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Mapping: transport data between controller (ctrlr).

Data binding: connecting ui element with attribute of corresponding ctrlr. It's automatically
transport the data to and from ui elements.

Context mapping: referencing variable defined in web dynpro ctrlr from other web dynpro ctrlr.

Context mapping allows you to share common data between ctrlr.

Prerequisite for establishing a mapping:

In ctrlr, there have to be a node acting as mapping origins.

The node may have child nodes or attributes.

Mapping origins ctrl mustn't be a view ctrlr.

Container containing mapping origins must declare mapping origins ctrlr as a used ctrlr.

Cannot bind ui elements to the context node in other ctrlr.

UI elements is private to the ctrlr they are declared.

Data binding can manipulate values of ui elements and also the properties of ui elements such as

Navigation between views is triggered by firing outbound plugs.

Firing an outbound plug triggers navigation events. Navigation events are a special asynchronous events
that are placed in navigation queue.

Outbound and inbound plug are joined using navigation link. Linking an inbound plug to an outbound
plug means registering the inbound plug's event handler method to the navigation event that is called by
firing an outbound plug.

Navigation links are defined in a window.

An action is used to link client side event to event handler method in the corresponding view ctrlr.

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