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The majority of people have presented a medical emergency one day.

The one I'm going to tell you is an accident at work.

I was working on the construction of an urban road, I was unloading traffic signals,
which were on a Bulldozer's spade, suddenly the bulldozer operator turned on the
hydraulic shovel and imprisoned my foot.

That was very frightening, when they could release me, I fell to the floor, and I was
fainting, fortunately it was raining and the rain that fell, woke me up.

I was in a lot of pain, too, I was taken to a hospital by a taxi, there with the passage
of time, I was taken to the x-ray room, and I took an x-ray, which indicated that I had
a three-degree ankle, I was blindfolded, and I was given a three-day disability, as
the days passed, I still could not walk, and I was given a second and third medical

Fifteen days after the last incapacity, I had an appointment with the ortopdist, who
ordered a magnetic resonance, in the appointment of control he detected that he
had three fractured metatarsal bones, in green stem, without displacement, from
there I was given 45 Days of disability, and. Walked with crutches.

After 45 days I was sent by the occupational risk insurer to physiotherapy, to recover
the mobility of my foot,

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