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The Walking Dead Season 4 Fan Fiction

Episode 1 The Beginning of The End

The street was completely desolate. Not a living or dead thing to be seen for miles as
Clementine made her way through the road. She didnt really mind it as she felt peace and
tranquility. It was getting late and she knew she had to find some shelter or it wouldnt be an
easy night for her. Walker activity was starting to increase during the night and staying out in the
open was not an option.
I thought Dr. Lingard said McCarrol Ranch was a few miles west. Its been four days
since I left Richmond and theres no sign of the place. Clementine said out loud. What was I
thinking leaving Richmond without supplies? She had left Richmond with her gun and some
bullets and now she was out of food, water, and running low on ammo.
Nights were not something Clementine looked forward to. She had to sleep on cold, hard
ground and to make things worse she had nightmares about her past every night.
She came up to a gas station which had some abandoned cars so she decided to have a
look around and scavenge. Clementine ventured to the gas station and tried to open the door, but
it was locked. Just about my kind of luck. She said.
She walked up to some dumpsters. Got to check everywhere, I guess. She dug deep and
found nothing but a half-eaten energy bar and a toy car she decided to keep.
Clementine looked at the old and rusty gas pumps and pondered for a moment about her
past. The moments with Lee, meeting Luke and helping him at the cabin, leaving Kenny behind
at Wellington, and most recently, helping Javier and his family.
The last place she checked was a car across the street from the gas station. Clementine
walked up to the car and looked through the window. She saw a backpack that seemed stuffed
with supplies. As she was about to open the door, she heard a door open and some footsteps.
Clementine took cover behind the car and searched for the person.
A man exited the gas station with his dog. He was smoking a cigarette and whistling a
song while walking around with his dog. The man was on his early thirties, strong and tall.
As Clementine tracked them mans movement to figure out if it was safe, she heard a
moaning behind her. She turned around and saw a walker heading towards her. The walker tried
to attack her but she held his arms and wrestled it. Clementine struggled at first, but she managed
to throw the walker to the ground and stab him in the head. When she looked up, the man had his
rifle on her.
Nice moves. The man said. Now that youre done playing, drop your weapons. He
had his gun pointed at Clementines head and his finger on the trigger.
Clementine refused to drop her weapons and pulled out her gun. Leave me alone! She
Dont do this, kid! The man shouted. His dog started to growl at Clementine.
A boy and a man exited the gas station and ran to them. The boy was about sixteen years
old and the man was in his late thirties. As they approached them, Clementine kept her aim at the
mans head.
Whats going on here? The man who arrived with the boy asked.
This kids causing problems! The man with the gun pointed at Clementine responded.
No, Im not! Clementine retorted. You pointed your gun at me for no reason!
Really? Youre picking up fights with kids now? The boy chuckled as he walked up to
Clementine. Look, kid, dont do anything stupid and he wont shoot you.
Hey, Im not asking for trouble. Your friend here-
Youre really going to believe this kid? The man interrupted.
Man, just shut up and let the girl talk. And for fucks sake, put the fucking gun down.
The other man said as he calmed down the dog.
What about her? The man asked.
The boy looked at the man seriously. You really need to learn how to calm down.
Could you please put your gun down? The man asked Clementine. Before my brother-
in-law has a heart attack and just empties his gun on you.
Clementine lowered his gun and so did the man.
Ok, now that everybodys calm. The boy looked at the man. Kind of. Then he looked
back at Clementine. Is there anyone else with you?
I dont really have a group. I mean, I have some friends at Richmond, but thats about
it. Clementine responded.
The two men and the boy looked at each other in amazement. Did you say Richmond?
The man without the gun asked.
Uhhh Yeah. Clementine wasnt sure what all that was about.
I told you it was real! The boy told both men.
Yeah, it is. Clementine said. Anyway, if you could hand me my gun, I would really
appreciate it so I can be on my way.
The man thought about it and after a brief moment, he threw the gun back to Clementine.
Clementine tried to open the car door so she could get the backpack, but the car was
locked and the door alarm kicked in. Of course. She said sarcastically.
In seconds, the road was infested. Walkers were coming from every direction and they
were starting to surround Clementine and the others.
This is not good! The man without the gun exclaimed.
Well, youre not going anywhere, kid. The man with the gun told Clementine, as he
emptied his magazines on every walker that stood in front of him. Everyone to the gas station,
Clementine thought about going another way, but there was no other way and decided to
followed them. They reached the back door of the gas station, but it was blocked by walkers.
Kid, help me out here! The man told Clementine.
She pulled out her gun and with the little ammo she had, managed to kill four walkers
and open a way for them to enter the gas station.
They entered the gas station and both men held the door shut. Grab something to block
this with! One of the men told Clementine and the boy.
They took one of the product shelves and pushed it against the door, managing to block
Nice job, kid. The man with the gun said sarcastically. Next time just shoot us.
Asshole. Clementine hit back.
Dont listen to him. The other man said. Thats his natural state. Nothing personal, I
Clementine leaned against one of the shelves and crossed her arms, the other ones sat
down on the ground and stared at her.
The names Lucas. The boy said. He pointed at the man with the gun. This is my
brother, Gabe. Then he pointed at the other man. And this is my brother-in-law, Andre.
And there was me thinking the Gabe I knew was annoying. Clementine commented.
Gabe stared at her seriously and Clementine stared back at him.
Cut it out. Andre told Gabe. So, what your name?
Good to meet you, Clementine. Andre greeted with a smile on his face.
You mentioned you had some friends at Richmond? Lucas asked.
Yeah. Im actually planning to go back there once I return. Clementine explained.
Im surprised you managed to survive this long alone. Lucas said. Where are you
McCarrol Ranch. Im looking for someone. Clementine responded.
Im pretty sure I know where thats at. Andre said.
Clementine noticed Lucas thoughtful expression. Whats on your mind?
I might have an idea. He said. It might be a bit crazy considering weve just met, but I
think it would benefit all of us.
Spill it. Gabe told him.
Like I said, it might be crazy, but since Andre knows where McCarrol Ranch is and
Clementine knows where Richmond is, Id be willing to help Clementine find her friend, if in
return she can vouch for us at Richmond.
No way! Gabe exclaimed. Im not going back a whole days worth of walking. For all
we know she could be dragging us into a trap.
Its our best and only option right now, dude. Lucas argued. Plus, shes just a girl.
Were three and we have Jaxon.
Its definitely a very big and random risk, considering weve known her for about
twenty minutes. Andre said.
You know Im here, right? Clementine asked.
Sorry. Andre apologized. As I was saying. Its a big risk, but we dont know the way
to Richmond and right now shes our best bet. She also seemed like she could use some help.
Gabe groaned. Whatever! Im going to sleep. He went to a corner and laid down.
What do you think, Clementine? Lucas asked.
Clementine thought about her options. She liked doing this things un her own. She
believed people dragged her down, but on the other hand, like Andre said, she could use the help.
I guess you can tag along. She said. Once we find my friend. Ill take you guys back to
Richmond and vouch for you. Im sure Javi wont mind.
Good. Then we should get some rest, long day ahead tomorrow. Andre told them. He
laid down and fell asleep.
Dont worry about Gabe. Lucas said. Give him some time and hell probably even
become protective about you.
Clementine nodded and then laid down and fell asleep.
She woke up inside a green tent. She was on a bed and the tent was full of boxes.
Clementine got up from the bed and walked around the tent. The boxes were filled with notes
and journals. She walked outside and thats when she realized she was back at Wellington. She
heard a little girls voice calling her. She searched for the girl and the saw her in front of the
dining hall. Camila? She asked herself.
Clementine! The little girl shouted and then waved at Clementine to go to her.
Clementine walked up to Camila and she hugged her. Can you help me get some food?
She asked Clementine.
Clementine wasnt sure if this was a dream, or if everything that had happened after the
attack on Wellington was a dream. She decided to play along and took Camila to the dining hall.
Clementine picked up some fruits on a plate and gave them to Camila.
Clementine again heard someone calling her name and then someone tapped her on the
shoulder. She turned around and saw Edith.
Clem, you should check up on AJ, see if hes good. Edith said.
Clementine nodded and left the dining hall. Outside it was snowing and it was very cold.
She entered her room where AJ was at.
AJ was drawing something, so Clementine laid on the bed and waited for him to finish.
When she saw he was finishing, she sat down on the bed and talked to him. Hey. Watcha
drawing there, goofball? Can I see? She got up from the bed and took a closer look at the
drawing. You know Im no good at this game, but Ill try to guess what it is. She took a good
look at the drawing and tried to guess whatever came to her mind. Is it me?
AJ giggled and pointed his finger at her.
It is me. I knew it. Clementine said. Come on, can you say Clem, AJ? Give it a try.
AJ tried to say something, but no words came out of his mouth and he just sat there with
a sad face.
Not much of a talker, are you, goofball? Clementine asked rhetorically, as she knew AJ
wouldnt answer. Dont worry about it. Youll talk when youre ready. She then heard an
explosion out in the distance. Oh no, I think I remember what this is. She walked up to the
door and opened it. Edith was there.
The group from las week is back! She explained. Now theyre armed and ready for
Clementine remembered this, but it all felt so real that she still didnt know if it was a
dream, flashback or reality.
As Edith was talking to her, someone fired a gun and the bullet went straight through
Ediths skull and she dropped dead on the ground.
Clementine pulled out her gun and shot the man who shot Edith. She ran to AJ and stood
in front of him to protect him. Another two men entered and Clementine managed to shoot one,
but the other one caught her leg and she fell on the ground, dropping her weapon.
The man who shot her turned into David. he pointed the gun at her and said something.
You dont know how to take care of him. He then pointed his gun at AJ and shot him.
Clementine woke up on the gas station. She was sweating and her heart was beating
Lucas, who was at the door, noticed Clementine wake up and rushed to her. Woah! You
ok? He asked.
Yeah. Bad dream. Clementine responded.
Lucas helped Clementine up and they both walked outside the gas station.
Gabe and Andre found a supermarket filled with supplies. Jaxon and I stayed here
waiting for you. Were supposed to meet them at the supermarket. Lucas called Jaxon, who
came running towards him, and they started walking to the supermarket.
If you dont mind me asking, who are we looking for at McCarrol Ranch? Lucas asked.
His names AJ. I used to take care of him when his parents died, but then some people
took him away from me.
Its tough. Lucas said. My brother lost his daughter and wife. We havent seen them
for two years.
This world isnt easy. Clementine opined. Only the strongest survive.
They were stronger than youd imagine. Unfortunately, that wasnt enough. Lucas
Sometimes not even thats enough.
I know Gabe hasnt been open minded about you, but try to give him a second chance.
Hes only like that because he doesnt want to lose anyone else. Lucas asked Clementine.
Dont worry. I understand what he feels. Clementine responded.
The way he is, in a few days hell probably be protective about you too.
They reached the supermarket and inside, Andre and Gabe were waiting for them. Gabe
handed Clementine and Lucas a backpack filled with supplies for the trip.
Clem, I wanted to apologize for being a dickhead last night. That wasnt really me.
Already forgotten. Clementine responded with a smile.
Just try to not piss me off. Gabe chuckled.
Clementine smiled and rolled her eyes.
Clementine and the others left from the supermarket all geared up and set course for
McCarrol Ranch.


After six hours of walking, they reached a parking lot with some abandoned cars. We
should probably search these cars and around the area. Clementine suggested.
Shes right. Lucas agreed. There could be some useful stuff around here.
All right. Just try not to give away our location to every walker within a hundred-mile
radius. Gabe warned.
Shut up. Clementine walked up to a car with no doors and searched it. Inside the glove
compartment, she found a pair of batteries and decided to keep them. She searched the rest of the
car, but didnt find anything. Clementine heard a banging coming from the dumpsters and
walked over to it. The dumpsters had Dead Inside written all over it in blood. The banging was
the walkers inside trying to get out.
Clementine made her way back to the group and saw Lucas signaling her to take cover
behind something. She rushed and hid with them behind a pile of tires. What happened?
Gabe pointed to his ear, letting Clementine know she had to listen for something or
Clementine heard some men talking. She peaked her head through the side and saw four
men walking their way.
We cant stay here. Andre whispered. Find somewhere to hide.
Clementine had a very little time to find a hiding spot, but she decided to hide underneath
one of the cars at the parking lot. When the men werent watching, Clementine made a break for
the car and rolled underneath it. Clementine couldnt see where the others had hidden so she just
stayed put and waited.
The men entered the parking lot and began searching the cars. Two men walked up to the
car where Clementine was hiding and began digging through it. Man, this is useless. One of
the men muttered.
Just shut up and keep searching! The other man barked.
They found nothing and roamed to other parts of the parking lot. The men were searching
every car in the parking lot.
Clementine could only see the mens legs moving from left to right all around the
parking. Ill just wait here until they leave, she thought. Then Clementine heard punching and a
scream. It was Andre. He was hiding inside one of the cars. Clementine thought about helping
him, but she knew it was a stupid idea that would probably get them both killed. She just
watched as the men tied Andre up and took him into the woods.
Clementine rolled from underneath the car and got up. Lucas! Gabe! Where are you?
She called.
Lucas and Gabe arrived at her location. What happened out there? Gabe asked.
It was Andre. Clementine responded. They took him into the woods.
We need to help him. Lucas said.
We need to be careful. Gabe said. Lets go in slowly and check out where they took
him. Then we come up with a plan. Follow me.
They entered the woods slowly, being careful with every step the took so they didnt
attract any attention. Clementine could see a fire in the distance. I think I can see some fire over
And I can hear them. Gabe added. Lets be careful.
They approached the camp and hid in some bushes. We need to get him out of there
now. Lucas said.
Calm down, Lucas. Clementine cautioned. We need to be smart about this or else
well all be dead in an instant.
Right, sorry. Lucas apologized. So, whats the plan?
Well, we have the element of surprise. Clementine said. We should split up and
surround their camp, and when the time is right, we take them out.
I like your thinking. Gabe opined. Ill stay here. Clem, you make your way behind
them, and Lucas, you make your way to the other side and wait for my signal.
Clementine crawled all the way until she was behind them. She set up a vantage point
with the rifle Gabe had given her and scouted the area. She saw Lucas at his position and Gabe at
his. Andre was at the middle, there were ten men at the camp, and they had two hostages near
Lucas position.
Im going to enjoy this one. One of the men said.
What are we waiting for? One of the men asked. He took out his pistol and pointed it
at Andres head and as he was about to pull the trigger, he took a bullet to the head from Gabe
and fell to the ground.
So much for noise. Clementine told herself. She took cover behind a tree and opened
fire at the men.
Andre got his combat knife, cut himself loose and ran towards Clementine to take cover.
One of the men pointed his gun at Andre but Clementine killed him before he could
shoot. She heard moans and groans behind her so she turned back and saw walkers headed their
way. Walkers! She yelled.
There was one man left and Clementine picked him off with a clean shot to the back of
his head. Ok, now we need to get out of here. She told Lucas.
What about the hostages? We cant just leave them here. Lucas reminded her.
Lets hurry up then.
Lucas and Clementine rushed to the hostages. They were being attacked by walkers and
Clementine only had a few seconds to save one. She shot the walkers attacking the hostage to her
right. Lucas was going to save the other hostage, but his gun ran out of ammo. The walkers bit
the hostage and killed her.
Youre coming with us. Clementine told the man. She grabbed him, still wearing the
bag on his head and they escaped the camp.
On their way out of the woods, there was still a lot of walkers and they had to dodge
Clem, cover me. Ill help him. Lucas suggested.
Clementine handed the man to Lucas and pulled out her gun. She shot all walker that was
between Lucas, the man and her.
They all made it out of the woods and ran to the parking lot building. They still had the
herd behind them.
Gabe tried to open the door but it was locked. Shit! Its locked. Gabe cursed. What the
fuck do we do now?
Clementine remembered Javis quick thinking back at the gas station and thought it
would be smart to head for the roof. Quick, everyone make a run for the roof. She said.
Using dumpsters as a way up, everyone climbed up to the roof. The last one to climb up
was Gabe and a walker grabbed his leg.
Ugh! He grunted. Clem shoot him, quick!
Clementine pointed her gun at the walkers head and shot him down. She kept shooting
the walkers to see if you could thin them out but then she realized she was just attracting more
and wasting ammo. Clementine removed the bag from the hostages head.
The hostage was a man, barely, He looked about twenty, his eyes filled with fear as he
looked at the two kids in front of him. He was shaking a lot and he was all bloody.
Please, dont hurt me. The man begged. Im no harm to any of you.
Were not going to hurt you. Clementine said. If that were the case we wouldve just
left you out there with the walkers.
Whats your name? Lucas asked him.
My names Matthew. The man responded. He looked around, searching for someone.
Wheres Tam?
Clementine and Lucas looked at each other. Whos Tam? Clementine asked.
The other hostage. Matthew responded nervously.
Clementine closed her eyes with a sad expression. She didnt make it.
Oh, God! Matthew cried as his eyes watered and he began to cry.
Lucas was going to comfort him but Clementine stopped him. Give him a moment. She
said. Well talk to him later. Right now, we need a plan.
They regrouped with Andre and Gabe, who were looking down at the walker infested
Hows he doing? Gabe asked.
The other hostage was someone close to him. Clementine explained. Right now, hes
not doing that well.
Give him until the morning. Maybe hell go with us to McCarrol Ranch. Andre
Lucas agreed with Andre. Because right now were not getting anything out of him.
Matthew heard Andre mention McCarrol Ranch and gathered what emotional strength he
had left and walked over to them. You guys are on your way to McCarrol Ranch? He asked.
Tears were rolling down his cheeks like a river.
Yeah, why? Clementine asked.
Thats where I work. Matthew said.
Howd you end up a hostage then? Lucas asked.
My dumb ass thought it would be a good idea to teach my girlfriend how to hunt during
the night. Matthew said. Thats when those freaks took us.
How long were you in that camp? Clementine asked.
At least three days.
Well, were leaving in the morning, if you want to join us. Andre told Matthew.
Matthew nodded. Im definitely going with you. He said. But right now I should get
some rest.
Im pretty sure the herd should thin out enough for us to leave in the morning.
Clementine said.
Good. We should all get some rest. Gabe urged.
I have no problem with that. Clementine said.
They laid down on the cold, hard ground and tried to get some rest. Clementine laid down
next to Lucas. The ground was hard, but at that point, it didnt matter.


Two hours had passed since they left the roof. The street was quiet and filled with
useless, broke down cars. They passed houses, gas stations, shops and pharmacies. They were all
abandoned, destroyed and some of them even had walkers inside. All Clementine could hear
were the rustling of the trees leaves and some birds chirping. On her hand, she had an energy
bar she had opened when they left the roof. Jaxon could smell it and he was next to Clementine,
hoping something would fall so he could eat it.
How much longer to this place? Andre asked.
Thought you knew where we were going? Clementine asked.
Hey, I just want to make sure. Andre responded.
Yeah, right. Clementine teased.
Its just through this trail. We need to be careful walking through the woods. Especially
since I see increased walker activity. Matthew told the group.
Lead the way. Gabe said.
Matthew entered the woods and everybody else followed him through the trail. Walkers
started to increase as they got deeper into the woods. They carefully walked through the whole
trail without any walkers noticing them. Clementine heard a lot of moaning and banging coming
from up front. Anyone else hear that? She asked.
We all do. Gabe answered. Can I just say I do not rate this idea at all.
If you keep quiet, we might be able to get there alive. Matthew said.
After carefully and quietly walking a few miles through the trail, they reached the other
side of the woods. McCarrol Ranch was right there in front of them. Clementines expression
quickly changed as she gazed at McCarrol Ranch.
Thats. Not. Good. She said.


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