost:27017/test');
var app = new express();

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
var collection = db.get(;
app.listen(3000) 8/28/2017, 10:10 AM

Intro to Express.js: Simple REST API app with Monk and MongoDB 3 of 5

Let break down the code piece by piece. Module declaration:

var mongo = require('mongodb');

var express = require('express');
var monk = require('monk');

Database and Express application instantiation:

var db = monk('localhost:27017/test');
var app = new express();

Tell Express application to load and server static files (if there any) from public folder:

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

Home page, a.k.a. root route, set up:


get() function just takes two parameters: string and function. The string can have slashes and
colons, for example product/:id. The function must have two parapemets request and response.
Request has all the information like query string parameters, session, headers and response is an
object to with we output the results. In this case we do it by calling res.json() function.
db.driver.admin.listDatabases() as you might guess give us a list of databases in async manner.

Two other routes are set up in a similar manner with get() function:

var collection = db.get(;

Express conveniently supports other HTTP verbs like post and update. In the case of setting up a
post route we write this:

Sidenote: If you like this post and interested in a corporate on-site JavaScript, Node.js and React.js
training to boost productivity of your team, then contact'product/:id',function(req,res) {...}); 8/28/2017, 10:10 AM

Intro to Express.js: Simple REST API app with Monk and MongoDB 4 of 5

Express also has support for middeware. Middleware is just a request function handler with three
parameters: request, response, and next. For example:'product/:id', authenticateUser, validateProduct, addProduct);

function authenticateUser(req,res, next) {


function validateProduct (req, res, next) {


function addProduct (req, res) {

validateProduct and authenticateProduct are middleware. They are usually put into separate file (or
files) in a big projects.


Reading blog posts is good, but watching video courses is even better because they are more

A lot of developers complained that there is a lack of affordable quality video material on Node. It's
distracting to watch to YouTube videos and insane to pay $500 for a Node video course!

Go check out Node University which has FREE video courses on Node:

[End of sidenote]

Another way to set up middle ware in Express application is to use use() function. For example
earlier we did this for static assets:

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

We can also do it for error handlers:


Assuming you have mongoDB installed this app will connect to it (localhost:27017) and display
collection name and items in collections. To start mongo server:

$ mongod

to run app (keep the mongod terminal window open):

$ node . 8/28/2017, 10:10 AM

Intro to Express.js: Simple REST API app with Monk and MongoDB 5 of 5


$ node index.js

To see the app working, open http://localhost:3000 in Chrome with JSONViewer extension (to
render JSON nicely).

Tom Hanks The Polar Express

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Azat Mardan
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Also, make sure to get 3 amazing resources to FREE when you sign up for the newsletter.

No commitment. 8/28/2017, 10:10 AM

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