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About This Instructable

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My work asked me to go out of town for a week on only a few hours notice. I had
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fish at home and was worried theyd get hungry and aggressive to each other, so I
cobbled together a printer paper fish feeder. I have since made some

More by FinFeeder:
improvements on the design to make it easier to make and more effective.

This is meant to be a temporary solution, my feeder lasted a couple weeks but

eventually the paper got wet and disintegrated! If you're interested in a longer
lasting plastic version, with improved capability, check out Fin Feeder




Step 1: Gather Your Materials


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I used supplies available to me at the office.

You will need:

1. Paper (preferably cardstock or cardboard from a notepad but printer paper will


2. Scissors (or a knife)

3. Wall clock

4. Optional* tape or glue


Step 2: Download the PDF and Print It

Paper Fin Feeder.pdf

Download (


Step 3: Cut Out the Paper and Start Folding


(/file/F4HB9CPIOLP2C23/) (/file/F4VU295IOLP2C1B/)

(/file/FQ4ABIDIOLP2C0J/) (/file/FLO6T1EIOLP2BZP/) (/file/FK1T8JPIOLP2BWZ/)


1. Cut out the whole thing.

2. Cut into those little rectangles on the corners, they will fit into each other.

3. Use the scissors to make a small hole where the circle is. Don't make it too big!

4. Fold on the lines.

5. Cut a slit along the line on the bottom (near the circle). The "arm" will fit into that


6. Lock the corners together as shown. Locking incorrectly will cause food to get


7. Put the little "hand" through the slit to secure the arm. Bend it to keep it locked


Step 4: Remove the Clock Movement and Attach the Feeder


(/file/FADTADEIOLP2BR6/) (/file/F64I88TIOLP2BPH/)

1. The clock movement is secured to the clock with a small hex nut. Loosen and

remove with your fingers.

2. Remove the hands by gently pulling them straight off.

3. Gently push the paper feeder onto the largest axle (where the hour hand was).

4. Fill the feeder half full (max) with food. Then push the lid closed.

Step 5: Mount the Feeder With a Binder Clip or Paper Clip

FinFeeder Paper Automatic Fish Feeder by

FinFeeder (/member/FinFeeder/) in pets (/tag/type-id/category-home/channel-pets/)

Download h (/id/FinFeeder-Paper-Automatic-Fish-Feeder/) 5 Steps .

Collection I Made it! Favorite




You have several options to mount your temporary fish feeder.

I used the hex nut that I removed earlier, to secure the clock movement to a

binder clip.

You can also tape the feeder to a paper clip and use that.

You can tape the feeder to the tank with double sided tape or sticky tack.

Finally, resting the feeder on the ledge of the tank *may* work, wouldn't

recommend it.

If you liked this opensource aquarium tech, check out these other open source

designs I made.
FinFeeder Open Source Automatic Aquarium Chef



Open Source 3D Printable Food Ring (

Open Source 3D Printable Worm Cone


We have a be nice comment policy.

Please be positive and constructive. wI Made it! Add Images Post Comment

Mike X yt (/member/Mike X yt) a year ago Reply

Nice project, I'm just not to sure about the logo on it though... (photo)


X DylanD581 (/member/DylanD581) a year ago Reply

8 Nice paper origami fish feeder. Great idea to use such a simple mechanism

instead of motors and complex gearings.

X DIY Hacks and How Tos (/member/DIY Hacks and How Tos) a year ago Reply

8 Wow. That is the simplest and most straight forward automatic pet feeder that I

have seen.



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