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Brahma Yoga

Defnition.-If Jupiter and Venus are in Kendras

respectivelyfrom the lords of the 9th and 1lth, and
Melcury is in a similar position from the lord of
either Lagna or the l0th, Brahma Yoga is caused.
Results.--:lhe person will enjoy luxurious foods,
will be respectedby Brahmins and learned men, will
be highly learned, long-lived, charitable and always
bent on doing good deeds.
Remarks.-The Yoga in question seemsto bestow
highly beneficial results implying that the nativc
would command health, wealth, fame and above all
instincts for serving others. It will be seen that in
the forrnation of this Yoga, all the natural beneficsare
involved. Even here, the exact strength and significa'
tion of the Yoga rests to a large extent upon a
number of other horoscopic factors. For Mesha
Lagna, for example this yoga cannot be deemed to
be formed in all its aspects inasmuch as lord of the
9th is Jupiter so that Jupiter's disposition in a
Kendra from the 9th lord is cntirely ruled out.
Similarly when Cancer is the Lagna, two condi-
tions of the yoga would be absent as lords of the 9th
and llth respectively become Jupiter and Venus'
Again if Lagna is Virgo or Sagittarius the yoga can-
not be full, bccause in rcgard to Virgo. Mercury
becomes lord of thc 10th while in regard to Sagit-
tarius, Mercury and Venus bccome lprds of the l0th
arrd I I th so that the disposition of Venus and N{er-
94 Thrce ltrundred Important C<mbinations

cury respectively in kendras from the lords of the

llth and 10th is not possible.So faras Dhanus is
concerned, in the place of the l0th lord, lord of
Lagna may be considered. Therefore we may assume
that Brahma Yoga is possible to the full extent in
respect of all the signs except Aries, Cancer and
Virgo. However, it does not seem erroneous to
assume that even in respect of Aries, Cancer and
Virgo, this yoga coulcl be deemedto be present with
a slight modification. If, say, three factors are
necessary to make up a certain yoga, the presence
ofeven one or two cannot but suggestthat the yoga
does operate, may be feeble.
Chrrt No. 44.-Born on 7-5-1886 at 2-30 p.n. I4r. 10"
24' N.; Lang. 3h.4Im. W.

Venus Moor Merc, Kethu

Mercury Sat.

Kcthu ILagna
RASI patum

Lagna Vcnus
Sun Rahu
Jupit. Man

Balanceof Rahu Dasaat birth : yearslO'4'22.

In Chart No. 44, Jupiteris in a kendrafrom the
lord of the 9th, viz., Venus.Venusisin a kendrafrom
the lord ofthe 1lth, viz.,theMoon. The third combi-
nation cannotobtain becauseVirgo is Lagna' There-
fore BrahmaYoga is presentwith a slight variation.

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