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Programming in C

1. Define an algorithm?**

2. What is a flowchart?

3. What are nested loops?*

4. Write the syntax of if... else statement in C?

5. What is a string constant?

6. What is a function?*

7. What are the symbols of flowchart?* or Draw

8. Define variable and constant?

9. Write the syntax of for loop statement?

10. What is storage class?

11. What is file operations?

12. What are basic data types in C Language?

13. Write the syntax and example of Scanf() and Printf()?

14. Mention types of functions?

15. What are the differences between Algorithms and Pseudo code?

16. Write the Structure of a C Program?

17. Write the Syntax of while, do.. while & for loop? Explain it?.
18. Write a C program to find the biggest of three numbers?
19. Write a C program of Factorial of given number?.
20. Write about switch statement?

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