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Strategies for Managing a Differentiated Classroom Figure 7.1 lists some approaches to differentiation that tend to take less preparation time from teachers and others that are likely to require more preparation time. 65 Figure 7.1 Some Low-Prep and Higher-Prep Instructional Strategies for Differentiation “Choices of books/reading materials Classroom discussions with questions at varied complexity levels Design-a-Day work options Flexible seating Front-loading vocabulary Games /apps for mastery of information, skills, and language Homework options with romework checkers Joint teacher and student goalsetting Let's Make a Deal options for products or formats of daily tasks Materials in students’ first languages Materials inclusive of «varied cultures Assignment checklists/ guides Choice boards (assignment boards) Community mentorships Compacting Complex Instruction/ groupworthy tasks Contemporary lecture Content digests Differentiated interest centers Differentiated learning centers overeat Strategies Higher Bép vifferenfiation Strategies > 2% Materials to add depth and breadth to learning Minilessons/workshops to reteach, clarify, extend Open-ended activities Options for varied note- taking and organizing formats Personalized computer programs for practice Range of materials at varied readability levels Range of materials based on varied interests Range of media for taking in information Reading buddies Seeking multiple perspectives on issues Show & Tell options Story frames, sentence frames, paragraph frames aE oe Differentiating with technology Entry points Jigsaws Learning contracts (including menus, Think- ~ Tac-Toe, BINGOs, learning agendas) Learning Stations Literature Circles/Learning Circles Longer-term explorations/ independent investigations based on student interest Personal agendas WOT Student goal setting Translation apps Use of small-group sharing (e.g., Think-Pair-Share) Using podcasts with scripts to support reading comprehension Varied options for expressing learning Varying collaboration, independence, competition Varying pacing with anchor options Varying writing prompts Websites providing texts at varied Lexile levels Whole-to-part and part-to- whole explanations Word maps Work alone or with a partner options Picturing writing Problem-based learning Project-based learning RAFTS assignments Sidebar studies Specialty groups/expert groups Think Dots Tiered activities, labs, or products/performance’ assessments, Tri-Mind options (Sternberg intelligences) Varied graphic organizers |

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