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Singing strategy proposal

In order to raise the standard of singing in KS3, it is going to be necessary to give more time to
singing activities. This needs to be enforced further outside normal curriculum as there is not
enough time to make meaningful progress in both singing and instrumental playing during
curriculum lessons.

House strategy proposal

Each member of the Music team is assigned to a House - Amy (Shelley), Sarah (Galileo), Lucie
(Da Vinci) and Chris (Hawking/King) - with the fifth house taken by either Vanessa Bowers
(peripatetic singing teacher) or Oscar Wood (E13 Choir leader), providing timings can work.

The teacher would lead a singing assembly for Year 7 and 8 students (around 110 students per
house) once every other week. This could take place during normal assembly time, or,
preferably, during P6 on Wednesdays. Two houses could have their singing assembly one week
(one House in the Gym, one in the Assembly Hall) and three on the other week (third House in
the Sports Hall). HoHs could choose to dedicate some additional assembly/morning tutor time to

Once every half term, we can hold a singing showcase in the Agora where each House choir
performs one song all together, as well as sharing their own individual performance(s). This can
be judged by members of SLT to award House points, with the winning choir invited to perform
at the next big public event - whether that be the Chorus Festival at the Southbank or the Spring
Concert at Lister.

It would be an expectation that any House staff who support the singing assemblies (either
tutors or support staff) would take part in the practical activities, as well as managing any
behaviour incidents so that the lead teacher can be focussed on leading the singing.

Running this programme would mean that Music teachers who are tutors need to have a co-
tutor in order for other activities to continue.

Benefits of higher standard of singing

1. More confidence in musical activities

2. Singing assemblies are a way of reinforcing key vocabulary and ideas taught in lessons
3. Confident singing will lead to more enthusiasm and build numbers in our Choirs, which in
turn will raise expectations in other ensembles
4. Building numbers in Choirs means greater numbers involved in trips to perform at events

Benefits of House singing strategy

1. Competitive element ensures HoH and tutors have an interest in strategy succeeding
2. Each Music teacher has ownership over one House for singing which will raise
3. Running a singing assembly at the same time as at least one other House means that it
will be easy to share informal performances and so maintain high expectations and the
competitive element

Singing strategy in-class

Non-specialist singing music teachers need to have time for training in teaching and leading
singing. These will be run by Lucie Chapman and Jane Wheeler on repertoire, singing
techniques, warm-ups, engagement in singing.

LC to make a booklet of rounds and how to teach them, and relate them to the schemes of
learning as necessary.

ECaM tutors to have training in leading classroom singing in order to support the main teacher
in class.

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