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Unit 4

Class 4
Decision Making:

1. Discover Yourself.
2. Explore your options.
3. Make a decision.
4. Take an action.
5. Evaluate your decisin
6. Repeat the cycle (for any decision in your life is recommended to follow this
Discover yourself: you need to identify your interests, values (ethical), skills,
personal preferences, strengths; at least you need to have 3 career options.
You need to know what the 3 college major you want to explore are.
In my case I just have 2: the Espe, and the Escuela Politcnica Nacional.

What information or individuals can help you to explore your college and
career options?
Information that might be very helpful to explore my college options are:
information provided by universities, courses about a specific subjects, internships
and career tests. Individuals that can help me to explore my career and college
options are: professionals and relatives that have knowledge in the subjects that I
am interested on.
How can you get information to gain firsthand experience?
Get information from people that are between the ages of 30 40, because at these
ages, people already have had experience at being successful, at failing, also they
have already achieved many things in their careers.
Get involved with people who can do:

Shadowing (see what professionals are doing and take notes)

Service learning
Civics honor
Students organizations (student councilor).

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