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Advanced English I

Unit 4: Cars and Driving.

Tumistrial Pierna

31 may 2017
Look at the following exercises in your "Top Notch 2, WORKBOOK" and do them in a word file:


PAGE 27 EX 1
Complete each sentence with a car type from the box.

a convertible a minivan an SUV a luxury car a compact car

1. Marvis loves hiking. She has an SUV with four-wheel drive that she can drive
on rough roads when she takes a trip to the mountains.
2. If you need just a car thats small and easy to park, a compact would be great for
3. Mrs. Jeter drives a minivan to take her husband to work and their five children
to school every morning.
4. Peter thinks that owning a convertible is really cool. He said, You can have the
roof down and enjoy the sun, wind, and beautiful sky when the weather is nice.
5. Jack is the president of a big company and he drives a luxury car with expensive
leather seats.

PAGE 29 EX 5
Complete the conversation with the past continuous or the simple past tense.

A: Hi, Sandra. Whats wrong?

B: I had an accident on the way home today.

1. have
A: Oh, no! How did it happen ?
2. happen

B: Well, I was driving home when my sister was calling . She asked
3. drive 4. call 5. ask
what I was doing and I told her I was going home and would see
6. do 7. tell 8. go
her son. But she said she had a funny story that she just had to tell me. Anyway,
9. say
by the end of the story, I was laughing so hard I couldnt see----and I drove
10. laugh 11. drive
right into a stop sign.
PAGE 30 EX 8, 9
Look at the pictures. Write the letter of the correct picture after each phrasal verb.

1. Fill up B 2. Turn on A 3. Drop off D 4. Turn off E 5. Pick up C

CHALLENGE. Complete the note below. Use the correct phrasal verb from Exercise 8.
Sometimes you will need to use direct object pronouns.

Hi, Lisa!

I made an appointment to have Stan fix the car today. Can you drop it off at the
service station this afternoon? Tell Stan that the left turn signal isnt working. This morning I
could turn it on , but now its stuck, and I cant seem to turn it off . ask
him to call me when the car is done. Ill pick it up on my way home from work.

PAGE 32 (You have to read the article about renting a car in the U.S then complete ex 15.)
Find and circle the phrases in the article in Exercise 14. Then match the phrases and their
meanings. Write the letter on the line.

1. c get around a. extra cost that are not clearly stated

2. e package deals b. fasten your seat belt
3. a hidden charges c. travel from place to place
4. f fill-up fee d. begin a car trip
5. b buckle up e. special that offer two or more services for one price
6. d hit the road f. an extra charge for returning a car without a full tank of gas

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