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9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

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vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid (

6657 submitted 2 hours ago by petitbleuchien (97% upvoted)
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[] moderndaynomad 687 points 2 hours ago
Isn't this basically what's going to happen to the Marina neighborhood of SF when the Welcome, welcome, to /r/educationalgifs.
big one hits? In /r/educationalgifs we strive to have short gifs that
educate the subscribers in some way. As long as it is
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educational, and a gif, it is fine. But please read the
rules before you post, in order to help the mod team
[] SocksAndSandals95 355 points 2 hours ago moderate, while also making this a better place to post.

Yup - it's called Liquifaction. Because all the other bits of an enormous earthquake Gifs are great at getting quick to digest info, and
/r/educationalgifs strives to give you educational info
aren't horrifying enough! in this quick to digest format. From chemical
permalink embed parent report processes, to how plants work, to how machines work,
/r/educationalgifs will explain many processes in the
quick to see format of gifs.
[] manosrellim 94 points 2 hours ago*
You want this sub to have more content? Go to the
And because "liquification" was too obvious. subreddits below to learn how to make/request a gif!
EDIT: As u/POTUS (shoutout for the killer username) points out below, 1. /r/gifrequests
liquification is different, and would mean a change to actual liquid (molten 2. /r/makemeagif
glass, in this case).
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1. Only Gif/HTML5 links please. No sound,

[] POTUS 163 points an hour ago videos or pictures. The preferred sites for gifs
to be hosted on are imgur or gyfcat. These are reliable sources and thus we would love 1/29

9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

Well, no. Liquification of sand ends up with glass. Liquifaction is when are reliable sources and thus we would love if
you hosted your gifs using these sites.
something behaves like a liquid without actually being a liquid. 2. Provide source if there is one. We won't go
permalink embed parent report hunting you down, but at least be considerate
of the creator.
[] AlphaTheJob 27 points an hour ago 3. Your title must be informative of what is
going on in the gif, instead of the good ole
Are you the President of the United States? "Look at this gem" or "Just a wheel". They can
permalink embed parent report be funny, but just consider this.
4. Any post that has been submitted in the past
[] acog 107 points 59 minutes ago* 3 months or is in the top 100 of all time
cannot be reposted and will be removed.
No, if he was, he would've written this: Please report rule breaking posts.
5. If you feel that any ruling is unfair/not correct,
Many people say I have the best words, the best words. And one or if you have any other questions, feel free to
word I just invented is liquefaction. Did you know I invented that? message the /r/educationalgifs mod team.
It is when something acts like a liquid but isn't. Why is no one 6. No recipe/cooking process related gifs
allowed. Please direct your posts to
talking about Hillary's Russia problem? Anyway, no one knew that /r/gifrecipes.
liquification wasn't the right word to use here. Ask anyone, no one
knew. Then I invented liquefaction. My uncle, a famous MIT R E L AT E D S U B R E D D I T S
scientist, look him up, look him up... I always have to mention my /r/RussiansOnTheInternet
qualifications, went to school here, started a successful business. /r/lifeprotips
Do you think Democrats have to do that? So my uncle said, some /r/aviationgifs
day you'll invent the best words. And everyone says he was right. /r/OceanGifs
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[] omgfmlihatemylife 30 points 55 minutes ago /r/mechanical_gifs
/r/explainlikeimtrump /r/ScienceGIFs
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created by IIHURRlCANEII a community for 4 years

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[] Wannabkate 6 points 35 minutes ago

Actually you need to dumb it down a little. He would actually
seem somewhat intelligent if he said that. messiah69
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[] thodne 6 points 14 minutes ago lntrinsic
NTRX 2/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

The political BS is getting fucking annoying. immorta1

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about moderation team
[] AverageTheJam 3 points 4 minutes ago

No matter how airtight your /r/all filter list is, nowhere is

< > discussions in r/educationalgifs X

safe. 231 13 comments

Mercury and gold leaf. An amalgam is an
permalink embed parent report alloy of mercury with another metal. A and
gold-mercury amalgam is used in the
[] slowest_hour 1 point 1 minute ago extraction of gold from ore.

A t_d poster come to tell us that politics are getting

annoying. Cool.
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[] GanondalfTheWhite 5 points 54 minutes ago

Too coherent.
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[] kendallcorner 4 points 32 minutes ago

And it's spelled liquefaction!

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[] perimason 11 points 1 hour ago

It happens with clay, too!

An earthquake hitting the right frequency will cause clay to liquefy. In the puget sound area, this could cause landslides
that, in turn, cause tsunamis which wash back and forth between the eastern and western shores.
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[] Emily_Postal 5 points 1 hour ago 3/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

Which will happen when the Cascadia subduction zone blows, which is long overdue.
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[] illit4 4 points 26 minutes ago

The last known megathrust earthquake in the northwest was in January, 1700, just over 300 years ago.
Geological evidence indicates that such great earthquakes have occurred at least seven times in the last
3,500 years, a return interval of 400 to 600 years.
i mean, is it overdue though? my understanding of the term "return interval" is definitely limited, but it
seems like another large event isn't expected for 100-300 years.
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[] Emily_Postal 2 points 18 minutes ago

According to the article I posted, which was published in 2015, the Cascadia subduction zone is now
315 years into a 243 year cycle, which is its recurrence interval. So really it is 317 years into a 243 year
cycle. I'd say that qualifies as overdue. The experts quoted in the article seem to think so. But like
you, my understanding is limited.
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[] _Lady_Deadpool_ 1 point 5 minutes ago

The current administration will only speed that up. What a time to be alive (for now)
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[] 4-Vektor 15 points 1 hour ago

Also called (soil) liquefaction.

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[] WikiTextBot 19 points 1 hour ago

Soil liquefaction
Soil liquefaction describes a phenomenon whereby a saturated or partially saturated soil substantially loses
strength and stiffness in response to an applied stress, usually earthquake shaking or other sudden change in
stress condition, causing it to behave like a liquid. 4/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

In soil mechanics the term "liquefied" was first used by Allen Hazen in reference to the 1918 failure of the
Calaveras Dam in California. He described the mechanism of flow liquefaction of the embankment dam as
If the pressure of the water in the pores is great enough to carry all the load, it will have the effect of holding the
particles apart and of producing a condition that is practically equivalent to that of quicksand the initial
movement of some part of the material might result in accumulating pressure, first on one point, and then on
another, successively, as the early points of concentration were liquefied.
The phenomenon is most often observed in saturated, loose (low density or uncompacted), sandy soils.

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[] jagipson 4 points 21 minutes ago

I can't get no Liquefaction.

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[] 4-Vektor 1 point 13 minutes ago

But I try...
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[] kendallcorner 1 point 31 minutes ago

Ooh kudos for spelling it right.

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[] erroneousbosh 2 points 44 minutes ago
Good example of it in practice.
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[] flimsy_evidence 2 points 40 minutes ago

Upon Julia's Clothes

9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

Whenas in silks my Julia goes,

Then, then (methinks) how sweetly flows
That liquefaction of her clothes.
Next, when I cast mine eyes, and see
That brave vibration each way free,
O how that glittering taketh me!
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[] Croup_Vandemar 1 point 26 minutes ago

Nope, it's actually called fluidized when air and vibration is used to agitate solids.
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[] biogeochemist 1 point 4 minutes ago

To see examples of this just google the Christchurch NZ 2010 earthquake. They had a lot of liquifaction which
destroyed neighborhoods, especially toward the New Brighton beach area (was studying geology in chch when this
Look at this car. (scroll down)
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[] eestileib 16 points 2 hours ago

And most of Foster City.

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[] YoungKeys 7 points 1 hour ago

Only part of the Marina. Bigger issue is the highrises in SOMA/downtown:
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[] Seikoholic 3 points 32 minutes ago

The Mission isn't much better. When I lived there in the '90s, I worked at Community Thrift, and we were often told
how, when the '06 quake hit, the previous building on that spot had dropped like an elevator in the ground, intact. It 6/29
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was four stories tall, and it ended up basically flush with the ground.
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[] dk21291 1 point 1 minute ago

Wait for real? Did you ever look up any info/source on that?
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[] bos-sf 1 point 14 minutes ago

That's pretty much the whole Marina. Including my apartment :(

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[] okusernamed 1 point 7 minutes ago

all the red parts are the parts of SF i hate the most!!!
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[] EtsuRah 5 points 1 hour ago

What is "The Big One" and is it something supposed to hit soon or is it like a "One day it could happen" thing?
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[] iambaney 13 points 48 minutes ago

There's a big-ass subduction zone that runs along the entire western coast of the US that generates earthquakes
somewhat regularly. The Big One is the foretold point where that line decides to go ape shit and generate catastrophic
quakes that devastate the whole west coast. Earthquakes are very hard to predict in both timing and magnitude, but
this big one is possible at pretty much any moment.
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[] Addinet 1 point 1 hour ago*

Theirs supposed to be a huge earthquake along the san andreas fault line that should be between 7.5 and 8.0 in
magnitude. Historically its overdue for the earthquake now but we don't really know how soon it will happen.
Edit: Apparently I was thinking of the wrong earth quake!
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[] Emily_Postal 5 points 1 hour ago 7/29
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[] RStiltskins 2 points 32 minutes ago

That was a great read! Thanks.

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[] MonkeysInABarrel 3 points 1 hour ago

Same with lots of Richmond and Delta in Vancouver when the big one hits us.
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[] IDinnaeKen 3 points 58 minutes ago

Yup. You should read about the 1692 Port Royal earthquake where this basically happened. The whole town slid into the sea
because the sand it was built on liquified.
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[] HelperBot_ 1 point 57 minutes ago

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 109111

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[] BendoverOR 1 point 47 minutes ago

It's gonna happen to Cascadia, too.

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[] Flyinx 1 point 21 minutes ago

The Wasatch Fault in Utah is overdue as well.

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[] Hi_mom1 1 point 19 minutes ago

Thank goodness there isn't anything valuable sitting on top of that sand...geesh - that is scary as shit
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[] Searchlights 1 point 9 minutes ago

That's what they say about Boston too. Half the city is build on swampland that was filled in with dirt and sand. 8/29
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They call it Fenway park because it used to be a fen.

a low and marshy or frequently flooded area of land.
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[] kilopeter 270 points 2 hours ago

If you ever wanted to play around with a fluid that's 23 times the density of water and has zero surface tension, this looks like a
pretty solid approximation.
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[] nothingkwt 61 points 40 minutes ago

I hate this website.

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[] G00DLuck 10 points 12 minutes ago

It's coarse and rough and irritating and it puns everywhere.

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[] Thadis 8 points 1 hour ago

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[] Thencan 94 points 2 hours ago

I want to bathe in that.

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[] LazyFigure 117 points 2 hours ago 9/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

Do you? Think of the places that sand will end up!

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[] felio_ 75 points 2 hours ago

I hate sand...
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[] felio_ 52 points 2 hours ago*

... its coarse and rough...

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[] TerrainIII 44 points 1 hour ago

...and irritating...
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[] jimmyrhall 43 points 1 hour ago

...and it gets EVERYWHERE!

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[] Hieronymus_E 33 points 1 hour ago

Not unlike r/prequelmemes

Come and visit us.
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[] jimmyrhall 8 points 1 hour ago

Already subbed.
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[] moschles 2 points 18 minutes ago

Twice the subscribers, double the fun.

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[] sabotourAssociate 1 point 6 minutes ago

...and it stays FOREVER! 10/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

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[] ChulaK 2 points 1 hour ago

But that's the point! Think of the exfoliation!

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[] Treason_Weasel 4 points 1 hour ago

Like the vagoo

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[] raybrignsx 3 points 32 minutes ago

Oh noo not the vagoo

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[] zodar 1 point 12 minutes ago

You vibrated it in; you can vibrate it out

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[] Thencan 2 points 49 minutes ago

I was once camping and came across a little spring. It was filled with beautiful clean white sand. And because it had the
up current of water the sand was a similar weird density that you see here.
So naturally I told my friends to hmb and stuck my head in as far as I could. I've never really felt anything like it. I could
feel the tingling of millions of grains of sand dancing around my face... and into every single face hole.
I was cleaning sand out of my ears for 2 months. Definitely worth it though.
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[] SexyEyyEff 1 point 32 minutes ago

That jacuzzi also looks quite enticing..

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[] Croup_Vandemar 1 point 25 minutes ago 11/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

You'll sink
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[] solsangraal 64 points 2 hours ago*

it makes noise too
edit: another pretty cool video of the same phenomenon--
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[] Utinnni 59 points 1 hour ago

The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
It's not like i wanted to see it anyways.
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[] cbeak 6 points 1 hour ago

But I wanted to see it!

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[] solsangraal 8 points 1 hour ago
edit: i haven't tried this, so don't know if it'll work. but i do know there are ways to do it
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[] Utinnni 5 points 1 hour ago

I just used a VPN. That's another way to do it.

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[] paddywhack 2 points 1 hour ago
There ya go
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9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

[] JWilkesBooth 9 points 1 hour ago

Yo what. That's crazy. Imagine hearing that and having no idea what's happening
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[] SillyOperator 14 points 1 hour ago

Every time I watch a video of natural phenomena I imagine how it must have been for earlier civilizations and realize it's
easy to chalk it up to gods and shit
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[] demevalos 2 points 46 minutes ago

holy fuck, did you just see that flash of light in the sky?
Zeus my man, Zeus.
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[] dir ty_willy 1 point 8 minutes ago

Do you ever wonder if future generations will look back at your current scientific explanations and feel the same
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[] washyleopard 7 points 1 hour ago

"In your ears, mouth, eyes... everywhere" -scientist lady.

Sand is course and rough and gets everywhere confirmed by science.
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[] JoeOfTex 3 points 1 hour ago

Thats an impressive theory just by doing simple tests. They must have had to do multiple dunes to come to that result where
its reverberating the energy from sand disturbance like a violin within the top layer of sand above the wet inner part of the
They even determined the musical note based on the thickness of the top layer. Mind blown.
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[] youtubefactsbot 2 points 2 hours ago 13/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

Singing Sand Dunes | National Geographic [5:13]

A sonic phenomenon in the Eureka sand dunes of Death Valley have mystified scientists for decades.
National Geographic in Entertainment

78,785 views since Jul 2009

bot info

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[] markevens 1 point 1 hour ago

That's cool
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[] I_cant_help 55 points 2 hours ago

The best part is when the hand is in it and they stop the vibrating.
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[] staffell 16 points 58 minutes ago

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[] Nermish_121 25 points 2 hours ago

( )
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[] DarkDevildog 24 points 1 hour ago

This is what I thought quicksand was as a kid

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[] julbull73 6 points 59 minutes ago

It can be
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9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

[] ChulaK 22 points 1 hour ago

Reminds me of a book I read, Sand by Hugh Howey. Post apocalypse where the old word is buried in sand and the way to survive is
to dive through the sand and collect material from the ancient buried world. They talk about a vibrating technology which liquifies
sand, and seeing this is just so awesome. Can you imagine if they built a whole suit and literally dive through the Sahara?
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[] isimpressed 4 points 31 minutes ago

This is what I came here for.

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[] tHar vey303 4 points 14 minutes ago

I was just thinking that, quite enjoyed that book actually. Sand diving in the Sahara would be awesome!
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[] mkePatrick 1 point 8 minutes ago

water world in sand? only if Dennis hopper plays an over dramatic villain will this movie be successful.
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[] jonny169 9 points 1 hour ago

I had to use one of these as part of my physical therapy and I fractured and dislocated my wrist. They would turn it on and I just had
to try to close my fist and grab the sand.
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[] Areonaux 3 points 30 minutes ago

Now I want to dislocate my wrist!

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[] jonny169 3 points 22 minutes ago

You don't want that man. It's took 7 months of PT to only get back to 70% of strength and range of motion. My hand
can't bend back all the way anymore, u can't do push ups without using handles and if I push it for a few hours doing
something strenuous I feel it for a couple of days.
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[] Areonaux 1 point 15 minutes ago

That doesn't sound as fun as a thought, How did that happen? 15/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

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[] ddplz 1 point 9 minutes ago

Yeah but you got to play with the sand

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[] throwaway404k 17 points 2 hours ago

Liquefaction, FTW!
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[] FloodMoose 4 points 1 hour ago

Yeup. I'm sad more people for know this term. It's what happens during mudslides and earthquakes, if conditions are right.
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[] throwaway404k 3 points 1 hour ago

The magnitude 7.9 1906 San Francisco earthquake is the largest to have occurred in north central California since
European settlers arrived. It is also about as large as future earthquakes are likely to be in the San Francisco Bay region.
A significant fraction of the damage that occurred during and immediately following the 1906 earthquake was related
to liquefaction, either directly or indirectly. During the earthquake, abundant damage was caused to buildings and
structures by liquefied ground in areas like the Mission District and the Market Street area. The fires following the
earthquake, which burned for several days, were so large and damaging in part because liquefied ground damaged the
city's water system and severely limited the residents' ability to fight fires.
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[] Rum_Rogers 2 points 1 hour ago

So if an earthquakes with the right conditions happens while i'm happily walking on the beach, i would just sink like i'm
suddenly in water and be sealed there once the quake ends.
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[] cookiemonster2222 2 points 56 minutes ago

Wait could you swim in it since it's liquid life form 16/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

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[] Moewron 1 point 46 minutes ago

life form

Probably not correct

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[] Shakzes 0 points 33 minutes ago

It the depends on the buoyancy of the (liquid) sand. People probably don't have the right density to float
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[] GemstarRazor 1 point just now

sand is heavier than water. liquifacted sand is denser than water. humans are near neutral buoyancy
in water. humans float in sand.
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[] tyfordawin 5 points 1 hour ago

This would be an awesome super villain death trap. Could totally see a bond villain using this.
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[] ChipChamp 5 points 1 hour ago

Is this sort of what causes quicksand to exist? Please ELI5.

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[] swimfastalex 2 points 3 minutes ago

This is called liquefaction. Not sure about quicksand.

I'm trying to think of a good ELI5.
But think of soil strength as the sand being able to attach to other grains of sand when it's saturated. So like when you build a
sand castle, that shows the strength. Now sand will compress, and when this happens the water will want to move to areas
where it is not compressing.
Now this time, in an earthquake, the soil is constantly moving that the water doesn't have time to move out. So eventually the
water becomes strong enough to overpower the sand particles, and they no longer can stick to each other. 17/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

Hope that helps.

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[] DR_2 5 points 1 hour ago

This technology is actually used in specialty beds in a hospital when a patient has really bad pressure sores or other injuries that
require extra steps to prevent them from worsening.
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[] Psycho568 9 points 1 hour ago

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[] parkegs 3 points 46 minutes ago

The aluminium industry used this as method to move alumina from the unloading station to the smelter. After unloading from a
train car the alumina is blown up to the slide at a lift tower and then onto a air permeable material underneath of which high air
pressure was applied, the alumina would then flow down hill to the potlines.
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[] evilgilligan 3 points 45 minutes ago

heat it to 2000 deg F and you have a fluidized bed hazardous waste incinerator ... just sayin'
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[] B-Knight 4 points 43 minutes ago

Heat anything to 2000F and you're gonna have a waste disposer.

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[] Playboi_Icardi 2 points 40 minutes ago

What if you heat hydrogen to that temperature

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[] B-Knight 3 points 44 minutes ago

My brain doesn't like this. I just can't accept it's not wet and it's sand. Like, it hurts man.
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[] petitbleuchien [S] 4 points 2 hours ago* 18/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

Source unknown, sorry folks. Seems to have originally been posted here.
EDIT: SOURCE! Thanks /u/inexplorata!
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[] inexplorata 5 points 41 minutes ago

Some more of it here.

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[] petitbleuchien [S] 3 points 36 minutes ago

Thanks so much for the source! Editing my comment.

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[] Harr yP22 1 point 30 minutes ago

Ah yes, the 2005 raving tunes were perfect here. Went together amazingly, what a masterpiece.
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[] Solid364 2 points 1 hour ago

My inner child desperately wants to play in that.

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[] NegrodamusIII 2 points 1 hour ago

If you left this thing running for a month, would all the grains of sand erode to become spherical?
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[] stelthtaco 2 points 1 hour ago

What happens if i'm elbow deep and it stops vibrating?

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[] petitbleuchien [S] 16 points 1 hour ago

It's sand, so you'll be elbow deep in regular ol' sand.

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[] LoseYourEgo1 2 points 35 minutes ago

What about balls deep, though? 19/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

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[] doyoueventdrif t 2 points 53 minutes ago

They Don't Think It Be Like It Is, But It Do

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[] mrshekelstein18 2 points 53 minutes ago

So if you had an animal that could vibrate and aerate the sand next to its skin it could possible swim through it like water.
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[] YesNinja 2 points 50 minutes ago

At first I was thinking that would make a killer hot tub, then I realized that's basically voluntarily diving in to quicksand.
Edit; so what I'm saying is it would be a killer hot tub.
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[] Trilodip76 2 points 45 minutes ago

When you're a hydrophobe in the great Nef desert.

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[] Whatarri 2 points 33 minutes ago

Vibrating makes lots of things wet

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[] tm0neyz 3 points 1 hour ago*

It's actually in fact called fluidization.

We use this anomoly in the wastewater treatment industry. Inside a giant incinerator lies a specific volume of sand. That sand is
fluidized by preheated air from underneath while sewage sludge is pumped into the sand bed. The fluidized sand works to break up
the sludge while the preheated air plus fuel in the combustion chamber burns up the volatiles in the now broken up sludge. That
sludge over time is reduced to ash and collected via an ash transportation system and sent out to a settling basin to be trucked
away. The ash is now clean and clear of volatiles and contaminates. Pretty neat!
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[] Kysis 2 points 32 minutes ago

Fluidization takes liquid this is liquefaction 20/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

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[] loudcris 2 points 2 hours ago

I want to touch it.

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[] Nebula263 2 points 2 hours ago

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[] Gnarledhalo 1 point 2 hours ago

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[] markevens 1 point 1 hour ago

They really should show the contrast with it while not vibrating.
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[] Thinex 1 point 1 hour ago

Now the real question is, what can we do to make water behave like sand?
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[] julbull73 1 point 58 minutes ago

You've never had a snow cone or shaved ice before?

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[] DaFox257 1 point 1 hour ago

I feel like this may belong in r/blackmagicfuckery

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[] Down4War710 1 point 1 hour ago

That's pretty cool! Guess that's how quicksand works? ? ?

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[] julbull73 1 point 58 minutes ago 21/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

It can be. However, usually that's super thin mud.

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[] johnmudd 1 point 1 hour ago

Similar to how soil liquefies during a hurricane when the trees are getting pushed back and forth over and over again.
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[] woah_LookAtThat 1 point 1 hour ago

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[] Hillside_Strangler 1 point 1 hour ago

What would this feel like if you dipped your junk in a toilet full of this stuff?
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[] coldvault 1 point 1 hour ago

Looks like it's boiling.

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[] siddthekid208 1 point 1 hour ago

This is the exact principle behind Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers (CFBs), which are used for burning fuel to generate steam to
make power.
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[] abcde123edcba 1 point 1 hour ago


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[] SerengetiYeti 1 point 1 hour ago

BRB, gonna go trap the neighbor kids in their sandbox.

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[] jsideris 1 point 1 hour ago

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9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

[] MonsieurUrsidae 1 point 1 hour ago

That must be useful for transport processes

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[] srgs_ 1 point 1 hour ago

this behavior (liquefaction?) is very useful in industry. A 'little bit' of vibration and compressed air and hundreds tones of flour are
easy to process, but sand is much more saffer.
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[] Kangaroolube 1 point 1 hour ago

Make a sandy kooch wet.

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[] gettingitknit 1 point 59 minutes ago

They make mattresses filled with sand and then do this to them for some long term care patients. I used to care for a resident who
had one pretty awesome stuff.
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[] arclin3 1 point 57 minutes ago

Meh, its no coconut, but I'd give it a try!

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[] punriffer5 1 point 55 minutes ago

Can this be done on a large scale? It would decimate sand dunes(bad), but maybe could make it more pliable to rebuild sand
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[] queuedUp 1 point 47 minutes ago

Makes it way easier to hide bodies at the beach.

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[] hazzer69 1 point 43 minutes ago

So this is my first post on reddit, yes i lived for years under a stone and now Irma took my stone and i came to reddit. hello
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9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

[] petitbleuchien [S] 1 point 35 minutes ago

Hello. This is actually your first comment on reddit. Welcome!

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[] hazzer69 1 point 31 minutes ago

thanks buddy
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[] DanteAmaya 1 point 40 minutes ago

I loved the Tremors movies as a kid. Everything makes much more sense now.
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[] ilovevoat 1 point 39 minutes ago

i want this in my house now. >:(

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[] Storemanager 1 point 39 minutes ago

Is that how Scrooge McDuck is able to swim in his money?

Someone should send me some money so I can test it out.
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[] BeerIsBettter 1 point 37 minutes ago

It's called liquefaction bruh.

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[] Sur vivorman98 1 point 37 minutes ago

I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
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[] Tropicorgi 1 point 34 minutes ago

It will do the same to people, with enough effort.

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[] WhackIsBack 1 point 32 minutes ago 24/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

Not the only think that creates a fluid like substance when vibrated and aerated ;)
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[] Dizneymagic 1 point 31 minutes ago

I don't know why but really fine grain sand has always made my mouth water if touch or see it. I think it must be because I chewed
on a lot of sand-filled animal shaped toys when I was a toddler.
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[] petitbleuchien [S] 1 point 24 minutes ago

Not to suggest anything, but are you familiar with pica)?

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[] FinallyGotReddit 1 point 30 minutes ago

Solid + Gas = Liquid. The math checks out.

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[] ohheybrittany 1 point 29 minutes ago

Triggering my r/trypophobia
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[] BreastUsername 1 point 26 minutes ago

I love sand. It's soft and smooth...

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[] Cthulu-Azathoth2020 1 point 24 minutes ago

" I hate sand. It's fluid, smooth and gets everywhere"

Anakin, probally
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[] battychefcunt 1 point 24 minutes ago

r/finalfantasyxii Yensa Sandsea

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[] Kosinski33 1 point 23 minutes ago 25/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

I like sand now.

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[] s3r vant 1 point 22 minutes ago

My company receives one of our raw materials (powder) via train and this is exactly how we unload it: aeration via membrane inside
the car compartments and vibrators that attach to the sides of the car. Takes about 3 hours to unload a single car, though our
convey system is bottlenecking the overall process.
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[] FelixAusted 1 point 22 minutes ago

I hate sand.
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[] LoudMusic 1 point 20 minutes ago

That's a major contributor to quick sand, isn't it?

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[] Thedavidstoner 1 point 17 minutes ago

What's the viscosity of it?

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[] NomadFire 1 point 16 minutes ago

Wonder what is the biggest grains this could work with, as far as the bubbling goes. I know that pebbles wouldn't work exactly the
same way.
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[] YouAreCat 1 point 16 minutes ago

The word vibrating and the tiny thumbnail made me think of something completely different! But that's still cool..
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[] marsofdeath 1 point 16 minutes ago

It's no longer coarse and rough, but it still probably gets everywhere. 8/10
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[] uzimonkey 1 point 14 minutes ago 26/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

There must be a use for this other than playing with it with your hands. But that looks really cool, I want to play with it with my
hands. It must feel... strange, I'm imagining scratchy water, if that makes any sense. Kind of a pressure and a tingling.
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[] They0001 1 point 10 minutes ago

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[] SnicklefritzSkad 1 point 10 minutes ago

Does it get warm from all the friction?

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[] CycIojesus 1 point 10 minutes ago

its constantly falling... it'd be like running your hands through flowing sand.
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[] bronxbombers2 1 point 10 minutes ago

I like this sand. It's smooth, slippery, and seems to stay in its intended location.
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[] VideoMuzic 1 point 9 minutes ago

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[] keepchill 1 point 9 minutes ago

Is this basically how newtonian fluids work, they just kind of vibrate themselves?
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[] Triickd 1 point 6 minutes ago

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[] hb1500 1 point 6 minutes ago 27/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

We've created lightning sand.

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[] id-r-mcgregor 1 point 2 minutes ago

More footage here:.

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[] youtubefactsbot 1 point 2 minutes ago

This is magic sand. [2:19]

Perfectly normal sand, you can touch it, stand on it....... right?
Robert McGregor in Science & Technology

2,783 views since Aug 2017

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[] wtfrainbow 1 point 2 minutes ago

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[] Mentioned_Videos 1 point 1 minute ago

Videos in this thread:

Watch Playlist
(1) Singing Sand Dunes National Geographic (2) The +64 - it makes noise too edit: another pretty cool video of the same
song of the dunes phenomenon--
+3 - Source unknown, sorry folks. Seems to have originally been
Sand liquefied
posted here. EDIT: SOURCE! Thanks !
Christchurch Earthquake Showing the sand
+2 - Good example of it in practice.
liquefaction process with vibration 28/29
9/7/2017 vibrating and aerating sand makes it act like a fluid : educationalgifs

This is magic sand. +1 - More footage here:.

I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.

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