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The Lost

The Lost Codex

Codex of
Thomas van

Editorial Director: Luca Scelza

Author: Nicola De Marco
Adventure's author: Ludovico Morvillo
Artworks: Jan Sidoryk, Nikita Orlov,
Silvia Pasqualetto
Cover art: Silvia Pasqualetto
Proofreading and revision: Luca Scelza, Lupo Condotta
Graphics and layout design: Giovanna De Filippis

ISBN: 979-12-80231-03-1

June 2021

Copyright © 2021 Isola Illyon Edizioni.

All rights reserved. No part of this digital publication may be shared, reproduced, distributed in any form
and in any way, including prints, photocopies, recordings, uploading on digital platforms or other elec-
tronic or mechanical systems, without the written permission of the publisher. This digital publication is
a fictional product, any reference to existing personalities, organizations, places, names or events is purely
coincidental. English Edition © 2021 Isola Illyon Edizioni di Luca Scelza & C. S.a.s.

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Notice of 'Open Game Content'. This digital compendium was produced under the Open Game License
Version 1.0a using or citing 'Open Game Content' elements that can be found in the System Reference
Document 5.1 ("SRD5"). The full license can be found at the end of this sourcebook.

Thomas van



Abomination 21
RACES 5 Demiurge 22
Hexen Knight 23
Starchild 5 Ravager 23
Xhybris 7 Traveler 24


Barbarian 10 Introduction 25
Bard 11 Scene 1 - The Calling 25
Cleric 11 Scene2 - Toward the Light 30
Druid 12 Scene 3 - Light and Shadow 32
Fighter 13 Scene 4 - The Forgotten Goddess 36
Monk 14 Epilogue 44
Paladin 15 NPCs 45
Ranger 16
T H E D R O P O F B L O O D 47
Rogue 17
Sorcerer 18
Warlock 19
Wizard 20

Thomas van

Wandering Soul, in this compendium you will discover new races, subclasses, an
adventure and a legend that come from the boundless darkness of Kisarta.
The Lost Codex is a strange and ancient legend that many talk about, but that
few have had the opportunity to browse for real. Comprised of sheets held together
by a string of thorns and existing in a single copy, it is kept in a trunk buried in the
sands of the Whispering Desert, and its pages contain secrets and knowledge of all
kinds, often insane and disturbing. The few who have been able to leaf through
it tell of having come across disturbing pages, in which they found descriptions
of alien creatures, remedies for the decomposition of flesh and spirit, sheets upon
sheets full of diseases that can be contracted with the touch, representations of in-
comprehensible, illegible and impossible to replicate languages , illustrations that
change as you look at them, stories of expeditions that ended badly or started in
total desperation.

After a quick and terrified reading, all the lucky ones who were able to parse it for a
few minutes decided to leave it in the trunk where they had found it: the terror of
being swallowed up among those pages or seeing the materialization of the absurdi-
ties hidden prevailed over every desire of appropriation.
But Kisarta is a special place, where courage is a gift that guides many Souls, who
face darkness by anchoring themselves to their bravery. Among those who have read
through the Codex, some have decided to jot down the knowledge that was easier
to understand, or the bits that remained in their mind after the shock of reading.
This compendium includes the transcription (in playable terms as well) of those
legends, offering you archaic and dark knowledge, with the purpose to help you and
to relieve the suffering that awaits you too in this world of darkness.

Make good use of it, Soul.

Thomas van




Invariably, all starchildren initially find themselves some-

where in the Nameless Abyss, where their existence begins,
and are believed to originate and fall from the False Stars.
They seem to be on a perennial quest to discover details
about their origin and hints about their destiny, despite the
truncated existence of their previous form making this al-
most impossible.


Starchildren are not that physically different from half-

elves, or slender humans with extremely gentle features.
Their peculiarity resides in the subtle waves of golden light
that seem to run along their most superficial veins, moving
according to their mood: faint glows ebb and flow like gen-
tle tides when calm and relaxed, while quick, sharp bolts
zap under their skin when angry, scared or otherwise upset.


Starchildren are the remnants of powerful fallen beings,

some even say gods, that have had the misfortune of ending
up in Kisarta following their demise. Chained by the pow-
ers of this world, said divines have only been able to shed a
last tear, a spark of life and power in the form of a starchild.

Thomas van

WA N D E R E R S I N W O E Divine Core. You have resistance to radiant damage.
Starburst. You can emanate a flash of positive energy that
heals your allies and awes your enemies. As an action, you
Due to the rare occurrence of their 'birth', starchildren are heal up to 4 friendly creatures within 30 feet of you by
quite few, and scattered through Kisarta (although there a number of hit points equal to half your level (round-
seem to be a higher concentration of them in the Radiant ed up). Starting at 5th level, hostile creatures within the
Citadel). This makes most denizens of Kisarta diffident of same distance must make a Charisma saving throw against
them, once they notice their peculiarities. Starchildren are a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom or
thus often wandering through the Domains in search of Charisma modifier (your choice) or be charmed by you
a destiny, or hints about their nature, rather than a stable for 1 minute or until they take damage. Once you use this
home. feature you must complete a long rest to use it again.

S TA R C H I L D N A M E S Dense Matter. You have advantage on saving throws

against any nonmagical or magical effect trying to move
you against your will (e.g. being shoved or the telekinesis
Starchildren are asexual despite showing somatic traits that spell).
conform to typical humanoid males or females, and they Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and
come to consciousness with a name already imprinted in Celestial.
their mind.
Names: Achernar, Alcor, Algol, Alnilam, Alrescha, Cei-
bo, Ceti, Cursa, Dalim, Enif, Fomalhaut, Fuyue, Gien-
ah, Hatysa, Ginan, Inquill, Kalausi, Kaveh, Kochab,
Nyamien, Nunki, Phecda, Pherkad, Rasalas, Saiph, Stri-
bor, Tangra, Tarazed, Thuban, Wasat, Yed, Zosma.


Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2,

your Wisdom or Charisma (your choice) increases by 1.
Age. Starchildren don’t age, but they can show a variety of
ages equivalent to humans.
Alignment. Each starchildren’s alignment tends to be
strongly in accordance to that of their divine ascendant.
Size. You are roughly as tall as a human, and your size is
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Inner Flame. You know the sacred flame cantrip and can
cast it at will. You also know the guiding bolt spell and can
cast it at 1st level once without requiring material com-
ponents, and gain back the ability to do so at the end of a
long rest. The visual aspect of these spells varies depend-
ing on your ancestor’s Divine Domain before ending up
in Kisarta. The spells could manifest as rays of light, as
black clouds, swords made of light, quickly disappearing
swarms of locusts or whatever fits your backstory.

Thomas van



The xhybris are a bizarre race of technologically advanced

humanoids that live according to their own alien rules,
mostly in the City of Limbo. Even among the heteroge-
neous populace of Kisarta, they’re easily seen by most as
'alien' in appearance, behavior...and origin.
They appear to be at ease with the concept of infinity
and the strange, timeless existence in Kisarta, and brought
their own twist to local spatial dimensions: they manage a
special extra-dimensional section of Limbo’s Shadow Ba-
zaar, accessible only moving along a specific path along and
across the alleys of the already intricate market. Not even
magic appears to be able to easily transport in and out of
this area.


Xhybris are invariably glabrous, with round heads, an ap-

parently wet greenish-gray skin and big yellow eyes with
horizontal rectangular-slit-shaped pupils. And those are
pretty much the only constants, since they can vary im-
mensely in shape, size and capabilities depending on their
subrace. The three main xhybris subraces are very different,
and their physical differences have evolved due to their social
role in the community: the insectoid, minute and skittering
zhichigan-xhybris, the slender and brainiac zhoolyan-xhy-
bris, and the towering and muscular akhabor-xhybris. They
might even appear from the outside to be different species
coexisting in a rigid caste-system, but even the latter obser-
vation would be incorrect since their society is based on in-
tricate and nonlinear hierarchies.

Thomas van


Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by 2,

The denizens of Kisarta are usually shocked when learning
and your Charisma score is reduced by 2.
that the xhybris don’t end up in the dreadful place in the
conventional way, by dying, but instead collectively moved Age. The xhybris are among the few natural creatures that
across dimensions from their world of origin to deliberately seem able to age in Kisarta, albeit extremely slowly. Xhy-
end up there, many eons ago. The reasons for doing so are bris live up to about 1300 years of age, but what happens
unknown to everyone except the xhybris’ masterminds, the to them in Kisarta isn’t exactly clear since their society
intellectual elite that guide most of the species’ collective invariably takes them to some unknown place shortly be-
development. fore that time comes.
Alignment. Good and evil, as well as order and chaos can
PURVEYORS OF be hard to grasp concepts when causality itself is but a sec-
MARVELOUS ond-order consideration in your understanding of reality.
SPLENDORS Xhybris have however found their way to live somewhat
peacefully with other cooperating races in Kisarta, and
most of their actions are in line with a Neutral mindset.
Given their advanced technological development, they are Size. The xhybris race varies wildly in size, depending on
apt at finding, understanding and cataloging unusual piec- their subrace.
es of machinery or more advanced contraptions, and their
Speed. Your base walking speed depends on your subrace.
section of the Shadow Bazaar has become an essential stop
for anyone interested in buying such items. Space Oddity. You have resistance to force damage.
Uncommon Physiology. Most of the xhybris body can be
XHYBRIS NAMES bent, stretched, and squeezed with ease without being
damaged, thanks to its elasticity. You can squeeze through
spaces like you were one size smaller than you actually are,
Xhybris don’t make genre distinctions based on sex. Being and have advantage on rolls made to free yourself from
pragmatic-oriented they do, however, make a genre distinc- the grappled condition.
tion based on the capability and willingness to reproduce. Hivemind. You know the message cantrip and can cast it at
Fertile xhybris may use a different name at different times to will without requiring components. You can communi-
present themselves depending on their desire to reproduce cate telepathically with any other xhybris you are aware of
(or lack thereof). that is within 120 feet of you.
Reproductor Names: ѫυᛨᚡεψhफ, Ѥश ᚭ᛬ѫкοअ, Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, can
oᚿᛝѱᚣꙃwशअ, Ъτфᛗdᛄς, Ꙁटѡҁᛇᛜпᚰ, ढвᛋѯψआцl, speak Deep Speech, and can read tactile languages (such
ञशхᚶeᛡᛡ, Bंᛞᚠᛦβक, Ѧᛉᛙङॠ, Шꙁᚯढᛛ.. as braille).
Non-reproductor Names: ᛩㅃधㅜxःढ,ㅂᛕᚡѣ᛭सkaठ, ㄱ Subrace. The three main xhybris subraces are very differ-
cㅣοᚥᛖㅁf, Tᚳㅗpᚶ, ㅆरииъㅓᛔᛪᛕ, Εङcㅌwпㅞѡ, ent, and their physical differences have evolved due to
ㅅ᛭ᛟρjञ, Μईपᛖгdψ, ᛤㅆㅆᛧᚡᚣ, ᛡलᚡᛠृᛜᛩㅣᛀ. their social role in the community. Choose one of these

Thomas van

Size. Zhichigan-xhybris are between 2 and 3 feet tall and Size. Zhoolyan-xhybris are between 5 and slightly over 6
weigh between 20 and 40 pounds. Your size is Small. feet tall and are usually quite slender. Your size is Medi-
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. um.
Ability score increase. Your Dexterity score increases by Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
2, and both your Strength and Constitution scores are Ability score increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2,
reduced by 1. and your Strength score is reduced by 2.
Six-Limbed. Because of your six prehensile appendages, Brainpower. You are resistant to psychic damage. You have
you have a climbing speed of 20 feet. In addition, while 2 advantage on all Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws.
of them are required to stand and move, four of them can Additionally, you are proficient in one of the following
be used at once to hold and use objects such as weapons, skills of your choice: Arcana, History, Investigation, Na-
shields, arcane focuses, holy symbols etc. You can also ture, Religion. You have advantage when rolling an abili-
draw two weapons at once, instead of just one, without ty check for the chosen skill.
requiring an action. The Space Between Spaces. You are intrinsically able to
Skitter. You can move through the space occupied by any shift between interdimensional spaces. Once you reach
creature that is of a size larger than yours. Additionally, 5th level, you know the blink spell and can cast it once,
you can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only requiring no components. You regain the ability to do so
by a creature that is at least one size larger than you. when you finish a long rest.
Insectoid Exoskeleton. You have a +1 bonus to Armor
Class when wearing light or medium armor, or no armor
at all. You can use a shield and benefit from this bonus.

A K H A B O R- X H Y B R I S
Size. Akhabor-xhybris stand between 7 and 8 feet tall.
Their slim but muscular bodies weigh between 200 and
300 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Ability score increase. Your Strength score increases by 2,
and your Dexterity score is reduced by 2.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when deter-
mining your carrying capacity and the weight you can
push, drag, or lift.
Long-Limbed. When you make a melee attack on your
turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.
Slam. If you move at least 30 feet straight toward a target,
you can immediately use a bonus action to make one at-
tack against the target using your body mass and dealing
bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength mod-
ifier if it hits.

Thomas van



The ghost has descended deep enough in your body and

soul by 6th level to learn to meld its essence to yours, grant-
ing you additional benefits. While raging, you are resistant
to acid, fire, lightning, thunder, cold and poison.
Some might consider this a Path forced by circumstances, as
Beginning at 10th level, you can project your ghostly half to
it develops as the rare occurrence of being inhabited by an
scare nearby creatures, as an action.
incorporeal undead right before ending up in Kisarta. Bar-
barians finding themselves along this path might even be When you do so, each non-undead creature within 30
unaware, for a while, of the presence lurking within them. feet of you that can see you must succeed on a Wisdom sav-
But they will inevitably find out, as their souls are now inex- ing throw against a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus +
plicably and inextricably bound together. As time unravels, your Charisma modifier or be frightened by you until the
the bond becomes stronger than a simple tie, as the two be- end of your next turn. If. This effect ends on a creature if it
gin thinking like a new, single mind again. ends its turn out of line of sight or more than 60 feet away
from you. If the creature succeeds on its saving throw. You
B O U N D T O U N D E AT H can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, the syner- Charisma modifier (minimum of 1), and regain all expend-
gy with your bound companion shields you from negative ed uses at the end of a long rest.
energy and allows you to channel its essence of death to
empower your strikes. You are resistant to necrotic damage. ONE AND THE SAME
While you’re raging, your weapon attacks deal extra necrot- Starting at 18th level, your ghostly companion now trusts
ic damage equal to your proficiency bonus. you enough to dare reaching out of your body to help in
BOON OF TWO MINDS battle. When you make an opportunity attack, roll an ad-
ditional attack. If that additional attack hits, it deals 4d6 +
At 3rd level, your spiritual companion shares his knowledge your Charisma modifier in necrotic damage to the target.
with you. You learn one language of your choice (represent-
Despite your material nature, the necromantic energy
ing a language the ghost knew in life), and you become
of the undead that resides within you prevents you from
proficient in one skill of your choice between Animal Han-
hitting the ground too heavily when you fall. You take only
dling, Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature and Religion.
half of any falling damage, and take no falling damage at all
If you’re already proficient in the skill you choose, you can
when falling for less than 100 feet.
double your proficiency bonus for the chosen skill.
Additionally, you cannot be possessed by another ghost. Your timeless, ethereal guest also causes you to age more
slowly, even outside of Kisarta. For every 10 years that pass,
your body ages only 1 year.

Thomas van




Wether by the strain of simply existing in Kisarta or by Gods of this domain are often either entities that have been
the effort necessary to be hilarious in the darkest times, chained by their peers for a long time, or the jailers them-
the laughing bards collectively known as Fools built their selves. Clerics of this Domain will in fact often be found su-
craft out of the desecration of reality through chaos and pervising prisons and unyieldingly enforcing the law. They
depraved laughter. Some deem their mere presence to be tend to be rigorous both in their faith and in their behavior,
unsettling, or even mind-breaking, due to their erratic be- maniacally organizing their time and maintaining compo-
havior and attitude. To witness one of their performances is sure even in the direst of junctures.
to fathom into madness itself.
M I N D' S L A B Y R I N T H
At 3rd level, your mind’s intricacy gives you advantage in LEVEL
saving throws against any spell or magical effect that would
sense your emotions or read your thoughts, divination 1st entangle, find familiar
spells, and being charmed.
3rd hold person, warding bond
5th glyph of warding, phantom steed
From 3rd level, when you grant a Bardic Inspiration die to a
creature, you have resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, 7th banishment, resilient sphere
and slashing damage until the end of your next turn.
9th geas, telekinesis
At 6th level, your insanity exudes from you through your
spells, piercing the metaphysical wall to reality and making When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain profi-
your enemies’ attacks clumsy and disorderly. While you are ciency with heavy armor.
maintaining concentration on a spell targeting one of more
of your allies and no hostile creatures, you can grant the tar-
gets of the spell a bonus to their Armor Class equal to the
level of the spell slot used to cast it, divided by three (round-
ed up, minimum bonus of 1).
This does not work with area of effect spells that your
allies happen to be in.


From 14th level, whenever a friendly creature within 60 feet

of you rolls a Bardic Inspiration die that you granted them,
you can use your reaction to make the creature roll the die
twice and use the highest result.

Thomas van

From 1st level, when you cast the find familiar spell (which
you have from you Imprisonment Domain Spells list), you
can choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one
of the following special forms: imp, homunculus, giant oc-
topus, animated armor or mephit (of any kind). Addition-
ally, when you take the Attack action, you can forgo one of
Despite Kisarta’s lack of a moon, bizarre versions of lycan-
your own attacks to allow your familiar to make one attack
thropy appear to have found their way into its intricate eco-
of its own.
system. A ruthless circle of druids has learnt to harness the
C H A N N E L D I V I N I T Y: C H A I N power of the lycanthropic curse itself, allowing its members
to slowly learn to turn into the feared, infamous monsters
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity in a controlled way. These druids worship the hunt, and
to bind an enemy with chains made of pure force. As an sometimes gather in packs to enact a feeding frenzy despite
action, you present your holy symbol and invoke the name usually being solitary and aggressively territorial.
of your deity.
A creature you chose within 30 feet of you must make a
Strength saving throw or be trapped by ghostly chains for 1 From 2nd level when you choose this Circle, an affinity
minute. While trapped in this way, the creature is incapac- between you and creatures of a lycanthropic nature emerg-
itated and has its speed reduced to 0. At the end of each of es. You gain the ability to use Wild Shape on your turn as a
its turns, the creature can repeat the saving throw, breaking bonus action, rather than as an action.
free on a success.
Additionally, you gain the ability to turn into creatures
ASTRAL BINDINGS other than the ones provided by your Wild Shape feature,
choosing between boar, brown bear, rat, tiger and wolf.
From 6th level, ethereal cords find purchase on the targets
of your spells, hindering them. When you hit a single crea- Note: you could already Wild Shape into some of these
ture that you can see with a cantrip or a spell of 1st level or forms, but proceeding further in this Circle you will gain
higher, you can choose to halve that creature’s speed until additional benefits for doing so.
the end of its next turn.
From 2nd level, your feral nature gives you an unnatural
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the instinct to avoid your enemies’ attacks. While you are not
damage you deal with any cleric cantrip. wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your
Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier. This also ap-
plies to your Wild Shape forms, if you turn into one of the
Starting at 17th level, you can use your action to activate beasts indicated by the Child of the Moon feature. You can
an imprisoning aura that lasts for 1 minute or until you use a shield and still gain this benefit.
dismiss it using another action. Until it lasts, creatures you
choose within 60 feet of you when you activate this feature
cannot fly or burrow, and have their walking, climbing and
swimming speeds halved. They cannot choose to move by
any means to a space further than 60 feet away from you,
and opportunity attacks against them have advantage and
inflict additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
You can use this feature once, and regain the ability to do so
after a short or long rest.

Thomas van

At 6th level, more of the lycanthropic curse’s power is un-
der your control. When using Wild Shape to turn into one
of the forms indicated by the Child of the Moon feature,
you gain the following benefits, lasting until you return to
your normal form:
• You have darkvision out to 60 feet.
• You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slash- An obsessive research of physical perfection drives these
ing damage from nonmagical weapons. warriors, to the point of losing their identity. Through
• If the beast doesn’t have a Multiattack action you can experimentation and the slow substitution of major body
parts for technologically wondrous implements, they aim
now attack twice, instead of once, by taking the Attack
to push themselves beyond the potential granted to them
action on your turn. You can choose any of the beast’s
by their race and training. Such warriors usually deem
attack options to use for either of the attacks.
themselves superior to others, and maniacally tend to their
• Your attacks deal 1d8 of additional damage. own needs regarding both their biological and mechanical
• Your attacks count as magical for the purpose of over- sides.
coming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks

At 3rd level, you gain the benefit of mechanomagical upper

FULL MOON limbs, after months of even years of tinkering.
Choose one of the following benefits:
At 10th level, you can expend two uses of Wild Shape at
the same time to transform into the hybrid form of a were- Hydraulics. Your melee weapon attacks deal 1d4 of addi-
boar, werebear, wererat, weretiger or werewolf. All benefits tional damage.
from the Armor of Instincts and Waxing Crescent Moon Calibrated. The first ranged weapon attack on each of
features also apply to these forms. your turns is made with advantage.
C U R S E' S B L E S S I N G You can choose to switch to either benefit at the end of
any long rest, provided you can spend 2 hours of that rest
Upon reaching 14th level, your resolve to maintain your tinkering with your limbs.
beast form can keep you standing against your enemies’
hardest hits. When you drop to 0 hit points while in PROSTHETIC LEGS
beast form, you can choose to immediately spend an use
of your Wild Shape feature (if you have one) to main- By 7th level, you refined limb-based locomotion technolo-
tain the form instead of reverting to your regular form. gy. You now ignore difficult terrain, your speed is increased
You gain the full Hit Points of the form, as if you just by 15 feet, and your jumping distance (both horizontal and
transformed into it, but any excess damage beyond what vertical) is doubled. Additionally, heavy armor you wear
brought you to 0 carries over to the present Hit Points. doesn’t impose disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
You can use this feature once, and regain the ability to do so
after a short or long rest.

Thomas van

By the time you reach the 10th level, you have slowly re-
placed some of your organs (or parts of them) with tech-
nologically improved inorganic versions, granting you the
following benefits:
• You are immune to poison and the poisoned condition. WHEEL
• You are resistant to necrotic damage.
• You don’t require eating. Monks of the Karmic Wheel are unaware catalysts of sub-
tle causal forces, appearing to manipulate luck and misfor-
• You can hold your breath for 1 hour.
tune alike. They are often feared like bad omens by those
who recognize them, but some revere and welcome them
believing fortune will soon follow in their trail. Monks of
By 18th level, your quest for the perfect artificial body is this ilk are usually keen observers, but rash and reckless in
nearing completion. You gain the following benefits: behavior.

• You have blindvision out to 30 feet. WEAL AND WOE

• You don’t require sleeping.
Starting from 3rd level, you can convert any even amount
• You are resistant to psychic damage and the charmed of Ki Points into Weal and Woe points at the start of your
condition. turn, without requiring an action. Every 2 Ki points are
• You cannot be surprised, and have advantage in initia- converted into 1 Weal Point and 1 Woe Point. You can have
tive rolls. an unlimited amount of Weal and Woe Points, but all un-
• One of your ability scores (your choice) increases by 1, spent Weal and Woe Points are lost when you complete a
up to a maximum of 22. short or long rest.
You can use such points to fuel the following effects.
Overcome the Odds. When a creature within 30 feet of
you other than yourself that you can see or hear is about
to make an attack roll with disadvantage, you may spend
1 Weal Point as a reaction to cancel such disadvantage.
Misfortune. When you hit a creature with an unarmed at-
tack, you may spend 1 Woe Point to impose misfortune
on it; when the target makes an attack roll until the end of
your next turn, the target must roll 1d4 and subtract the
number rolled from the attack roll.

Starting from 6th level, you can use Weal and Woe points to
fuel the following effects:
Lucky Save. When a creature within 30 feet of you other
than yourself takes damage, you may spend any number
of Weal Points up to your monk level divided by 5 as a
reaction. If you do, roll an amount of your Martial Arts
Dice equal to the number of points you spent and add
your Wisdom modifier to the result. The triggering dam-
age is reduced by that amount.

Thomas van

Shaken Chances. When you hit a creature with an un-
armed attack, you may spend 2 Woe Points to impose
disadvantage on the first saving throw the target makes
before the start of your next turn. S A C R E D O AT H S
Starting from 11th level , you can use Weal and Woe points
to fuel the following effects: Paladins of Terror believe fear to be the ultimate motiva-
Favor. You may spend 1 Weal Point and touch a willing tor, as absolute fear empowers creatures to do their best,
creature other than yourself as an action. That creature is pushing them to their limits as they’re shaken to their core:
infused with Favor; the first time the creature rolls a 1 on when certainties crumble, when creatures really feels cor-
a Ability check, Attack roll or Saving throw, the creature nered and without hope, only then the world (even a life-
can immediately reroll that die and use the new result. A less and timeless one like Kisarta) can really grow, change,
creature cannot be infused with Favor more than once at and evolve. These paladins consider fear to be the only tool
the same time. This infusion lasts until the creature com- without scale: people can unite or disperse in its presence,
pletes a short or long rest. governments can be built or fall under its pressure, and even
gods are made and unmade by its power.
Disfavor. When you hit a creature with an unarmed at-
tack , you may spend 1 Woe Point to infuse that creature TENETS OF TERROR
with Disfavor; the next time that creature rolls a 20 on
an ability check, attack roll or saving throw, that creature Tenets of fear represent the fulcrum of the paladin’s under-
must immediately reroll that die and use the new result standing of fear or the intended use the paladin chose to
. A creature cannot be infused with Disfavor more than make of it.
once at the same time. This infusion lasts for one hour. Teach. Fear stems from the uncertainty of the unknown.
To be prepared is to be poised against horror. Teach to
SPINNER OF THE WHEEL those who show enough courage to start learning.
Starting from 17th level, you can use Weal and Woe points Push. Absolute despair will show truth: push a creature to
to fuel the following effects: its limit to let it reveal its best or worst.
Bond. The only way to know someone is to explore their
Borrowed Time. You can spend any number of Weal
fears. The only way to aid them is to guide them in ex-
Points and touch a creature that has died within 1 minute
ploring those fears fully.
as an action and that is not yet awakening due to Hollow
Death. That creature regains the Soul Point it lost with
the death and awakens with a number of hit points equal
to five times the amount of Weal Points you spent. That You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
creature cannot gain the benefit of this feature until 7
days have passed.
Cursed Destiny. When you hit a creature with an un-
armed attack, you can spend 7 Woe Points to infuse the PALADIN
target with an essence of doom. The target makes a Cha- LEVEL
risma Saving throw against your Ki save DC. On a failed
save, the creature takes a penalty of -10 on all attack rolls, 3rd bane, heroism
Ability checks, saving throws, and damage rolls until the
5th detect thoughts, hold person
start of your next turn. On a successful save, the creature
takes a penalty of -5 instead. 9th bestow curse, fear

13th black tentacles, locate creature

17th dream, insect plague

Thomas van

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following
two Channel Divinity options. RANGER ARCHETYPES
Armor of Fear. As an action, you can shroud yourself in
the immaterial manifestations of your enemies’ fears, that EXILE
will haunt them as if reflecting their attacks. For a minute
when you do so, every time a creature within 30 feet of Exiles are reject rangers. Tribal hunters, war heroes, even
you damages you, it suffers psychic damage equal to your leaders that have been forcefully (and usually unjustly)
Charisma modifier. separated from their roots, and sometimes live as fugitives.
Spear of Fear. As a bonus action, you can jolt an enemy’s Having nothing to lose makes these individuals indepen-
mind with deep terror. When you do so, you choose a dent and fierce, fearless and defiant, and full of hate for in-
creature within 30 feet of you. The creature is automat- justice. They will seek to punish anyone who disrupts the
ically frightened by you for one minute. At the end of peace of others.
each of its turns it can attempt a Wisdom saving throw,
ending this effect with a success.
At 3rd level when you choose this archetype, you are pushed
A U R A O F D E S PA I R to exact revenge against enemies that defy you. You have ad-
vantage on the first attack against each creature that dam-
Starting at 7th level, your presence amplifies the effect of
aged you since your last turn. If that attack hits, you deal an
fear on hostile creatures. When a hostile creature within 10
additional d6 of damage with it.
feet of you attempts a saving throw to avoid being fright-
ened or to end the frightened condition on itself, it receives ASHES TO ASHES
a penalty to that saving throw equal to your Charisma
modifier. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to At 7th level, you find magical ways to avenge your honor by
30 feet. using your deceased enemies. You know the animate dead
and speak with the dead spells. You can cast one of the two
FEAR US spells without expending a spell slot, and gain back the abil-
ity to do it after a long rest.
From 15th level, when you cause one or more creatures to
be frightened, you can choose another creature within 60 NOTHING TO LOSE
feet of you that the creatures will also be frightened by. The
frightened creatures will end this condition towards the ad- By 11th level, your knowledge of your enemies allows you
ditional source of fear when it will be out of their line or to hit them with deadly accuracy, but this requires exposing
sight, or when they stop being frightened by you. yourself as well. At the start of your turn, with no action
required, you can choose to add your Wisdom modifier to
ASPECT OF DOOM damage rolls for your weapon and spell attacks until the end
of your current turn, but attacks against you made by crea-
At 20th level, as an action, you can exude an aura of pure
tures target by your attacks during this turn will be made
terror around you for one minute. During this time, any
with advantage until the start of your next turn.
creature targeting you with an attack or a harmful spell
for while within 10 feet of you must first make a Wisdom AV E N G I N G F U R Y
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is frightened by
you. Any creature frightened by you while in this aura, or Beginning at 15th level, you learn to focus on a single ene-
that enters the aura (including through your movement) my at a time to maximize combat efficiency. You can mark
while already frightened by you, will also be stunned until a creature you can see as your target for one minute, as a
the end of its next turn. bonus action. When using your Retribution feature against
the target, you have advantage on all attacks against it in the
turn following the moment you receive damage from the

Thomas van

target, instead of only the first one, and all those attacks A S S A U LT T E C H
benefit from the bonus damage. When you use the Noth-
ing to Lose feature, the target doesn’t gain advantage on By 3rd level, you managed to devise special technologically
attacks targeting you. Additionally, when you kill a marked advanced modifications to your weapons, that allow you
creature you recover an expended spell slot of a level equal to convert your deadliest strikes in a variety of destructive
or lower than your Wisdom modifier. You can’t gain more energies. When you deal your Sneak Attack damage with
spell slots than the maximum number of slots shown for a weapon you have had in your possession during your last
your level in the Ranger Class Table. rest, you can choose to let it deal a different type of damage
between acid, cold, fire and lightning. Weapons with the
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your thrown property you have had in your possession during
Wisdom modifier, and you regain all expended uses at the your last rest automatically return to your hand after you
end of a long rest. make a ranged weapon attack with them.
Additionally, attacks you make with weapons you have
ROGUE had in your possession during your last rest deal double
damage to objects and structures.


By 9th level, you have developed a wit for that can be con-
structed on the spot, improvising materials and construc-
tion methods. You can spend a short rest to create an object
Brilliant resourcefulness is the soul of an Engineer, a
by spending money equivalent to the item’s value (repre-
tech-savvy tinkerer able to produce a vast array of objects
senting scrap and previously obtained materials), choosing
and contraptions by combining bits of collected scraps.
between a block and tackle, caltrops, a grappling hook, a
Engineers are capable of producing pieces of advanced
hunting trap, a lamp, a bullseye lantern, a hooded lantern,
technology, combining conventional and magical resourc-
a portable ram, a signal whistle, a tent, a dice set, a dragon
es into extraordinary and useful items. Of course, one of
chess set, or additionally a blowgun or net.
their primary interests is usually into the improvement of
weaponry... Items created through this feature aren’t conventionally
high in quality, despite being fully functional, and cannot
I N O R G A N I C S E R VA N T be sold for more than half the building cost you paid.
From 3rd level when you choose this archetype, you gain
The Game Master might decide you couldn’t have pos-
the companionship of a small mechanical creature. The
sibly gathered or kept the materials necessary to use this fea-
creature works as if created by the find familiar spell, and
ture, based on what happened recently in your game.
with the same restrictions, but is not magical and is a con-
struct instead of a celestial, fiend or fey. You can change its
form at the end of a long rest.
If the companion is destroyed (as an example by drop- By 13th level, you gathered enough resources and knowl-
ping to 0 Hit Points) you can rebuild it at the end of a long edge to build a special device that can replicate the effects of
rest. You can’t have more than one such companions at one some magic items.
time. Choose a magical item between: boots of striding and
springing, dimensional shackles, efficient quiver, eversmok-
ing bottle, folding boat, goggles of night, helm of telepathy,
immovable rod, iron bands of binding, lantern of revealing,
necklace of adaptation, wind fan.

Thomas van

Your device has the shape and properties of the selected • You don’t require breathing.
item, but doesn’t work magically (e.g. isn’t affected by an • You are resistant to necrotic damage.
antimagic field).
• You don’t need to sleep. You instead become inactive
At the end of a long rest, you can choose to modify the and semiconscious for 4 hours a day. After resting in
device to replicate the shape and effects of a different item this way, you gain the same benefits that a normal hu-
between those mentioned, instead. If the device is lost or man does from 6 hours of sleep.
destroyed, you can spend 8 hours of activity to create an- • Vampiric Speed. you don’t provoke opportunity at-
other one. tacks when you use the Dash action.
If you do so, the previous device stops working, lacking
maintenance. If you die, the device stops working. Upon reaching 6th level, you gain the following benefits:
Arcane Exsanguination. You can magically drain enemies
of vital resources and use them to heal yourself. When
At 17th level, your latest weapon modifications allow the you damage a creature with a single-target spell or can-
damage to splash or bounce with precision to creatures trip, you can spend a number of Sorcery Points equal to
other than the original target. Up to two hostile creatures the spell slot used (1 for cantrips) to gain a number of hit
of your choice within 10 feet of a creature taking damage points equal to half the damage suffered by the creature.
from your Sneak Attack must make a Dexterity saving Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
throw against a DC of 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your finish a long rest.
Intelligence modifier or suffer half the Sneak Attack dam- Regenerative Rest. Whenever you spend one or more hit
age suffered by the primary target. dice to heal during a short rest, you regain an additional
hit point for each die spent..

At 14th level, you learn the dominate person spell if you
didn’t know it already, and it doesn’t count toward the
number of known spells. Additionally, you can cast it once
VA M P I R I C B L O O D L I N E per long rest without requiring components and without
spending a spell slot. When you do so, the target has disad-
vantage on their saving throw against it.
Pale skin and the darkest of eyes, long fangs and an unbeat-
ing heart. The origins of vampiric sorcerers is shrouded in a ONE WITH THE NIGHT
mist as mysterious as the one their ancestors are known to At 18th level, your being is fully imbued with the nightly
turn into. It is said that they might be the result of a long se- powers of your vampiric ancestor. You know the following
ries of experiments in which an actual vampire tried to craft spells, which don’t count toward the number of known
some kind of offspring, while others deem that being born spells. You can cast each once every long rest without re-
in a castle while its vampiric owner is being slain would quiring components or spell slots:
suffice. Whatever the truth, these sorcerers inherit many of
their ancestor’s strengths, and often quite a lot of hate from • Conjure animals (8 Wolves only)
the common folk, at least outside of Kisarta. • Gaseous form (self only).
• Fly (self only)
• Polymorph (self only, Bat only).
Your vampire forebear left you a legacy of powers and
quirks. You gain the following benefits when you choose
this sorcerous origin at 1st level:
• You have darkvision out to 60 feet if you didn’t have it
Thomas van

From 6th level, you can activate your Shrouded in Light

O T H E R W O R L D LY feature using a bonus action instead of an action. Further-

more, you can spend one of your spell slots to activate it if
you already consumed its use.


By 10th level, starlight has pervaded your eyes, empowering

These Warlocks have stared for too long into the dotted sky
your eyes to see the invisible and through the ethereal. As an
of the Nameless Abyss, and its light has slowly found its
action, you can gain truesight out to 60 feet, for one hour.
way inside them. They might appear dazed, or daydreaming
You can do so once, and regain the ability to do it after a
most of the time, apparently mesmerized by the shimmer-
long rest. Additionally, invisible creatures don’t benefit
ing power of the False Stars. They follow whimsical and of-
from their invisibility while within the bright or dim light
ten quite vague orders, as if guided by hints of an unstable
created by your Shrouded in Light feature.
Starting at 14th level, your Shrouded in Light feature will
The Starlight lets you choose from an expanded list of spells
emit strong light in a 15 feet radius and dim light for 15
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are
additional feet.. When activating the feature through an
added to the warlock spell list for you.
action rather than a bonus action, you can burst with im-
S TA R L I G H T E X PA N D E D S P E L L S mense energy; when you do so, all creatures of your choice
within 30 feet of you must make a Charisma saving throw
WARLOCK or suffer one of the following effect (you chose which one
LEVEL individually for each creature caught in the radius):

1st faerie fire, guiding bolt • The creature is charmed by you until the Shrouded in
Light feature ends. At the end of each of its turns, the
2nd augury, moonbeam creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the condi-
tion on a success.
3rd blink, clairvoyance
• The creature suffers 4d10 radiant damage. At 18th lev-
th arcane eye, confusion
4 el, this damage increases to 6d10.

5th flame strike, wall of force


From 1st level upon choosing the Starlight Patron, you

learn to harness starlight to impair your enemies’ sight. As
an action, you can start emanating bright light for 10 feet
and dim light for an additional 10 feet centered on you, for
1 minute. You can dismiss this light at any moment, no ac-
tion required. Hostile creatures attack with disadvantage
while in the bright light created by this feature. You can use
this ability once, and regain its use after a short or long rest.

Thomas van


Upon reaching 10th level, your Arcane Marks are powerful

ARCANE TRADITIONS enough to enhance your capabilities by just being on your
skin. While you have at least an Arcane Mark on your body,
DOOMSCRIBE you gain the following benefits:
• You have darkvision out to 60 feet. if you already have
Scholars of this arcane tradition have learnt to grasp the darkvision, its range is extended by 30 feet.
remnant energy of a dying creature and turn it into a source • Your movement speed is increased by 10 feet.
of power. They do so by using magical power to inscribe
• You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slash-
that energy on their skin in the form of intricate and per-
ing damage from nonmagical weapons.
sonal sigils, whose potential slowly slips away in unused for
a while.
At 14th level, your Arcane Marks are so densely packed in
From when you chose this arcane tradition at 2nd level, ev- power that they disappear at a way slower pace, decaying at
ery time you kill one or more hostile creatures with a spell a rate of one every 24 hours.
of 1st level or higher, an Arcane Mark appears on your skin
as if instantaneously tattooed. The maximum number of
Arcane Marks you can have on your skin at the same time
equals your Intelligence modifier. Every hour that passes
since you last killed a creature with a spell of 1st level or
higher, you lose an Arcane Mark. You can spend (and lose)
Arcane Marks to fuel powerful magical effects, starting
with the following:
• When you receive damage, you can use your reaction
and spend any number of Arcane Marks to roll 1d10
for each Arcane Mark spent, and subtract the result
from the damage.
• When a creature must roll a saving throw against one of
your wizard spells, you can spend two Arcane Marks to
impose disadvantage on that roll.


From 6th level, you can spend your Arcane Marks for the
following effects:
• You can use an action and spend one Arcane Mark to
gain proficiency in any saving throw of your choice you
aren’t already proficient in, for one hour. You can’t
gain more than one proficiency through this effect at
the same time.
• When you cast a wizard spell that deals damage, you
can spend any amount of Arcane Marks to increase the
damage dealt by that spell by 1d6 for each Arcane Mark

Thomas van


At 3rd level, you gain the following additional Form. This

A B O M I N AT I O N Form is not counted against the number of Forms shown in
the Known Forms column of the Abomination table.
Duration: 1 minute
PRIMORDIAL Associated spell: crown of madness
M U TAT I O N S • The associated spell can target a number of creatures
equal to your proficiency bonus, instead of just one.
• Creatures that fail the saving throw against the associ-
ated spell suffer psychics damage equal to a number of
d6s equal to your Charisma modifier.
Ancient Harbingers have brought up an inner reserve of
ancient power, the anguish of something lost deep into the
eons of Kisarta’s history. Their mutation is something few
are capable of remembering, both because of the time since From 7th level, your psychic emanations are intensely dis-
its original form last roamed the Domains, and because the tracting to whoever is trying to concentrate on something.
few that crossed it usually didn’t survive (at least in the same Any creature damaged by your Silent Scream will roll any
way). concentration roll (for spells or other abilities requiring
These abominations pierce thoughts and crush minds, one) deriving from that damage at disadvantage.
leaving only horror behind.

N AT U R E O F T H E H A R B I N G E R At 15th level, you gain the following additional Form. This

Form is not counted against the number of Forms shown in
When you choose this Primordial Mutation at 1st level you
the Known Forms column of the Abomination table.
gain the following benefit:.
Duration: 30 days
Silent Scream. You can unleash terrifying visions and re- Associated spell: feeblemind
lease screams capable of breaching your enemies’ minds.
• The associated spell’s target creature suffers 8d6 addi-
As an action, you choose a creature you are able to see
tional psychic damage.
within 60 feet of you. The creature must make a Wis-
dom saving throw, and suffer 2d8 psychic damage on a • You always know where the creature is until the Form
failure. The visions can affect additional creatures when ends.
you reach higher levels: two creatures at 5th level, three • If the creature fails the saving throw against the associ-
creatures at 11th level, and four creatures at 17th level. ated spell, it will be frightened by you until the Form
You can also chose to target less creatures, distributing the ends.
damage as you wish. As an example, at 18th level you’ll
be able to attempt to deal 2d8 to four creatures, 8d8 to MIND ECHO
a single creature, 7d8 to a creature and 1d8 to a second
creature and so on. Starting at 20th level, your psychic assaults echo for a long
time in the minds of your enemies, bewildering them. The
Monstrous Nature. You obtain the additional creature
creatures hit by your Silent Scream will roll their next attack
type Aberration, and resistance to lightning damage.
within one minute with disadvantage.

Thomas van


At 13th level you learn to exploit quirks in the minds of

MINDSCAPES people to gain access to their consciousness. You can spend
three dice from your pool and use your action to touch an
WILL MINDSCAPE incapacitated humanoid.
That humanoid must make a Wisdom saving throw
It shouldn’t surprise that some of the masters of the mind against your Demiurge save DC or be charmed by you un-
turn their attention to the mind itself. These demiurges til a remove curse spell is cast on it, the charmed condition
learn to insinuate into the thoughts and emotions of oth- is removed from it, or you use this feature again. You can
ers, manipulating hat they feel and controlling what they communicate telepathically with the charmed creature as
do. Rather than manipulating the outer world, they subtly long as the two of you are on the same plane of existence.
alter the inner world of creatures around them.
As an action, you can spend a dice from your Mental
INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS Reservoir to apply one of the following effects to a creature
charmed by this feature:
When choosing this Mindscape at 3rd level, you learn to
emanate wisps of psychical energy that scramble the minds • For one minute, you can read the surface thoughts of
of your enemies, hindering their reflexes. When battle starts,
the creature - what the creature’s mind is mostly en-
you can use your reaction and spend any allowed number
gaged with at the moment. A conversation can easily
of dice from your Mental Reservoir.
steer those thoughts toward new topics.
Choose a number of creatures no higher than the num- • For ten minutes, you can see and hear through the crea-
ber of dice spent within 60 feet of you that you are aware of ture’s senses as if you were there, in addition to using
at the start of the battle. your own senses.
Each of the chosen creatures will have your Intelligence • You short-circuit the creature’s mind, and the creature
modifier subtracted from its initiative roll. is paralyzed until the end of its next turn. This ends the
charmed condition on the creature.
REPEL • You use the creature as the origin for the psychical burst
of your Repel feature. The burst originates from the
At 7th level you learn to release a burst of powerful psychic
creature as if you were in its place. The creature must
energy to damage and scare away creatures around you. You
make the saving throw and suffer the damage as if it
spend and roll any allowed dice from your Mental Reservoir
was a normal target of Repel, but won’t count towards
as an action, and choose a number of creatures within 30
the total number of creatures affected. This ends the
feet of you no higher than the number of dice spent. The
charmed condition on the creature.
creatures you chose must make an Intelligence saving throw
against your Demiurge save DC or suffer psychic damage
equal to the result you rolled, and are repelled by you for
1 minute or until they take any damage. A successful save At 18th level, you learn to quickly intrude into the minds
halves the damage and the creature isn’t repelled. of your enemies to make them slip at crucial moments. As
A repelled creature must spend its turns trying to move a reaction when you see a creature making a saving throw
as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move while within 60 feet of you, you can spend 10 dice from
to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. your Mental Reservoir to make that creature automatically
For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to es- fail that saving throw. You choose to do so before you know
cape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s the result of the saving throw.
nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
finish a long rest.

Thomas van




These hexen knights have been trained to be the abso- A ravager channeling their rage as an Executioner are the
lute best in espionage, tactical warfare and assassination. ultimate weapon to point toward one’s enemies to see their
They’ve been made one of the most terrible threats in the complete annihilation. Ravagers of this kind approach their
landscape of Kisarta’s violent intrigues by both their martial targets with razor-sharp focus, and won’t stop until the
and arcane training, being mobile and able to attack from 'condemned' are neutralized.
afar with power and accuracy.
From 1st level when you choose this path, as a bonus ac-
When you choose this Affinity at 3rd level, you learn to ex- tion, you can deliver judgment against a creature you can
tend the reach of you doomstrike, and to use its shockwave see within 30 feet of you. You gain advantage on attack rolls
for tactical purposes. You can now use your Doomstrike against the creature for 1 minute or until you drop to 0 hit
feature with ranged attacks made with thrown weapons. points or fall unconscious. The targeted creature has disad-
This also applies to your Improved Doomstrike feature vantage on attack rolls against targets other than you until
when you obtain it. Any weapon you throw magically flies the minute expires, or if you attack any other creature, you
back to your hand immediately after the attack, unless you cast a spell that targets a hostile creature other than the tar-
wish it not to. get, a creature friendly to you damages the target or casts a
harmful spell on it. Once you use this feature, you can’t use
WINDLIKE it again until you finish a long rest.
From 7th level, you become able to dash or hide as a bonus ONE MORE
From 6th level, the death of your enemies just pushes you
IN AND OUT further towards their annihilation. On your turn, when
At 14th level, you can use your bonus action to teleport to you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with an attack, you can
an unoccupied space you can see up to 60 feet away, return- make a melee weapon attack as part of the same action. The
ing in the same way to your previous position at the end of maximum number of total attacks in your action is equal to
your turn unless you wish to remain at the new position. your proficiency bonus.


Upon reaching 20th level, your affinity for magic, the shad- Once you reach 13th level, no enemy can escape the reach
ows and trickery itself makes you a perfect conduit for of your rage. You can attack twice when making an attack
spontaneous powerful magical deception. Once per long of opportunity as a reaction.
rest, you can use an action to cast a spell of 9th level or lower C A P I TA L P U N I S H M E N T
from the enchantment or illusion school of magic. You do
so without spending a spell slot. At 18th level you embody the swift conclusion of pain,
rage, and thirst for justice. Once per long rest, you can
use an action to make a single melee attack with a Ravager
Weapon. A creature hit by the attack will die instantly if it
has 100 hit points or fewer. Otherwise, it will simply suffer
the attack’s regular damage.

Thomas van


From 15th level, you can create two shadow clones before

having to rest. The two shadow clones can exist at the same
time, but require two separate bonus actions to be creat-
ed. Maintaining two clones at the same time takes intense
S H A D O W V O C AT I O N effort and requires concentration on it (as if concentrating
on a spell) to exist. If concentration is lost, both clones dis-
These travelers have found themselves at ease in the dark- appear immediately. If two shadow clones coexist, only the
ness of most of Kisarta’s landscape, and embraced it to the first one created can cast spells.
extent of learning to manipulate it as if part of their bodies.


From 3rd level you are able to weave a copy of yourself

made of darkness. You can use your bonus action to create
a copy of yourself in an unoccupied space you can see with-
in 60 feet of you. The shadow clone is a creature under your
control that acts during your turn, has your game statistics
and shadow copies of your nonmagical equipment and
weapons, but no other items. It is immune to all damage
and cannot be dispelled. It has your full movement speed
and access to your actions, your spells (which it can cast
consuming your spell slots), your traveler class features, but
cannot use a bonus action. The clone has non senses of his
own, and relies on yours. You can, however, use a bonus
action and shift your senses to the clone (or back), and per-
ceive as if through his body instead of yours. The clone lasts
until the start of your next turn. After summoning a shad-
ow clone, you must then finish a long rest before being able
to use this feature again.


From 7th level, when you are in an area of dim light or dark-
ness, you can use your action to become invisible until you
move or take an action or a reaction. Additionally, when a
clone created by the Shadow Clone feature vanishes, you
can choose to instantly teleport in the space it was occupy-
ing (no action required).


From 11th level you learn to condense shadow matter for

longer periods of time, and with ease. Your shadow clone
lasts for one minute, or until you decide to dismiss it during
your turn (no action required).

Thomas van



The Lost Saint is an official adventure for Kisarta, designed

for 3rd level characters. These pages contain everything you
need to lead a group of adventurers on a journey filled with LIMBO
mystery and peril, which will take them from the gloomy
city of Limbo to the gleaming Radiant Citadel. The goal
When contacted, the characters may find themselves each
is to recover the remains of one of the martyrs belonging
in a different place of the City of Limbo. However, when
to the Cult of the Dying Saints, which mysteriously disap-
their mind is transported within the following vision they
peared from the cathedral reliquary.
find themselves momentarily next to each other.
The adventure begins when all party members receive
a vision in which the Unredeemed Patriarch tries to hire
them to recover what has been stolen from his cult. During It has been some time since you regained conscious-
this story, adventurers will have to explore the darkest and ness in the Cemetery of the Lost Ones. You have had
roughest places such as the Wood of the Damned and the a taste of the many oddities, mysteries and dangers
slums of the City of Limbo, in search of clues that will lead that can be encountered in the City of Limbo, but
them on the right path. The Radiant Citadel, on the other none of this could prepare you for what would hap-
hand, is a place overflowing with light, a plane totally differ- pen shortly thereafter.
ent from everything else found on Kisarta. It almost looks
as if it represents a bastion of purity in the midst of so much As you wandered around the city in search of some-
evil and madness, but it only hides religious fanaticism led thing you now no longer remember, your conscious-
to inconceivable levels. ness was transported to another place, inside what
appears to be a huge cathedral decorated with vast
Note to GM: The stat blocks of the monsters shown in paintings and towering statues.
bold in the adventure can be found in the SRD5 refer-
enced by the Open Gaming License Version 1.0a. pres- In front of you there is a nave that seems immensely
ent at the end of this compendium. long, at the end of which there is a short staircase,
with an elegant altar standing out at the top. In front
of it, a figure surrounded by an unnatural light that
almost blinds you, making it possible to only vaguely
distinguish a humanoid silhouette.

Thomas van

However, his voice echoes in your head as if he were
one step away from you, while he speaks with an
authoritative but at the same time calm and kind
tone: “Souls, I am sorry to distract you from your
occupations but the Cult of the Dying Saints needs Now that you are inside the cathedral you can more
your help. Our sacred Cathedral was desecrated by clearly distinguish the place of your vision and the
filthy criminals who stole the remains of one of our thousands of depictions of the Saints of the Cult,
martyrs. Scrutinizing the desperate souls that roam both statues and paintings, which fill the walls of the
the streets of our city, I saw a light in you. I believe building in its entirety.
that you are the right people to right the wrong suf-
fered and bring our saint and his possessions back to The nun who greeted you at the entrance stops for
their resting place. Go to the Cathedral of the Dy- a moment to look you up and down as she begins
ing Saints. Everything will be explained to you more to speak in an extremely calm but very cold and
clearly”. detached tone, different from the voice you heard
during the vision: “I am Sister Malmylla, I welcome
In an instant, your consciousness returns to your you to the Cathedral of the Dying Saints”.
body, while a strange feeling of numbness and con-
fusion clouds your mind. A few minutes must pass She then resumes walking, motioning to follow her
before you fully recover with a new goal to reach: the and continues speaking after a few moments of si-
Cathedral of the Dying Saints. lence: “The Patriarch has requested your help in
dealing with the theft of the remains of St. Wilhelm,
together with his armor and his spear. We believe
To get to the cathedral, the group can take several days that the thief stole them from the reliquary while we
of travel, given the size of the city. From whatever point were intent on putting the cathedral back in order
they start, they will end up having to pass through the Path after the last celebration. I will lead you to the reli-
of the Penitents, where it is probable that their individual quary, follow me”.
paths will cross and they will be able to recognize each other
as the other figures present in the vision. On this paved road The woman accompanies you to a staircase that
they will also be able to overhear some news, which appar- unravels downwards, carved into the rock, through
ently have already spread among the faithful, regarding the which you reach a locked wooden door, which once
theft. opened by Malmylla takes you to a very large area
below the cathedral. Here, numerous reliquaries
Many pray desperately for the Saint’s remains to be re-
hold the remains and some objects that must have
turned to worship, and with a DC 10 Perception check, ad-
belonged to the Saints.
venturers can learn of the name of Saint Wilhelm. Collect-
ing information from the souls who pray on the path, they
learn that Wilhelm was a warrior-saint, who died in battle Now that the adventurers are inside of the Cathedral, they
to save the lives of some Souls attacked by unholy creatures. can ask Malmylla for more information about the circum-
Once at the entrance of the cathedral, they find a nun,wait- stances of what happened and look for any clues that may
ing for them, that invites them to approach with a wave of help them in their investigation. She would vaguely answer
her hand, without saying a word. their questions, repeating what she explained on the upper
floor of the cathedral, but also asking some strange ques-
tions to the group herself, like “Have you been traveling
companions for a long time?”, “What would you do to save
a friend? “, “What do you think of the Cult?”.

Thomas van

If the players provide good and convincing answers, for
example by explaining that they care about friends and their
companions, the nun will reveal to them that she has im-
portant information but that she cannot share it with them
in that place. She suggests that they meet later, in an old
abandoned church located in the northern most area of t​​ he

In case they don’t answer her questions as she wishes,

Malmylla will just remain silent and continue to answer
vaguely. Adventurers can try to figure out that she is hiding
something with a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) roll. If the roll
is successful and the party insists or threatens her, with a
successful DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation)
roll the priestess will tell them to meet her that evening at
the Bones.

Also, looking around the reliquary, with a successful

DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation)
check, it is possible to notice that the lock on the door lead-
ing to it has not been broken into or tampered with in any
way. The thief had the key to open it or somehow he found
it already unlocked. If you ask about the door, Malmylla
will say that it is always locked and that she is the one to
keep them. She also explains that to teleport to and from
this area of the Cathedral is impossible. At this point, if she
is interrogated, one can always get to the point where the
nun invites the group to meet her at the Bones.


During their journey to reach the abandoned church the

players are forced to wander through the desolation of the
Bones, accompanied by the continuous moans of the Souls
present in this place. The constant bloodcurdling screams
can upset the weaker minds and, after moving for a while
within this area, the adventurers must make a DC 12 mad-
ness roll to avoid suffering a short-term madness effect.
Once in proximity of the church, with a successful DC
15 Wisdom (Perception) adventurers can notice two things:
the first is that the moans have become more frequent in
this area; the second is a corpse hidden in the vicinity of
some old ruins. The body of a human woman, wearing ex-
plorer clothes and a cloak with a hood, her body torn to
shreds by who knows what monstrous creature. The ad-
venturers cannot understand why she doesn’t appear to be
coming back to life like those who die in Kisarta usually do,
thanks to the mysterious powers of Aether.
Thomas van
Searching her pockets and in the backpack that is found Note to the Game Master: With 2 specters you have
nearby, nothing of interest is found, as if someone had al- a fight of medium difficulty for a group of 3-4 adven-
ready passed by and plundered the remains, a thing that can turers. If you want a more difficult fight you can use 1
also be guessed by the fact that she carries a sword sheath additional specter. In case there are 5 or more players it
with floral decorations on her side, but the weapon is no- is recommended to use 2 additional specters. Also, since
where to be found. Malmylla can easily get rid of these enemies it is recom-
mended not to let her intervene until the fight is com-
You walk through endless heaps of ruins and rub- pletely over, unless the group is in serious trouble and
ble, in an absolute and disturbing silence interrupt- you want to prevent any of them from dying (which
ed from time to time by the moans of someone or would reduce the integrity of their souls).
something you can’t even see. As you advance several
The stat blocks of Malmylla and Gondir can be found at
humanoid figures pass in your vicinity, all with al-
the end of the adventure on pages 45-46.
most ghostly features; their skin extremely pale, their
eyes dull, intent on staring at an indefinite point in
front of them. They continue on their path without When the fight is over, Malmylla talks to the group and
paying attention to you, as if you weren’t even there. reveals the whole truth about the theft and Wilhelm, telling
After several minutes of walking, you arrive at the them how she and Gondir were deceived by a crook from
place indicated by Malmylla, the remains of what the Radiant Citadel and how the dwarf is on his trail to re-
once was a small temple. cover Wilhelm’s remains (read the box 'The story of Wil-
helm and the theft of the Cathedral' in the next page).
The building is still partly standing, but now the
symbol that shone on the entrance has been com-
pletely erased by time. Delving inside this environ- After directing you to the Gate leading to the Ra-
ment, the signs of the passing of the years are even diant Citadel, Malmylla dismisses you, giving you a
more evident: a part of the ceiling has completely strange pendant and a few words: “Look for Gondir
collapsed, revealing a view of the outside; inside the in the city of Celtria and show him this, he will cer-
structure you can find the remains of some benches, tainly be able to give you more information than I
with completely rotten and unusable wood; on the could about the current situation. You will easily
opposite side from the entrance there is a small altar, recognize him, he is a dwarf of very small stature and
the only thing that seems to have been saved from has a red beard with blue-tinted locks. I will join you
the consuming eons. You don’t have much time to as soon as I have carried out my duties at the Cathe-
contemplate what you have around you because the dral. May luck smile at you, Souls”.
moans that have accompanied you throughout the
journey are getting get stronger, closer.

The surrounding air suddenly cools and, after a few

moments, humanoid figures appear from the crum- Wilhelm’s pendant
bling walls, with translucent features and smoky
contours, attacking you with their incorporeal claws. The necklace given to the group is a pendant that be-
longed to Wilhelm, and bears the symbol of his fam-
ily: a teardrop shield with the figure of a roaring lion.
In the church, players will be attacked by 2 Specters.
Both have human features and hateful eyes. Looking at This item has no special magical properties. How-
them carefully you can see their clothes, ruined or damaged ever, a part of Wilhelm’s soul remains tied to it. If
by who knows what bloody fate they suffered while they certain conditions are met during the adventure, the
were still alive. The fight can be difficult but the adventur- object could be extremely useful to the group. If you
ers are not alone. Malmylla preceded them to the church, try to analyze it with a detect magic spell, it will be
observing them from a safe position and, in case the group devoid of a magical aura.
is in serious trouble, the priestess will come to their aid in
the fight against the undead.
Thomas van
The story of Wilhelm and the theft one of his men who had staunchly defended the village,
of the Cathedral
singing praises in his name and stipulating with the Cult
of the Dying Saints to make him one of the many saints
In life, Wilhelm was a very skilled warrior and adven- to 'add' to their collection of religious figures.
turer. Malmylla and Gondir met him on Kisarta shortly
after awakening in the Cemetery of the Lost. The war- Malmylla and Gondir were disgusted by this staging and
rior became their guide in this new world, and for a long decided that, even if they failed to reveal the deception
time they explored the different Dominions, until they of Cyrthiur and the Cult, they would do everything to
settled in the Radiant Citadel, a place where the clash be- recover their friend’s remains and be able to give him a
tween good and evil is continuous and therefore where worthy burial. This is why Malmylla had become part
their presence could be more useful. During an assault by of the order and had gradually managed to get noticed
some monstrosities and cultists on a small village near the inside until she became the keeper of the reliquary of
Great Wall, the three found themselves together with a the Cathedral. Meanwhile, Gondir had devoted himself
small, despairing handful as the only defense of the place. to finding someone to help them take away the remains
Being considered of little strategic value by Cyrthiur, without being noticed, managing to find a voluntary - a
he decided not to deploy any of his forces to defend it, half-elf named Kevras.
preferring to concentrate his men on the defense of the
Lastwall. The latter, touched by their story, had decided to assist
them. Unfortunately ,the two were unaware that this
Malmylla and Gondir were the only ones able to flee, knave was part of the retinue of Alloch the Heretic, one
thanks to Wilhelm’s sacrifice covering their retreat. When of the most dangerous criminals of the Radiant Citadel,
they returned to the battlefield in search of their friend’s and that as soon as he got his hands on Wilhelm’s remains
remains, the two adventurers discovered that Cyrthiur he would flee with them to deliver them to his master in
had already disposed of Wilhelm’s body, passing it off as another Dominion for some unknown dark purpose.

Thomas van

After traversing the Gate, the party arrives in a very large
space, in contrast with the dimensions of the exterior of
LIGHT the structure but which shows the same colors, shapes and
themes seen outside. There are numerous other travelers,
apparently mostly priests, acolytes or in any case men of
SCENE 2 faith, given the numerous sacred symbols they wear and the
sermons they are preaching aloud. In this hallway, adven-
T H E G AT E O F turers can attempt a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check to
R A D I A N T C I TA D E L gather additional information about the Radiant Citadel.

There is also the possibility, if they have not healed after

fighting the specters and seem injured or tired, that some
Traveling for what feels like several hours through of the priests herein will offer to heal at least part of their
the desolation of the Bones in the direction indicated wounds and advise them to rest before resuming the jour-
by Malmylla, you reach a place whose appearance is ney (if you wish to let fate decide if this event happens or
in stark contrast to what you have seen thus far. You not, you can roll any dice by assigning an even result to it
find yourself in what appears to be a large square, happening).
also surrounded by the ruins of ancient buildings.
There is another event that might interest the adven-
turers inside the small sanctuary: two men who appear to
Here, however, nature is not composed of the dead
be Inquisitors of the Dominion, observed by many in the
and withered vegetation that you have seen in the
room with more fear than that shown towards the Gate-
city of Limbo; the plants, grass and flowers that cov-
keepers, are intent on questioning a desperate-looking
er much of the area shine of vivid colors and are full
woman. She is wearing very simple clothes, but in her hands
of life, as you have not seen for a long time.
she holds a bundle from which the hilt of a sword sticks out.
Approaching them, you can hear that the two are accusing
At the center of it is what appears to be the door of
her of being a thief and a murderer, assuming that she stole
a small temple with smooth, white walls with some
the weapon from some unfortunate soul who she killed on
bas-reliefs depicting angelic creatures. However,
the way there. With a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) or
the two beings who guard this structure complete-
Wisdom (Perception) check, it is possible to notice that the
ly break the luminous tones of everything around
hilt of the sword carried by the woman is engraved with the
them, bringing you back to the sad reality. Before
same floral motifs that were present on the scabbard found
you stand two Gatekeepers, motionless as statues in
on the explorer’s corpse back at the Bones (if the adventur-
their black armor, guarding the entrance to the Ra-
ers have picked it up and are taking it with them, they have
diant Citadel.
advantage on this check). The party can act as they see fit,
explaining and/or showing the Inquisitors evidence of the
The group has finally reached the Gate that leads to the Ra- woman’s innocence. If they don’t have the scabbard with
diant Citadel, as they can see from the energy that gushes them to show they will need to make a DC 13 Charisma
out of the passage and imbues the surroundings with life. (Persuasion) check. If they manage to free her, she will
Defending the entrance are two Gatekeepers, servants of thank them offering them her sword (magic weapon called
the Black Circle who protect all the connecting points be- Thorn), saying that she hoped to find a person to sell it to
tween the various Dominions. When a character tries to get some Aether but, given the trouble it has caused her, she
study their magic armors or glyphs, by making a skill check prefers to give it to someone who can put it to proper use.
or simply by looking at them, it must make a DC 15 long-
term madness saving throw. If they do not intervene in the discussion, after a while
one of the Inquisitors handcuffs the woman, seizes the
weapon and takes her away, heading to the nearest city to
have her imprisoned.

Thomas van

Weapon (longsword), uncommon (requires attunement)

Whenever you hit an enemy with a melee weapon attack us-

Once you leave the point of arrival of the bright
ing this sword, you deal 1d4 additional poison damage and
Dominion after walking through fancifully deco-
the target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw
rated long and tortuous corridors, you find yourself
to avoid being poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can re-
in front of a verdant valley framed all around by
peat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
mountains and dotted with forests, fields and small
the condition on a success. If a creature succeeds in any of
fortified towns. In some places you can also see the
these the saving throws, it will be immune to the poisoned
still evident signs of ferocious battles of old. A little
condition caused by this effect for 24 hours.
ahead, you see a group of six people who seem to be
preparing to leave aboard their two carriages.

One of them approaches you happily as soon as he

notices you. His face lights up and he reaches you
almost hopping. “Are you on the way to Celtria as
well? We are headed there and we would appreciate
more people for the journey. You know, the roads
aren’t very safe lately, and we only have this young
man to defend us. How about it? We can reward you
with some Aether Shards if we get to Celtria safe and

Thomas van

The caravan consists of five merchants who are bringing
their wares to the city, protected only by a Mercenary (Ki-
sarta sourcebook, page 269). They mainly sell fabrics, work SHADOW
tools, some precious stones and one of them also has some
weapons and jewels among their goods. The group can
choose to join them or travel on their own. In both cases SCENE 3
the first days of travel will pass peacefully.
Once they get closer to Celtria, on a path near a forest, C E LT R I A
the group will be attacked by a handful of scoundrels. If
they are traveling alone there will be 8 Bandits and 1 Vet-
eran, and there will be an additional veteran if they joined
the merchant caravan. The latter, if present, will hide inside You stand in front of the thick walls that surround
the carriages while the mercenary hired by them will help in the great city of Celtria. At the entrance there are nu-
dealing with the marauders. merous people, mostly travelers waiting to enter, and
some guards who scrupulously check anyone who
If the veterans and at least half of the bandits are defeat- arrives before allowing them to set foot in the city.
ed, the remaining ones will flee. At the end of the battle, the
merchants will suggest resting for a while before resuming You too are lined up in this queue, waiting for your
the journey, so that you can recover from injuries. turn to come to talk to the guards and get inside, in
search of Gondir.
On the enemies’ bodies, in addition to their equipment,
18 Handfuls of Aether Powder but nothing of particular
relevance. After another day of travel, the caravan finally The crowd of people who are waiting in front of the doors
reaches the city. The merchants separate from the rest of is mostly made up of faithful, clergymen and a few mer-
the group, thanking them and compensating them with 2 chants. Notice immediately that the atmosphere, despite
Aether Shards each for protecting them during the journey. the presence of the guards, is much quieter than that caused
by the two inquisitors at the entrance to the Dominion. If
the adventurers decide to strike conversation with anyone
here, a success on a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check will
reveal to them that Celtria is the best city to start from to be
able to move in the Dominion (and some say the best one to
settle as well): the strong attachment to religion, although
present, is not accentuated and brought to the levels of zeal
and fanaticism as in other towns of the Citadel. Further-
more, here one can meet numerous merchants from other
Dominions and it is likely that, searching carefully, they will
be able to find something interesting to buy.
Once the adventurers’ turn comes, the guards ask them
a few general questions and inquire about why they are in

If Gondir is mentioned and/or described to them, the

guards will inform that the dwarf arrived a few days back,
and should be at Ladwen’s Rest, one of the town’s inns.

Thomas van

Note to the Game Master: The guards of this Do- By observing the interior more carefully (or simply by
minion tend to scold misconduct such as lying or any asking the woman), the adventurers can immediately find
attempted bribery. They have no particular hesitation in the person they are looking for: a very small, plump dwarf
providing information about Gondir or anything else if sits at one of the tables farthest from the entrance. You can
they sense the good intentions of the adventurers, but see several blue locksin his long, red beard, tied in a single
they will be reluctant to provide any if they understand braid resting on the table. Gondir is intent on observing
that they are being lied to and could even become hostile a small map of this Dominion, and when the group ap-
if one tries to obtain it in another way, for example with proaches him he turns his attention to them. If the adven-
magic or bribing them. turers introduce themselves to him as Malmylla’s friends or
envoys and show him the pendant, the dwarf will rejoice
In case the information does not come from the guards, the and gladly speak:
adventurers will be able to seek information on the dwarf’s
position through a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion or Investi-
gation) check, made with advantage if the players explicitly
“I’m glad Mal found someone to hire! To trust you
mention the blue strands of Gondir’s beard. In the event
with that object you must have made a really good
of failure, players will lose a few hours before finding the
impression on her! Let’s move on to the important
dwarf anyway. Having been seen asking around, they will
things right away: I have followed the tracks of that
suffer disadvantage in future social interactions with the
scoundrel who cheated us up to the city, but now I
citizens of Celtria.
have come to a dead end. The man Kevras works for
is extremely dangerous, the most wanted criminal in
The city streets are abuzz, crowded with people
the Dominion.
intent on their daily chores and a fairly light atmo-
From what I know it should have a base of opera-
sphere, which seems almost out of place considering
tions somewhere in the Wood of the Damned.
that not far from you is the immense wall that sep-
arates the lands of Cyrthiur from the darkness and However, before diving into that nasty place I’d rath-
the abominable creatures that live on the other side er have some more confidence that the good Wil-
of the Dominion. A large number of guards patrols
helm’s remains were actually brought there.
the streets and scans the wall’s surroundings. As at
There’s a merchant named Orthar in town, and I’m
the entrance, their presence instills security rather
pretty sure that guy either works for the Heretic
than fear, as demonstrated by the light-heartedness
himself or is knowledgeable about all the shady deals
of the citizens. Among the numerous buildings that
going on in and around town. His shop is located in
you observe along the way, the ones that stand out
the northern part of Celtria.
most are the temples dedicated to the various cults
I’ve been here for a few days already and I’m afraid
of the Radiant Citadel.
I have already been noticed by some very unfriendly
It takes a few minutes to walk to the indicated place, people, however if someone less known went to talk
a small inn with a rather large sign on which a knight
to him they might be able to get something out of
in armor is painted holding a sword in his right hand him… ”
and a mug in his left.
He concludes, pointing to the Souls in front of him.

The interior of the inn is not particularly spacious

but it feels welcoming, well lit by the many windows
After explaining to the group how to get to Orthar’s
that let in the light from different sides. The host,
shop, the dwarf advises adventurers to rest a little before
a burly woman with long curly gray hair, welcomes
getting back to work, and in the meantime he gives some
the group and invites them to sit wherever they like.
more information about the Radiant Citadel, about
Cyrthiur, about the Heretic and whatever else is useful to
know about the Dominion. He will await their return at
the inn, so as not to risk them being targeted if seen in his

Thomas van

Orthar has recently made one of these deliveries, and ex-
You stop as needed before getting back to work and plains how to reach the point set for the exchange, not far
heading to the shop indicated by Gondir. It takes a from the Last Wall. Evidently concerned, he begs the group
few minutes’ walk to arrive in front of this two-sto- not to tell anyone about his relationship with Alloch, much
ry house, that doesn’t appear particularly large. In less how or from whom they got the information he pro-
front of the door is a middle-aged man with short, vided.
neat white hair and beard, who seems to rejoice as
soon as he sees you approaching: “Oh, new custom- After having finished talking to the merchant, the group
ers? Orthar at your service, gentlemen! ”. As he says can decide to go and warn Gondir about what they have
these words, he opens the door of the shop with a learned and get to the place of exchange, or move directly to the
couple of turns of the key and invites you to enter place indicated by the merchant without notifying the dwarf.
with a smile. In the first case, Gondir will decide to accompany them.
The shop is a little larger than the inn you visited
not long earlier, but it is chock full of goods of all
kinds: on one side there are work tools, a bookcase
with numerous tomes and parchments and a couple
of shelves full of bottles containing colorful liquids.
on the opposite wall, sturdy racks hold armor, a few It takes several hours of walking to get close enough
shields and clothes. to be able to see the spot the merchant told you
Finally, various weapons of fine workmanship sit on about. It is a small area very close to the defense wall,
the counter. Behind this massive table where Orthar bordered by thick vegetation, mostly half-bare trees
takes his place, you can see other merchandise of all and brambles. The huge wall stands out before you,
sorts, piled up with no particular regard for order. clearly visible from the moment you leave the city,
along with the darkened sky that permeates the lands
beyond the protection. Approaching and entering
Orthar is well aware of everything that happens in the this small wood, you notice shortly after some crates
city and its surroundings but is not on friendly terms with positioned in a small clearing: the load transported
the Heretic and his entourage as suspected by Gondir. The by Orthar, waiting for someone to pick it up.
two are only tied by a regular relationship between seller
and customer.
The grove in which the adventurers enter is not very large,
The white-haired merchant, however, doesn't wish to but the very dense vegetation allows them to hide properly.
get into trouble: if the adventurers want information about There seems to be no one there by the time they arrive, but
Alloch and his followers they must convince him with a DC after a few hours of waiting a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception)
15 Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) check. check reveals the distinctive sounds of people approaching.
Alloch’s men do not expect to have been betrayed, nor have
Alternatively they can leverage his avarice and offer him
ever needed to sneak around for this operation, and there-
something of value (like the sword found at the Bones or Wil-
fore have no qualms about making noise.
helm’s pendant) to make him spil the beans faster. In case he
notices or is shown valuables, Orthar himself will ask about However, if you see fit, you can have them try a Wisdom
buying, or bartering them for information. Once persuaded, (Perception) roll as well, opposed to a Dexterity (Stealth)
the merchant will explain what he knows: a recently arrived roll by the adventurers to give enemies a chance to notice
traveler from Limbo has passed through his emporium with them. The group of opponents is made up of some Aco-
something important to deliver to the Heretic. lytes of Alloch and a Heretic Sorcerer.

Orthar does not know the exact location of their base The group of adventurers can decide either to confront
within the forest. However, he advises the adventurers to them on the spot and interrogate them to obtain informa-
get to a spot where he usually leaves goods purchased by the tion from them about their lair, or to follow them to their
wanted man’s goons, which they then secretly collect. base to see where it is in case they have not been noticed. If
Gondir is with the party, he will suggest the second option.
Thomas van
Acolyte of Alloch Heretic Sorcerer
Medium humanoid (any race), neutral evil Medium humanoid (any race), neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (breastplate, shield) Armor Class 12
Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

16 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4 Throws Cha +7
Skill Athletics +5, Stealth +3 Skills Arcana +4, Deception +7, Persuasion +7
Senses Passive perception 10 Senses Passive perception 10
Languages Common Languages Common and Draconic
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Alloch’s Brand. The acolyte is resistant to radiant damage. Alloch’s Brand. The heretic sorcerer is resistant to radiant
Spellcasting. The heretic sorcerer is a 5th-level spellcaster:
Multiattack. The acolyte can make two melee attacks
his spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell saving throw DC
with the club or two ranged attacks with the crossbow.
15, +7 to hit for spell attacks). He has the following sorcerer
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar- spells prepared:
get. Hit: 3 (1d4 +1) bludgeoning damage. * Cantrips (at will): mage hand, message, ray of frost
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range * 1st level (4 slots): burning hands, kyltranos’ blade*,
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage. magic missile
* 2nd level (3 slots): scorching ray, web
* 3rd level (2 slots): lightning bolt
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d4+2) piercing damage.

Note to the Game Master: It is recommended to use 4

acolytes of Alloch and 1 heretic sorcerer in case the party
is not accompanied by Gondir. In case the dwarf is with
them, use 2 additional acolytes. If there are more than 3
players, an additional acolyte can be added for each ad-
venturer beyond the third.

Thomas van

Based on the players’ choices, two scenarios arise:
1. In case combat has taken place and there are surviving GODDESS
adversaries, the adventurers can try to interrogate them
to find out where Wilhelm’s remains are, or at least to
find out more about their base within the forest. The ac- SCENE 4
olytes and the sorcerer are extremely loyal to Alloch and
are not easy to convince: the adventurers can attempt a R E T U R N T O C E LT R I A
DC 20 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check
to extract the needed information. Alternatively, valid
even if the clash left no survivors, by searching the sor- Back in town, Gondir will go to Ladwen’s Rest to await the
cerer you can find a sheet bearing a message: “The ritu- arrival of his friend and recover some of his magical powers.
al will take place in the temple under the big tree. The If the adventurers indulge him, during the break at the inn
preparations are almost complete, and we only need the the dwarf will explain a little more about the Wood of the
remains of the Saint promised by the thief. “ Gondir has Damned and the hazards that can be found inside. He will
heard of the presence of a huge tree that was the desti- also suggest not to warn the city guards of their discovery,
nation of ancient pilgrimages in the thick of the forest, as there is a strong risk that they will end up keeping Wil-
and believes he can lead you there or explain where it is. helm’s remains to be returned to the Cult of Dying Saints.
Speaking with one of the heretics (in case the Charisma
roll was successful) the group learns that Kevras is expect- If the party so wishes (under possible suggestion of Gondir)
ed that same day but that the ritual will not begin when they can also try to gather additional information by asking
the remains arrive as the master of ceremonies has not yet around; on a successful Charisma (Persuasion or Investiga-
arrived as well. However, they do not know what the rit- tion) check they can learn the following:
ual is or entails. At this point, Gondir will suggest return- • On a result of 10 or more: The Wood of the Damned is
ing to the city to rest a little and wait for Malmylla before a cursed place. Imbued with the same wickedness that
heading to the forest, as this is known to be an extremely is beyond the Last Wall, it is a place where only heretics
dangerous place. Even if the group prefers to proceed by and madmen go to take refuge.
immediately venturing into the forest, he will return to
• On a result of 15 or more: The Wood of the Damned
the city to wait for the priestess.
is the home base of Alloch the Heretic, a dangerous
2. If the party decides to follow Alloch’s henchmen to sorcerer and sworn enemy of the Shining One. It is
the Wood of the Damned without getting noticed, they said that the place is so dangerous and steeped in dark-
will have to make several Dexterity (Stealth) checks op-
ness that the Guardian himself avoids sending his men
posed to the passive Perception of the group of enemies.
there to track down the Heretic. Even Cyrthiur himself
If the adventurers get three failures before three suc-
avoids going there, which is concerning to the Citadel’s
cesses, the fight will be inevitable. By obtaining three
successes, however, the tailing will be successful: the
adventurers will find themselves near the hideout of • On a result 20 or more: It is said that, within the forest,
the acolytes of Alloch, and you can continue from the there once was a temple dedicated to Olokul, a nature
section 'The Temple of Olokul', page 40. The hench- deity. After the forest began to be corrupted by dark-
men, however, will suddenly seem to almost disappear, ness, the devotees of this goddess tried to purify it in
using a secondary hidden passage to access the temple. every way, but they failed and were forced to abandon
Even if successful, Gondir will propose to return to the their temple. When the darkness completely enveloped
city to wait for Malmylla’s arrival, and even if the adven- the forest, the divinity lost all its powers and its name
turers do not want him he will act in this way. was forgotten, disappearing into almost total oblivion.
With such a high result, however, the adventurers learn
the identity of one of the goddess devotees who has not
yet become vacuous, and he gives them one potion of
uncommon or rare rarity, at the Game Master’s discre-
tion. He wishes that the adventurers rediscover the be-

Thomas van

nevolent nature of Olokul. This also makes event 2 re- Before reaching the place where the ritual will take place,
lated to the shrine of Olokul in the next section certain. various events can occur inside the forest. To decide which,
Waiting for a few hours in town, Malmylla also arrives at you can roll a D4 and take one of the events from the list
the inn. After being informed of the situation, the nun will below or simply decide which ones you like best (including
suggest that they hurry up to reach the forest. all of them) and act accordingly:
1. After traveling for a bit through the forest, the group
THE WOOD OF THE reaches an area where the vegetation is partially covered
DAMNED by what appear to be webs, the territory of some etter-
caps. The monsters hang from a tree, waiting for the right
moment to throw their webs on a member of the group
in an attempt to trap him (each Ettercap uses the web on
From a distance you can already make out the shape a different target), subsequently approaching and attack-
of the Peaks of the Dusk, the mountain range that ing with fangs and claws. Adventurers who express an in-
delimits the western edge of the Dominion. Right at tention to be careful of their surroundings can try a Wis-
its foot is your next stop: the Wood of the Damned. dom (Perception) roll to spot the creatures; alternatively,
Since you came to the Radiant Citadel you have their passive Perception score can be used opposed to the
heard about this place several times, and never with ettercaps’ Dexterity (Stealth) roll to see if characters can
positive or heartening words. The forest looks like a detect them before being ambushed.
huge, dark spot that clashes with the pale green of
the valleys and the light that pervades the rest of the
Note to the Game Master: If the group is not accompa-
nied by Malmylla and Gondir it is recommended to use
2 ettercaps for the fight. If the priestess and the dwarf are
Approaching its edge, you can already understand
present, 2 additional ettercaps can be used. It is possible,
why the place has such a bad reputation: not far
if desired, to consider this area a zone of Black Aether.
from the first trees and shrubs that mark its entrance,
you can see the remains of what must have been a
bloody battle in which the zealots and the soldiers
defending the Dominion have met a terrible end, as
evidenced by their remains scattered around the area.
Some sections of the forest have in fact been corrupt-
ed to the point of becoming areas of Black Aether,
spots where permanent death is possible. Your goal
is nonetheless very close: it is time for a final test of

The Wood of the Damned is pervaded by an extremely dark

and gloomy atmosphere: the group’s journey is accompa-
nied by moans, sudden screams of unclear origin and the
sounds of strange creatures which seem ready and eager to
jump on the adventurers at a moment’s notice. Within the
forest, moreover, unlike the well lit exterior, it seems that
the trees and vegetation do not let light in at all, so much so
that adventurers lacking darkvision are forced to stumble
in the dark following their companions or using some light
source to move around without difficulty. After moving
about the forest for some time, the party must make a DC
15 madness saving throw to avoid suffering a short-term
madness effect caused by all of these factors combined.
Thomas van
2. The group may stumble upon a small shrine of Olokul,
the deity who originally resided in the forest. In a clear- The elemental magic you have released makes the
ing inside the forest they find a small statue of the god- spheres shine with power, which is transmitted from
dess placed on a circular altar. On it rest four spheres, them to the statue in the center of the altar. Beams
attached to the altar and immovable; one red, one blue, of colorful light envelop her like ribbons and, after
one yellow and one green. Searching the altar with a a few seconds in which these lights seem to dance
DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check you can see a faded around the representation of the goddess, the light
inscription in Sylvan that reads, “Offer the power of the beams suddenly expand, enveloping you as well and
elements to the Ruler of Leaves and receive her blessing.” infusing you with security and warmth like a moth-
To solve the riddle, the adventurers must hit each sphere er’s warm embrace.
with the corresponding element (red - fire, blue - cold, yel-
low - lightning, green - acid), using any spell of 1st level
or higher that causes damage of that element. If the rit-
ual is performed incorrectly, the altar will emit a shock- Olokul’s Blessing
wave that deals 10 (2d10) force damage to all creatures The Wood of the Damned’s deity is not as strong as it once
within 30 feet of it. Whether they can attempt again, was, yet this altar still carries a tiny fraction of its ancient
and how many times, is at the Game Master’s discretion. power, untouched by the evil that has tainted the surround-
If the ritual is performed correctly the statue will start ing vegetation. If the characters manage to complete the rit-
glowing and the members of the group will receive ual of the statue, they gain resistance to fire, cold, lightning
Olokul’s blessing: and acid damage as long as they are inside the Wood of the
Damned (even if they move away from it and then return).

Thomas van

3. As they move through the forest, the adventurers stum- Kevras gives the group directions on how to reach the
ble upon two humanoid figures. After looking closely at place of the ritual, describing an entrance carved into
them, Malmylla and Gondir recognize the face of Kevras the trunk of an imposing tree and a passage that leads
(the half-elf who tricked them and stole Wilhelm’s re- inside the temple, in the bowels of the earth. However,
mains) but they don’t know the second figure, that ap- he does not recommend taking that route, given the pres-
pears to be another half-elf afflicted with some peculiar ence of several traps placed there to discourage intruders.
disease that disfigured the skin on her left arm and part of He therefore reveals the location of a secret secondary
her face. The priestess and the dwarf immediately take up entrance, just north of the first and which is located in-
arms to punish the traitor, but Kevras tries to calm them side a cave, hidden by a pressure-activated mechanism. “I
by raising his hands and starting to speak: cannot do more than this. If I helped you in person and
Alloch found out, I would put my sister and myself at
risk. I once more ask you to pardon my actions and I hope
“Stop, I beg you! I can explain! I am sorry for deceiv- that what I have said will be of help to you”. Malmylla
ing you, I did not want to cause you any pain... on and Gondir seem quite convinced by the half-elf’s words:
my honor! But it was the only way to help my sister, after all, they too are doing all this for a person they care
Agasta. She is very ill due to the Ichor of this cursed about. They then lay down their weapons and decide to
land. and until now Alloch has been the only one let him go.
who has come forward to save her. He promised to
do it in exchange for my help. Your friend’s body is Note to the Game Master. It is advisable to use this
needed for a ritual that is about to take place inside meeting only if Malmylla and Gondir are also present,
an underground temple dedicated to the ancient for- to make it particularly intense. In case you wish to have
est deity. They want to awaken her, take control of Kevras and Agasta meet the party without their pres-
her and use her power to confront Cyrthiur and his ence, it is however likely that the half-elf, learning what
minions. they are looking for, will give them the right indications:
They haven’t started yet, they cannot: Alloch isn’t in contrary to what Malmylla and Gondir believed, he is a
the Forest and won’t be back for a few days. If you person of noble intentions.
want to save your friend’s remains, this is the best
time, but you have to hurry.“ 4. The journey proceeds without particular hitches and the
group manages to reach the place they had previously dis-
covered about without problems.

Thomas van

THE TEMPLE OF The torches present are sufficient to fully illuminate the
OLOKUL environment. Two traps are present here:
• The first is a magical trap imprinted in the floor, that
can be seen with a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Percep-
A huge, fruitless chestnut tree stands before you in tion) check. Once noticed, you can understand what
all its grim majesty, looking as old as the forest itself. it does with a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana)
Embedded in its trunk is a large arched entrance, check. Once activated, it rings an alarm in the minds
from which you can glimpse hard stone stairs that of all cultists inside the temple, warning them of the
descend downwards. At the end of this lays a corri- presence of enemies. The trap can be deactivated with
dor, poorly lit by the dim light of some torches that a dispel magic spell, or it can be circumvented by jump-
you can just about see in the distance. From here, ing from each statue fragment to the next through a
however, you can distinctly hear what appears to be success on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check made
a faint chant. individually by party members. Any other magical or
creative means of avoiding contact with the ground of
An Intelligence (Investigation) roll made to scan the envi- this area of ​​the corridor is also effective in avoiding the
ronment around the tree or along the stairway can detect, activation of the trap.
on a roll of 20 or more, that this access appears to be very • The last trap is located just before the entrance to the
rarely used. In this case, the adventurers will be able to easily temple and is activated by a wire stretched between
find the hidden passage, not far away, even if they have not one wall and the other of the corridor. The passage of
received information about it from Kevras. If the adventur- an unsuspecting creature will fire two crossbow bolts
ers have successfully stalked Alloch’s followers thus far, they from one of the statues on either side of the corridor,
will have advantage for this check, suspecting something directed at the creature that activated it. Each bolt has a
out of the ordinary. +4 attack bonus and deals 4 (1d8) piercing damage. A
Adventurers have the temple entrance right in front of their keen eye can spot the trap with a DC 13 Wisdom (Per-
eyes. The temple is divided into three main parts: ception) check. If noticed, the thread is easily bypassed
1. The long descending staircase. It is lit by a few worn by any creature.
torches placed at irregular intervals, which nevertheless 3. Common room. It is accessed from a door on one side
allow even creatures without darkvision to partly use of the corridor, just before the entrance to the actual tem-
their vision. The area is lightly obscured. In the middle ple. It is a large room that was once used as a dormitory
of the staircase there is a rudimentary trap activated by for the priests of the temple. Taking a look around one
a pressure plate placed on a step. The plate reacts to the can find different tools and objects once used for the rites,
weight of any small or larger creature. One may notice the now devoid of any value as they have been worn out by
plate on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. If activat- time. Searching carefully, a successful DC 17 Wisdom
ed, it will trigger a scythe that descends from the top to (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check, one
the bottom of the staircase, hanging from a hinge in the may notice a fine clay pot. Once cleaned of the dust that
ceiling, striking all creatures on the staircase and causing covers it, the pot turns out to be still in excellent con-
10 (3d6) slashing damage or half damage on a successful dition. The decorations that adorn it show what life in
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. If noticed, the plate is eas- the temple must have been like, and give it a value of 30
ily stepped over by anyone. Aether Shards.
2. The large main corridor. it is strewn with statues de-
stroyed by heretics and by the passage of time, along with
some withered plants that once had to fill the place with
life and color. At the end of it there is a large wooden door
with bands of browned metal, which leads to the ritual

Thomas van

Note to the Game Master: In case the party decided to You find yourself inside a huge circular hall, partially
take the passage suggested by Kevras, read the following: covered by dry vegetation, like the area you visited
previously. At the center of the room stands a large
You delve deeper into the forest, reaching the cave altar, also circular in shape, on which stands the stat-
that the half-elf told you about. Proceeding carefully ue of a woman wearing a dress made up of roots and
thanks to his instructions, you were able to identify leaves.
and activate the pressure mechanism that opens the She has a thin face and sharp features, and on her
secret passage in the rock wall. A wide staircase de- forehead two majestic deer antlers stand out. In
scends in front of you, towards total darkness. front of the figure of the goddess, a man is intent on
uttering a chant that fills the entire room, accompa-
nied by the voice of six other people.
At this point, whether they have taken the main en- They surround the altar, stationing on the corners
trance or opted for the secret passage revealed by Kevras (or of what appears to be a hexagon marked on the floor
their wit), the group enters the place of the ritual, where with Aether.
the priest and the other servants of Alloch are intent in
performing the ritual to restore Olokul’s power sand take Inside the drawing three other spaces are outlined, in
control of her. each of which are placed what appear to be human
remains. You imagine that, among these, those of
Wilhelm also lie.

Thomas van

This is the final battle to stop Alloch’s minions and re-
cover Wilhelm’s remains. Combat works a little differently Renegade Priest
than usual: six Acolytes of Alloch on the hexagon’s cor-
Medium Humanoid (any race), any alignment
ners are focusing their energies on the Renegade Priest
at the altar, giving him advantage on all saving throws and
Armor Class 16 (chain mail)
making him immune to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12)
damage from nonmagical weapons, and resistant to all oth- Speed 30 ft.
er types of damage. In order to effectively hit the priest and
put an end to the ritual it is therefore desirable to defeat all
of the acolytes first, so that the magical protection is raised
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)
exposing him fully.

Note to the Game Master. For this fight, you could Skills Medicine +5, Persuasion +3, Religion +3
use the stat blocks of 'Acolytes of Alloch' of page 35, but Senses Passive perception 13
those in the room are slightly stronger than the previous Languages Common and Abyssal
ones. They possess this additional trait: Challenge 4 (1100 XP)

Olokul’s Infusion. Each time they make a melee weap-
on attack, the acolyte deals 2 (1d4) additional damage Mark of Alloch. The priest is resistant to radiant damage.
from an element of his choice between fire, cold, light- Infusion of Olokul. Each time they make a melee attack,
ning, and acid. the renegade priest deals 4 (1d8) additional damage from an
element of his choice between fire, cold, lightning, and acid.
In case Malmylla and Gondir are present at the fight, Spells. The renegade priest is a 5th-level spellcaster. His
use two additional acolytes, who can be placed to guard spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell saving throw DC 13,
the entrances. It is advisable to manage acolytes by di- +5 to hit for spell attacks). The priest has the following cler-
viding them into two groups, each with its own initia- ic spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): sacred flame, light, thaumaturgy
tive, to make the battle more dynamic and balanced.
1st level (4 slots): guiding bolt, inflict wounds, shield of faith
In case they have been warned by the magical trap, half
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon
of the cultists participating in the ritual will have moved 3rd level (2 slots): bestow curse, dispel magic
to the main entrance and will be ready to attack anyone
who shows up.
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 5 ft., one tar-
get. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Thomas van

In case the fight takes a bad turn and the adventurers
Wilhelm’s Spirit
find themselves in extreme difficulty (or at least one between
Malmylla and Gondir, if present, ends up unconscious), if
one of the adventurers is still in possession of Wilhelm’s Medium undead, lawful good
amulet read the following:
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 45 (10d8)
While you are getting more and more desperate, Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)
something unexpected happens. The pendant previ-
ously given to you by Malmylla begins to glaringly STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
shine of a divine light, and a brilliant energy globe 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
emerges from it, floating through the room before

settling on the remains of St. Wilhelm. In an instant
the whole room is pervaded by an explosion of light Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from non magical
that completely blinds you and the others therein for attacks
a moment. Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled,
When you open your eyes again, you notice that a paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, un-
new figure has joined the battle: where the sphere of Senses Passive perception 10, darkvision 60 ft.
light had landed there is now what appears to be a Languages understands Common, Dwarven, Elven and
humanoid with smoky and semi-transparent con- Celestial but can’t speak
tours, holding in his right hand the spear which un- Challenge 4 (1100 XP)
til recently was placed on the ground on the remains
of the holy warrior. They point it menacingly at the Incorporeal Movement. Wilhelm’s spirit can move
master of ceremonies, whose face fills with terror. through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult
terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn in-
side an object.
Wilhelm’s spirit has come to the aid of his struggling old Aura of the Saint. Each ally within 30 feet of Wilhelm’s
comrades, bringing some hope of success to the group. spirit recovers 2 (1d4) hit points at the beginning of each
their turns.
Saint’s Sanction. Wilhelm’s spirit’s melee attacks always
deal 7 (2d6) additional radiant damage.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 attack roll,
1.5 m range, and 6/18 m range, one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4)
piercing damage or 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage when used
with two hands to make a melee attack.

Thomas van

The fatigue of fighting does not undermine the good
mood that pervades you for the rewards received and
for the success of the endeavor. Nonetheless, anoth-
The tough battle has finally come to an end. You are
er dilemma creeps into your hearts: will you do what
about to breathe a sigh of relief just after the last of
the Unredeemed Patriarch asked you and bring the
your enemies falls to the ground in defeat, when the
remains of the Saint back to the Cathedral of the
sudden noise caused by something heavy moving
Dying Saints in Limbo, or let Malmylla and Gondir
catches your attention. You notice that the altar of
bury their companion and give eternal peace to his
the goddess has just moved slightly, opening access
heroic soul? Will you let yourself be covered in glo-
to a secret compartment containing what appear to
ry or will you be satisfied with having done a good
be valuables, as if the deity herself was thanking you
deed? Will you choose fame and wealth, or a new
for driving the heretics out of her temple.
bond? The decision is yours alone.

Now that the fight is over, the party can move around the
temple however they want. In the secret compartment that From this point you can simply decide to end the adven-
has opened there are various objects including jewelry, pre- ture or use it as a starting point for other plots, after reward-
cious gems, and small objects of art for a total value of 2500 ing the players with a new level for their characters.
Aether Shards. In a small slipcase you can also find a amulet
of health and four potions of beast shape (Kisarta source- If the group takes Wilhelm’s remains to the cathedral,
book, page 198). the Patriarch could be so impressed that he entrusts them
with a new task, even more tangled and crucial; the group
If Wilhelm’s spirit intervened during the battle, read this: could meet Kevras again, finding him in extreme difficulty
and deciding to help him in some convoluted quest to save
his sister; a certain explorer may have come back to life and
The Saint’s spirit seems to quiet down when the
be looking for her magic sword. In any case, this adventure
last enemy lies dead on the ground. His smoky fig-
should provide you with plenty of ideas to continue your
ure turns towards you, giving you a smile and a look
group’s adventures or to create new ones.
full of gratitude. He gently places the spear on the
ground and gives everyone a last nod of his head,
while his shape dissolves in a myriad of luminous
orbs that float upwards, disappearing in the vaulted
ceiling of the temple.

If Malmylla and Gondir were not present during the

whole arc from the entrance to the forest to the fight in the
temple, the two arrive running just as Wilhelm’s spirit is
dissolving, coming from the main entrance of the temple,
speechless when they recognize their old friend.

Thomas van

Medium humanoid (human), chaotic good
Armor Class 16 (half plate)
Hit points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Malmylla is a young warrior priestess with curly, auburn
Speed 30 ft.
hair and green eyes. Extremely brave and stubborn, she
would do anything for her friends as evidenced by the fact
that she is willing to rob the Cathedral of the Dying Saints STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
in order to give Wilhelm a proper burial. To do this, she 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1)
became part of the cult that she despises so much, even cre-
ating a certain reputation for herself, being respected and
Skills Medicine +6, Persuasion +3, Religion +2
liked by many other priests so much that she was entrusted
Senses Passive perception 13
with the custody of the Cathedral’s reliquary. Languages Common, Celestial
Although she is very determined to accomplish her pur- Challenge 3 (700 XP)
pose, she does not want someone to meet their unfortunate
demise because of her: if she has the chance, she prefers to Divine Eminence. As a bonus action, Malmylla can ex-
participate personally in the quests of her interest so that pend a spell slot to cause her melee weapon attacks to mag-
she can defend and heal her companions with her prayers.. ically deal an extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage to a target on a
hit. This benefit lasts until the end of the turn . If Malmylla
expends a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage
increases by 1d6 for each level above 1st.
Spells. Malmylla is a 5th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting
ability is Wisdom (spell saving throw DC 14, +6 to hit for
spell attacks).
Malmylla has the following cleric spells prepared:
* Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
* 1st level (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, guiding bolt, heal-
ing word
* 2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, prayer of healing,
spiritual weapon
* 3rd level (2 slots): dispel magic, mass healing word
Multiattack. Malmylla can make two melee attacks with
her mallet.
Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 5 ft., one tar-
get. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Thomas van

Gondir is a small dwarf, even by the standards of his race. Medium humanoid (dwarf), chaotic good
He is not particularly muscular, but he has a rather abun-
dant belly which is clearly evident under his robes. His Armor Class 16 (half plate)
most peculiar features are the conspicuous locks of dyed Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 12)
blue beard, intertwined with a thick red braid of which he Speed 30 ft.
is very proud. He is quiet, friendly and very curious. He is
extremely fascinated by Kisarta and all its mysteries; in fact STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
he does not let a moment pass without taking note of some- 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
thing in a journal or a scroll.

During his stay on Kisarta he met Malmylla first, and
Ability Arcana +6, Nature +6, Religion +6
then Wilhelm, forming a strong bond with the two. Com- Senses Passive perception 13
pared to his friend, he is more of a thoughtful type, who Languages Common, Dwarven and Draconic
prefers not to dive straight into action without a well-made Challenge 2 (450 XP)
plan. It was he, in fact, who organized the theft of Wil-
helm’s remains and hired Kevras to get help.
Spells. Gondir is a 5th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
ability is Intelligence (spell saving throw DC 14, +6 to hit
He doesn’t like to fight, but if his friends are in trouble
for spell attacks). Gondir has the following wizard spells
he doesn’t hesitate to use his magic to help them.
* Cantrips (at will): firebolt, mage hand, minor illusion,
ray of frost
* 1st level (4 slots): mage armor, magic missile, shield,
silent image
* 2nd level( 3 slots): acid arrow, invisibility, spider climb
* 3rd level (2 slots): haste, sleet storm
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage.

Thomas van


Numerous legends and innumerable unsubstantiated ac- THE DROP

counts of tiny quantities of blood existing in Kisarta have
been circulating for eons: immense dragons, their age in the
hundreds of millennia, guarding minute vials of the crim- The Drop is a unique magical object capable of transform-
son liquid, cabals of liches harnessing the power of moun- ing whatever it touches into an artifact, or whoever ingests
tains upon mountains of refined Aether to rip a smudge of it into...something different. The Drop emanates an in-
blood from other worlds occasionally colliding with Kisarta credibly powerful aura of Transmutation, and a successful
in extradimensionally-calculated conjunctions, slain Gods Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Religion) check (DC
shedding infinitesimal amounts the sought-after liquid as if 27) made after noticing this aura would reveal the item as a
the collapsing divine power was the only way to materialize divine-level source of power. The Drop can be applied on
it in this nightmarish landscape... the surface of an object (even if already magical) such as a
The truth about most of these theories and tales isn’t weapon or a piece of armor, or it can be ingested.
known, but keen scholars may see through the veils of myth
to glimpse elements of factual lore, discovering the truth in B L O O D S TA I N E D
a bewildering item known simply as The Drop. A R T I FA C T
There are many theories regarding the ever-fluid con-
tent of a tiny vial, a single drop of actual blood. Some say An item the Drop is applied to as an action becomes a mag-
it comes from the heart of whoever shaped Kisarta at its ical artifact with the title 'Bloodstained', with the properties
unfathomably remote birth, while others attribute it to stated below.
an enemy of such a creator. Some believe it to be a hole in
Kisarta’s reality, since it shouldn’t exist and its container
Weapon, armor or wondrous item, artifact (requires at-
doesn’t appear to be magically channeling it from other
worlds. Scholars of the Oneiric Space assume that the Drop
is no more than the materialized sum of collective beliefs Random Properties. The Bloodstained Artifact has the
about it, came into being through the mythopoeic forces of following random properties:
all minds imprisoned in Kisarta. In short: people believed • 2 minor beneficial properties.
and hoped so much that it existed, that it became so. • 2 major beneficial properties.
All that is sure is it is a single drop of blood with the • 2 minor detrimental properties.
power to fundamentally alter the very fabric of anyone and • 1 major detrimental property.
anything it touches within this world.
Thomas van
Magic Item. The Bloodstained Artifact is a magic item
that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made Avatar of Death
with it, if it is a weapon, or a +3 bonus to Armor Class
if it is an armor or a shield. These bonuses do not stack Medium undead, neutral evil

with any previous bonus of the same kind the item grant-
ed. If the item is a tool of some kind, it grants a bonus Armor Class 20
of +3 to any ability check relevant to its intended use. Hit Points half the hit point maximum of its summoner
Speed 60 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)
A Bloodstained weapon also counts as a Vorpal sword,
while a Bloodstained armor or shield works as a Spell-
guard Shield. Additionally, any melee attack made with a STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Bloodstained weapon and any melee weapon attack made 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)
while wearing a Bloodstained Artifact deals an extra 1d8

necrotic damage on a hit.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Powerful Conduit. The Bloodstained Artifact can be Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed,
used as a spellcasting focus or a holy symbol, if held in one petrified, poisoned, unconscious
hand. Any spell cast through its use as a focus or a holy Senses Darkvision 60 ft., truesight 60 ft., passive erception 13
symbol counts as if cast one level higher than the spell slot Languages all languages known to its summoner
used to cast it. Challenge — (0 XP)

Summon. As an action, the Bloodstained Artifact can be
used to summon an Avatar of Death in an unoccupied Incorporeal Movement. The avatar can move through
space within 10 feet of its user, that will attack a creature other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It
chosen by the bearer of the Bloodstained Artifact, warn- takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
ing all others that the creature must win the battle alone. Turning Immunity. The avatar is immune to features
The avatar fights until its target dies or it drops to 0 hit that turn undead.
points, whereupon it disappears. If anyone tries to help ACTIONS
the target, another avatar of death is summoned and at- Reaping Scythe. The avatar sweeps its spectral scythe
tacks the helper. A creature slain by an avatar of death through a creature within 5 feet of it, dealing 7 (1d8 + 3)
can’t be restored to life even by the dark forces of Kisarta. slashing damage plus 4 (1d8) necrotic damage.
Once an avatar is summoned, it can’t be summoned again
through this feature until the next dawn.
Destroying the Bloodstained Artifact. If no creature is
attuned to the Bloodstained Artifact is not attuned to a
creature, a wish spell cast while standing within 5 feet of it
can be used to retrieve the Drop of Blood, removing any
properties it had been granted. The retrieved Drop can
then be again applied to an object or ingested.

Thomas van

B L O O D S TA I N E D C R E AT U R E Radiating Magic. Any attack made by the Bloodstained
A creature that ingests The Drop as an action acquires the is magical.
title of 'Bloodstained', and permanently gains the following Outside of Space. The Bloodstained is resistant to all dam-
features. age except necrotic, and is immune to poison and blud-
geoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical
Random Features. The Bloodstained has the following
random properties, usually reserved for artifacts, forgoing
any requirement to possess, hold, being attuned or other- Pinned in Time. The Bloodstained stops aging (even out-
wise requiring being distinct from an artifact. If a result is side of Kisarta), suffers none of the frailty of old age, can’t
clearly inapplicable, roll again on the relative table. be aged magically, and has advantage on death saving
• 2 minor beneficial properties.
Genetic Memory. The Bloodstained can speak, read and
• 2 major beneficial properties. write in Abyssal, Celestial, Deep Speech, Infernal and Pri-
• 2 minor detrimental properties. mordial.
• 2 major detrimental properties. Spells. The Bloodstained can use an action to cast one of
Magical Being. The Bloodstained has a bonus of +1 to the following spells (save DC 18) without needing com-
their Armor Class, their initiative and their proficiency ponents: legend lore, eyebite, divine word, antipathy/sym-
bonus. The Bloodstained is also immune to disease, and pathy, holy aura, time stop. Once a spell is cast in this way,
doesn’t require breathing, eating, drinking or sleeping. it can’t be cast again through this feature until the next

Thomas van

Retrieving the Drop of Blood. If the Bloodstained is Reaching the bottom of the oceanic Dominion and wad-
dead, a wish spell cast while standing within 5 feet of them ing through these living dangers is, however, only part of
can be used to retrieve the Drop of Blood from the crea- the deal. The vault containing the Drop is the epicenter of
ture, removing any properties it had been granted. The continuously emerging magical anomalies, usually made
Bloodstained’s body is as if under the effect of a gentle re- evident by shimmering glimmers of light:
pose spell until the Drop is retrieved from it. The retrieved
• If cast from certain spots, the numerical effects of spells
Drop can then be again applied to an object or ingested.
of a certain school might be automatically maximized
or minimized (e.g. automatically getting 2 or 16 as a re-
The Drop itself cannot be destroyed. It stays together as
sult instead of rolling 2d8).
a bead if dropped, and never dries. For unknown reasons,
neither a Bloodstained Artifact or a Bloodstained Creature • Spells below (or above) a certain level might fizzle with-
benefit from any of the properties granted by the Drop out working in some areas, or work as if cast twice with
while in the Oneiric Space. a single spell slot.
• Casting a spell in some areas might unleash a wild mag-
T H E VA U LT ic surge, requiring a roll on the Sorcerer’s Wild Mag-
ic Surge table Creatures might gain or lose different
modes of vision (i.e. darkvision, blindsight, etc.), in-
The Drop is said to exist in an immense vault deep beneath cluding normal sight.
the waves, at the bottom of the Ocean of the Souls, and to
be guarded by a colossal marine serpent, a behemoth known Additionally, the area within a 5 mile radius from the
as the Maw of Lyriash or the Steed of Lyriash, that some location of the Drop is an area of Black Aether, and thus
believe to be a survivor of the Guardian’s mighty hunts of any soul destroyed within it will not spontaneously reform.
the monsters of the deep.
The Vault itself is a mystery on its own: some think it is
The serpent does in fact exist, and is not alone: two
simply a name for the maze of natural submerged caverns
Behirs crawl in the natural holes and caves near the
where the Drop happened to sink in, eons ago, while others
fabled access to this artifact. Each behir has the following
are sure it consists in an artificial structure made to with-
additional traits:
stand indefinitely the most powerful natural forces and su-
• Amphibious. The behir can breathe air and water. pernatural assaults.
• The behir has a swimming speed of 40 feet.
The Drop has also attracted other creatures near it,
whether knowingly drawn by the legends surrounding it or
as if somehow naturally being a fulcrum of power. Crea-
tures that have been sighted in its surroundings include a
coven of three Sea Hags, a dragon lich, a Sahuagin tribe
led by a slaver water elemental merchant, a Storm Giant
and his two pet Giant Sharks.

Thomas van


Whether one deems himself an investigator of the deeply

occult or an adventurer in search of ultimate power, they
must not forget they’re not the only ones in search of the
Drop and informations about it. Individuals and groups
with known interest in the legendary item include:
• The Quaum’lat-Zeethan, a nomadic organization of
undead assassins composed mainly of ghasts, wraiths
and wights in search of something to revert their un-
• Elagabalus, a Crucible of the Damned Hobgoblin
Warlord who wishes to use the Drop’s power to fuel
the magnum opus of his engineers: The Marvel, a gar-
gantuan vehicular construct akin to a moving fortress.
• Morgause, a human witch so powerful she is referred
to as Grandma Morgause by hags, despite not being
one herself. She resides in a colossal beehive in the
Howling Forest, but is said to have a network of eyes
and ears in every dominion, and possibly beyond.
• Bonzagu Choksen, Master of Lore of the Library of
Splendours in the Radiant Citadel and a powerful de-
miurge, who believes the Drop should only be found
to be better hidden, studied and preserved.
• Gilthazan, an astoundingly old ancient copper drag-
on whose interest in the Drop has turned into manic
obsession through the centuries. He incessantly scours
the Dominions and chases and questions anyone he be-
lieves has some hint about the fabled liquid. As a metal-
lic dragon he isn’t usually violent, but his pursuit and
his stay in Kisarta have made him unusually cantanker-
ous for his species.
• Shaumar Anharāt, a powerful noble Djinni hoping
to use the Drop to repay an ancient debt. He is accom-
panied by his guard and slave, Odal, a powerful but in-
sane dwarven hexen knight.

...and many others mentioned in Chapter 2 of Kisarta

sourcebook, like Alloch the Heretic from the Radiant Cit-
adel, Khayla the Pirate Queen of the Nameless Abyss, and
the ancient wizard Ahman himself. Not to mention Yllu-
vethar the Eternal’s fondness for forgotten items of power...

Thomas van

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Thomas van

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