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Tips n

Drink and show

The Irish Time Pub - A mighty craic-guaranteed ! A traditional Irish pub. Regular
appearances by Irish artists
Boulevard Tirou, 86 Charleroi. Tel. : 071/316.152.

LEcho des Chavannes - The decor is inspired by music and instruments. Rock- Events
blues concerts.
Rue des Chavannes, 3 Charleroi. Tel. : 071/324.078. On Sunday - the Sunday market - Charlerois picturesque market dates from 1709
and attracts an exceptional crowd every Sunday - the upper town.


Cin Le Parc - A programme of events focused on art house films of all types. This
is the only cinema in the region where films are shown in their original version The 22 of July - Madeleine Tour- One of the most interesting and colourful folk tours.
without any commercials before the film and without any intermission. It differs itself from the other walks because of the extraordinary different uniforms
Rue de Montigny, 58 Charleroi. Tel. : 071/317.147. worn by approximately 2000 parade soldiers.
Jumet. Tl.: 071/34.24.17. Bus 86 from Charleroi

4 to 27 of August - August Fair - Ferris wheel, shooting galleries, sensational at-

tractions and candy floss - Charleroi Place du Mange/Parking Expo.

8th of August at 9.00 p.m. - Openair theatre in the castle By La compagnie des Ga-
leries - Trazegnies Castle, place Albert Ier, 32 Trazegnies. Tel. : 071/45.10.46.
Bus 83.

The 25 and 26 of August at 11.30 - spanish feria - dances, equestrian and flamenco
shows, tasting of regional products and activities for children, palla and sangriaa
very tempting programme - Place Destre Gilly. : +3271861414. Underground
number 54 from Charleroi

Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Charleroi

Place Charles II, 20 6000 CHARLEROI
Tl.: 071/86.14.14.
Ouvert tous les jours de 9h 18h, dimanche et jours fris de 9h 15h.

Info Tourisme Charleroi

Gare du Sud 6000 Charleroi
Tl: 071/318.218.
Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 17h30, le samedi de 10h 15h.
July augustus 2012
Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 17h30, le samedi de 10h 15h.
And Why not ?
Tips n
Fte du 15 aot - le 15 aot Tour Notre Dame de Roux . After the mass, the
procession of the Blessed Sacrament gets , escorted by the pilgrims of the Saint-
Roch Brotherhood and the Sainte-Croix Knights. are preceded by a group of 12
drummers and the Royal Wind Band "Le Rveil Tillycien". The procession covers the
streets of the village where altars of repose are installed, where the parish priest
blesses the crowd Frasnes-les-Gosselies

Muse des Beaux-Arts open every day exept on Monday and Sunday, Tuesday-
Saint-Louis March - 25th
25th until 28th
28th of August - this military parade will go through Friday 9.00 am till 6.00 pm, Saturday 10.00. till 6 p.m. (entre extension vitre), place
the neighbourhood of the Haies of Marcinelle and will celebrate Saint-
Saint-Louis du-
du- du Mange, 1 Charleroi.Tel.: 071/86.11.34. ou 071/86.11.35.
ring 4 days - Quartier des Haies in Marcinelle. Tel. : 071/36.23.66.

The collections of the Museum of Fine Arts shows the big movements in Belgian
Climbing over slagsheaps? What a peculiar idea, and yet! These summits, stee-
stee- painting from the 19th century to today, with a particular link to the area. From neo-
ped in history, halfway between mountains and deserts, are now home to an excep-
excep- classicism to current approaches, some big names: F.J. Navez, P. Paulus, C. Meu-
tionnal range of flora and fauna. Explore them on a walk accompanied by an expe-
expe- nier, A. Boch, P. Leduc, R.Magritte, P. Delvaux, G. Dumont, B. Dubail, J. Delahaut, J.
rienced guide. 08/07, 22/07, 28/07, 12/08, 1/09, 16/09, 29/09 Maison du Tourisme Dubois, and many others.
de Charleroi 071/86 14 14

Exhibitions/museums Tribute concert to Luciano Pavarotti Made in Italy the 28thof July at 7pm
Opening singer Glavidio , together with Simona Cianchi and Alla Gorobchenko.
Le Bois du Cazier :rue du Cazier, 80 Marcinelle. Tl. 071/88.08.56. Bus: 1 and 52 These three singers wil be accompanied by the pianists Tatiana Kuzina and Aliano
Frediani. Centre culturel de Mont-sur-Marchienne, rue du chteau 3 Mont-sur-
Marchienne. Tl.: 0499/53.39.95.
On 8thof August 2012: The 8th of August 1956 portrays the tragic moments
around this symbolic date through films, photographs and testimonies. On the 8thof
August 2012, special memorial day on the site, from 8am until noon.

Le Muse de la Photographie : The recently renovated neo-gothic Carmelite

monastery (end 19th c.) has now been converted into a museum of photography.
Walking through the exhibition you can relive the adventure of photography from its
invention to its creativity of today. Going through the new didactical area, you will
discover the magic of techniques, the variety of functions, the originality of the
photography. Try out its richness in the creative studio. Avenue Paul Pastur, 11
Mont-sur-Marchienne.Tel.: 071/43.58.10.Bus: 70 71 et 170.

Until 12th September As part of Amnesty International's 50thanniversary

celebrations, the Photography Museum will be showing the work of James
Nachtwey, considered to be one of the greatest war photographers of our time.
In the same place, Belgian photographer Jean-Franois Spricigo will be showing off
his own work, mainly in black and white, a hazy look at a troubled and troubling
world .

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