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5 Ws and 1 H

Lesson Plan for Grade 2, Language Arts

Prepared by Ms. Pressley


Children will be learning the five Ws and one H. By knowing the questions and answers
to the five ws and one H, students will get a better understanding of the stories they


Common Core Standards for English Language Arts


1. Why do we need to be able to answer the 5 Ws and 1 H?

2. When do we use the 5 Ws and 1 H?
3. Can you answer the questions of the 5Ws and 1H?


1. I can answer the questions of the 5Ws and 1H.

2. I know what the point of being able to answer them for a story is.
3. I can use the 5Ws and 1H in any the stories I read from now on.


I will use a prezi to start the lesson off. After I finish, the students will complete the game
using whiteboards and the worksheet. They will then use their laptops to play the Kahoot
game I have made for them. All of which will be shown off of the projector/smart board.


I will use a formative assessment. I will have the students write two or three sentences
about the things we learned from the PPT and activities for the 5Ws and 1H.



1. White Board/markers
2. Pencils
3. Loose Leaf Notebook Paper
4. Laptops


Steps to check for student understanding

1. Call on students to answer the question What are the 5 Ws and 1 H?

2. Check and see if they can use 5 Ws and 1 H to get a better understanding of
another book (of their choice, that they have read).


To start todays lesson off, students will gather on the carpet and we will read The
Hungry Caterpillar. We will then return to our seats to prepare for the prezi
presentation on the projector/smartboard. I will explain to the children what the 5Ws
and 1H are. I will use The Hungry Caterpillar as my example for them.



1. Have you ever heard of the 5Ws and 1H?
2. If so, where?
3. Some students will have never heard of the 5Ws and 1H, so even if I have
students who know what they are, I will still start from the beginning to teach


1. We will start off by reading two books The Hungry Caterpillar and Horton
Hatches the Egg.
2. We will then view the slideshow
3. We will then try and answer the 5Ws and 1H questions
4. Then once we get the first steps over with we can continue with the rest of the


1. I will use the Hungry Caterpillar as an example.

2. I will answer the 5Ws and 1H for them.
3. I then will ask them them similar questions, to see if they can figure out the


1. To help guide the students I will put them in partners. I will read a second book,
Horton Hatches the Egg.
2. After reading, I will ask them to answer the 5Ws and 1H using Horton Hatches
The Egg.
3. I will then give them time to complete the worksheet.
4. I will be continually walking from group to group to make sure everyone is
staying on track and to help them if needed.
5. When everyone finishes they will separate from their partners and will start some

new activities.



Students will do two activities to understand the 5Ws and 1H.

The first activity will be a review game for the students. Who, what, where, when,
why, and how.

After reviewing, students make teams and are given whiteboards and markers.

Show your students an answer and each team will try to write a question for it. Students
should know basic questions for the answers, but to get a high score they need to try
writing different sentences.

5 points - The team has a complete sentence that no other team has.
3 points - Two or more teams have the same question.
1 point - The question is incomplete or has spelling/grammar errors.
0 points - The team wrote a question that doesn't relate to the answer or is just one word.
Just "Why?' is not acceptable for the game.

This game takes a while so maybe only 4-6 rounds per class.

The next activity will be a worksheet handout.


This worksheet will contain an anchor chart. The children will have boxes that say Who,
What, When, Where, Why, and How. The children will then use their library books to
solve the questions. (Independent Practice)

(They will use their notebook paper for this)




After we complete all the activities for the 5Ws and 1H, I will test the students
knowledge with a post assessment. The post assessment will be a Kahoot game on The
Very Hungry Caterpillar and Horton Hatches the Egg.

There are 12 questions that the students will race to answer.


EC: They will only be doing their independent practice alone. Everything else is
either in partners or group work. I would allow them to come to my desk with
their book and help them 1:1 with the worksheet activities.
ELL: I would ask these students simple questions all throughout the lesson to see if
they can answer them. I would also explain everything as simple and clear as I
can. I would walk around to each of these students and make sure they didnt
need help, or if they need it, help them, and that way they can learn just as fast as
the others.
AIG: With these children, if they finish early, I will have them help out their peers.
I will not give them extra work just because they are more gifted. I will put that
gift to work with letting them help other students.


I figure that this lesson plan will take over an hour. I suspect that it will take more than
one day (if we switch classes) to finish. Reading The Hungry Caterpillar and Horton
Hatches an Egg will take at least 25 minutes. The slideshow will take at least 10 minutes.
The guided practice will take at least 15 minutes (if not longer). The activity with the
white boards will take at least 20 minutes. The worksheets (both) will take them at least
20-25 minutes. The Kahoot game will take no more than 10 minutes. This lesson plan will

more than likely take two days to complete.


1. I will have students stop working and put all their materials away.
2. I will then have a class discussion on why we need to know the 5Ws and 1H.
3. We will end class by putting away our worksheets into the classwork bin.


1. The Hungry Caterpillar, Horton Hatches the Egg, rubric, and the worksheets
titled 5Ws and 1H.



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