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Gross Motor Skills Hierarchy

Gross Motor Skills

Turns head side to side, when placed face down on a firm surface
Thrusts arms and legs in play, when placed on back
Turns from side to back
0-3 Lifts head off mat, when placed on stomach
Months Kicks legs, when lying on back
Moves arms and legs, particularly in anticipatory excitement
Reaches for object but misses

Lifts chest off mat and uses arms to help hold head up, when lying on stomach
Holds head steady when pulled to sit
Rolls from back to side
Sits on own with back slightly curved, when propped
Holds head erect, forward and steady, when sitting propped
Takes weight briefly on feet, when held supported under arms
Holds head and chest up on forearms for 15 seconds, when lying on stomach
Months Props self up on hands with arms straightened, when lying on stomach
Lifts head when lying on back
Sits with back straight when propped on pillows
Holds head erect when carried
Grasps objects while seated
Looks at toy in hand, and moves it towards mouth

Rolls from stomach onto back

Rolls from back onto stomach
Pushes up on hands when on stomach, chest and abdomen clearing ground
Plays with own toes
Puts own foot in mouth
Holds arms up to be lifted
Sits in high chair
Takes full weight on legs when supported to stand
6-9 Bounces up and down when held standing
Months Supports self on one hand when on stomach
Sits without supports on floor
Bounces and steps in place when standing with support under arms
Pushes up on hands and knees and rocks
Pushes self from stomach to sitting position
Pulls self from lying on back to sitting on and back to lying, using furniture to assist
Sits independently, without using own hands for support
Moves forward on stomach, pulled by arms only (creeping)
Pulls self to stand

Sits readily on floor without support, for 10 minutes

Creeps forward on hands and knees (crawls)
Stands holding on to furniture, for five minutes
Changes position while sitting (leans forwards and then sits up again)
Makes stepping movements when held supported
Pulls up to stand, then lowers to sitting, using furniture to assist
9-12 Stands with one hand held
Months Sits down intentionally, from standing (without holding on)
Walks around, stepping sideways, holding on to low furniture
Walks with only slight support
Walks on hands feet, with knees off floor
Twists to pick up object while sitting
Turns body while standing
Stands alone

Compiled by Craig Nelson & Susannah Folley

Gross Motor Skills Hierarchy
Takes at least 3 steps unsupported
Throws ball when sitting or standing
Walks alone
Crawls up stairs
Moves from sitting to standing without using hands
Bends from standing to pick up toy from the floor
Stands on one foot with slight support
Months Squats in play with feet on floor, knees bent
Walks upstairs with support from hand/wall/railing
Climbs onto adult-sized chair and turns to sit
Seats self in child-sized chair
Creeps backwards down stairs or bumps down, seated on bottom
Walks downstairs with support

Climbs down from furniture

Walks backwards
18-24 Pushes and pulls large objects
Months Throws ball overhead, without overbalancing
Carries a large toy while walking
Kicks ball while standing still, without overbalancing
Walks along a walking board with one foot on, one foot off

Jumps with both feet off floor simultaneously

24-30 Walks along a line
Months Jumps from bottom step with both feet together

Goes from lying to sitting (with no sideways turning) and then up to standing
30-36 Walks up and down stairs, alternating feet
Months Stands on one foot for at least one second

Stands still, heels together, arms at sides

Walks on tiptoes
Jumps from a height of 20 cm
36-48 Jumps broad jump 20 cm (from standing still)
Months Throws ball overhead
Catches ball with arms stiffly extended
Pedals tricycle around wide corners

Carries a cup of water

Walks on a circular line
Stands on one foot for at least 5 seconds
Hops on one foot 9at least 2 hops)
Walks forward heel to toe
Gallops on one foot
48-60 Throws ball overhand 3m
Months Catches ball with arms bent at elbows
Pedals tricycle around obstacles and sharp corners
Climbs ladder, at least 3 steps
Runs up and completes broad jump (at least 60 cm) \
Hangs from bar with overhand grip
Catches bounced ball

Compiled by Craig Nelson & Susannah Folley

Gross Motor Skills Hierarchy
Marches rhythmically to music
Stands on tiptoes with hands on hips, for at least 10 seconds
Touches toes with both hands, knees straight
Stands on one foot, arms folded across chest, for at least 8 seconds
Stands on each foot alternately, for at least 8 seconds
60-72 Swing each leg back and forth separately, at least 5 times
Months Walk up and kicks a ball
Hops forward on each foot, separately
Jumps backwards
Walks backwards heel to toe
Runs 35 m

Stands on one foot, eyes closed, for at least 5 seconds

Jumps and turns
Bounces ball with one hand and catches with 2 hands
Catches ball with one hand
Months Jumps over a stick held 20cm above the ground
Skips with a rope, at least 3 times in a row
Pulls up and holds chin above overhead bar

Resources used:
St Gabriels Curriculum

Compiled by Craig Nelson & Susannah Folley

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