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Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 30 (2017) 145151 145

DOI 10.3233/BMR-160727
IOS Press

The influence of different non-articular

proximal forearm orthoses (brace) widths in
the wrist extensors muscle activity, range of
motion and grip strength in healthy volunteers
Alexandre Mrcio Marcolinoa,b, , Marisa de Cssia Registro Fonsecab, Naiara Tais Leonardic,
Rafael Incio Barbosaa,b , Lais Mara Siqueira das Nevesc and Rinaldo Roberto de Jesus Guirrob
Federal University of the Santa Catarina, Campus Ararangu-SC, Brazil
Rehabilitation and Functional Performance Post-Graduate Program, Ribeiro Preto of the Medical School,
University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil
Rehabilitation and Functional Performance Post-Graduate Program, Department of Biomechanics, Medicine and
Rehabilitation of the Locomotor Apparatus, Ribeiro Preto Medical School, University of So Paulo, Ribeiro
Preto, Brazil

PURPOSE: The purpose this study was perform a biomechanical evaluation to compare the influence of commercial models of
different non-articular proximal forearm orthoses widths (2.5 cm, 5.5 cm, 7.5 cm and 12.0 cm) in the extensor muscle activation,
range of motion and grip strength in healthy subjects.
METHODS: Was analyzed data from extensor carpi radialis, extensor carpi ulnares and extensor digitorum comunis using
surface electromyography, simultaneous with a wrist electrogoniometer MiotecTM and a hydraulic dynamometer JamarTM . The
sequence of tests with all the commercial orthoses models was randomized. Statistics analyses were performed by linear model
with mixed effects.
RESULTS: According to our findings the non-articular proximal forearm orthoses (2.5 cm narrowest) positioned close to
lateral epicondyle provided lesser muscle activation on extensor carpi radialis brevis/longus and extensor digitorum comunis,
decreased wrist extension and grip strength during submaximal grip task (p < 0.01).
CONCLUSIONS: A narrow non-articular proximal forearm orthosis positioned close to the lateral epicondyle might decrease
the extensor muscle activation and therefore could reduce mechanical stress on its insertion, based on this sample. Clinical studies
must be conducted to confirm these findings.

Keywords: Orthoses, brace, lateral epicondylitis, electromyography, wrist biomechanics

1. Background

The co-activation synergism between wrist exten-

Correspondingauthor: Alexandre Mrcio Marcolino, Rehabili- sors and finger flexors is essential for proper hand
tation and Functional Performance Post-Graduate Program, Depart- function and it is well identified during many daily
ment of Biomechanics, Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Loco- life activities such as gripping and pinching [13].
motor Apparatus, Ribeiro Preto Medical School, University of So
Paulo, Avenida Bandeirantes, 3900, Ribeiro Preto, So Paulo, CEP Several dysfunctions can create an imbalance on this
14049-900, Brazil. E-mail: mechanism and could be caused by pain or muscle

ISSN 1053-8127/17/$35.00 
c 2017 IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
146 A.M. Marcolino et al. / The influence of different non-articular proximal forearm orthoses (brace) widths

weakness. Lateral Epicondylalgia, Lateral Epicondyli- university healthy volunteers, outside the menstrual
tis (LE), Lateral Tendinosis or Tennis Elbow are terms period, with a mean age of 22 ( 2.55) years. None
related to one of the most common musculoskeletal of the subjects complained about any pain or orthope-
dysfunction on the upper limb that can affect grip and dic and/or neurological disorder of the upper limbs and
function [48]. were not engaged in sports or physical activities. This
Evidence based practice must search for better reha- study was approved by the ethics committee of Clinic
bilitative interventions, being the use of orthoses one of Hospital of the Medical School of Ribeiro Preto, Uni-
the most cited for LE. Although, any conclusive find- versity of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, SP, Brazil (pro-
ings were described regarding the best design or phase tocol n 8379/2010). All volunteers read and signed a
to use them [914] Struijs et al. [15] found positive ef- term of free and informed consent.
fects of brace treatment as an initial therapy for LE in
a randomized clinical trial.
Two main types of orthoses models exist and are in- 3. Procedure
dicated for the treatment of LE, depending on many
factors such as chronicity, pain and function level [13]. 3.1. Non-articular proximal forearm orthoses
Static rigid wrist and hand orthoses, incorporating
or not the elbow joint, can be designed to promote For test conditions we selected four commercial
rest at the extensor muscles in an acute or painful models with different widths and materials: 2.5 cm
phase [10,13,16]. In addition, as a co-intervention, it made by elastic, velcro and EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Ac-
can be indicated a non-Articular Proximal Forearm Or- etate) rubber 5.5 cm and 7.5 cm with neoprene and vel-
thosis in a intermediate to a chronic phase until the cro; and 12.0 cm, composed of neoprene, velcro and a
return to work/sport known also as different names rigid plate were used (Fig. 1).
like counterforce forearm brace [17], forearm support
brace [18,19], lateral epicondyle bandage [20], or ten- 3.2. Study protocol
nis elbow cuffs [21]. They are flexible devices indi-
cated to limit muscle expansion by decreasing and in The procedure to measure the pressure under the
consequence reducing tensile forces at the tendon-bone brace was done with a blood pressure cuff used to
junction, by creating a secondary origin to wrist ex- measure blood pressure in children and adolescent has
tensors, dissipating forces at the lateral epicondyle, been adapted for the study. It was initiated with the
minimizing forearm pain and elbow joint stress in cuff insufflated until 10 mmHg over the table and af-
a late phase, associated to gradual return to func- ter, positioned under the orthoses by the therapists who
tion [10,16,18,2224]. Nevertheless, a lot of contro- imposed tension to its strap to fix it close to the lat-
versy exists regarding the better width of this device, eral epicondyle, until it reached a standard pressure of
seen by the variety of commercial models. 50 mmHg, as recommended by Meyer et al. [25] in a
In a cadaveric study by Takasaki et al. [19] was previous cadaveric study. The sequence of tests with
found strain reduction of the Extensor Carpi Radialis all the commercial orthoses models was randomized.
Brevis (ECRB) tendon, following the application of a
forearm support band in different distances from the 3.3. Procedure laboratory setup for handgrip task
lateral epicondyle. They concluded that the closer to
the epicondyle, the lesser strain occurred. The chosen task was an isometric handgrip with
Thus in light of these findings, the objective of the wrist joint free, using a hydraulic dynamometer (Ja-
present study was to perform an in vivo analysis of the mar Inc. Jackson, MITM ) at the second position. The
width influence of different commercial Non-Articular subjects were positioned in a standardized position as
Proximal Forearm Orthoses for LE on wrist exten- recommended by ASHT (American Society of Hand
sor muscles activation, wrist range of motion and grip Therapists) and SBTM (Sociedade Brasileira de Ter-
strength in healthy subjects. apia da Mo e do Membro Superior in Portuguese)
based on the studies of Mathiowetz, Rennells and Don-
ahoe [26], on a chair without support for arms, with ad-
2. Methods ducted arm, elbow at 90 flexion and forearm at neutral
position (Fig. 2).
An observational clinical measurement study was The participants were asked to produce three task
designed through a convenience sample of 20 female maximum contractions (100%) and three grip sub
A.M. Marcolino et al. / The influence of different non-articular proximal forearm orthoses (brace) widths 147

Fig. 1. Models of Non-Articular Proximal Forearm Orthoses and their specific cuffs specially designed to measure pressure under orthoses.
Orthoses description: (A) 2.5 cm made by elastic and Velcro EVA rubber; (B) 5.5 cm and (C) 7.5 cm- neoprene and velcro; (D) 12 cm
(longitudinal) composed of neoprene, velcro and a rigid plate.

sitioned with an interelectrode distance of 20 mm,

and placed over ECR (extensor carpi radiallis bre-
vis and longus), ECU (extensor carpi ulnares) and
EDC (extensor digitorum comunis) according to Cram
et al. [27] recommendations are confirmed by using
the clinical palpation method during muscle-specific
movement of the wrist and fingers. Prior to electrode
placement, skin was shaved and cleaned with 70% al-
cohol to minimize contact impedance as recommended
by SENIAM (surface EMG for non-invasive assess-
ment of muscles) [28]. The reference electrode was
positioned on the volunteers ipsilateral acromion pro-
cess. Adhesive tape was used to hold the active and the
reference electrodes.
Normalization was done by obtaining maximal exci-
Fig. 2. Position of volunteers, A: dynamometer JamarTM , B: elec- tation of the electromyographic activity during an iso-
trogoniometer MiotecTM .
metric grip of the dynamometer without orthoses. His
peak was considered 100% and this was the basis for
maximum (50%), each task grip was sustained for six comparison of the activation in each muscle during the
seconds and one minute of rest between them. The task [29,30].
tasks were performed without and using all the four
different commercial non-articular proximal forearm 3.5. Range of motion
orthoses on the dominant hand in a randomized order.
Wrist range of motion was measured through an
3.4. Surface electromyography activity electrogoniometer MiotecTM . Its axis was positioned
close to styloid ulna with the arms aligned to ulna and
Surface electromyography (SEMG) muscle activity to the fifth metacarpus [31].
was recorded by Miotool 400 SystemTM (MiotecTM )
which has an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter of 14 3.6. Statistical analysis
bits of resolution, a data acquisition board of 2000 Hz
and a common-mode rejection of 100 dB. A Butter- Electromyography data were analyzed through the
worth filter was used with band-pass of 10500 Hz. percentage (%) of RMS (Root Mean Square) in micro-
MedtraceTM bipolar adhesive and disposable Ag/AgCl volts. Range of motion was measured by an electrogo-
electromyography (EMG) surface electrodes were po- niometer in degrees and grip strength in Kgf.
148 A.M. Marcolino et al. / The influence of different non-articular proximal forearm orthoses (brace) widths

Table 1
Demographic data of the participants, with mean, standard deviation and confidence interval (IL Inferior Limits and SL Superior Limits), LE
= Lateral Epicondyle, BMI = Body Mass Index
Demographic data Mean Standard deviation CI 95%
Age 22 2.55 20.8 23.2
BMI 21.35 2.64 20.12 22.59
Forearm circunpherence LE 23.17 1.27 22.57 23.76
Forearm circumference at 2 cm from LE 23.25 1.36 22.61 23.88
Forearm circumference at 4 cm from LE 23.12 1.69 22.33 23.9
Forearm length 25.31 1.42 24.65 25.97

5. Discussion

The purpose of this study was to analyze the width

influence of non-articular proximal forearm orthoses
on the recruitment of the extensors muscles, range of
motion of the wrist and grip strength, comparing dif-
ferent commercial models.
According to our findings, the narrowest non-articu-
lar proximal forearm orthoses (2.5 cm) provided lesser
muscle activation on ECR and EDC, decreasing wrist
extension and grip strength at the sub maximum task,
to which could be considered a simulation of a moder-
ate effort in a daily life activity. At rest, we found an
Fig. 3. Grip strength measured by JamarTM dynamometer in Kgf, increase on the recruitment pattern with exception to
during the maximum voluntary contraction at the task. ECU and EDC, the 2.5 cm orthoses.
These findings agree with Snyder-Mackler [33] that
It was used the statistical method of linear model reported reduced ECR and EDC electromyography ac-
with mixed effects for analysis of data obtained in tivity with the AircastTM brace. The data presented at
this study, through the SAS R
9.0 Proc Mixed soft- this study corroborates with Ng and Chan study [17],
ware [32], with a statistical significance of p < 0.05 showing increased activation of the muscles studied on
and 95% of Confidence Interval (CI). maximum and sub maximum tasks, with exception to
ECR with the narrowest non-articular proximal fore-
arm orthoses (2.5 cm) during maximum grip. Yoon and
4. Results Bae [4] found same results with similar characteristics
of the orthoses, narrow and circular. Rothschild [24],
The demographic data of the sample are described highlighted three decades of personal experience of us-
at Table 1. ing this kind of brace in patients with LE, based on the
The EMG data found in this study during the tasks mechanical effects of this intervention by reducing the
at 100% and at 50% of grip showed a statistical signif- stress on the attachment area of the extensors tendons,
icance (p < 0.05) in comparison with different widths through the use of a thin band applied just 1 inch distal
on the non-articular proximal forearm orthoses, espe- to the epicondyle, as the present study and confirmed
cially the 2.5 cm, were confirmed by the muscle acti- by Meyer [25] and Takasaki [19]. In contrast, Kroslav
vation of ECR, ECU and EDC, except for the rest (Ta- e Murrell [34] found opposite results in a review and
ble 2). described different preferential position over the mus-
The grip strength decreased during the grip task cle. In this study was used 50 mmHg of the pressure
(p < 0.01) for the narrowest orthoses with 2.5 cm under braces, according, it with the Meyers [25] pres-
width (Fig. 3), measured by JamarTM dynamometer. sure standard recommendations methodology, between
The average wrist ROM decreased during the task at 30 and 50 mmHg for humans, quantified with a sphyg-
100% and 50% for 5.5 and 12.0 cm with non-articular momanometer during the isometric grip with the dy-
proximal forearm orthoses (Table 3). namometer with a mean variation of 32 mmHg, caused
A.M. Marcolino et al. / The influence of different non-articular proximal forearm orthoses (brace) widths 149

Table 2
Alpha value of statistical comparison between muscle activation during the tasks with or without using different orthoses
Orthoses ECR EDC ECU
p CI 95% p CI 95% p CI 95%
Maximum voluntary contractions 100%
2.5 cm 7.5 cm < 0.01 25.19 6.05 < 0.01 18.70 3.30 0.05 16.11 0.11
2.5 cm 12 cm 0.22 15.51 3.64 0.97 7.86 7.54 0.09 15.23 0.99
2.5 cm 5.5 cm < 0.01 28.07 8.93 < 0.01 19.62 4.22 0.10 14.97 1.24
2.5 cm without orthoses 0.04 19.86 0.72 0.46 4.81 10.59 0.70 6.51 9.70
7.5 cm 12 cm 0.05 0.11 19.25 < 0.01 3.14 18.54 0.83 7.23 8.99
7.5 cm 5.5 cm 0.55 12.46 6.69 0.81 8.62 6.78 0.78 6.97 9.24
7.5 cm without orthoses 0.27 4.24 14.90 < 0.01 6.19 21.59 0.02 1.49 17.70
12 cm 5.5 cm 0.01 22.14 3.00 < 0.01 19.46 4.06 0.95 7.85 8.36
12 cm without orthoses 0.37 13.92 5.22 0.44 4.65 10.75 0.04 0.61 16.82
5.5 cm without orthoses 0.09 1.35 17.79 < 0.01 7.11 22.51 0.04 0.35 16.56
Sub maximum voluntary contractions 50%
2.5 cm 7.5 cm 0.09 17.77 1.38 0.09 14.35 1.05 0.68 6.41 9.81
2.5 cm 12 cm 0.10 17.62 1.52 0.14 13.56 1.84 0.39 11.68 4.54
2.5 cm 5.5 cm < 0.01 23.27 4.13 0.09 14.32 1.07 0.97 8.25 7.97
2.5 cm without orthoses 0.28 4.34 14.80 0.40 4.41 10.98 0.03 0.72 16.94
7.5 cm 12 cm 0.98 9.43 9.71 0.84 6.91 8.49 0.20 13.38 2.84
7.5 cm 5.5 0.26 15.08 4.07 0.99 7.68 7.72 0.66 9.95 6.27
7.5 cm without orthoses < 0.01 3.86 23.00 0.01 2.23 17.63 0.08 0.98 15.24
12 cm 5.5 cm 0.25 15.22 3.92 0.85 8.46 6.94 0.41 4.68 11.54
12 cm without orthoses < 0.01 3.72 22.86 0.02 1.45 16.85 < 0.01 4.29 20.51
5.5 cm without orthoses < 0.01 9.36 28.50 0.01 2.21 17.61 0.03 0.86 17.08
Rest 0%
2.5 cm 7.5 cm 0.95 9.91 9.23 0.90 8.17 7.23 0.94 8.43 7.78
2.5 cm 12 cm 0.95 9.86 9.28 0.90 8.21 7.19 0.80 9.16 7.05
2.5 cm 5.5 cm 0.90 10.16 8.98 0.82 8.62 6.78 0.60 10.25 5.96
2.5 cm without orthoses 0.99 9.54 9.60 0.96 7.90 7.50 0.96 8.32 7.89
7.5 cm 12 cm 0.99 9.52 9.62 0.99 7.74 7.66 0.86 8.84 7.37
7.5 cm 5.5 0.96 9.82 9.32 0.91 8.14 7.25 0.66 9.92 6.29
7.5 cm without orthoses 0.94 9.21 9.94 0.94 7.42 7.97 0.98 8.00 8.22
12 cm 5.5 cm 0.95 9.87 9.27 0.92 8.10 7.30 0.79 9.19 7.02
12 cm without orthoses 0.95 9.25 9.89 0.94 7.38 8.02 0.84 7.26 8.95
5.5 cm without orthoses 0.90 8.95 10.19 0.85 6.98 8.42 0.64 6.18 10.03
p < 0.05, CI = Confidence Interval (95%), ECR (extensor carpi radiallis brevis and longus), ECU (extensor carpi ulnares), EDC (extensor
digitorum comunis).

Table 3
Wrist range of motion (ROM) by electrogoniometry in degrees, during grip at the task
Proximal orthoses Task Mean CI 95% Orthoses X WO P value
WO 100% 17.90 15.21 20.59
50% 9.90 8.02 11.79
2.5 cm 100% 19.63 16.59 22.66 2.5 cm X WO 0.32
50% 9.87 8.47 11.27 0.36
5.5 cm 100% 14.87 12.58 17.16 5.5 cm X WO 0.02
50% 8.97 7.59 10.35 0.59
7.5 cm 100% 16.86 14.31 19.40 7.5 cm X WO 0.45
50% 8.98 7.77 10.19 0.87
12 cm 100% 18.47 15.27 21.67 12 cm X WO 0.98
50% 11.17 9.35 12.99 0.05
WO without orthoses.

by the expansion of the muscles during muscle con- EDC and ECU as synergistic muscles of performed ac-
traction. tivities of daily living, occupational and sports tasks
On the present study, it was used SEMG, as a mus- of the wrist and hand, often affected by inflammatory
cle activation assessment tool [35] to analyze ECR, and/or degenerative process. Many studies on litera-
150 A.M. Marcolino et al. / The influence of different non-articular proximal forearm orthoses (brace) widths

ture use surface electromyography analysis on forearm 6. Conclusion

muscles [34,3640], even so, there is still no consensus
on the electrodes placement. On our study, the method Based on the results it was suggest that the narrow-
of electrode placement was through palpation [25]. We est non-articular proximal forearm orthoses (2.5 cm),
also conducted a pilot study and verified a high test- positioned close to lateral epicondyle could alter the
muscle recruitment pattern of wrist extensors, decreas-
retest reliability (r = 0,81) of such positioning.
ing its activation, and could therefore facilitate the de-
A relevant issue to be highlighted about the non-
crease of the mechanical stress over the proximal ten-
articular proximal forearm orthoses device is its pre- don attachment. This device could be an indicated ther-
scription period, rather at the final rehabilitative phase apeutic modality for treating LE, depending of the time
and during activities. Therefore, the better indication prescription at the rehabilitation phase and at an indi-
would be at sub-acute and chronic LE, even when there vidual approach. Clinical trials might be conducted to
is some residual pain, the muscle tender points and a bring scientific evidence to its clinical effectiveness.
decreased function are present, as a basis for conser-
vative treatment of the dysfunction [41,42]. Well indi-
cated, the brace could provide less stress on the inser- Acknowledgements
tion of the wrist and fingers extensor muscles, by re-
The study was funded by So Paulo Research Foun-
ducing muscle activation and improving patient func-
dation FAPESP and Fundao de Apoio ao Ensino,
tion [20]. However, there is no defined consensus about
Pesquisa e Assistncia of Clinics Hospital, Ribeiro
the indication time of an orthotic intervention [43,44]. Preto School of Medicine, University of So Paulo
Wixom and LaStayo [44] developed a model of clas- FAEPA and was conducted at the University of So
sification that stratify LE in mild, moderate and severe Paulo, located in Ribeiro Preto, So Paulo, Brazil.
based on symptoms, to help therapists to better indi-
cate an intervention, including a orthotic device, either
static wrist orthoses or a non-articular proximal fore- Conflict of interest
arm orthoses, which was used in this study.
It was used the isometric grip strength as a task to The author(s) declare that they have no competing
be analyzed, as Serres e Milner [45] who correlated the
synergic co-activation between flexors and extensors
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