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One Turn Touchdowns

Loveem or hateem heres how to do it!

By Rob Elliott
Ask anyone about a One Turn Touchdown and you get mixed This is done by chain-pushing, filling up all the required
responses, some hate MA11 guys who can just run in to score squares and pushing an opponent into your player, which in
with little difficulty, such as Wood Elves and Skaven. Some turn pushes him. This can be easily used to your advantage,
like the way you can chuck a Goblin down the pitch for a freeing assists, adding assists, freeing a ball carrier etc, but I
score, and is usually quite fun! Some people believe that the will concentrate on various ways to use chain-pushing to
slower teams are left out of this fun, but believe it or not, you score you touchdowns. First, I will show you the Chaos Dwarf
can still score a TD in one natural turn, with the likes of OTT (One Turn Touchdown).
Chaos Dwarfs, or even Norse, with brand new rosters!
Scoring with MA11 players is easy, so I will concentrate on
Norse and Chaos Dwarfs, but this applies to may of the
slower teams.

Setup. This is a commonly used defence, on show by the Wood

Elves. In general, your opponent may not foresee the possibility
of a OTT from a rookie Chaos Dwarf Team, and will usually
set up like this, maybe in the hope of rolling a blitz!

First Block. At this point, the Bull Centaur is now free

of opposing Tackle Zones, so you give him the ball.
Blitz. Take care not to follow up the blitz, as you will block up the
path necessary for team mates to move to allow chain-pushes!

First Chain-push. At this point the first chain-push will

happen, the Chaos Dwarf is going to knock the lineman into
the Bull Centaur, and push him into the opposing half!
Another chain-push will now occur, with the aim of pushing the Bull further into the opponents half, but first one of the squares needs
to be filled up before the chain-push can happen! Always be careful of this when attempting any chain-pushes, your well laid out plan
could be ruined if you forget an empty square!

Filling Gaps. The Hobgoblin moves

in to get in the way.
Second Chain-push. The chain-push can now take place!

Filling Gaps Again. Again, before we can do anything else, we will need
to use another hobgoblin to fill a square, you will see why in a second!
Another chain-push will now occur, with the aim of pushing the Bull further into the opponents half, but first one of the squares needs
to be filled up before the chain-push can happen! Always be careful of this when attempting any chain-pushes, your well laid out plan
could be ruined if you forget an empty square!

At this point, the Bull Centaur is only 9 squares from the endzone and can just squeeze over the line, if at all possible knock down
the last block on the Frenzy so that the Bull doesn't need to dodge away! It is quite a risky manoeuvre, but in the last turn of the
match, tied at 1-1 what else have you to lose?
A more difficult OTT is with the Norse team, whose fastest player is MA6, so to score, you will need to push him 5 squares towards the
endzone! It sounds difficult doesn't it! Read on to find out how it is done!
You can score OTT's with Norse with many defensive setups, but I have chosen this one, as many coaches use this as a preventative
measure to scoring.




Set Up. This is the set up you should use.

Blitz. The first blitz occurs, the lineman causes an immediate chain-push
which results in the Norse catcher being moved one square into the
opponent half, the Lineman does not follow up, but instead moves to that
particular spot in the field (this will become apparent soon enough!).
Filling Gaps. The two Linemen move forward to allow further
chain-pushes to take place.

The minotaur now uses his Frenzy and strength to push the catcher a further 2 squares towards the endzone, notice how the linemen
we moved last time were important to this action. You could always use a Norse Blitzer here as well, as they have Frenzy, and plenty
of assists are present, and he is a lot more reliable than a Minotaur!At this stage the Thrower and Catcher are free, and if you like,
you can throw the pass, hopefully the ball hasn't gone too deep for this!
Filling Gaps Again. Again, two more linemen are used to plug gaps.

Frenzy. With a little help from his friends, the Norse Blitzer uses Frenzy to
his advantage, and pushes the opposing Lineman to plug the remaining gap!

The final push The remaining Blitzer uses Frenzy (see how useful it is!) chainpushes the Catcher down the
mini channel that we created, and as you can now see, the Catcher has been pushed 5 squares into the opposing
half, with only 3 opposing players that we could use, that is the easy part done, the hard part is dodging into
2 tacklezones and trying to score, but if you have Leap on your Catcher, the task is made a little easier!!
Having seen 2 examples of extreme chain-pushing you should Defensive setups can also be used too. This one relies on the fact
find it easier to score with Rookie Human and Elven Cathers, that its harder to setup the opening blitz another one is the
who only need to be pushed a few squares. defence I just showed with the Norse!
Things to remember when chain-pushing for OTT's is that push
backs are your friend, maximise your blocks so that you have the
best chance for getting a pushback (if you plan, you can get easy
3 dice blocks), try not to use players who have Tackle, when
opposing players have Dodge, you need the opponents standing
(for the time being!) so you can push them about.
I've shown you how to do it, now I will show you how to try to
stop it as well! Firstly skill picks. Common sense tells you that
Stand firm is a perfect skill to use in this situation, if you have 3
Stand Firm players, then the chances of scoring are slim! Side
Step is another useful skill to use here as you can choose to be
pushed where your opponent doesn't want to be pushed (this
will be able to be countered using Grab in the upcoming LRB You can apply chain-pushing to any scenario, hopefully this will
5.0) However, if the Offence has a Side Step high MA player, it have been an eye opener as to how useful a tactic this is! Do bear
becomes easier to score this way! in mind this doesn't work all that often, so don't build a team
Players without Block and Dodge are excellent for stopping this around this strategy, if it works and you win in the final of your
tactic as well, as they will more likely fall over and end your leagues playoffs then you will go down a legend!
opponents attempt to score.


Rob Elliott was just out of nappies when BB was invented, but has been playing on and off for roughly 10 years, and plays a
lot of BB online too.

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