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Surface Preparation

Grades of Blast

Rust Grade Blast Class

Steel with mill scale layer intact and very minor, Very light over clean with
A or no rusting 1 (SP-7/N4) removal of loose surface
Steel with spreading surface rust and the mill
B scale commenced flaking Substantial blast clean
with wide spread, visible
Rusty steel with mill scale layer flaked and loose 2 (SP-6/N3)
contaminate removal and base
C or lost but only minor occurrence of pitting metal colour appearing

Very rusty steel with mill scale layer all rusted Intensive blast clean leaving
D and extensive occurrence of pitting 2.5 (SP-10/N2) shading grey metal with only

Complete blast clean with

3 (SP-5/N1) consistent metal colour all over
and no visible contaminates

Unblasted Blast Class 1 Blast Class 2 Blast Class 2.5 Blast Class 3
Rust Grade A
Rust Grade B
Rust Grade C
Rust Grade D

Blastmaster. Used with written permission from Blastmaster

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