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The door burst open with a deafening sound breaking the silence.We were currently hiding in a small
house near the shore,the storm was getting furious than it actually was.Before,Bellamy and I were
enjoying our break at the beach until we received a call that a storm was coming.We didn't believe at
first but suddenly gushed of strong wind hit us to the bones.

Without further ado, we searched for a shelter and all we could find was this tiny abandoned house.The
wind unleashed its fury.It howled and screamed and ruined almost all the building.Seeing that
happened, we knew that we have to move away even it was dangerous outside.The sound of car's
engine roared through the storm.While Bellamy was driving,I tried to call of help but all the connections
were cut off.Fortunately, the local radio station was available. At least we could hear some news."And
now you're listening to Station 101,the best radio station in town.So now everyone were currently stuck
in this whirlwind which has gone mad!Who's going to save us now?hmm..what was that?Oh god,the
station is on fire!will be right back-" the connection begin to distorted for a while and completely gone
after that.The situation was bad enough here but I wonder how misery could it be at the town we were

As soon as we arrived,Bellamy slowed down the car.We were utterly dumbfounded. I saw people running
in fear and look truly baffled. We clearly had nowhere to run,the disaster hits every corner of the town
as if it won't leave any single soul.In twinkling of an eye,the sharp wind naturally pierced a diner in front
of us,the crushed wall almost hit a helpless child.Bellamy quickly stormed out of the car and went to aid
the child."We can't get any far than this,let's go help some folks and search for another shelter." Bellamy
said.I then turned off the engine and followed his trail.With crying child in his hand,we walk prudently
throughout the street. The rain hit us like bullets and we were all wet and soggy.We then encountered a
man who laid motionless on the ground.To my fear,he didn't show any sign of living.I just froze
there,looking dumbfounded and speechless.I couldn't believe all of this happened. The weather was
dreadful and I felt a tinge of doubt wondering if all of us could survive any longer.

We're now in a building with a middle age woman,an injured teenager and the child that we saved
earlier. We could only gather few people as the storm had gone insane.I stared at Bellamy,who had stings
of injuries all over his body.He tried to protect us on our way here and my eyes were brimming with
tears as I recalled it vividly.He laugh at our misfortunes but then remained silent.I knew he was regretting
all of this.It was written all over his face that he wish that he wasn't that eager to spent our break at the
beach in this town.Unfortunately, it was too late now and all we could do now was waiting for a miracle
to happen.
I didn't realize when did I fall asleep but soon as I open my eyes,it was already morning.I no longer felt
the coldness from the endless rain.The blazing sound was shining through the sky,there's no more
storm.It was weird how it could just ended like that but whatever the reason was,I am completely
thankful.We were finally received a rescue and were treated at a hospital.Many of the town folks were
save and the child had finally reunited with his family.Lots of curiosity hovered in my head about the
situation we were in,everything happened in a blink of an eye.Getting through all of this was indeed a
gruelling journey but we can finally rest assured now.

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