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LEADER Application 2010-2011

Contact Information

Cell Phone
E-Mail Address
Classification in Fall
Outreach/Mission Trips
involved with at ORU:

During which hours are you available for Outreaches and/or Meetings? Mark all that apply with an “X” or details.
(We will have multiple leaders for each outreach so you will not be required to attend your outreach every week and we will be
flexible with your schedule. We have very few meetings per semester. Below is just an indication of your availability.)

___ Monday 11am – 12:30 pm ___ Wednesday evenings ___ Saturday Mornings
___ Monday evenings ___ Thursday evenings ___ Weekday Afternoons
___ Tuesday evenings ___ Friday evenings ________________ (specify which days)


Rate outreaches in order of preference from 1-5 (write or type number choice into text box). *Some Days and Times May Change.


Spending time with children with special medical needs at
OSU Hospital Downtown (1 hr) TULSA DREAM CENTER
Days and Times: Mon, Wed, Fri. 7-8 p.m Basketball Outreach to Teenagers in the North Tulsa
Community. Share a Word and encourage the Youth. (2 hrs)
H ABITAT FOR H UMANITY Days and Times: Tues 6 - 8 p.m
Helping to Build Houses for Low Income Families (3 hrs)
Days and Times: Saturday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. TULSA H OPE ACADEMY
Build Relationships and Tutor At-Risk Students at an Urban
I NTERNATIONAL CONNECTION Alternative High School (1 or 2 hrs)
Building Relationships and Tutoring International Students Days and Times: Mon 11 a.m. – 12 p.m., Tuesday 2 – 4 p.m.,
studying English at CitiPlex Language School (1 hr) multiple days and times available
Days and Times: weekdays for 1 hr 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
SOUTH T ULSA COMMUNITY H OUSE Build a one-to-one relationship with a child specifically
Helping with an After School Program and low-income area paired to you in the Tulsa school system. (1 hr)
neighborhood resource center (2 hrs) Days and Times: Mon 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Multiple Times
Days and Times: weekdays 2:30 – 4:30 p.m Available.
Previous Leadership and Ministry Experience
Summarize your previous Leadership and Ministry experience.

Leadership Response
Please respond to the following (2-5 sentences each, can be on a separate page or just type in your response):

1. Explain why you feel called to be a leader with ORU Community Outreach this year.

2. What is your understanding of a Community Outreach Leader’s responsibilities?

3. How would you describe what your other peers at ORU would say about your character and leadership?

4. In your opinion, what qualities would the ideal ORU Community Outreach Leader possess?

5. What specific strengths do you have that would make you a successful ORU Community Outreach Leader?

Please indicate 2 references of people that we may contact to inquire about your experience and character. They can be ORU
Student Leaders, ORU Staff or Faculty, Work Supervisors, Ministry Leaders.

Name: __________________________ Relationship to Applicant:

Organization: ____________________ Phone Number and/or Email:

Name: __________________________ Relationship to Applicant:

Organization: ____________________ Phone Number and/or Email:

Agreement and Signature

By Signing, I agree, if selected by Outreach Ministries and if I accept the position, I will commit to
fulfill all required responsibilities of a Community Outreach Leader, i.e.; meetings, reports, commitment
to team and outreach. I commit to learn and grow as a leader as I serve my peers, the contacts we
serve, and those in the community.
Signature (Digital OK)

*Please e-mail your completed application to: or Fax to: 918-495-7722 by 8/15/10.

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