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Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense - Manual

1. The teachers will teach them mathematics.

A. The teachers was teaching them mathematics yesterday.

B. The teachers were teaching them mathematics yesterday.

C. The teachers were teaching them mathematics at this time yesterday

2. We will be studying economics here at 04.00 p.m. tomorrow

A. We were studying economics here at 04.00 p.m. yesterday.

B. We was studying economics here at 04.00 p.m. yesterday.

C. We were studying economics here at 04.00 p.m. tomorrow.

3. He is in the class.

A. He was not being in the class at 9 yesterday morning.

B. He were not being in the class at 8 yesterday morning.

C. He was not being in the class right now.

4. They do not study. (tanpa time signal, asumsi kalian telah paham)

A. Was they studying?

B. Ware they not study?

C. Were they not studying?

5. Shinta has been bringing a book.

A. Were Shinta bringing a book?

B. Was Shinta bringing a book?

C. Were Shinta bring a book?

6. Adikku sedang menonton sebuah film ketika seseorang mengetuk pintu.

A. My younger brother were watching a film when somebody knock the door.

B. My younger brother was watching a film when somebody knock the door.
C. My younger brother was watching a film when somebody knocked the door.

7. Apakah Dina tidak sedang berada di kelas?

A. Were Dina not being in the class?

B. Wasnt Dina being in the class?

C. Was not Dina being in the class?

8. Apakah ayah saya tidak sedang tidur ketika saya datang?

A. Were my father not sleeping when I came?

B. Was my father not sleeping when I came?

C. Was my father not sleeping when I come?

9. Aku tidak sedang mandi.

A. I was not taking a bath.

B. I wasnt take a bath.

C. I were not taking a bath.

10. Apakah ilmu ekonomi sedang menjadi mata pelajaran yang paling populer?

A. Were economics being the most popular subject?

B. Was economics being the most popular subject?

C. Werent economics being the most popular subject?

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

No Jawaban Penjelasan

1 C Salah satu fungsi dari past continuous tense adalah untuk menyatakan aktifitas atau
kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Jadi tidak cukup hanya
menggunakan time signal yesterday saja, harus lebih spesifik seperti at this time dan lain-lain. The
teachers adalah jamak maka menggunakan were. Penggunaan was/were tergantung dengan subjeknya,
lihat tabel pada bagian bawah.

2 A Subjek we menggunakan were, time signal yang digunakan adalah at 04.00 p.m.
3 A Ini adalah past continuous tense bentuk negatif, rumus bentuk negative adalah S +
was/were + not +, subjek He menggunakan was.

4 C Ini adalah bentuk negative interogatif yang rumusnya Was/were + S + not +
subjek they menggunakan were.

5 B Ini adalah past continuous tense bentuk interogatif yang rumusnya Was/were + S + Subjek Shinta menggunakan was.

6 C Salah satu fungsi dari past continuous tense adalah untuk menyatakan suatu aktifitas
atau kejadian yang sedang berlangsung ketika aktifitas atau kejadan lain datang menyela pada masa
lampau. Untuk kejadian utama rumusnya S + was/were + sedangkan untuk kejadian yang
datang menyela rumusnya S + verb2 (Berlaku untuk semua bentuk kalimat past continuous tense, baik
positif, negative, interogatif, dan juga negative interogatif).

7 B Ini merupakan past continuous tense bentuk negative interogatif, rumusnya adalah
Was/were + S + not + was not atau were not boleh diletakkan di depan subjek namun harus
disingkat menjadi wasnt atau werent. Subjek Dina menggunakan was.

8 B Subjek my father menggunakan was. Kejadian atau aktifitas yang datang menyela
menggunakan rumus S + Verb2 (seperti yang telah dijelaskan pada soal nomor 6), maka menjadi I

9 A Ingat rumus bentuk negative yaitu S + was/were + not + Subjek Aku
menggunakan was.

10 B Ingat rumus bentuk interogatif yaitu Was/were + S + Subjek economics

terdapat akhiran s bukan berarti jamak, melainkan uncountable, maka menggunakan was.
Where you meeting your client at 10 oclock yesterday?



Someone tried to steal her phone while she for a railway ticket.


was queuing

My sister and I walking on the beach at 5 pm last week.



At 7 this morning he breakfast with his kids.

was eating

is eating

Who the car when it ?

was driving, crashed

drove, was crashing

My father, together with mother, in the garden all day yesterday.

was working

were working
Were the students the video during class?



The fire alarm rang the boarding school students were sleeping.



Was she kind to her friends?



He taking a bath when you knocked on the door.





was queuing


was eating

was driving, crashed

was working | Subject-Verb Agreement: Verb disesuaikan dengan subjek (father), bukan noun atau
pronoun yang berada pada phrase/clause yang menyelanya.

while | Simple past tense + past continuous tense ~ aksi berdurasi pendek (simple past tense)
menginterupsi aksi yang sedang berlangsung (past continuous tense). Conjunction yang dapat
digunakan: When (berada pada clause yang memuat aksi berdurasi pendek) atau while (berada pada
clause yang memuat aksi yang sedang berlangsung).



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