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go paint do Rules: Roll the dice and move your

Start school house homework piece. You must make a past tense

play meet Go back sentence with the words in the drink call brush
baseball friends 2 square. You must also use an milk friend teeth
expression of time. Example, if my
read buy score Trade kiss
first roll is a two: I played baseball
book bread goal places frog
last week.

win take write send climb study watch

prize bus letter email tree math game
sing clean get ride When you roll the dice you have to Go
song room A+ horse use the expression below: Ahead 2
fix go (1) yesterday Go go take draw start
bike hiking (2) last week Back 1 fishing bath picture homework
play Go get Trade (3) two days ago eat
piano Ahead angry Places (4) last month bug
2 (5) two months ago
(6) last year

go finish make take find win

park homework snowman picture money game
catch see go say go say listen
cold movie skiing hello
Lanternfish ESL
camping thanks music END

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