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related to “Arbais invasions and occupations by foreign armies. Tyra was under the ‘ccupation of the Roman Empire for five centuries, from the second century 8¢ to the fourth ceatury AD. Then, withthe par- tition of the Roman Empire into East and West, it became part of The Byzantine Empire. After the fall ofthe Byzantine Empire fume the Ottoman Turks who ruled Albanian territories for ‘nother five centuries. Bach of these rulers left obvious traces in all spects of life including infuence on the language. Interestingly enough, Albanians, or their ancestor Myrians, had 2 marace their nfivence on the invading empires mentioned above, by pro- vidiag a number of emperors of yrian orgin ia the Roman Empire, sich as Claudiw I, Aurelian, Diodetian, and Probus, and by supplying the Ontoman Enpire with ver twenysve grand ‘sir of “prime minister’ of Albanian origin. The srugpe of “Abanians for freedom, in an sttempt to defend thet tetoris father than occupy new ones Was incessant, ADbaian reiance Jed by Ger] Kastot-Stenderbeu (Ceorge CasviotiScanderbg) ‘guint the Otoman Empire for twentysive yea, from 14431 1166, is fen cited asthe most brian chapter isthe history of “Albania. Many historians consider Seanderbeg ot only an Alban jan naonal hero but also a « European ber, or even the saviour ‘of Christianity, since he Kept the Turks engaged in battles in ‘Atbanin when they were a their most powerfl and could have ‘others easly penctated dep into Wester Europe. For this bbe was admired by te Vatican and Pope Nicholas V even called him “Atleta Crist. The Vatican later iso had a Pope of Albao- inn origin. Before the Ononan czupation Albani wes predomi santy Roman Catholic. At preset Albanians belong to tree ‘Sieret reigns ~ Moslem," Ortbodor Christan, and Cathal 1e should be pointed out tht thee ate no religious conics vwhasoever among albanians. Nationhood has alvays bea piven Poort. Tertoraly albanians belong to the” Mediterranean ‘world whereas culturally they are inclined to Europe. This 1 ‘ppored by the amount of Latin inuence on the Tanguage "The modern sate of Albania was procsined independest by -Albeians themselves in 1912 and was recognand as mach by the ‘Great Powers of Europe in 1913. In practical terms this did not ‘mean much because of Word War I and atempts by armies of the ‘eighbourag ations to dismember Albani. Albenia wat ruled by King Zog from 1928 sil 1939, when it was occupied by Til. Since World War Il Albani has had a communist regime a for iteentresons has msialy been iclated from the ouside worl. Signs of its gradual opening up tothe outside world ae evideat at present. ‘The most common words used to describe Abanias in general ange from borplabe, brave, honest and loyal, to stubborn, ‘uick-teapered and revengefl. The lack of «government of thei ‘vn for most ofthe time thoughout history has forced Albanians rnarace 3 to stick toa traditional way of living, respecting their own unwt ten laws, the most wellknown amoag which was the Code of [eke Dukagini, an “Albanian feudal lord and contemporary of Scanderbeg. This may have made it possible for Albanians to [reserve their national identity and their Language, but has atthe ‘same time kept them far behind in progress and other modern schievements (i these are to be considered areal values), ‘Over forty per cent of Albanians (out of around sx milion of ‘them) today lve outside Albania, most of them in Yugoslavia, in the Region of Kosovo, in Macedonia and in Monteoegro. There are also Albanian minortes in Taly, Turkey, Greece, USA and USSR. A good number of Albanians living ouside Albania are ‘bilingual or even triingual. ‘The written tradition of Albanian is rather short. The cates written documents date from the fteenth century and the frst ‘books published in Albasian were by various Roman Catholic cderict. These writings did not have much continuity tl he eght- ‘eenth century, but increased considerably in the nineteenth century. ‘There are two main dialects of spoken Albanian: Gheg, spoken in northem Albania and Kosovo, and Tosk, spoken in southern ‘Albania Come of the main differences between the two dialects ae given at the end of Unit 24). Until receny both dslects had theit own sandard varieties, Attempts to form a tingle standard variety began immediately after World War I, both ia and outside Albania. This aim wat accomplished only atthe bepining of the ‘seventies. Since then Albanian has had a single standard variety (ra ‘itera language’, asi called by Albanians. Concerning ‘the model of standardization, it should be pointed out tha i ‘neither Tosk nor Gheg, but a misture of the two, although it can ‘be noticed thatthe Tock element prevails in standard Albania, ‘The cuttvation of standard Albanian i fully possible ia Albena ‘but may be objectively less so outside Albania where it is either subordinate to or has to coexist with another offal language, as {s the cae in Kosovo at the moment. Contac between Albanians living in Yugoslavia and those living in Albania are now almost ‘non-ristent. Fortis reason the present book may bear character- istics of standard Albanian as cultivated in Kosovo, although attempts have been made to present everything within the norms 4 merce of the unified standard Albanian. One single defiance which 1am ‘aware of as to do with the length of vowels whichis not recog- ‘ized in standard Albanian but which I maintain to exist in the anguage Tt is ascumed that if one manages to lear standard Albian, local differences can be ena absorbed. “This textbook wat produced a result of my teaching an Alban- {an coune ot SSEES, University of Loodon, trom March 1986 to ‘March 1969. Alte units ncude ia this bok were ted ou 8 the students who took ths cours. This helped me 1o see beter ‘heir acl cals in Tearing the Iaguage and to improve the nis as T wea along. a the twenty-four unis i the textbook, 2 good number of ferent everday stations are included, loge with reading [usages and dialogues. Each uni includes «set of question and {xerces which are to be tackled bythe leamer om hier own. ‘The units ne followed by 4 few supplementary reading pusages ‘Abuse grammar of the language is gradually developed during the coure, and T have attempted vo preset the grament Eater fos simple wuy. A numberof tables showing the verb tystem ofthe language is given is separate append. A basic tocabulary of around two thousand words has been covered in the book. “The leerver is svied to go slowly through the units, especially it ete Is tying to Tear the language without the help of & teacher Finally X woud like to express my deep gratitude to all those ‘who helped and encouraged me while Iwas writing this textbook. Isa Zymberi Abbreviations idduulitdall ulti diate aaiedlisiatletteet.. aan w Pronunciation and Stress ‘THE ALDANIAN ALPHABET. Upper Lower Name Phonetic Upper Loner Name. Phonic Ce Gas Simba Cre Cam Smal s: Of N= @ H S$ fm ON a tm Io ¢ © @ Mm 9 2 oi ce @ mM F » ob 5 6 do ee I Pho Gy Rs) PS oe oe ae Be fi 8m s + 6 8 rot @ fm Go 64 mw Tt wo 6 @& hm mo we) yf em oot wo Be AUN arent + jw Ge tel ee Rit omni Hk OD ae og A Zk Mom to im mh th em) [As you can ate from the table above, there are shiny-ix Jeers iB Aivonian eed each of them represen « single sound. Nine Tener are digraphs, which means they are wren as » combi ftom of two consonans Dut are considered toe a single let. Tm the gictonary, digraphs fave Geir own place in the same way fs single lees, an appear inthe order shown above PRONONCIATION AND SIRES 7 NOTES ON PRONUNCIATION ‘The hese way to letm to pronounce Albanian properly ty fantoring the tape. Hower, he following explanation may be ep Vowel Sounds "Fach of the vowes can be elther short or Jong. Length willbe ‘shown by [] 0 the right ofthe phonetic symbol. In ortoereph, is eften wed atthe end of the word to iadicate the leagih of the previous vowel, asin Bet foie) (bv). Efe] is sila tothe fest vowel in Englch around when short “ind to the vowel of burn when long. Examples: pee [Pel on) ‘ne [b-n} (ron) “a [ei similar to the English sound in out hen i 8 show, oF fart when iti long. Examples: (al) (mountain) aan len (iy) [ee very snar to the English sotnd a in get, dead, st et. Tn Albanian aso bas long counterpart, © Tet Tle] (hee) ‘yah vel (ear) i} similar tothe English sound a8 in Bt, oF 25 mei is tour, Examples atk [rik] riena) pi i) (pain) [6] sina othe opi hot wn shor, nd ght when fag, asap sett) Co) tox ho won [8 sina ote Eoplah th whe stot, and sn Jong, Examples: ei show bl WD ue (i i Bp) Ti ound dos not xis in Engh J snare rach eon nue, ce he armen sod inn, To pric wr 3 reoxuneIsTion AND STRESS making this sound, make the poston with your mouth a8 when Jou make the Engish sound [o] 35 in moon and try to make the Mot fas io mean, You can do the same with pool and ped Examples pall IL] eres) sigue [JL] (column) Consonants “The folowing consonants ia Albanian bb] § [UJ]. (0s a ih J fm fn), moe Isla (7, wos ee) ad ah [5] The the fitel Engi sounds 30" the following, words ook, ‘hutch foot, go, es, mime, ae sip, ship, van ude, 20, and the lat fe Like then pleasre. Exampes be [ose Gal) send [sen] (hin) [hal hat) Shes [Jel] guar) A (is) vg [ul] (oa) ssh (iN) (nee) up [5p] (pocket) Je Ge 2 [ail (ack) me fre] (it) rr [ur] (ns) ve (ase (bie) ppl Ld, [4] and k [x] are pronounced ke thes English Bounterparts but ste aot aspirated even when they ae in a nil fpstion, Thoy are sindar top, (snd kin spel, sip and sn Rosie sso thot tf and @ (a Albasiaa are pronounced with the tip ofthe tongue touching the back of the upper teeth and fot os in Eaglsh with the tp of the tongue striking the teth- fidge, Examples ‘amie [pare] (view) task [tf] 0) ok [kl (eat) rj [nis pronounced lice the inal sounds in the English word ter, Example: set [nen] (ran) fh) i very similar to the Eglo in hot, de ts, Example en um ose) th fo) and a (0) ze similar 19 English in think and ehey, atin ‘ttanian these two sounds tend to be more interdetaly tt iy = PRONUNCIATION AND STRESS. 9 ‘you put the tp of your tongue between your sth, Examples: um (ume) (tng) fe [de] and) 18 pronounce simialy 101 in ea or lang, wnereasW (L fore ike the nal sound in Bl, hall etc. Examples Inf Del (some) Mj (Lo) kind) “r [i]s single til similar to the Scots pronunciation of F, Ipheters r= [R] involves more thn one wi, Examples, rast [ast] (occasion) raf (Raff) (pain) [sl x pronounced by tying to produce atthe same time the founds [H]and[s), wherem x [de] is pronounced by tying to a the same tine the sounds [4] and [2]. Example: “ei (sk) (Poin) a (ea) (park) 4.) and i] are so costnante tat donot extn Enh ‘hh evs ou can got by one Ene words for thir promuel fone wn mature fr Us, tl du i enare o the second Examples se [20] (en) i bu) re STRESS Ingen in Albanian the main ses als om the ast word of “phe on the lat stem of Sompound word and on the st Se of polylaie word. Alou Gs ols Tor he vast Majong of words ia Albanian, some of them do aot obey thi fener pin. ‘As ll rthoexampls given athe ed of tis sexton, which sea help you for wore encal pate, you shuld alo remem ter the flonine 40) Te most frequent derivations] sues are sessed when they are added 1 a word, thus forming new stems. For example: pins + lie = pie ork er = worker “The main sizes of pimé becomes secondary ater the suit te ‘is tdded, and bere is marked by the grave accent . The main rss is marked by the acute aceent ‘Notice that inthe main = 10. raawwncianion AND STRESS sisionary the secondary osent i pot marked tl “The same happens wth compound Wows, ef mer gas = romeegiee heart + broad = generows Here are some other derivation sulies wich are sessed “eh rt sin, ah de st, ad ht (which has the feminine equivalent hte) ‘Among unstressed desivatonl suffixes ate: as, can th, sn je, Bs, 0, ose, she () Most inlexona slizes, wich when added to the word pro- face new forms (not new toms), are unstressed. Only the noun ‘ural endings “nj, nj and rin), which are cathe tate, are Rresed. Note the change of sires in the folowing common Ipords whieh do not follow ths general rk Timi + nj = lamba} (rverbver) Lop + i= akong (cbs) rit i) pita (rerpriss) Fra ~ t© mid) (be) (mas. sip!) fee ~ neh (big) Jor sing 2) fe hege— W Regin (bad) Yom sng.) () The deine stile, which in Albanian is added tothe end of fhe noun, i no sessed (@) When & i nota means of iniesing the length of a previous Yowel and i pronounced inthe Anal positon, iti usually tress. (only indicates the length of the previous vowel for Speakers of Ghog, one ofthe two main dnkcs of Aberin) Sady the following st of words grouped according thet stress: Pans Escepon i phegale) {DU Cow) sae seat cy ce (be) a (ha) HONUNCIATON AND HESS IL ake cabbage) te (copper) soni (mca) sakéer(coseyed) nat (ater) (Du pl aba) al (brother) ert (man) (but ps mje) ‘et (hophord) at (cfs) mune (mse) ‘étll epebron) gel sh) take (ower) se (bride) ft (rin person) tht (and) angi (Aragon) ‘Bhs Grind) Tal nterbufalo bul) inguin (penn) You may fnd it ficult to remember al these detail ight from the begining, therefore you ae advised to check the Wores for sues in the tain itionary at the cod f this book Unit One =v SITUATIONS tonite = ine @ pou? A: "Tuogatjta! Une jam Besniku. Pot? 2: Une jam Bess . weston marker & Smo (On po. ne) Pp = 5 th (nase) Me this Gem) ent seat (re) dente ent Jem) evi ht nae) si Sei that em) Ac A je 1 Marku? 3: Po. une jm Mark, Ky és Dens. Denis tabs student Kjo tae Nora, Nora ese studeae. Aj Eh oni. Ajo eshte Bat ie 20 Kita hese (ase) po kia? ‘what aout them?; what about these? jn te (Ont pors. pl) me wie ia they (mane); those (rac) ¥ ao they (fem) those (em) Je youl) AA SE ao Ala? Jo, ajo uk ahs Alia. A: PO kets? ‘ta nok jané me ne, A: A ja at me jo? 4 Jo, stale jad me ve. a ow ‘hum very; much ‘aire well Aalerndecit thanks A Sije, Mak? B Shane save. Pow? A: Mire, flemaderi teed (om) line tied Gem. ot.) tired (ras) tied (mse: pl.) these Gem) irs AA} at, set ok, Betie Mes i a ri € Denis jane tla. jimd Keto vajza me ju? Jodha, W GRAMMATICAL PATTERNS The Present Tense of the Verb“ be Be = nN ie Ju jeni ht. x es = vw one 13 — 4 ont owe mn DIALOGUE Pari Mark Pew: Marta Para Marka Perit: Markie Peri Mark Pet Marks Pat: Mark Peat Mark Pert None Mark Peo: Nore Perit NB PRISHTINS Milita, Une jr Pew. Po ti? Unt jam Mask, Sije, Mani? Mir, falemadert, po 1? ‘Shams mis.» Veto je? To, jam me ei shot © shooe. {joni W githe nge Londra Jo te ghibe. Disa jemi nga Londo, sis nen Oafor Sa vo fei Shinty eee Xhonl. Xoo! debe student ng Londra, Kio hte Nore, Nora sts student mga (rotor. Te iho jemi stent dhe unt jam sodent. Po ata, me ju jane? 3, ata nuk jané me ve i ome ere? Mesh Rivard, Bei che Dens jad nt hoe. Jane sume t loch. ‘Ak je i tohur ti? So, nk jam | Hod o't, Nor, 2 jee lodhur? 4am paktr, por jo shun. ‘A Gane Pisbtina qytet | mah, Pest? 5p, Pasian uk ete gyte adh. Ese get i oad Ja jo eae rag year Aisi Pak lute Flori Ajo Geb stoi fore ‘Banks eshes Ko ket? Py Ho Ket she Dank A je Est teat. in Peihina s9ed afternoon (i. good day) wen el lone ‘ends (mase) fends fom) : imclane h apm 1 me) cs ma - ay a ey ans =. Set ude (mae) ‘aoe ste Ge 7 tie ae seo eatin = Ee ej rote oo = “ hte (oi) me Be Poon Sas oer faa Serene) ‘x eed Bs nae oe See - magen) aa enti Fast of Pisopy ‘one ea tee peas om) eae = i = sh me — ae tert eee shew Zea vi exencises (0) Anewer the following questions on the dialogue 1S ete Maa? ‘2 Ku Bhi Marka me din Shokt dhe shoge? 16 wwe ove 3 A exh Marku student? 4 Si studeaté aga Dries ¢ Mache (Great Briain) jon né Prictine? 5 A janet git nga Londra? (A exe Marka i Jodhur? 7 eee Norn ¢ loa? 8 A jané Riad e Denis tf lodhor? 9A jane Meri Betit8lodhura? ku jane aio? 1 Po Rigard Denis? 12 A exe Pett stent? 1 A came Pristina gyet | madi? 14 Po Londra? (@) Bilin the blanks: (6) Misia, Brenda ‘ We je ay Aaron. jt Ayre? Chi fok re. lender Vein je ne Prine? Jon jmyoe = iki. shokE e shoe. ie ane ere? Te pect pot. hah © Pa iii, ak Adio. unt da shots © sage eh Brana © iahe yo. Nora. py» ae Desi Ro. eeme men 2176 ete Ra ai tie Sh ? Sento pest va Aaj hee ys = Loge She al ‘Lone, «= 4y jpn i nr Ot cane. gifet.. i vost, Kio eshte nfl. Ke Keven Si ¥ var ove 17 teak ei Fa fe ei ire. Je) Di_ suse che swiene nen Briana ¢ Mosne erst. ot une, ‘Me Tank tne Gea) (ois, oun 8008, en) oti, Di oe aa See An eet ee sis Nera pot mea rom) sk Seine Ne eo ee one sei lotr: None tte eur Neh pets olin on at wean. fet Bren we nov ss nA £ 1 am 2 1 come from London, 3 London is big tows, 4 Oxford is not a big town, Oxford is 2 small town '5 Nora comes from Oslo 6 Mark comes trom London, A hté* wfoaent 7 Me isu scent. 8 Richard and Deaais are students to. 9 Nora and Mary are students. 10 Nowa i tired, Mary ie not “AL Botty and Nora ato ted 1B Mark i not very tied 13 Dennis and Richard ate vexy vce. “Bret wih some tens rom Grea, Briain. GAH we elba shete aye (our name). A = Malle G) Mike sentences using fst the domonsratives ky, WJ, Kita, ito, then ay ajo, a, at: Exanple: Marka Ky eshte Marka, Ai Gd Mark Nora Rigarc Swadent Stucente Stusente Hote! Reuga kyresore Banke ‘Sbkolle Unit Two W SITUATIONS hat the father * {your Grit mse, sing. nouns) in thy Gwth mar ng mows) a ‘hat mike doctor 4: A ee iy baba yO 4: Bo, ky ese abel im. A: Ces babal yt 2 Baa ones jek the bas on our (ih fom. sng. ms) tote, biter, ime {Ey (oth fom sng. nuns) Ihe der hh owtmenton i wt honour may you ts) A: A BME bj canta jote, mre? 4 Po, xo ese gana ime. Falemndert 1A: Me nder goth s T usin 019 sta the broiber Tart Petits (ollring mase: notes) otra the sister esr Peuirs Yollowing fom. now) 1 Zanis Zam's Golloving mae. mows) ina the mother Zanes amas (following fem. nouns) “ky see wa Pet, ‘jo GME mua c Pest ‘Bi Osh baal f Zant ‘jo taht nena © Zante, ket the pencil isa ce (with mase: nouns) it is (wih ase. aus) eto the notebook ew is (wih fom. ours) esi hee (with fom. nouns) Ay A taut ky lps i 337 7B Jo, y oul hi lps sj. Ky sh lps i A: A tat ko fetorae ti? Bs Jo, Kjo nuk sh eto) e i. Kjo did Aetorja e sj, “IV GRAMMATICAL, PATTERNS Parsessives sho n/t 1.8) amy your I his her (bos)fiend singin ine fjote fe sah my {your fis hor Giepiiona Tai FA 14 Markt Zant ; ‘Apis | Ma's {Zane father inne Agimite Mark ¢Zants Agi's Men's (Zanes mother ‘Notice the use of | and e here. Nouns are either mascline or fesivine in Albian; is ured when the object one posses is “}miscaline noun and e wsad whon the object one posses i 4 feminine noun. Notice aso the endings added to the proper 2) use wo ‘nouns. These ste genitive case endings, which are explained more fay io Units 4 ae 5. Numbers to 100 1 aie 2 eymbschjt 30 ridhjxt 2dy BB trembedhjews «0 dyzct, 23 elena yl Gem) 14 katermbeahjext 50 pesedhjtd ‘4 iater 1S pesembechjere 60 shashredjeté 5 paw jabiiebedhjote 70 staedjee 6 git AT sheatembedhjete 80 tetddhjett 4 snate We terembedhjere 9%) neatedjete wee 19 néntémbedhjew 100 oesind 9 neate 20 njzet 10 dhjott 21 mpaat e aie M1 njembedhies 22 apzete dy 23 mje: e tre Notice the structure of umbers from eleven #9 ainetee: je — bi — anjtt Definite and Indefinite Forms of Nouns In Albanian the definite ancle ooo #4 4, a for masculine nouns, and'-()a for feminine nouns, and is added the noun, ‘Hom. For example ‘puet_ (2 tov) yet _ (the tom) sok (2 fend) Soka (the fiend) Take (a bak) tuk (ihe bank) Notice the difeence in the forms of the following nouns: Masculine erin Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite (our sion) (+ sea) (oun stem) (“i ayiet, yee anke banka ole ok shege ——_shogia fakulier fakultet mus mga babe babs Shkont hla vel wells eat ee ¥ ee “up tapi mower mora Spark esr Zane Zana ‘Agon— Aproni Tee Tew Mack Marky Dri Dri Ojsiord ——_Okslordh Prisuiot Pristina ‘pres Praca! onder Londra “prom the above list you can see that proper eames in Albanian fine a defiite form too. Notice aio some ofthe changes which oscar when the definite sin is aced unit +a ~ banka (8 is dropped) shoge + 4 = shoaja fej] “aoter + = mot (8 droped) “ate information on Defitite and Indefinite Forms wil be given ‘Te Perit end, eta and dia shok& dhe sboge nga Anglia ‘jo ese na ime, Mite se vii. Urdheront brenda Jvedne dst anctare 16 famijes. Kj eshte motra fimo ¢ vogdl, Zana, Ky eshie vlaiim i madh, Agron Zana tsi mxénése, kare Aproni Ete mick ‘tun, ju tem. Ku och bab [NG shkol Cesta Mesves Po nen jot, mesuese ste? Jo, na te nuk Ess mesuese, Ajo ese amv Se neje je, Zane? Sam sa vege Sa vey esl Pe A eS njzet ep Sujet Zana este axenese AEs Zana onentse © mite? Peas ‘Ne: Pest: Nem “Deni: Pema : a E HT Fy 22 unm wo Nena Po, shunt ¢ wie Bet ‘ane, ese soli ote lag men sepia? Zana 4a, skola ime chil shure ar Bets ‘Seveta joni ne Ela? Zane Ne klast joni widhjte ve ert Si van je? Zana: Jeni hatfmbedhjet raj dhe jentimbedhjote jem Vocabulary ‘natin England mi svn swetome (pl. (doo rend ‘ome inside neta rmembers We tami ofthe fonily —) lie em.) tatnioe opi Gen.) une Whereas ln Sit down ji ater, please (9) rtevee fwacher (maze) ‘adsvere teacher (om) aoe hoosenfe lee fe? low old are you? (em. sing.) sa iee tow old ate you? (eas. ng.) see this year ‘00d (fem) Occupations ‘The forms ending in - are the feminine forms Iunkiere ‘banker ‘shot diver Imchinire—_engineee epuneve clerk pnlore worker fodarie journalist, 7 sie “pensive pensioner melanie mechanic Gimarerie —Wutevesivess — murator ——rcklaper Maresmes —businssman—ndtimtar_——_ builder [eietarfe secretary fatermierle une pencniie —greengocer—bukipjeis baker prmacke — Phisrnciuchemist sikrimtafe site minile——popil IW/ EXERCISES IG) Anover the quesoos oo the disap: 1 Geshe bata Pett ‘2A tse baba j Peuitit ot sept? 3 Ku cane a? GA ssid nda e Petit mésuese? 5 Geshe sor GA teh ajo nb shi 7 ust Zanat 8 Sa sepe eh ajo? OA eshte ajo xendse © mire? A Gite shkollc Zanes larg ng espa? TA Sih welt § mad 4 Pett sosinir? 2 Geshe ait (2) Fi in the bins GAL Won, vein jae... dion... stoke. be Boge ryan Angas BME sel Vink TAMRON. bends, Choi, a4 Jalen 4: fa san ae 1 Faro, Aer Ae. gts (© Ki ese sepia... Pt ey eat aber i Monessen ets eae sents, 24 uN Two Vas adh oo. Fess Penida nit Three ‘jo Gabe sho... Zant (©) ALA gah shkota joe. IB... ng ship ave hone Re “A: Sa veta jeni wi ae ita : gu sruarions a Sie 1B den aged vepane Ap dan ee) (eae Ki... te tbe ee = ee Baw 2 st wien Ffoak Ka tne (0) Transate ito Engl Petri dhe Maria and shold, Petr sb student nga Prt fee eed See OSs er coore tee antes eee Dam cated Seka cham tole neiese met nears | aN Pee eat eee tetera eer gt a Petit, Zana, jane 88 shifp- Babal | Pout nuk ese ne ‘hpi Al eshie mesues. Ai esbié me shoe. Vela | mah Pout, Agron, eshte mjek. Mota e yout e Petit, Zana, fe nienee. Ajo eahte btn jege Ajo noe eae Oe Shi, Shas e Znbs hts ar. Zana Ssh acbadse © Fos Coe anes ashe pe me a gear ores taal as ro Resse uae cen ee ee nc mas ae ere ee eee re 26 ner mee ska what oben doing; you (sine) are doing po ponen ‘working; you (i, afe Wocking Tepe eden ‘A: Cha po ba Besniku? 3: Bo punon ne Kops 1 GRAMMATICAL PATTERNS ‘The Prownt Tense kam (hme) (a) kam (Se) emi ro) ke Gy) kon (airajo) ka (aula) ane fas (pea) (ne) tas We) ‘asin a), Het Gs) fis (Atajo) tet (lA) asia hem (0 om called, my name lb) (Wo) “quien” (Ne) ‘quem a, fet) ‘hen (aiiajo) — quiet (AtatAto) gabon by (dommatey (um ba (se) bee iro Sen Gu) beni (ailajo) én (AtwAt) —bejne puna) (work) (une) poco (NO) penojme a ppunon Ju) pont (AvAjo) —punon——(AWAta)—_punojne ‘Notice the simlartes between Kam and Jam. Here ae some other verbs which conjugate like pun apo} (understand) one rinse 27 () isa) (ive) earn: eae) Fee ak for verbs ia Albonia the fst peron singular ofthe “Tene i wed t the citation form (ue. the form ited a Interrogatve is incited either by patng the interrogate ‘in font of the Yer by imenation, ©: ‘gp? or Ft sig? Do you speak Albsaian? x negative fs formed by putting one af the negative parties BF sin front of the verb, e. Mas anglsht or Sas englsht I don't speak Engish PASSAGE E NORA E DRITA ka njé shoge nf Prien. Shogia © Norés qubet Det Dri Jane osha. Ato jane shoge shut 8 mira Co ‘ojos nrtjetéa, Kate vere Nora eshié mysare © Sot ajo shkon me autobus nga Pristina nf Prizen. hue aie qytct | vogel por shume i bukur. Frndert 98 abe. Ala jan shorn mikprites. Dita ka dy vllexte motte. jes vla i sa quhet Yiber. Ai hie farmacit ‘Bf baratore.Tjett qunet Agim. Ai eshie mesucs mols ¢ Drie guhel Fatmit, jet quet Bards. Bardha fiintse kurse Fatirja Es mjeke he punon a pita ia Gane e maruar, Buri { sj, Skender, hte pktor 4 Skender kant dy fei, Ala jetoine nb aje bane Ta Gane anion. Ajo eshte stadene Jetrsse, Dra eshte ‘Aj gas onto o ubts angle. Nora maison shaip, s¢ Dil meson angli, Nora hupton ngs pak sip, por aak rig, Kur jnt nf rizr, Nora e Dita fsa shqip. Kur joné Anal, xo Masi ang 28. sn mee sie rte 29 Vocabulary es and Provinces Naionatites Languages smosbalare ‘Definite forms se indicated with the names ofthe counties. "rms ending i -e are the feniine forms) smmer ‘bona ptr sip faah other Gem) Bigia helo at is 4 eve Meas pest (nas) Le Caechinaia toate pie (em) Deamait Since Soa toaey tment = Eieaeit Ramat eta ‘re toca the pres female eau me helndle alah eG tomes tape ‘newer owe 9 (rae) oe ee Sent top fies eer the omer (ae) a Been eee one (of) Gem) Soh Sovet Usion rae =a the othe Gem) San commie Sanka angi Sheen seve ei, sacs Swiactied rate the heand Taney er urge ner Unie sites smerane gt Eu ren they te Yuppie pate Engl Engishoan Soe Sse srtorotin English; Engishwoman ove oso of (2) meta ovate rohodnede ‘Anson (mee) coos ete serotraion ‘Atlan Vom) Senn ioe othe Bowls and bale serbokrutt eo Piiiecegsrine Hercegovina —_—hercegorasle ee ea: Moncacyo malin serbkrotst owe «Maceo sagehe aged {tm tom wheve pr wen : 30. unr eer 1V/ ExERcises (U1) AAnsver the questions on the reading passage: 1 Nan hte shogit ¢ Norts? 2 81 quiet ajo? 3 A fine Nora e Drlts meshatare? 1A jane ato shoge t€ mira? 5 A cate Dota angleze? 6 A eshte Nora shaiptare? 1 Ku shkon Nora 3017 4 Sishhon Nora o@ Przren? 9A kane peindert © Drtes bance? 10 Sa veer ha Dri? 1 Si quien aa? 12 Geshe Vibert dhe ku punon ai? 13 Ceshte Agim? 14 Se sot a Dit? 18 Si quhen ato? 6 Gshid Futmija dhe ku punoa ajo? 17 Geshe Bara 418 A she Farmiga © marwar? 19 Si quhet burt sa? 20 Sa femié Rane Fate Skenderi? 2A kane ata she? 22 A cable Nova siden © etre? 25 A eh Dri stadome o ete? 24 A mon Nora shai? 25 A fet ao sap” 1% Si fain Norn © Dri kur jané a Pron? 27 Si fas ato kur jt! a Angi? vyrr ixee 31 Pinen 5h Kar jem 8 Ang sin Nora tats wey Muse an « eteisé. Une st (he brother) Drs iter dae isi wlla” i Drités shld fammacst, hurse See meses ‘motir € ahi mice, hues HjetraeSht oxdnd, wa € Drits, Fara, he sacar, “quot Skeader” AL ese “ oimila'e Skender kat dy © Drie ne Praren, Ate kan Agim, Unt ‘Att Ara + bukur Gre). sentences using the given example as a mode: snéfaps ‘Une Kam je Taps. Ky st lps im ailetore; ashes shok; ajlshoge; ete, into Enis (2) Bilin che blanks am dy shoL# al Prishind. Njei hid studoat dhe gubot @ ke. shoo ime, Nara. Ba Kure tr ie mjek dhe quhet Oazmend. atin Now. hoge shame 18 tien” Ne jem Ssh student i juhts fenge, por ai meson edhe angish. Al Nore ne ship. pork Studeat shame i mté- Gazmendh puson ne aj spl -_ i. Unb he Nora gd vee item Kor 22 unm pou (6) Teast into Alba 1 live in England. 1 am English and 1 apeak English, [am learning Albania. I do aot speak Alenian well but I under slond litle. I have a fen Albanian fonds. They ive ia ‘Kowova, goto Kosovo every summet. Ihave friends in every town in Kosovo, Some speak English lie, some do not speak Engin, When Iam ia Kosovo, I peak Albanian. Unit Four my struations east who ie howe BL zanes. ‘AL E kaj Ese hj Motor? 1 Gena. at hich: who (oase:) ln Stich: who (fm.) AL Gli abe shoka | Rigi? BA ae 4; Gl ete shoaia © Merit? 2B: jo ke ‘mir Four 33 the dog the blsek one (mas) ‘he tite ome (ase) shor vith Petrit (prep. + cx) ‘eshte Denis? ist eens me Petitn, eee me Zanén jane Nova ¢ Dita? ‘me Markun. jane Mente Best Tunes the: afterwards (iyou sing) eat; Geb) eats sou (pi) eat they eat hme deeke, pasta pusoj. Ku ha dele 1? pi. Nuk ha deeke é restorant. Petri ha deke ne ni ju drokd ne restorant? 1 Ala han dreke retort 34 uni Four 1 GRAMMATICAL PATTERNS. Nominative, Accusative ond Gestion of Singular Nowns Below are given the nominative, accusative and genitive forms, ‘oth dette and indeilte, af some words you already know. Nominative “Accusative Genitive vox our 35 uy DIALOGUE NORA NE PRIZREN Nand, sesh oro? Dit. Po sik) ne stacionn ¢autobustve. Sot vjen Nora ‘Ani, ij ime. T shko nesta, © une po be} (Subject ere) (Objet casey ———_Psetve case) rete gat, ust u He haje i ‘in We ot ‘ies se von, Nore. oh tn He ses rit, une fs shame pak ship. Cka dubet them? Indefinite “Thus Mine sew ge Nominative Accustive Genitive ‘Mizde € gle, De. Si jo? ‘a stdene aj sadent Ae nj sudent Shins mise. Po i? (a sok I shok e ne shoku ‘Mid jam, por pak ¢ lodhur ‘ai valet Ane valet ie nj vajze "Tash shkojmt a0 ships dhe pushojms. ‘eyo singe ae shoge ie njestoase A ese ship jte lars? Jo, hte shume slr. Shkojé me kémbe. Per pesd Dafne " ‘mina jer ate Nominative Accusative Gentve or vais ime bts rend, student studeatia We sodeatit ‘Shon ngadale. ‘hoke an i sok ‘ba san We sats Mins «even, None, toate og ie shoqes rit Mire 2 ju ie}. joni? Past Pert We Petite Miré jemi. Po ts ‘Move ‘Mark ie Market Shin’ mie tama Zante Hs Zante Nene, Nora tse pak © lodhur. Po shkojme ne The Present Tense of ba ond ij © pustont pak. ey Ja, Kea Ken i dom ties ese a au Atj Est han. Poss hte Kuzhina be dhoma im a aw ‘uni (AVA) (Awwato) ant jo eshte tyeza. Kj. este Gi ‘arpa, Drtarja shikon ng3 kop. " Dri, droka exe gat om wy ww ime ‘ado = oe ee al a ‘Ani, 8, ta8b po wie ede (AA) en (awa) sine te hour; the wath; the clock ‘progresve porcle Tam going bos ention ste bus sation a ign ‘he daughter ry duper Tame making ready that ‘should, tis necessary (9) 9 ny! ie 10 be here (i. may 1 find you wel) foot; ke on foot for in ve minutes the suites heavy slowly wit ‘come! bedrooms the bathroom vost sour 37 ald blanket the table the chair the window Took the garden So tsb ora? ‘A tie sepia © Dries larg? Si shkojae Nora e Drta nf shepi? A tah waa © Drs o rend? Su dhoma t Gees kane pint © Dis? 0 Gka ka Nora i dhomen © sj? at doll? 12 Ri sion age? 38 uN Fou () At NEob, Nor eat «lodhur. Po shkojn oe Th B: Avi, | ie. J 6 woe poe bei at (A: Dit, ret et Beis, J nos. Tash po edhe (6) Bil inthe blanks wit the appropriate intrronatve (et, se, ka, He kt, 8, coceveese ces kon a Priaten sot? = Nore Shon Noss Preven? ~ Me autobus * eae ora? ~ tt ‘hte gent x? = 1 2 fave Hy lap? — 1 Petri eshe mus ote? ~ E eza shit kj shits? — E Guna. Maku? ~ Me Petr ‘Bhi Kj fore? ~ Eas shoase 3 ‘ims shogj ote? ~ Student : 2 po ba Betrii?~ Po pamon nf ops 1 2 3 5 4: a a 3. rc a (4) Change the following sentences 3 inthe given example cal Ma «Peo ton. ap Marks po let sholp mie Petra (Woe that nouns following me rake the accusative ending) 1 Nora e Drits po sbkojné ne steph 2 Beli ¢ Denst po hane dicks, 3 Agroai © Gens po pushoje nt kopsht wie sh po miso sap. 6 Nota e nena po e Bene dren gt 4 gan © Marku nuk po fos. | Meri, Bet ¢ Riana po pushojns 5 rita e Nora jane meshatae 1 Gene e Zana shkojne ne sho ‘ont roue 39 5) Put the nouns in brackets in thar posesve form: 1 Ky 4shté Iasi (ni shoge) 2 Kjo ese motrs (je shoku) 4 Alo ests shila Ze) > 5 Shep (mtsues) 6 Burn (Fatmire) » 7 Vall (nj shox) Detara (eboms) open (Fatmin) ‘Valshi (Nora). shit © vont ‘ae © madbe ese f buku 2 tah e re slate Ino English: ‘Nora dhe nb Prien. Ajo thé te shoajee sj, Dita. sispi jane weit Nora, Drta de néna e sj. Baba uk eshiéné sei. Motra¢ Dts esi ten shoe. fe Dales edte nf kuz Ajo po © ben deeken pu [Nora ashe ne chomé me Dritea. Ate po pashoj. ate into Albian: Js ten dock now. At (nt) eleven T um going to Oxford by bus, I have a few fiends there, They ate all sident te very hospitable, Oxford is a beau town and it Unit Five sy srruarions 12 detoe rank (ase: py ‘sees (ie tk tatene cafe met sreie me 2m fl tee te (lL + poe fom) tea 0 you know Dy i deur bsedojoe 8 je talon: ‘A Me fal, a ae Os? Po A: Frlemadet try (0 wis; at any ep ima Sema oute torah erin keg Cam omy Kon time Inlonhert Wate some other tine Ec} te sho) ne Kinomsoata. A. jen ce ti? 'B: Me jen keg, por auk kam Kobe. Shkojmé ndonjheré tts. pe wy Fees bored (mse. sng.) int (ve) stay sae nothing 2G kendo shal Tsing you... ? ngs rong, ‘anya tem please don’ sing.) 1 shin ball we go fora walk ie tote eal ork supper Wham dake? shal we have supper? cay then lets ae for, about rime ku © sbi ase 18 kéndoj at binge? se het, ej thers? bisedjme. oa? swe shall do Tomorrow ‘we shall walk the day after tomorrow wil you come T skal ome ‘we shall travel togeter un mie. Do 6 udhttojnd ashi. you (pL) want to drink 42 ox me 1 GRAMMATICAL PATTERNS ‘The Present Tense of di, ee end doa “The serbs bind (lL), hia} (wish, am), ond peso (ih) conjugate inthe tame wayne the veh pane Here are some verbs ‘which ve diferent pitterns forthe present Cease @ (lnow) wa (No ins ry ae (WA) ak (Aww aint “The verbs pl (drink) and rt (ay) conjugate Hike a i (al) (ome) a wo im a, teen ow fal (UA) ec (AWWA) en po bedonin pr jetén ve beaks ‘Meri tha Se po te Kise pasur mundésl ajo © ksh jenir sith no ies, Agron th so jta 08 bjeshke dsb shure Emiré por stoi wea edhe vésMires Ai epyeti Mera nese do 48 jtonte ne bjshie giate cimrit kur ka shume bore dhe ben Shon (tots; Fue din pjose moeten me jas te tolara ters “Meni mendoi pike dhe, kare keto! fobue, tha se din nuk te front ne beste ara se arsinin ne hotel, (takuan Markan © Pts, fark: Ku tht? INE kinems se Sian troguat? Néosha dot ksh ard edhe ne. Ndoshs dot kshin adn ede t foret. Se kishim ndériend ee sikonim a8 ne. Rasch ws fakuam me Apronin. Ai na tha se ndosha fm so cise inferesant per ne dhe ns proporoi 3 shikooim. Ta dnim se po shkonim né kinema, é0 Pu eregoriant gjiheve. te Nemuna kite hi esther te burs, Ede une e Pte po bsedonim per jest, por j per Bjestkat e Nemuna. Po bisedoai per Bre ‘ovitn,Peti thts se do 8 she mire shonin re Brezovi# né iA pte Dae, Do te tse mire #8 skojme t= shana her ab Iéngies dhe 1 srimb dor te dilén né mbremie, Keshto dot kithim mundi © héaagoshim pak nf shuomé aj, Un dua beset shome,sdomos fe vere kor me ehte foe Do w shohim pas 1 bisedoime edhe me 1 vere. ‘The Accused Mountains specially str rovaren 135 3 5 Po 1 wisi foropara (camera, a yaaa foroprali obra Ket. (88) ree 66 Po te kishim ogre darks, ea ni soe ay & ae 7 Po w mos me due puro, se shirt, a | ry Lee 15 Po te mos kitha nevojé per para, suk - oo fare. (pun) a 9 Tete mE em, th it ism mC it . Ee 10 Te isin me (eit Meso a NB. New vocabulary needed for Exercises 3, 4 and Sis given ater each exerese 1) EXERCISES (6) Match the two balves of the following sins () Ano the following questions onthe sending pose: 1 Po isha tur 2 Poe ha fuan 1 Kush ite nine? 3 Po at ha Bete 2 Cm sikvan? 4 20 wis gamer 5 Aw ptges fi? 5 Pow aha lle 4.Gks © pelgew vesanéishe? 6 Po i sha 208 5 Cha tha Mori pr bane 7 Po w sha ume 6 A do te jetnte ajo ne bjs edhe gat dit? 8 Po. aha fuse 7 Poe? 5 Pot ha ot 8 Me Xu tahun duke sbkuor hotel? 10 Po 18 isha die 9 Per oka po tnedonin Mark ¢ Foti? ae 10 Grain Men? Po (@) Complee the folowing seatenos withthe Present Conditions : 9 Fi usta ofthe verbs in brackets: © do a wnt go oe es Te ksh kone print. (a) ‘ 140 8 tambo peace ime tna ate iW vid noe : 1 dota roa zene t so ta praca ithe bot, 1 Tu die 00 8 ie, ee ty. (0) fi “eo tf fija me gengi. 2 Sikur te hike Rohe, 28 mo} spam i ote Rendon go. mos. {alloy i do 16 sarperoja nope fos. 3 Po fina mire sbi, ner hat i “te vallesja me henén. (cheap K 1 Sou baja Kestkogen 4 Fo te kishte mitt enough) pare, Ne H $o ta perdorja elnin slajim gd vit. (koi) 136 ner pours a buttery ion bee stake field volt fawn Gem. dn feed sting arm (6) su seni i a Tab ‘ales dance bey a ‘on Kisutags, 0 Red Riding-hood prder we fel oe poison (fam. in pt) Reading comprehension Denis sot pat dy befasi pér gran e ti Ai kb bles 32 ‘ote te perdorur dhe aj sap vette. Dens dhe rusia ft} u misen me veture perc pare sheng. SB pad, vetura ‘| peu gre sb Denis aspak. Kure pye Dent gruan Seg 8shte dashur bente, a0 the “Une dota kisa testuarveturen tendon mekanik: do isha shikuar motorin; Go Cia Kiba provuar tenet; dot ai sikuar o et © nyu ur svitén te sblpia, grasa c Denis she ede mé pakécagur kur pas dritret-nak mbylesin: ook Kishin Shama 18 dyGshte, Kure disa dub) te aderrohestia; suk [ite nxeje qeodrore; hops she |parrealloar, a tanje rk kite pasgyee;dysbemet shin te shirara me ima; Imoretvishn te pegoronra; noe Kb pari; pert isin {6 stra; bodrumt hte { papatr, karse oreadt nuk Kise face ‘Denis tha sei Kise ditar eit 4&0, por gjthashy © kshte dir edhe sa t¢ holla Kise sir rouxree 107 suprise sca aval engine ty, tee brakes ny Aisatsed lose ass outle should change heating ‘te oor hay cet pat sage (feo. in nh) walle Gem. in pl.) iy furniture “Transate the following passage into Albanian: Mark and Pett bought few lowery tickets. They are 20W talking sbout hot they would do if they woo the ist prize, whic every big, Mack says that they should spend i travel Ting ssound the word, and visiting all the countries dat they Inve always wonted to soe. Pett says that they should not gst Garo] as) their frends 28 well He adds that perhaps they showls ist fewer counties, but go fopeter with thee ‘tien, In the end Mark says that perhaps they should wait 0 ‘te whether they have won Refore they spend all the money! 138 unt ree fotery ot a = wo fo prize ‘nim, sy spe Hens Bithmone Unit Fifteen MV SITUATIONS AND PROVERES smecrem (me) I do (lit ' taken with) Bb peraithts Siar, der Crreakshtm dangerous eA mereesh me spon, Petit? 'h: Merrem nga pak. Spor, ne pérgihesi, me pelgenshume, A: At pllgen sj? 3: Me palgen, por nl jum sitar i mire, Agroni dsb atari me mite ade A: Gil she sport me i mine per ty? '8: Mei min sport pir mua eshte futbol, naersa me 1 Kel bots. 24: Disa sport jane bukur W srezksme. Ede skim Sh | ronan. 2B: Po, kur ithe i Yopel € thera Kembla skim, sa me sag the more «the more oe eb weet ‘A: Sor dita Est eae me e buku se kat hin nt Devan 'B Po. Tash eae Komi KONE We kémageml me shore ‘8: Por ede do te Todhemi me hu vou sms 19 B: Sa oe © lr te jesh, on, me { Kendsbtm ht pushin “A: Babe gjumi eshte mi bel kur lobes, sidomos oe bjshe. merit, save ‘il, -t 8a Iria, ey, sompaiion ewe "A: Nuk mendo} se ¢ kam mesituar aot ojé 08 REE hastin. 'B: As une nue mend} se e ke mentuar cotta a, por Ko ese ota mi e alt. tow vu suffer areata amnesia es kot {or Row long (i. since bow much sme) ¢ Doktor, unt vas) ogn amnesia, nar pocket ntatlons rowers A: Lali, po ice te dinare ne xhepin €msté dhe dy me shepin jth, go te Kise? Sigurt pantaonar © kat oe. either. nor foot fel brant scratch ‘mengar i ks borsh badallt very clever person i in debt (0 stupid one.) ora jote ste Kraan e sku 7's hand seraches you as well as your own.) 10. cr rare | GRAMMATICAL PATTERNS Comparsun of Adectves ‘You know quite #10: about adjetves by now. You have aio ome soos some adjectives in the comparative degre Uke mei tars (beter). Here alle depres wl be gvea in @ more formal say to that you ean vse them wih any adjective where Iti pesie "The pote isthe unmarked or neutral form, the one we hare ome aero in most ofthe previous is, €. ‘shupiae voit Nora hi ledhur jst e lar ‘The comparative wally marked by m8 (more, -r) and precedes the ajesine, whichis then followed by se, sesa (han) OF nga (rm). Notice this in the following examples: Sot dita hte mi € mire se de. “Today the day was better than yesterday ‘eth Eahé me bokor sem eagjuar. Beuy & more prety than intelligent AL Gié me I spit nga un. He is quicker than me “To expos the idea Tess > ad), than’, we he following construc tion Sot Nora ishle ml pak ¢ Jodhur se dive «tera, “Tiny Nora we ls ed than onthe eter da. ‘Ajo EME me pak ome nga € mote. ‘She i less warm-hearted than her ster. ‘Av ahem pak dak esa eres. He is los euning than dangerous “The superative correspond 10 ment + ad). in English, Nos thatthe quale noun i in te dente form. This diferentes 4 trom the comparative, eg ‘Aj ihe dita mi © Tomtor« js sie. ‘That was the happiest day of my ie However the acjetve precedes the qualied noun, the Tes sir meas 141 ‘Aje © Halos mi mri pest jets sie ‘There T spent the best part of iy Iie ere ae some more examples TAY si mt lal nde sha et. “He i the talestainongst is fens Ajo she mee sipeia nt Kas. ‘Sho isthe fastest inthe cls. “AG She me yer ne at. “He isthe oldest nth vilge “lo ste ndrtesn me lari 6 qe. the highest building in the Town, ‘Ajo dant me bulra neh that, “She i the pretest of al, ‘ahem agjoai pre ea “Marc the most intelligent of 06 ‘When equating evo things, usualy exprescd aos a8. ° 1 Engl, ths done in Albanian by sing ove of the folowing + sas (eae) Sa (de) 182 ost irrems AY Eat ger lat He fe as wide tse i tall. orré kam gené'€ Kémigur sa dt Tbave never bean as pleased as that A she trim sam. “He was as brave a a fry. (This means very brave in Albanign) Si mand (€ jes kag 1 Keg? How can you be so bud? (kag 1 keg = tis bed) vor ERS 143 priten dy fage mali dhe © tegon fugin# e vet mbienéscén, ‘Natya mer ngiyat e vets. ‘Kur ung dell mb Kororén¢pishavesasthedtura, gt duke- shin edhe me madhesbrore me hijet © tyre 1 jars, jet “Merin ular mbi njé stkémb duke © wshtruar Rete Dukual ge St mundi he aq | géndracshin? soul How could be be 20 fm? romantie aso Remembor thts mi. aq mi coresponds 0 the + compare adeier (nase) five aj... the + comparative ad.” it Englsb, e.g race, as ~ amir (eo). ‘Vern Sn sa me € vel aq me © mie m ature The oler wine is, te beter iis beauty otter Notice aso the way of exposing ‘ore and more’ using ltt Sn order to ome et up, snd Up ‘A sige © me soksestem. He more and more sus fon the morow multitude, arm es I RKADING PASSAGE ‘wile, iter ee tek ine, bik Msi ta sii rommit” Ajo ita 8h sche © une, rmaghe e nalyris adi 16 ghtho studentét anglezé. Gjate gjié pe Aabhenctve joe Gh gw anag me ulate gf jet jee © Shank Ne = eam ef Bc mee Ee ga rt ad ‘agin spo kn nt 1 shod, Mina © yee ka aint = semen Vee 9h méngent ede shot 96g. New Ind se ant sod cen renet ep ge tphen ne ete irs on te ative dhe en ne mute iar ue ane Goer ate t fold then naar Ven bart and alu ede Wo jh ow Se pi dhe pete derdhn mol ert © iit pra = ‘Ege er athe ten ee aks poo) get stole. Vat tyke 6 le Se degjnet tone ure all gem Katy thar et ne here w bashkonet edhe kenga e zie. Diell serra) al ae 16 uns siren lars a,» ‘distance tevting ow and again joia, accompany sone take out ineree; cut nyse) face, beck mountin foce Seng, force dares Slim (rad as: sheathed) lengthened rock breve cochant 1V/ EXERCISES (2) Answer the following questions on the reading passage: 1 Gipire ka Mes? 2 A eaht ajo adhurwese e natyes? 5 Me ga u kéaog dje git gjtbe cites? 4 Cher ne mirenje? 5 Bao ra rato gjun? 6 Kuru ngntt@nexermen? 7 Cpe ndodhie me mizteine ¢ vive? 8 Ci yt shndriste end? 9 Cka aur te she} nga lingo? 10 Kos thyhen reset pars 2 coli? 11 Ks bien ato? 12 Gpret vesa¢ bardhe? 18 Gidget aty-ketw Ings? str nrmee MS 14 ka u bosbkobet 1 lehurave 18 gene? 15 Coen dil ash? 1p Kuve gjets Merin kur w ng lett mi kurorene pshawe? AT Gh po bente Meri sty? ‘Translate the following questions and then answer them. (Try | fo ques the meaning of some ofthe words before you look them up inthe vocabulary which follows the exerci): -L Me shame te pegen Hing edit apo peréndi i deli? 2 Me shume te! ptlgen agi po muzeu? 3 Me ehum c pllgon dita apo sere? 44 ME shun pelgen ita apo nate? 55 Me shure 18 pelgen gel | kxhjeletepo i want 6 Me shunt 1 pelgen agra © barghe apo e 228? 7 Mis ehumé © do detin apo ligenia? GMa shume © ao henen apo yee? ‘9 Me sbume © do mengesa apo mbrenyjen? 10 Me shume © do besten apo veering? {IL ME shumé © do shian spo bores? 12 MB shume © do dimrin apo verén? 13 Mé shume © do veshen apo pranverea? 14 ME sume © db 4 fob apo te axehte 15 MY shui | do lulet apo bain? | Te Me shame i do Tumenje apo pirenjie? 47 Mé sume te peigen puns spo pushin? 18 Mé shume 1 pelgen pushim! ne bjeshke apo nt det? 19 Me shume 18 pelgen vera e huge apo e bardhe? 20 Mi shumé té pegen€ aytetet apo fata? pera, ‘sunset ‘ug, -a, gle sus fe jai est Me amit ‘outy et sea vier, a hin ‘meet Beat, warm tary, tra ms Petron i enh ream M6 sir rrreen (@) Make sentences equiting the to adjectives: Example: Boks esi | dmshitm (damaging) | rezkshen, ‘Boks esbié sai démshem aq edhe i sreikshn, 1 Nora Ets lumtur dhe © lod 2 Petri ese dale i mire dhe | selsben, 43 Shin ashte sporti mie dhe #rrezicsh, 4 Drita eshte punétore hard-morking) dhe © zea. 5 Jota esha! dmbel dho e woah (afl) (@) Change the following sentenoes as in the example Enumple: I shkrova let shoges m8 mit T shkrova leter me t€ mir shoge. 1 Ajo esi vajza md mie 2 E ashe vain meé té mire. 4 jo ne stepa e vats me 46 mi 44 1n dhashe cn vats mi 18 me. 55 E mor ne Iter pro) vats me 18 ae 6 Ato jane vajat met mire 71 posh vajza mt mits. 8 Ko deine sepa © vaeave me %¢ mira. 9 Ua dtashe bbs vajeave me tm 10 E morn oj Teter proj vajave me 1€ mir (4) Translate into English Nayea eshte ¢ bukur derisa muk eprek dors e ajeriat. Njesin, ftpesh duke pasor ndarmend adie qelim tf salwar, nik rmendon se me doren e vet po demion dik qB Est €vie- hone pike prt Shel of 2 clin jlo ka pexjetuor 2awilimin me te buhém ne shume fusha, por ajehent ky iwilim ka kejuar je teat per gaia 18 paparapashme: ‘Nese nuk reagoime shpeit, mund ti paguajme shisente ajths t& ariturat. Akswoni per cusijen e nates eshte me | Weshem ssa iateresi momental per nevus. Crregulin | tnraspeshimitnatyror nak e demon elem ner, por edhe aiallesate ora. Njriu debe pérjeiés pert aha, prands) abet ta perdor aspen dhe w jet me Iagpames, Vocabulary pre Hecakwar fe veshme Shek sek piri illin, «i, - F bajsheo touch panieular ‘alable tury experience evelopment rapid at the same time consequence ‘unpredictable expensively, deaty fchievement pesservation ‘momentary dsorder balance being responsible therefore farsighted Unit Sixteen mV srTuaTions nike freely ‘churehem fall Jove thease unfortunately ae vechin ‘ay attention aba fo (Something) abou i ast somchow ind convince serlnisht Seriously A: Se di & mand 16 8 reg) dgka 1 ol st. A: Jam dashorear keg 5B Shen asaje te keqe ne kee ‘A: Por, ftkeglssh, ajo ql € dashuroj unt nuk ia v8 veshin fare Br Asi, si do via bash? ‘A: NUK dl Da #© perpigem oil te bind se © dua serionsh, inst bore.) ‘epiemi very much ‘Gee pir dé cvery day ble ak dasbori fall n love spre express apor openly rast, te opportunity li in passing tans shy fort re ery got ime Kab ‘ith fie, ia time ie alert lose A: ME ka meracur s€tepéemi Vibe BP ‘unre sens 149 Ye Die per ite me theret me telefon. y Mos, ndosha, ks Fone no dashurl me wy? : Ndoshta, por nuk po e shprch Ke hapur. jo tf iste mire japesh est. {/E kam takuse isa er’ kalimthi, por duket se eshte 4 ‘urpshem. Po 18 pélgen ty a sire. Sigariht me Koht do «6 joni me w ate. aucase tite ate dae tence Bee ra! ee Es fae fale ga of (i ake of fom my sc) a fe fomatig tr ane E-edition So ee Kosa me ket cae mn mgt. Zon ij mach Ter mit gta tte Kine nt pt soe socks, fost tr aot pec? Nok AME EME WE 1a me pian, INdoshta, por duet ta heq gale dis Merru me digka. Puno disks. Thome se mé mire eshte we © portosh kot sean 8 rrsh ot am pontt miré get on wel ‘doré pir dare hand in hand gabon for a long time ‘re otce ‘nembor Tost aren, cheer ket so Ybor ka punt mite me Late, Vener? TE pane de dort per dore me ¥ ‘Shine mire, sepeengaere sam par ost me r€dasharwir ‘@ Vibern 180 ur stern ‘A: Astin Gh TE ithe © hemi vésetur Kee: Sa herd gt @ takojs, Mate ngadalé abe pak si humbar. 2: Shprosa se tah parce do to ete | Hares 1 GRAMIMATICAL PATTERNS Adverts ‘Adverbs are indesinable. By now you probably know the meaning ‘t quite few adverb, Some more adverbs wl be given hers ) auree ascompsny sews (om. in pl.) Imeerested felvore accept, reese ach reds sreting cordial, beaifelt ber seveNTeR 171 (1) Aner the following questions on the reading passage: 11 Kujt i sbkrwan Dea? 2.Gi teegon nf let? 4 A fa pasur trike Dri kote here nt seropan? 44 Kur kane aritur ne Hithou? “FS kant shar né banesen e Nowis? Cra Rane vendosur 18 bejne sot? (KG ba tokuar Dri? ajo pa Bienen? eteson shores $8 re nga Anglia? ti fotnig ec nthe etn: ile; Ky she libri im. " 5 Kio tate hom ju. 6 Ky eee hotel us. 7 Ato jane fororaie tus 4 Kets jane shitting 17 use sepyeses () Do as above: 1 Ky dete lap i 2 Kjo exh letra et). 5 Ky ean kopshtl ihre. 4 eto fone planet © t- ‘kate = 1 Keto jane alte ss} (5) Complete the following sentences with the appropriate Form ofthe possessive: é ‘Beample: Une po shkoj at sbtépiné time, 1 shko. az ‘nd po Ska n suspint Kime, i shko WE cenden 1 Unt do €% smu shokut tim, ti doe skrun 2 Unt do ti telefono} motees sime, ti do ti telefonosh 3 Une mora leter pre) priadérve 1 mio mort prej 4 Une ‘e “hap dritaren € dhomés sime, ti ¢ hap ju bisodoni me 7 apap im et” pest gu, Whe) sett ao {8 Gent im wrapon shpat (ees) the me set 19 Oborst (ard) jeep sme Eshte X madh, (of yous Pl) + vogel 10 Libs ex an bi Caving, (ows) oo raft (shel). i 11 Shells jone shed ar, (his) cece tt tars. 12 Doma jote Qsbté © buku, (mine) ak ene, ‘ower sovpsremye 373 place He vet with the appropriate possessive: ple: Ajo e movi libin evel, ‘Ajo © mort lira esa. “1A € ka plekur papain © vet ‘Ala shluan ne shepiné © vet, § At poshon shat «vet ‘Qe Ess we ne Kamigene ve. 7] Macia po e ha ushgimin ¢ vet, ‘Ato lexoje libat vet late into Albanian using vet oF vetia as appropriate, ‘Norabulary needed follows the exercise: Din ise didn’ really speak: five languages. rd ate Give out by hime or mysel, never gamble. Tmt the house oursives, is much beauty in the mounting themselves, ‘had forzoten that he was a boy bimslt one, loved him, himself, not hs money. truth isl very power. oa't you do it yourel? | ought the car for thenseves Tikes himsel, bu aot otters. Aes with skis Whe a bied sot. trot, ay 0 aaj bishoe kul, gis, © ise 8, = Unit Eighteen mV SITUATIONS ‘Nuk oi ms the gre tapi nj @ 8 Kthchem m8 tt, apo 1p teté ef Rtbehem nn. paar, ye market (em. in pl) sal, i, atc ‘rt sahgimor-e foo (a) ener eet angry missles, - butcher Tig hea eat ish et eal ests ge fo, 80 that opts = cow ish lone beet Duk, bread Tooke b= baker mid, ra flour teas rake bread pie ‘Lunn go & marésbkon wf azar. A son paza © martin fala, Sa heteshkom n& azar, al zakonihte pnp ie ote fara ap a Kaj Blren, TS mertén © kala pi KSir-pest gts. Pas Kafenesé Bou artkjt wshagimore dhe gira © tora #8 revojsime pir i lat ¢ kishte poroaitr grams. Ai rani Itheber ne sbgpi me Kembi, por © matén w Kaye me sha Grins e uj zeméroa shu Luan, je ti? Po, e dashur, U kshews nga paz Me takstu Reeve? Po, © dashur.Shportat isin shunt 1€rénds. ‘A bles kro get thashe? Boye dashur. 1 bleva 6 gia erene oxi} ito. osu mcueey 175, px ia?! "aur Sova te mshi, po nk Kise mish i ste sh ist? dsr, hasta gf bleva mish ope. tone te bukepiekts? dish, por uk Kshte bake ‘she bake? Medan, por Devs mel Buka © sgpies ene me © Fie te edhe me mits po ta tase tie dashar, por € dig nuke A gan) 1 vogla ty-© inscription (em. tp.) eve (em in pl) hatertox be sient ees weld tt pene ‘inna I,K tn, He th, Ge eye 0 (ny il, Ks, Mas Rs) andr) orespod oe Enis detonstates ha, 176 user cane those this, these, Notes tat these have diferent forms in Albag. fan for gender, cumber and ase. They ean be used With pow fr on their own without any change 5 Pronouns under () correspond to Englih demonsratives se like iby ike that. Wen they fe used with nouRS they bey The adjetives when they 4 wed oa their OWN, The} take endings ‘nd din ke aouss. Pronouns ander (3) are basicly Ablaves of al jo hy, Rio. “the noun thy Tete to inthe Ablaive ese. Their meaing in ‘English cna be paraphtesed as of at Kind, ofthis kind. They ane fen interchangeable with the pronouns in (b). Het are some examples: Mion me plgen ajé fist ( RAGIE/Mua mF pen ale Ke fasta Tikes dost Ike this oneuch dress ‘Nie ie hte Ee pobsrrueshme, Such a dala day Hk tis unforgetable, ‘Mos pg pond ie njrt 1 ME. May you never have anything to do with such © man {Te alt jané shite mice. Good friends av like ths, ab hea ie 421 Ang, Days ike this are few in England Uh Wn rruph, The one ke that wil let you down, ‘Mes shogro me as ems Dost socialize with such boys. Herta Geer dof ble Kes Ifesh, Next time 1 buy flowers lie tis ‘The fable ofthe declension of domonsratives in (3) is sven in Unit Six. Here isthe table of the detlension of one of the (demonstrative in (8). (The deceason of other demonstrates of this group egy to form by way of analouy.) Rees ‘nana plural asc fem dase. frm Nore hau eta tte cum itt Ace. stn tin fo ute (Ger Dac tABr, [otc yt eve lave ‘lorie that the Genitive arti has been ome.) toner stoners 177 pronoane mest of which you have already met, of inter fe pronouns. They will be brielyrecapitulted here. fs mie for nouns denoting human beings (se its ease ‘Unit Fout) )ycla (er) (wick, who) are used with nouns of ay ist desines tke @ maseuine oun, the secon ke a oun, CHR the plural frm for useuline, ela for ct (wha) are all ndecinable. Cka is more colloquial is mother interopatve which cannot be used on its ri always preceded by 8 prepeston ‘eth hat what for ‘what arom on hat ny, on much) as neem wed fom the very beaming, ‘nore exatples ty? How many persons are there? Jel nf lst? How many pups are you in your cas? sent ¢ tnyera? How much are the Broken eg? 1 jo? How may did you tll 19 come? (le To mint snd Accusative form, whereas save is the “Ablative form. Notice also the following forts Sing.) ~ which one in memeriel order) Esme examples using these forms: 178 omar mowreeN "The masculine forme desine Hike masculipe nOUDS, the feining ike feminine noun etave pronouns: ‘The following are relative pronouns: 4 IE Gt (shih, wh) Aina.) eas eat (whieh, wo) em). g(t. The Btw edness nouns, QE docs not desine. Hese are a couple ot examples: ‘Nera, cla lng est e our, vot enka plot ener Noes, ‘who is abays tized, today is ful of energy! ‘Londra tsi nit tet gee Rae. Londo i 8 town hae over seeps. sh a, and scan ako be used a relates. Soe hia the folowing samples: [Le te ve kot da. Let hiner come, whoever wants, ‘Shko me KEt# dah. Go with whomsocrer you want ‘Clshin vain, auk pink fare. Those tht were sis, did not ‘ink al Ka dha jt ska Kiebe. Hehe gnve us all hehe had. Selina, ag do 2 ydesin, As many’ as were bora, thet many val de Pronouns expressing amount Some pronouns expres the total number or amount of something. Such auc! mbar ith, tte, eg ‘Maré Alisa sone knema. The whole ast wen! to he ocma, Shin nuk pushol gRKE natéa. The rain did ot top al ih (ie) ithe, (2) te can be sed on their own as ih, eth, Flr eta The lst to forms decline es nouns do. “The following pronouns express distribution: cery fereryone seh ach Imboever, whichever (mai) Inhoever, whichever (em) Sthoevet: whichever verbo eer micas 179 reall used like heir counterparts in English. Al excep My it of indefinite pronouns: omebodyfanybody somebodyfanybody Somcbodyfanybody sorsbodyanyoody ‘many (2 person) many things Something something tomething a kesh? Dif anybody sce you? ne aks, Lt somebody Did you se anybody? Tst above, those tht have hush as a convent part be, ae a0 mek and mdi pronouns: rele) an teekush (somebody els) are cae ater uns. The later is ddiable, ‘nd ta miskionk jth. You may cheat someone ke this (not me). gt aikush cat ako mean ‘ome people’ as in the do, kash Jo, Some people Hike it, sme don"t ne of quality and quant: ‘express uly. Such are fof whatever kind of any Kind ofall kinds ot iterent kinds 1) wr eTEEN “The following pronouns expres quantity: im some mak a ew, few shame ‘mich, ny ‘ja ‘ough let ot, full ‘alkag this much Only dis i detnable [Negoiepronoune: Hire & one final st of pronouns, so-called negative pronouns ‘vhidh you may Bnd intresng ia texas of thi forming. ‘Thee ‘oositeat parts sbould be Known to you by now: Sakon, rehash, askurekush amor, ec. (nobods) nl hurr auras ase, Wigiar, assist, saiend e. (noi) ssnje,aandenje (none, no-one) snjer (mai), anja er.) (nobods) Sea ee oe He ete 3 THY READING PASSAGE SHETITJA E PARE E DRITES NEPER LONDER De Liza ish ere, nuk isis grat, prands Ks vendos 1 shogéronte Dain. Sipas plait Kishin bere tarbke me Doren, Drie duke) t2 bane oft sheje aeper Lender. NE imengies, Dita shkol me Nota te shila sa) ku w tase ‘Liuen. Meg hte ende Heit, ato S8 pai pind nga ajé ale © pasts ecén deri Trafalgar Skuer ‘Sheen pak ner shesh dhe sikusn permendorene Adi ‘Nelson. Dita Bleu caushaim pet zou) dhe devin ajo wshaerte ‘lll g@ shin mear me vltore dhe fhin ket t but aa fotoprafal dia here. Drita nojente kemagést We vest dike ushayerpellmbar tet | rnin cuar, ne supe © mae ane Kak. as pak ia behu autobusi i vegan® pér ture 6 organise sepér Lond. Autobusi ihe dyrkatesh dhe kati eperm sb + spor. Fatmireiht ita ihtee bok dhe ato u-ngitin ne at ‘sie etourERN 18 de mnt dy vende 1 mir. NO stb Hse oaks My ert. Toros 0 6 rao ee te, foo u ai. Kahan prane Gulerse Kombttare de vax Aaa Pl | Baking hu ee seoueacee Mbit jut Shep ePalanent sete e fant sib es dhe mansin Uesososer Boge ienet "relay vaahduan nepee Uaitoll dhe shkuan ne Daur 2 thian coremonitn Kem toe fete propre njé wee stkurter nt Museum Brie Lick suk ye ab more spe Hin panies 9 1S shee Lobe jit eer. Des Hee © Pyuzcun, Dae Liza pashan a8 Rael Ser Mee erk or hyon te Manu dhe Mahl me Werte pte Katedra o Shen Palit Kaen ner Fite Sti, se shipt tani. Pej Kalodale ob Shon Pat fe. At eats edhe Banka Anglit. Ne fund va f Londres dhe ura pri. If shiva, Dita bei shun? fotografi, bleu néon karo Hr fu dengr shokeve a shogeve, spo ndaje suenir per 6 Kaji nga viz secre secompasy secording to sausre (Gt. of tog) birds pigeon, dove tame, mild special, Shoulder (em. pd ‘organized Aoubledesker,ewo-storied ‘eepeeme pper tid (non-act.) spper 182. uyer mowren test residence queen ook tower ‘wore fermous| remony (em ep change (fm. i pt) gud sfernoon plan, aticate, forsee Short a 1V/ EXERCISES (2) Answer the following questions on the reuding pesage 1 ka bei Dita i 2 A kishe Lia gjtrata apo shee ine? 3 ke Kable vendosur te Dente ajo megs iste lire? 44 Ku w team Lin e Dri? 5 ka beo® ato st pari? (6 Ku shkvan posta? 7 Skahkuon deri Trafalear Skuer? 5 Cis bane ajo? 9 Cua bente Drie deri ¢ fotogrfonte Liza? 10 Sie vazhduan shotijen ngper Lond pasta? ower excereen 183 fahteautohus?| viiuan? ‘uk hyné Dritae Liza nf Muzeun Brits? ‘Biri Dis Kodo gé sikuan? ou ajo? snort msver to the following questions asin the exam ‘yk and then aio in the approprite case. “Ede une kam ftoaparat le Bane int kam nj si Totoepars blew ca moll w kee nie radcaparat cle 1 Gashioj te kem fe shok «il ime ere mare me pune © Kei, tka pasir moments = tla 1 vshira. TE pare #am gen! ne nj gptt REGIE Kg (@) Tramiate the following sentences wing # ll, cain he appropriate ease: 1 Tread the took which you give me fst week. 2 The film you told me about (rst “or Which) was very ood. 3 My ld teucer, from whom I ear so mush, did tg, rock. 44 They sy that teachers who ate go00 get ol! but never i. 45 Tho water (fem) whose Book I read is very good. 6 The tale which Meri’spranather tel us Was very coo 17 Te (Female) friends whor I ld 10 come aren her {8 The pil whose mother went 10 Spain didn have tine to 9 The photot which we took (made) in Degen wete vey good! 10 Those (om) to whom I am weiting this let are in England. (6) Translate the following sentences into Engl: 1 Ai nn regi gitar gion. 2 Shluam aj, por wkd ajc 5 Paske gent me Weteeké nf REG restrant, 44 U zemerva pr assed, 5 Kushdo gé jen Ket kalon mie {5 Ne lindo vend go shkova berashumé shoke, 7 amirat duet €: shurbejne cere) ee jetzt (nani 18 Ne dyqan kishto lo-o) aru ushgimor, 9 Njereat¢ mbaré bos dahet ta dasa serjtrin 10 Gao a a shktlgen (shine) nuk Es a, 1 Gdo shok i mire ajihct ne cite te vest. 12 Mos me tego Kash je, por me Ke shogerotesh! 13 Dy bere mendo, at here fl 14 Te ithe sbtacet (animals) ans 8 horsbar (equ). Sefence anger male registration here ‘way, manne 185 unt wivwrni ests a ising ene) prevent Num clefantive n€ India Jugore, ku ash jtoiné meth knee Im ssh, po zvopElhet shpejt per shkak 1 gietarve dhe pi fhjes se balances nayrore me aktvietin e pamenduar t aed INje shprest per KEt@ grup me @ madh elefantéso Az uns ‘dati | suksessbem i programit trevjeyar nen kudesn © Fong, oteror pr Mbeotjene Shazsve. Rrezka me i madi per exne tenctne clefantve jon gjvetar8t tlt gdo vit wasn pe jeg ‘er ne njSgind e peotdjet elefanté (81a) meshkoj, Promras tbrotjes paresbeb registra etufsve te eefantSve,staciin smenyees se rye t jesse dhe engine aks te ghctsene esprit whisper fnhins, ty asstant, helper (mase:) niki, sistant Gan) Dibueteké, “a, abbey lakes iy > robber “Profesor, péshperii ndibmdsjae shri, ‘nd bibliotet ka hoe ie plait.” "AShtu? E gka po lexon?” 1 GRAMMATICAL PATTERNS Propositions “The main hing 10 remember sbout prepositions [a Albanian is the cae they select for the noun fllowing them, whi eat be ‘Nominative, Accusative or ablative, The eset way 10 this is to lear fist the prepositions that select their nouns in the [Nominative and Accusative besnuse these are fewer in maser ‘Only 190 preposiions selest the Nominative, fteen the Acco tive, and all the rest, over ninety of them, select the bla, “The meaning of preposition is best lam in the context of thie usage, The most chiriteitic meanings are piven ia She Ost below. You may fad he Ist rather long, but it wil be useful for reference purposes = fon, = towards srr sinereen 157 which take nominative nouns: Sapo erdto aga sbkolla. I just came from school ‘Ala w nbn mga luni. Thoy Sot ut towards the river. From’ or Yowards of na is revealed by the con- je ithe den ndenja te bia. Al day yesterday Tsuayed at home. Ak shel ik at. He went 10 his lakers Nga nj te Gtr. From one tothe ther. hening Teo out with fends, [Echaplderén me gels. Hehe opened the door with the Key. Rafe Ste | erethuar me male lava The plains surrounded by igh ‘mous. (ME 10 telr Marke son a Prish- tink, On the 10th of Octobor Mark foes to Pritt. Nadnj i adhird Near the dawn Gowards dwn) 168. yar siserne ha = sin — under ple = thou m= without 8 = sont péembi—— above, on though formally indent, in terms of meaning is deine: Te ‘efit form of the n0u0 wed whem qualifd In some way, ‘eg, mE sept but me shui tme, mb tye, but mb tryin ¢ ver merees 189 A poe tHe en vitae reer (ron) tora ne es tthe foo cn oicuoe Su cording) E ime at det Hebe bowie ao lier he sting wm Mace id min te. The ca oy fr tee te te “na oan ‘Ata sheen nepér pl, They waked through the forest, Mbeta pagum ghthé nats. 1 remained without sleep all igh dhorate he py. This presen, ie for you. ‘Ao sean pr pasimet, They faked sbout the holidays Zam Ht i eke Ts plement (by means of Dérpara (before i font of) pérpelpives(exep) pega round) pérrth (around) Desir (oer, above, on) Dee (over) penal on the book, Sie rin at Ae. J bene ion tothe prepskons ited hove, thre a alo 2- se sic pene es rl proper Tey any tele he (otic tat ster the propstion nm me, pm he mo, Gente at Atathe. Here are sone ofthe mae ‘by means of frends ao pce co eerannen ae meted crepes it eompanson Bevo aes ae atl poe an in connection with ants (along) para (in fromt of) res a BE mn ES beso ig ea cee” rs is Ses aes ee ac te aay re 190) unr NiserEEN CONT NINETEEN’ 191 TV) READING PASSAGE sstonshreent, wonder ER CUD EDHE SOT MOT! ESHTE 1 BUKUR stranely rita dee adnuruese e made efotograse. Neado a shoo ao men mer fotonparstin me vete dhe ben fotoral. Daj sj xt uncle (on the mother’ side) ogra Ais yan 8 vetin, Dita ben fotografie te dss vey peat ‘jo vst zvillon limat, Sesh u bén forowraf edhe shogeye ¢ exelop stoke fim ‘Po fotografie, Drta ka ede nj dasha tir t& mache, ajo 200 i sbume shiz, ten e sotme e pi me paduim sep thn alg pote Panifluar gf me Norén dhe me dia shokt e shoge 1 ter ty monkey ‘ntonin kopattn zoologie 8 Rishens Park. tar ‘Te ith luau mire. Per gud, edhe s0% mot iste | duke. ‘eatinental rita madjet pyet dita se pse | KShinthené se moti ae Ang polar ‘snjer® nuk abt mic. 1 thn we kj ie ver indie, Most co ‘mire c bts edhe mé te pershtatshem fotografi. Dita foto. feal fafoishumé saz, duke flluar age moajiunet, arin Konno ee {is che pole, gjosat, oka, aebrat, dena esorkadhe, Ia aa tiga, dheprate ujgit,e den © zogt# me pupla t buku a si ge valtuan kopshtin zooiogik, te gj bask shkuan tiger ad teatrin ehapur ge aiendet sty prané dhe gt shag pest tata fe ‘etem apa Sekapin. Sot sage} Orama e Shoksplit see Lite ae Daits, edhe pe nuk © ajeh anglshien mire, nuk pati hime ae ‘eset pete shfagjen sep joe Kshs Texuar Ket damit iy para cin welsh. Shumica e-dramave te Shekspii, si edhe nk ee hums giuhe 1 ter, jan e€ perkthyera edhe 08 shqip. Ato i iteaty perkthen nj intlekval | shquar shqiptar i quajtur Fan Nol Mendotct se prithimet © tj ane (2 nj niveh shane 2 lane iced 'As studentét angleré nuk e plzeolln shfagkea me me lhe fous sepie gua e Shelspii néryshon bukur shumd pa gluha ese fatlletual angleze. distinguished ‘Psi © staan pjesta tntrale ata dolen pst nt pork hu level (em in py 1 ulén the | hengrén sendulgat gb Kishin marré me ete. Rt = fovés Katee u misth per nt banest, Nore deshicome te pushone se Dak epic ne orén pias shin mare vesh te takoheshin 1 oe Mavdun ne je pus Mark sot nsk mund ta shogeronte Drie eae sepre des (6 siguonte bile aroplan per Pristine ub fon. in pl’) secure, get tir seat 192 ur seereen 1V/ EXERCISES (2) Answer the following questions on the reading passige tose snveneene 195 (, iendetnjé Kenta (singer) (aipin ime) © desi ne 1 Gka more Drita me vee neido g# shkon? (koa) shia} pe dbje® minutia me 2 Ku i ben Daa folograthe? (auodssi, 3 Kujt bea Date fotograll ndonichore? 44 Ceashur tte tt madhe ka Dri? Biss st sb: '5 dhe e ka paiur Drta dita ¢ some mo padurns? 5 46 Pee gue (s astonished) Drita me motin © mie? ee Lr eat tee 7 Gka fotografi Dita st? 6 Ku shkuan posi ge vsituan kopshlin 2oologik? 9 Cipjest toatale shia? 10 Crbene ata pas pjesesteatrale? 1 Kur w aisén per ne bancss? 12 Puc shkoan ni banes®? 15 Me K& dhe ka ishin mare vesh 1€ takohesbin ne orén ghee? 14 Pye Mark nok mand sa shogdronte Dritn sot? Brshkak vss ++» (llova © mache) role manda q (ko) ata vont nb pun tat adesbjes ihe 3: nb we mite vee eee + (login) nuk shkot as ajo ne the following nto English. The vocabulary needed (2) Pat the nouns in brackets into the come case: the exer: 1 Drita © Nore shkusn m8... 0+» (S290). eshte faboliese Prhtings po luaat hove-hove. 2 Dnta ¢ Nora shkusn ne (Murey Brit 2 zn me Haj, tli, patén ts humbje ad a} me ftoren kunder Suits (3: 0) lute ra Kater Store me radho. Foret u nderpriten me “eondér Patizanit (0: 0) “ech rad i bumbjeve 1 Kampionat, ti humbjeve i¢zkoslloraki dhe oj bumbipje n& Zemun (para mit ‘je tnundin Bucognestin eTitogradit (: 0) dhe duke (banasa o Novis) (Gumi ese i kenasitm, Peres (gia 3) Southey CEE tore (8 rej cilat auc mond ts realizoben 7 Rin toa an 0000000007 a, ea cas wie ont et Nets ly, vale _ ae, ee fae a Tuan né fushén ¢ vet, kurse ki tri udhétime per piké 420 Shko al kinema me. - (Qsarku)! Bese Se teak etn fp Perce AL Matané ese seecsc2. Grupa) ajendet aj éyaan bos ob footballer fms perine, Inconsitenty 12 Bash abe (cuties sain), punoe Ek Dore Breer ess. Ga BON) ihe begining 18 Do We te pees pare ace, Ee fete ne viet 195 ont wiveree sme rane fnarow redipritem (Gan) isterropted amplonat, 4, -¢ championship ond beat paralaimtroj forewarn titi, “ye journey api, op ‘Sidogane hovever Sjeme of yesterday (Teme the owing ite Aasan The Yoru b e Sport has albays been a good thing for people, especialy now ‘wen many people work inside in offies. Unfortunatly not ‘everybody can swim inthe x08 or walkin the mountains, but there isa sports centre near everyone's home, ot park where they ean Walk or run, Unfortunatly, sport has ow become ccomected ih big money, and problems alvays come {together with money. Sport should tring health and fend. ‘hip, not Shtig and damage to people and society. ti ane that the values of spor should spin be the mtn chars ‘nts of effereat games. People should goto matches for the plesure of watching good games, and people shoul! tke up Spor for the Sake of Spor, not Jus for winning and money. ceomected with Hamar me problems pralemet hea ahindet, fiendstip i, fighting plese, 2, - amaze aim, 3," sexiety shogie, a, - wae Mert ta harsteristios rakes, 2, -0 winning ‘tore, ja = poisonous aie ‘ine company ‘hte path passenger aa Bie hostess sppear twee cabin ues ekaktoi panik ne seroplanine jé kompanic ndonezist kur dol a8 shaun mids karigeve dhe re nea Kens. Menjhers pas paras sf geri aeroplanin né aeroporta me te afer. Qe te pes 1 lrguan ngs aroplal dria zt Kontrol kei garpsihelmucs te gjategiysme metr. Mes Hlorrin ne aeropiene ft stvardesu me ajé tue lush. i we hora cpa te parant) ne Kets aereplan oe uta hirusr. NB rouajn-nEntor twit te Kalua pilot fn Kabinen e plloteve oft jar helowes te gate "sips. As tooth stil tual 196 oer tHe ste HE thas ght Aahembes a a snkohem complain “A: Rar it vue dhsibt artical me hate se 4018 ma jen dt natyrale. ‘shia este. ‘A: Por dhuanbet taj ata po me shkaktojné dhembje hung ‘B: Poe po ankohent atbere? A sju thashé se do C1 kon) debe natyrale? 11/ GRAMMATICAL PATTERNS Conjunctions ‘You aieady know by now some of the base conjunctions which Ine been used in the previous ust. Here alist of conjunctions wil be given without any cleifeation or father explnato, ‘You may notice that some of them have aleady been mentioned {nthe st of pronouns and inthe list of adverbs Their translation (ich sometimes i eather eal in err to help you unerstind hem), aswell asthe examples given fr the ones that have oot ready been used, may be hepfal apo (or Dp i vist me ne, ape de UE shkosh me Marian « Petits? Wit you come with us, of wil You go With Mack and Petnt? ‘anda, na}, pranda) (therefore) Degjova sche ardhor Delta, nda} (or anda) erdha to ‘head that Data had come, thersfore I went co meet Ns. hj (as) «a8 (tlther nor) ‘Nara dje she e smart ox dre nuk Weng. Nora was lyst Gay, a0¢ did she (or abd did ot) eat supper. [Ni asim WAGE as piknron, as e péeshkruan mri, A fu as his, one ett netber paint nor describe nr rwewry 197 (uct) ees) Faikok plore cfaré ise pordkurré md par. Ln the sae pictures Such ashe bad never seen belore, Gg), 050 +» 88, 0 «0 (cher... or) ie ni pein, dag sho me Metin 8 hat Ei with tr oF go with Mary tothe vilegs, ety He mos € nis Fire. Either do the job as jor don’ start i a all ‘ele, © po © marr and, (Either take it for youre, being that ince) enh) | podcievar, sk me her ne sb Since edhe went home ear. (ond) brat dhe w als pr shalt. Zana took her books ‘school eve ela art fit Days eae sd 3, ss ene, hem «bem (both... and) nk got edhe nuk na péshéndeti. He both invited and to havea lot of money. nb gots, edb kur (even if) Is Hemrén ma VE dot alert gjumt.” Even if 1 ‘wil put my heart 10 seop 198 une rwmxry ae né qt: se vonohem pak, mi pit s¢ do 8 Een a litle tate, wait for me a8 Twill come 'e abe sur ha rt mak dot shkoja me ta. EVN yey, free, | woulda’ go with them. eae pee, mepginege, meghese, ndants,sado 48 (2thoughy ae poe I thasht (mn slleWibrin, al KiMbe HarruMr. Ay, [told him to ring me the book, te bad forgotten, Megjthse she ala, a punt eerdhi me me. Alti002h ho ay ‘sy, he Tet his work andcame with ‘Ndonéws i vetmear, dashuciné tinde se herr Kurs. Although lonely, Iwill never forget your love. ‘Sado fia shpgovadisa hee, a nuk kuptl mlsimin. Aicugh ‘explained to im several times, he git undrstond the lesa, aijhsaher, kurdohert i, sheet gl (whenever) CGilteaherd kam shkwar (ck ai © kam leur @ mata Whey fever I went to his place, I found him bore. ‘Kurdoheré gt isha koh, vista giyshin glyben. Whenever Thad time, vies my grandparents je tek unt kurdoberé gf tl nibs § vetmuar. Con ‘whenever you fel lonely Sa hen i shpreson shure, fton ms pak, Whenever you hope a ot, you gain lie, Jo a8. por (not that. ut) “Jo o& nak pata desire tt stkoja, por geshé fine, Not hat id ‘ot want go, bat I was busy Jp yeti gé or le at (atstnether)) ‘Jo yee @é ma mort rin pa me pyetur, por edhe nuk ma ies ure. Not only id she take my book without asking me, Ba flko she ver retumed it to me. Le ai Fer ste, pe vlan se a vine, Not only id ‘he ot come Himself, nether did he (or he also didnot) 1 ‘brother come + por (edlas) (not only. bat user sweety 199 (0 a) ) erie Mark, Kishen gf 1 pi isin amt. Mark cxme to, so everyone was happy. ka dhe aarrt. Where there's smoke, there's fre (whereas) Jn ko Eh mal’ arse am those, ‘Ja Se Eouidavt see the wood forthe tres. know) shod sa et st W punofS me fotouparal, por at peer. 1 ave told im who knows how many times fhe camera, but he has forgotten ag D, pas (GH, megentgd, megenése, mee (ine) ‘Spain Kone ta vizio ae spl, 1 drgova aj tue eT did't have time to vst Nm i hospital, I sent him owen. “a (with or on the condom that) ben sok, me kash Ca kth pa dyes. | took my frend, on the condition that T returned it to Je shake mie, ndiomojeni acer, Ifyou want frends, help each other. ime ty nse me premton Se nko tpi shame. 1 will 200. unr rane ee acs Seer noes. | beeen ee Sea eo ne Se es earned eta Ji emit race nga shes se, plesk Se, saps, pir are se (cay hte lodhorshumnd ngs Kise poruar it ttn. He ws yy) tired because he fa worked all ay. ‘Ai muk sol nt push pr shkak st nuk Kshte pare. Hei fp on Bolday because e didnt have the money. ‘Ajo soi shkollé me Kembt sep fa Kise dhED’ bihieay Shige. She went to sohool on foot because she had given ar eyo 1 her fond. Dull ste pak, pir arye se she merztur mE stp. She Went cout to walk a Ke Because she was bored at home, para se (before) aa se 1 nse) pe Prd, Norn fst prindrit, Before he Jef for Prhting, Nora wnted her parents perder (a long 3) Perderise jee tot Mb me sl, mak do nse pr pushin ‘Aslong tthe weather is iy HK this I woa't et off on holla. piendeyse (othervite) Digjo me kajdes, permdryshe so 8 ah ka cE ih Ltn caret, otherwie you Won't know wat to-do, nasa, sap (as 300m a) Poca (or spe) cagirol telefon, © phone rang, I Enea i was you prapkseprae (si) Fane po ky fst pom plge shuns, praptbepraps oi duke mi {mie Even though Tike this des, the other oe tooks bout to me, 4 je U, As soon a te Nin wesry 201 fox, when his al burnt, thought thatthe whole wold ‘re yuh shalpe nok Kh a © vss. As you se, Tunguage it that fica ‘etl se (only) aE Dente, eqs se) poste e tart. He did't know ‘only vandsred up and doen NIE MBREMIE & KENDSHME nga park, Nora w shit pashomte pak, kurse 8 shkruante ca kariolna. Nok aluan pest minuta dhe gui. NO ort pose © jy rite e zpoi Noren 18 béheshin gue t cnn, Publ ku dohe 1 ‘me Markun iste bukur larg pean de shkonin am ur wane ‘Kur ert 98 pub e atén Markun me dy SOK. ang, ecnimeetnnl ar etacts ead pa a Shee eee Suscachee ese Tae se ‘Marka: Dr: Mark Dri Mark Marka ‘Sie kaluar dten sot, Dee? Shume mire. Po ci, Mark, 2 bleve bileten? E rezzrvora aje bet per daten det {Gake ese me date ahjows? E merture, Sous mies, sepse 1 merkurave a mbrEnje i asroplan pr Pristine nga Beograd, Nok jg ‘evo press shu ja te gare ore dosh ‘Ash exh, Pata ft. NE te venet® eche unt set pata aje dite interes Dit imeesante duke kevkuar bet?! Mos w it [Nok po tall. Patan ditt gd ma pao’ Kose. ‘in, Piva Eafe turk, cis gots alkobol nga Kes dosha Keto i ke matre-me vete aga Kosova, Jo, jo, nuk i kam mare me yet, Por me jane ‘tru ne shenje mikprce Mikpijeshaipiare né Londer? 1 ‘Madje ne gender te Lendrts, pubesueshme. Na trego si ndodhi jo. Mjaft na mbaite pez ‘ertet na janate veshét, Mar. Ja, po ju tego}, NE méngles, duke kerhior of ect aonjeagjeni ge set bilet pr Jugs, Tamésht 6 pase nj ome qd mu duk ve shte shqiptar. Shkruante #. Gashi. Mu kui se m fer inj shoku i Petri iste Gash. E senor fdtesen he wise menjgher’ per ne Riviere Set, Armia aje, mokla us dere de bra rem Di buere eth te pestehjtave uur prone i fryene mofo njé Kareige dho me pyet¢ 6 zoja. Eahe aga panja mu duk se ishte ship ‘Thashe me Yete, ‘Do ta pershendes a sii € ese nuk me peri ta ktbe) ne angi. T ‘hushe, "Mira. PED nj gas al met § hut war rwesry 208 jo feral si pupritut. Pasta) ms peti) me ‘Mesa, urdhéron' I trogova se gk dshioj, ‘tegova se sapo isha kehyer nga Kosova dhe so esha sbkoja tj pst gta saci jun pe. ME sgurl bt me cri mjafet re ‘ret paske pasur nj ate iterecinte. A ma jep ee moa adresen. Ndosh edhe une e bi) titan kal, Sigursh, por pet se paskam hatruar ket tu ajoh fc ahoket. Ky eshte Rober, ajéstok (ellis, "Taine yesh Ai, student 1 gjss angleze nga "Pring. Adi me ie duke pire Kate te Zot sk dymbedhjest nf mbt. Nora eshte pert nt sapo e pérfundo darn pr dita e sotme me thsi sje mee Keadshe! fie dows {al asleep wake (Gomebody) up fo purpose ait ‘ue joke (non acr.) 884 sgn of hospitality tnbeleveble Pending allot; suspended you Kept us waiting long (i you Tengtaened our ean) gency Knock sroand the fies 204 nae rwenry sppearance confuree ‘unexpected (ad) diary 1V/ EXERCISES (1) Ansoer the flowing questions on the reading passe 1 ka esi Nora psi u bthyen mga park? 2 Po Dna? 3 Ne orem sa € 2got Drta Noren? 4s Paee at? 5 Me kee gietén Markun kur act né pub 6 Per daten a ¢ Kshs rezervuar Marku bitin? 7 Te kus Kise rezervar ten a B Sie kishe gjeur ae? 9 kai kishteofruar ai Markut? 10 KE e Kise takuar Marko né yrén ei? (2) The following statements are taken from the fst station, ‘Mark thom with Tif they azo true, or wih F if mot 1 Gjonpr gf u pargit Renta © part n8 aeroplan ite dy reir e igen | ts 2 Ghar gf w paraie Kite here ite njé metéee pose | re 3 Gjrpri i pare nok fshte elmues, kurse idyll itt elmucs. “4 Kuri treguan plot per gars ae ttheu aropinin st Aeroportin pre shin 5 Dist mendopt se sjuerdesa ¢ ka fur glrpin noe plan me aje tu lulesh. 6 Te ithe wdhearet vazhduan uahesimin me nt oeroiat sete. 7 Grp | pare do ne kabinen epilotve né némto 8 arr weeny 0s he folowing senanees with a conjunction that wil tebe i abpet = ij 8 Anti, do 18 vz Da shud Kohé, ¢ era je wine Smt ke degiuar mua, tka dal keg, une shai letra, Nora fine gegen | mengur, ii esi oane ‘yonohem pak, me prit ¢ do t& vi Shkotsha aye, nuk do 2 via SF thashé te ma sike Horn, a persst “anita ni pune, mu kujwua se © isha in duke erjodhur (owing). ert mondis dbe i argon ngs trishtim dhe g&zimi “he lodra me © mataishme, si pir bltéa lua me tuk {man pee aj8 kobe te saté¢ ne nj yond dart p Kemet e yee, sie cre te gale. Shpeft do 18 do talent e do te hidhon gets, ash se 18 beta len she taro népér petal Here t€ panjoura. ‘me bredajet © fuurimet e Te, sai Dutimi, gE i kullobe, ata shkundin plumurin me 18 ein Koha vaitrat dhe geodroj gjthmont ce ele et Ue. git coke me Kili. Ne flim e Reskonte asta spe u mesia me REE mungest c me selien ¢ © ‘Unie rwoynv-one 207 206 srr weer wide smtghesjve qb mundoheshin tin finn 8 mange gy ma “késhtu, pak men pak, rrethi i bots sé ti) © meajanes (oe fe tosh ¢ vcr eth titi vog she mésuar Toon ces re game, (8 eshte, dhe azul vert) tani st me la move arouad, revelve st lang gents. Lauri | 2 gi kiste mbetur pears yng Ge se ate bar ia hohen ne ye nests 8), shur poe mr ume nupen, de oj jl eax, gente Me ures he sa 1 jtes oe wretonte se 1 volt, pok nga pak po get ee ee Wace Tell 2 0 ep a ng sence, ete a ht Bs tate off Adepuae S63. Xots “laf wlare ses ‘Sees, sorb , joys hppiness ity-One soning vag, ly roe seowhere ee as me Sucijen. Nuk 8 hurt Fe ie ber spring come cea; be ered cits a Fine vin ears 0 Ang Sh mie. Lajtvnan para so nse, eee pen or hein sete to oe feekooo pra pest miotth, Ka mbetu © myer ore Nak po’ ies ela. de ° gs i? 208 ose TWENTY-ONE 4: Po, kam, 1: Atthert shko © hap deren, ‘A: Por kam shume punt, A je e 208 me puné ti? To, sot nok kam shame pond A: Shko, uf Tutem, © hapja deren Nor 'B: Jepma getsin se po vem menjher. ete take care ‘mos w brengss don’ worry fn shkrua) weit 19 me Sirgoma fend me A: Diten eis, nen, 2B: Ditén € mice, bia ime Rub, ‘A: Po, nene, dow suhom. Mos brengos fare. Do ww shay aie Teer Sapo ar ‘B: Jo, os me shkrusj er, por dergoma nj kartlin endo pane © baker Ani, te, lecqomt mbushe = as put ae put (0) it Topi, - Spoon ware epencing ve} boil vide bol ie aia put it (0 i) irae Sti it bi rake me shim Took me A: Trogon, 18 tem, stb ij fe turk. ‘Ene shome lehte. Se park mhushe eherten me uj. Pst ‘il sheer, aiysme lage, nif luge, dy luge, varies € Kafe. Pasi vloje via, por mos © 1816 vlojé shame. NE fund gi je ge haf dhe pereje duke e mbsjur mii Kar fll #8 slo, kafeja sh gas bostr wewry-one 209 ovo) i be oft menjthers. Ta bj edhe ty ne? Hoe ee mus ne wai kets shikors mos po gabo. ns only one pero, tht, socond person sngu- “The second person plural is easy to remember allthe vert ve the tame form a forthe Present "ei J8 ponont ~ punoal, ju shoal -shkent Fs the Second person singlar i concered, only a small Frye have the sme frm a forthe Present India fenen) hp — hap (exch gab) ap ~ Ka! Gow) ta at (ar) fai =o (a) fhe ha (a) rte evo) ep — ie! am be divided into diferent groups in terms of the the second person singular of the Imperative. Verbs es po} rte (el) and fl} wep) do not take sy re) — etfe hij — Bi ‘i and bee (naw) — bret the ending =, and this are intial wih the fst e Present Inciative. Here are some examples: (ot) bal: (lay) tual (pain) et rn) plea Go, make) ba yj — hye! 210 user rwexr-one a= dit ‘Another group consis of verbs such as dl (80), nd (chase, {fellow}, jeg (burn), These change a-o =je=into “ytd hone fending ink and change these into - oF 38 they doin the Second person plural ofthe Preset Indicative, ndjek ‘nia? dat it (pick (ra) imbjet (pla) sxjere ——Gke om) es therras (cl Some verbs ofthe same type asthe last two, such as vas (sho), gas (run) nd pres (ut) have ewo forms: ‘eas ~ valet! pres ~ prep “The Imperative of the verb marr (tke) is meer ‘Te last group consists of those verbs that ake che ending for ‘the second person singular. Such are ~ eu) vee! Ps (cach) me ® (eave) eet sinie (ake 0) shplert he ll rings te je down) (Notice that the Ist two also change ate -f.) "The Imperative of fs i fa forthe singla, pra similarly Jam fas J and fini, ad a ‘an ‘The verb vij has the foxms eet Ging.) ean) (pL. for the Imperative. "The verD vote eo) has no Imperative forms, but the Subjunctive forms 1 ves (ing. 18 vel (pL) can be aed ‘The negative form of the Teperative is formed by puting mos wer rwery-one 2 Jon in font of the verb, 8 mos pane, mos miso, mos In ive of verbs which are non-active in form i arrived Mdsing the ending -m to the Mem and, for those verbs that Sia a vowel, inserting -b-botore the -a for ease of pronunei- ga the second person plural, the ending oa sade after 1 Here ee some examples ‘pant meso méschani aponi bh ‘ben iepuni some ether shanges inthe following verbs: ji rab ruhon! (hep, retin) shu sini a sion segative Impertive of non-active verbs, the ending -2 es & Separate clement between the neyative parle mos verb and is writen as follows: ‘lod don’ ger sre) wale (ow sar ow) mis Won’ get used 0) dow show youre fe nov-acive, Sich are the last the givem above. The forms of the lst tice verbs are ako ambiguous because esvactive pale w coincides with the dative plural citi w ‘an therfore mean “dont teach (() them’, ‘don’. narrate ) then, don tll (9) them. The intended meaning is wally Veiled by the context, Phe cles, or the short forms relating t0 the fost and third ‘singular and ploral can be used with Imperatives. They recede the ves in the Imperative (in the nepatve this Toy) in which cave they ate writen separately, oF they can the Imperative form and thea are writen together as one “wth te vex 212 ups rwewreone ‘See first some of these clits used with the negative form o¢ ‘he verb permend (tin): mos me permead Don’ mention meto me to me them to me thems to him iH iw hiner them to v8 ‘ ‘0 them item to them “Hires an example of a verb i the Imperative followed by lcs merméai take me J forto me Imerma-ni take i for me / to me ‘meremiai take them for me / to me rmerrent take it sere tke thom Imereje-al ako iC from hinvher (note fa = Ja) ‘ermal take ue / them for us rmerru- ‘ake fromifor then fmerrunei take st Sromffor them rmermie-al take it fromMfor my -. (xng:) Imerrmua-ei take it fromffor my |. (al) (Notice thatthe form merrua is ambiguous and may be conte with the nowacive,) ‘Verbs ending in a vowel ia the Imperative add before taking ‘one of the above cles beginning with a vowel, 8. pono ‘ponajepunoest pundit ee mi ‘misaje | mtsofent msi ee: ‘Ato, some ofthe vers that end with-in the Imperative He mba), Ij er, lose this belore taking one of the above eles beginning wth a consonant, eg, ‘mba} ‘aban mban te, hy tame Ina a, scr weston 213 READING PASSAGE. i NE MUZEUN BRITANIK Fee see | oat « oe i tte or Kjo so nuk Sah me reades epee Drta e Nora Ma Kiojnt dita duke vituar disa mize, né radhe t© pare Brian, per 16 cin Drita Kise déguar aq shure. Mul, Nora sot u gn para dhe © be mengjsin gai. NE pea don nga baness dhe w aba pér ne muze. Kur asi Mprisis se museut, Drita tha se notes 4 dike} © vost! jim mesa Khe degjvar er KEL muze. Nora nuk tha brenda, morta diss katalog® dhe pasi g& i shikuaa, ‘lonin nga gytetarimete joa oyipane, areke © "Dake shikuarobjelte eebspossars dhe cake altar nea ido n& tetrin, Dita fioi ta neereje mendimio Hid desing e ndcriees. Tani, nga brenda, jo duke epafund fs mjeshsiaeimnginatseayre g2 Kishin adhendur bjektet paar. Sec objekt te mahniste me dgk. beivrhen ur Dia so ene pase Hite rata, nou bol aye, Meni Hate oe eg, ‘rt egont kohen¢ ite seven capo ¢ vera 8 maze! me Biime det pends ome, ato vendsta te psi nen sedge ¢iuan espe, ko pnt ot vin neem Sable ecko pre) ge st vtuansksoin¢ “AY pond aga ont al @ cae pie ee crit pa shunt moderne che shine Ye baton, Kress em lia Uke gee dja dle nga mune Ato shin plana Er shkonin edhe fiir pj ei ad Madam Towode, por att gb Ae a henna oe ets Nor, nyt, thas ii ihe t8 shonin e 18 pushonin pak Sepse 86 mre HE tara feninin © dling 3 Bet 213 user nenere-ove ‘unir rwewr-one 215 eee ih IS Tne an -nj@ dhura. ‘= ‘both Bs a Bets ue ee aay eae foes ce a Soe a a ee rents cee ee cee : Bato we = Se, ani : ae =e Seam ese eco = Se EE Down = ee Ss a : Ee es ES oe ee EE: Se ss ‘explanation sj te vin. ae — tuned G2) faa (nee, et) dy Klogae rsh ju ter. sar Eras ines ae Baas as en Ete ee a es cpae hae = pec s oe a wu Sac wae ee a ae primitive 216 uur rweri-oNe 13 I ro dieingjen Best 14 Nee shpjego fin satis, 1S Mi visto prindéat (@) Make the following sentences negative: 1 Mere ombreliéa me vete, 2 Blja Bete churatén 3 Folu ptr ct kaluaren (pan), 4 Mbyija dort me gals. 5 Prinanin@ sacion. 6 Flos edhe at nd darks 1 Pano shame 8 Merz majnurit bonanen. 9 Mil lle né kopsbt. 10 Uf wae) tet go ie. 11 Pergigima ne pyee 12 Fotografoje kopshtin © Best (01st. tstavng semen akg acon ‘Bong Rage ven mt 1 Mbaje voien se do 8 baer mit. 2 Kurrd mos e brengos velen per girs (8 parvadteishine (nimporan 3 Mos e tregoni voten para gjthioit 4 GjthmoneIargje vet nga ren 5 Mos e masnto veten me gers g¥ aul viejo. 6 Mbuloje vten mirt gt t8 mos fohes, 7 Mos be shoget me sbokE tg 8 Mos © krahasoni (compare) veten me at 9 Mos e lodhns veten pa neve 1 Mos e pérjen! veten nd bal. ot erdh miré 1 as glad a ray you (ung) become Ty ore biedova me Toutea © Petri 0 fe thirén me telefon pe WE ma urvsrdiindjen! MB erdhi pve. MB thane, “Urine per dttingjen! U beth ind oe ig aenkan kujatr tet tlefonojot ptr diene. ‘Sepurtment store a thing Gem. inp.) 7 Salesman patlenee take off rest ron-ect.) ie soe ath ete dj, Drie? ee ttn kaluam népee shitote © sbiepi alias. lee ndon}e send? BME shame prowaam se glem8. Per fa shieait pate durin = dessa unt isha shisha fustana w ndryshém. fA‘ od Nora? LU lots 98 18 dys, for nan ora nj pasreke w ulm 8 estorant, engeém drcke, pine Kafe dhe w glodhém mint. 1 fel lke dtoking Teel lke sleeping ime pitt i fhe Te te be oe kate? 10, nuk pom pet. 218 user awenrv-awo ‘A: Mua po me pibetnjé kate BB: Atzhere bie nt pet vete. Mus po mé fibet, Sapo te psf doje fi dot eho) shea, A: Te haber digka nga pemet adoshta? 2: Po, do ta baja jt moll odbem s¢foar 1 get tined of speaking ‘A: Bigs mph shoket © Markut site Salamaa ¥ madh. St suk y fodh st flut gate gine mbes. 2B: Ashu es. Une lodha st deus. Diku Movs t8 mo ig ‘oi vei A: Disave w dukeshin ltt uj interesante. Kurt spushuay a sesh 2B; Mendoj se iehin pak te deur 1W/ GRAMMATICAL PATTERNS Some Patera in the Derivation of Verbs Verbs can be simple like hua bly shy ct, oF derived, The Beet Fale »., appraise fevaue, desrace, ‘epreciate = place v3 decide ‘isplae; annul ‘cision hood pay special attention to thro of tho preGnes which, when added to the vorb only give tthe "These are g she and mh C- ie preted to Teh or eras well as 10 verbs wrap ~ umrap cllet— disperse fil ~ empty bore ~ relieve boredom entangle ~ disetangle treave ~ uopick fell ~sbride to verbs beginning with «voiced consonant, such do ~ undo ‘worry = soothe 220 oy rweereorwo aed ahdredh ist — untvise seh hve pt on = take oft ares ahvares bury ~ exhume ‘She is prefixed to verbs begining with voiceless contonee ah BPA Kort og a) sale) pile, pack ~ unpack Kora sikurdis ind unin eno} shtenoj Drake ~ eease brakes ‘ur sno it~ undo Kain ‘& and x are two variants of smother prefix which elves tothe ‘eis wid which tis used an itcusive meaning. fs sed bese ‘oioeess consonants, 2- before voiced comoniats, 8 shan ‘eden ‘kur beautify, decorate xj} widen as lengthen vee diminish, reduce ‘ama ‘enlarge nerds make yellow [Notice the relationship between the following piss of vers ‘bath put on (hoes) abath take off (shoes) ml Sick tn ‘ail take out pall ont mer) freeze sket) defrost, imbul cover thule) uncover, discover Imeatéro}_catangle haterre) — dentanle, estoy Ue of the Non-Active In the third situation at the begining ofthe sit you can see 4 pricular use of the non-active to express the equivalent of Ere lish 1 (don?) feel tke. These constructions in Albanian ae ner rwexrectwo 221 1 dative pronominal cit, 1 ont fel like going wo the i ‘You (sing) Helse e We “ # a You) They Newer Nouns atthe beginning ofthe units special wse of ‘of sme neuter nouns deriving from pariiples cin 1 got tned of talking 1 got bored of waiting, Helse never stoppe crying. DITBLINDJA B BETTT Bett nije dees cingbronte r& east Shokit 22 war wwnenerwo git dol pe shendetn es rita © Aa ia urus dittnjog ‘8 chai spice inn se ajo ise ngs pak sbap. Tse ok 18 gle 8 lam dhs shade 8 mie. Morenja pasta} vishdoi der oFet ¢ voos me biseds, sp shaka te ndeahme, me mune cvallesim She me pie. Pecan ht din ¢ tepruan pak me pie, por jo dic aq st ta pater, fimosferen ¢ genase Te ge edbeshin Tom dhe egy Sain mire Bo iste e bustqeshur dhe c ares sre kano Dist gucnin eke e pyar nse shin lar ta bree sitet, por ajo e date se shoktt po talleshin spse apo Lice ‘busier nénmbedhjet dhe e Kste jetén perpar, Bet vyandisht w hujdes gf Dria © Ad ndihesin sa me irene gating 3), mem e shove dee shogee esp record record player caseto, tape tape recorder taste her mother ‘the top of the sis lem arrange toast late hours Sancing cexapgerace aumeosphere happy over rwesty-rwo 223 ht tte se? te far? ashi ee Bet? fs sijen Best bi ihe ed endo mid ice? fp tare pag ob ke oe salve? linen Drie Ai? gad mista So Bet gem? fw es ap vanes? the folloming seatences as in the example Unt © mbeshiell iri, furs ab ne “U8 e mbeshijell brn, urs st © gmbeshjel #e bg (Sich on) bokura (von), kume ajo © Taso, hue iy me at ranple - ka bert muri tarde ‘Nie ka zbardhur marin. aus bere i verte ie ka béré problemin 1€ vogt

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