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Comparative Public Administration related to technical

Part 8 Public Administration (Waldo) assistance and development and to academic interests of a
theoretical nature (resulted to a tension and ambivalence in the
The new vigorous interests to international events and the new movement)
role of US and the people interested in Public Administration
- By the heightened demands and movements to
- In the European area demonstrate its usefulness
- To remote areas as recovery or development
Development Administration is something of prompt
The post-war challenge posed questions that serious attention usefulness and an independent movement
to comparative study could answer
It exaggerates and falsifies to imply that Development
New types and depths of comparative interest are apparent in Administration is the applied side of Comparative Public
publications after the War and new courses in Comparative Administration
Public Administrations began to appear in the late Forties; in
the early Fifties that mass and momentum grew - Exaggerates because there is no sharp distinction
- Falsifies because those interested in DA are interested in
The American Political Science Association and American many sources other than CPA
Society for Public Administration established special
committees The essential point is that DA though related to and
overlapping with CPA is somewhat independent and
The Comparative Administrative Group was established with competing orientation
the help of the Ford Foundation
Program Planning Budgeting System is a cluster of theories,
The comparative study of public administration has been attitudes, and techniques (one of the important development in
concerned with methodological problems the practice of public administration)

Some of the conceptual development and data collection has - It represents a type of development, a range of
been in modified traditional terms, the categories, methods, disciplinary interplay and environmental influence
and objectives of the older public administration have been - It is a system of budgeting that attempts to implement and
used with varying degrees of sophistication and refinement coordinate and integrate the objectives of control,
management, and planning (more stress upon
The conceptualizing and research has used some part of the management and planning)
ideal-typical model of bureaucracy presented by Max Weber - It is related to social-economic theories that makes use of
technologies developed
- The bureaucracy delineates has a universal quality,
represented as a social phenomenon found in different All governmental budgeting systems reflect the three
cultures and times (found a way to transcend cultural objectives
Those who were developing the concepts and techniques of
Fred W. Riggs is a prominent figure in the Comparative Public Administration displayed awareness of the desirability
Public Administration he is the organizer and Chairman of the of a system of budgeting that would put the three objectives in
Comparative Administration Group balance
His writing career started in 1957 with the publication of Narrow ideas of governmental economy place stress on
Agraria and Industria: Toward a Typology of Comparative control
- Budgetary reforms until the Thirties was placed upon
- The ideal-typical society in transition from an agrarian to procedures to enforce strict compliance with intent
an industrial society
- The object was to delineate the essential qualities of In the 30s and 40s in response to an expanding conception of
administration in relation to the society as a whole and to the role of government placed emphasis on management
start the search for variables involved in change from one
to another - The Report of the Presidents Committee on
Administrative Management in 1937 argues for a
The relationship of Comparative Public Administration to stronger managerial role for the chief executive and for
Development Administration legal-administrative reforms
- The creation of the Executive Office of the President, the In the two decades it is difficult to identify concepts or
reorientation and strengthening of the bureau of the methods borrowed from Pol Sci and to discern any impact of
budget made management more effective Pub Ad

Conceptual and institutional development was carries in the It can be predicted that the period ahead will be one of re-
late 40s and early 50s examination and readjustment because of increased demands
on government and trained manpower in government
The Hoover Commission brought the performance budgeting
which emphasised planning; the functions, activities, or The proximate future organizationally independent programs
programs of government which might or might not coincide and schools of Pub Ad will grow
with organizational structure
Hardly conceivable that Pub Ad and Pol Sci exist as self-
- It was seen as forwarding rational decision-making by all conscious enterprises without significant relationships
organs by sorting out governmental goals as reflected in

PPBS represents a further shift towards a planning emphasis to

contrive and install a budgeting system that will adequately
represent and balance the three objectives

PPBS was developed during the fifties

- Most people associated are economists

- Macroeconomics is viewed to have set the stage through
the acceptance of Keynesian doctrines relating to the
effective manipulation of the national economy and the
promotion of marginal utility modes of thought and
- Other contributing sources are extra- or interdisciplinary
- Operations research offers means by which types of
analysis and comparisons can be made with the lease the
appearance of precision and impartiality
- Development of computer technology is relevant which
allowed the calculation of types and depth that were
practically impossible

Comparative Public Administration and PPBS are important

for Public Administration

The three development points of Public Administration since


1. Comparative Public Administration is deeply rooted in

pub ad and also in political science
2. Borrowed heavily from Sociology
3. PPBS is different still; planning and budgeting are
interests and specialties of Public Administration (but
most of PPBS came from Economics)

Problems of Identity and Direction

As history had it, Pub Ad was invented by Political

Scientists and viewed as a field or a sub-discipline of political

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