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Over the last few

season s, the" Gouged
Eye have changed from
being a laughing stock
to become arguably the
best Ore team in the
league. Now under the
leadership of long•
serving Varag Ghoul •
Chewer they continue
to Improve. and another
Blood Bowl title cannot
b e far off.

The Eagles are a young
team (young In Elf
terms, of course; many
players a re 250 or
overll, but t his hasn't
stopped them realising
their p otential as one of
the finest passing play
teams in the wo,ld.
year they made it all the
way to the Blood Bowl
semi-finals, ond many
experts are tippi ng
them tor the top in the
'88 season.

The Crusaders could be
a truly great Blood Bowl
team, if it wasn't for
one serious handicap -
they never, ever, cheatl
While other teams are
preparing for their next
match by bri bi ng
referee's, the Crusaders
are performing charity

matches • a fact that
will keep them in the
middle of their Divisions
u ntil they shape up and
learn to play dirtyl
lm!OOUCTIOS . • . . . .... 2
1 GA.ME COMPONENTS . ••••• 2 "Hi there, sports fans, and welcome to game fending off a challenge from the Ore team The
2 SETT\'iG UP GA'i\E •• . , •.• .4 one in a new season of the world's most Gouged Eye, and it's guaranteed to be a close
3 SEQUENCE OF PlAY • ••• •• •5 violent and anarchistic sport, Blood Bowl/I I'm game. Just before this happens, though, Jim's
4 M0'/£.1,\0ff ..... . .5
5 TACKLE ZONES . . . .6 Jim Johnson, and 111 be your commentator for gonna run through the rules one more timer
6 BlOCI<S ....... .. .. 7 today's match along with Bob Bifford. Howdy,
7 MOMNG THE Bob/" "OK, Bob • here we go/ As you know, folks,
FOOTBALL ............. 8
8 SCATTER •• •• •• •• •• •• .• 9 Blood Bowl is an epic conflict between two
9 TMR.OW.f.'iS •• •• • •• • •• • •• 9 uHowdy Jim, and a very special hello to all our team$ of hesvily~armed and usually
10 STANDING PlAYOIS UP . •• Kl viewers! ltS truly unbelievable to b!I back with psychopathic warriors of all races. Players
11 TOUCHDOWNS . . . . .• iO
U Vi1NNING THE GAME. . . .. 11 you again, isn't it, Jimr' ·pass, throw or run with the ball, ell the while
GAME IN ACTION ...•. 12t13 attempting to get it into the opposite end of
"You said it, Bob/ Well, Jet's get right down the field, the End Zone. Of course, the other
to business. The capacity crowd here in team must try to stop themi using tackles snd
Middenheim are going absolutely crazy with blocks, and recover the ball for their side. If
1 SEQUENCE OF Pl.AV .••.•• 15 expectation. Any moment now the two teams a team gets a ball over the line into their
2 SETT1'iG UP. .... .. . . .. . 1S for today's match will step out of the tunnel opponent's End Zone it's cs/led a Touchdown;
3 MOVEMENT • ., .... . .... 16
4 TACllE ZONES .• . . .. . 16+17 and onto the Astrogranite"' pitch, and then at the end of the match the team with the most
S P.lOC!<S .... . .......... 18 the mayhem will really break loose. Today Touchdowns wins the game/ How do they do
6 OOO'HIHG THE FOOTBAU.. 18 we'v<t got top-of-the-league Reik/and Reavers it? Just like this..."
Iii ACTION •. •. . .• . •• \9+20
SPEOAl TEA\1S . .. . .. 2h22
REFEflE.\'tE PAGE •.•••••• 23

This is a list of what
should be in this box,
and what you are Playing Field: This is the pitch on which the
going to use to play game of Blood Bowl takes piece. It is divided
Playing Pisces: The plastic
Blood Bowl. If any into squares to regulate movement & combat
playing pieces represent the
components arc each square can hold only one Blood Bowl sixteen p layers from each
damaged or missing, player at any one time. team's squad, of whom eleven
please wtite to tho
will be on the field at any one
following oddrcss
(enclosing the ticket At either end of the f ield is the End Zone. If time. They should be carefully
removed from the sprue, and
from the box as proof a teem gets the ball into their opponent's End then slotted into t he plastic
of purchase): Zone they score a Touchdown. These are good slotta·bases like this:
Blood Bowl things to score, as the team with the most
Components, Games Touchdowns wins!
Workshop Ltd,
Chewton Street, Hill · 1· • The special coloured player
T~ set up the p1tc.h for your irst game, s1mi;,tv bases are only used with the
Top. Eastwood, Nous,
NG16 3HY. align the three pieces on a flat surface with . Veterans Rules. Put them to
the Blood Bowl logo in the middle section. one side for the t ime being.
• A large polystyrene Select the two card End Zon~ markers with The plastic football provided
playing pitch the names of the two opposing teams, and with the game can be held by
• 5 card End Zones
drop them into the recesses at each end. a player by simply placing it on
(printed both sides) their base.
• 2 card Dug-Outs
• 32 playing pieces • Also on the field are four lines. two in each
16 per team
• 32 'slotta•bases· half. The two lines nearest to the m iddle show
The next task is to fix the sticky
for tho two teams where players can set up at the start of the numbers to the backs of the
• 20 special player game. players. Each team has sixteen
bases? in 4 different player s, by a r emarkable
colours coincidence numbered from
• 1 shoot of sticky• 1-16. This is where t he stic kers
backed numbers should go:
• 4 plast;c footballs
• 1 plastic range
ruler During a game of Blood Bowl players will often
• 2 transparent be knocked over by tackles, blocks and the like.
templates To show that a particular player has been knocked
• 2 plastic score over, when you are instructed to, place them like
markers this:
• 2 Team Cards
• This rulebook Note that w hen the
• The Blood Bowl Each team's p/ayets may be set up in one of player is k nocked
Handbook the shaded areas shown in the diagram. over his figure is put
• 4 six-sided and 1 face down • this is
eight-sided dice important!
Plastic Range Ru/6r. The ruler is used to measure the range when a player throws the ball.
When you are instructed to measure the range by the rules, place the ·L'I' at one end over
the head of the player throwing the ball and the red line that runs up the centre of the ruler
over the head of the player the ball is being thrown to, as shown below.
If the receiving player overlaps a boundary line between two different ranges on the ruler,
you should take the longer range of the two choices.
The ruler is also used to decide if an opposing player is eligible to make an interception, and
grab the ball before it gets to the player waiting to catch it. To be able to make an interception,
the player must be between the player who threw the ball and the player who was meant
to receive it, and the plastic ruler must pass over at least part of the intercepting player's base.
For example:

z ,.. ~"
. . _. ..
t ,
If tM bal,. thrown to HUrMn p/llyer A, h wll ba • Short. pau. If h & thrown to player B h w/1 H • l.Dng
Bomb /MU, •$ the ,..,.,.•• baN oWMps 11- bortMtfnfl NtWHn Long , . . •nd Long Bomb ,."(/fl,
Only Oru X & Y .,. IJllgl6II to lnttrcapt rM NI. Orc Z b not, Hc.auu no pan of ti,. &ng. RU#r pauas
Dug-Outs: Each player is given one Dug-Out the ball travels in. Then simply roll two dice
at the stan of the game. It is used to hold to see how many squares the ball will travel
players that have been injured and, perhaps in that direction, counting from the square
more imponantly, to show the current score marked with the ball.
for the teaml
Transparent Templates: There are two plastic
templates provided with Blood Bowl: the
Scatter Template and the Throw-In Template.
To use the Scatter Template (you'll be told
when to do this by the rules), position the
central square over the football and roll the
eight-sided dice. Then move the ball to the
square indicated by the result of the die roll.

THm Cards: The team cards are used with the

Veterans Rules. Put them to one side for the
moment; you won't need them for your first
few games.
The H11ntlbook: This doesn't contain any rules
for play, being a collection of background facts
and figures about many of the various Blood
Bowl teams and star players (amongst much
more great stuff I), but we're sure you' ll find
Important Note: The eight-sided die included it an interesting and informative read
with the game is only ever used with this whenever you aren't playing Blood Bowl.
Scatter Template. Use it like a normal dice,
reading the number on the upward-facing side. The Coaches: Don't look in the box for these,
All other references to dice in these rules refer becau ffe there aren' t any - you and your
to the standard six-sided dice. opponent are the coaches! To avoid confusion
To use the Throw-In Template, position the with ttie teams' players (the plastic playing
square marked with the football over the last pieces), we will refer to you and the other real-
square the ball crossed before going off, with Ille players as the teams' coaches. All
the centre arrow (the one marked 3-4) poi~ting references to coaches are to you or your real-
inwards (ie, at the Qpposite sideline). Roll one life opponent; all references to players are to
six-sided die. The result will show the direction the Blood Bowl pieces.
Before you start, It's a good idea to read Place the other players, those numbered 12-16,
through these rules at least once so you get for the present. Each coach will also need a
some idea of what you are doing . They aren't Dug-Out, with the score marker placed in the
complicated, and reading as far as the 'O' space of the score track.
Veterans Rules won't take you very long. Each coach may set up their 11 pl ayers
Once you have done this, assemble the board between their End Zone and the second line
and the plastic players as shown above. One on their half of the pitch, one player per square.
coach should take all the red pieces, the other Decide how long the game is going to last. For
the blue ones, and both should decide which your first game we recommend you declare
team they're going to be coaching. Although the w inner to be the first side to score two
the pieces in the box are Humans and Ores, ·Touchdowns (see section 12, Winning The
there's no reason not to imagine them being Gama). Then toss a coin to see who moves
Elves, Skaven, or whatever you fancy (details their players first, and the match can start.
of the current members of the two Blood Bowl In the rules that follow, the team that moves
leagues can be found In the Handbook - or you first is known as the Offensive Team and that
can always invent your ownl. How you make which moves second as the Defensive Team.
these difficult decisions is up to you, but don' t The coach for the Offensive Team should give
hurt each other too much or you won't be able the ball to one of the players in his team,
to play the gemel
placing it on their base as shown above. Of
Next take the players numbered 1 to 11 to course, the Defensive Team may grab the ball
make up each team; the full squad of 16 later in the game - these terms are used only
players is only used with the Veterans Rules. io differentiate between the teams.

The moment that alway, seem, to last forever ~

Bright Cruaadert and Gouged Eye Teems wait for the starting whl1tle to blow.


Human Thrower Human Ore Catch<tr
These ftguret are a few of the va,t variety available from Cltadel Miniature· • Blood Bowl range.
Blood Bowl is played using a simple but strict sequence of play, which runs as follows:

A. Offensive Team Turn.

B. Defensive Team Turn.
Repeat A and B, one after the other, until a Touchdown la scored.
During a particular Team Turn, the team in play 3. Throw/Hand-Off. If a player on this side has
may perform any or all of the following actions, the football they may throw it, or hand It off
provided they do so in the following strict to another player,. or simply keep hold of it.
order. The other team may do nothing (except
stand up and tackle - see below) until their own These actions must be performed in this
specific sequence by the whole team; in other
Team Turn comes round.
words, a player can't stand up once a player
This is what the team in play can do: has been moved, and players can't move or
1. Stand Up: Any players (including players block after another player has thrown the ball.
from the opposing side) which were knocked Each player may only move and/or block once
over the turn before last can stand up again. per Team Turn. The football may only be
2. Mova/Attack: Each player, in turn, may thrown or handed•off once per Team Turn.
move and/or bl ock, or do nothing. While A team may not do anything during the other
moving the player may be tac kled by an team's Turn, except perhaps stand up or tackle,
opponent. and must wait for their own Team Turn.

A player may move up to 6 squares, and may If a player moves into a square In which the
move in any direction or combination of football is lying, they may pick It up, and - if
directions, including diagonally, as long as they they wish and are able - carry on moving.
do not enter a square that holds another player
(from either team), and are not tackled by an Players move and/or block one at a time. In
opponent. A player does not have to move the other words, the coach may move a player and
entire 8 squares in their turn; they don't need then make a block with that player, then move
to move at all, if the coach wishes. and block with another player (blocks are
explained In rules section 6, below). Thi s
carries on until all the players have moved
and/or blocked, or the coach does not want
to move or block with any more players. Note
that players must complete their move before
they block; you cannot move a player 2
squares, make a block, and then move the
player on another 4 or more squares.
"" "'l.:f'
- ,
Moving Extra Squares
After a pleyer has moved 6 squares, they can
MoMamtnt: TM Human plr/9, unnot make mo\llJtry to move an extra 1 or 2 squares instead
A as thll spa~ 1$ occup#d, but may m•b mo-wof making a block. As the player enters each
8, 11 combination of tH.goMI and straight mo.,.s.
of the extra squares, roll one die. If it comes
up with a 6 the player has been injured. Roll
Each opposing player has a Tackle Zone. which for each extra square entered; a player can
is basically the area they can reach as an move a maximum of 2 extra squares.
opponent runs past them. If a player moves Injured players should be removed from the
from a square iri a Tackle Zone to another board and placed in the Injured box in the Dug-
square in a Tackle Zone they may be tackled Out. Injured players will drop the football if
by an opposing player. Tackle Zones-and they were carrying it, which will scatter from
tackles themselves are explained funher In the the square where they injured themselves (see
next section. 8, Scatter).
Every standing player has a Tackle Zone, which If a player moves from a square in any
covers the eight adjacent squares around him. opposing player's Tackle Zone to another
It is the area he can reach as he tries to grab square in any opponent's Tackle Zone, roll one
an opponent who tries to get past him: die. On a 6 or 6 the player has been tackled
and is knocked over in the square they moved
into. If the player was also trying to move an
extra square, as described above, they must
still roll for the chance of an injury.
/2 . ~

n.. plr;e1'• TKlt:# ZoM is •hown by tM •hlld«I

H ,,,. Human,,,., maw, fflOVIU A or B, ,,,. Ort:

co«h would 1H, dowH to 1Mb • rol
tM ,.,_, II mo1llr,g from•....,_
1n • Tiockit l'«le
to •r,ot"-' ,,,.,...,. In • T.clc# ZJ>MJ.
H the plr;er make• mow C, M b not
mo-vlng to• $tlfM,. In• TilckM ZLHN, and,,,. Ore
~ h w1' not IHI lllo..-.d to man • tacJJ..
A player who is carrying the ball will drop it
if they are successfully tackled. Roll for scatter
to see where the ball ends up (see Section 8,

After a player has moved, they may try to block any opposing player in a square next to them.
Each player may make one block per Team Turn. Only players on the moving team may make
a block. A block is like a rougher tackle, designed to really stop an opponent in his tracks!
To see if t he block works, roll two dice and total the score, and then refer to this block table:



2 The blocking player is injured; remove him from the board.
3.4 The blocking player is knocked over.
5.7 Stand-off • nothing happens to either player.
8 Bot h players are knocked over.
9-11 The defending player is knocked over.
12 The defending player is injured; remove him from the board.

Players who are knocked over should be has baen knocked over. If the ball should end
placed face down as described above. See 10 up in a prone player' s square, roll for scatter
• Standing Players Up, (p10) to find out when to see where it goes.
and how the player can stand up.
Blocking Knocked Over Players
Injured players should be placed in the Injured A player may block a player who has been
box of the team' s Dug-Out. They may be able knocked over. If they try to do so, resolve the
to return to play after a Touchdown has been block on this table instead of the usual one:
scored, but not before.
Ball-carrying players who are knocked over or Result
Dlc:e Roll
injured w ill drop the football. Roll for scatter
to see where the ball wlll end up (see B, The blocking player is
Scatter). knocked over.
4 .9 Nothing happens.
Players who have been knocked over do not
have a Tackle Zone, and may not move or block 10-12 The defending player is
injured; remove him from the
until they have stood up again. The football
can nave, be put in a square with a player who board.


After all movement, tackles and blocks have
been comp.lated, a player who is holding the
football may throw it, or hand it to a fellow
player who is in an adjacent SQuare. The ball
may be handed-off or thrown once per Team
Turn. If the ball is in the hands of an opposing
player nothing can be done.

Handing-off the football Is easy: simply
·transfer the ball to any other player in an
adjacent SQuare.

Throwing the football is more difficult. First
of all, the coach must declare who the player
is trying to throw the ball to. The football
must always be thrown to another
standing player; it cannot be thrown to
an empty square or to a player who has
been knocked over. Next the coach
must measure the range using the
ruler lsee p31. The coach should
roll two dice, and refer to the
throwing table:


. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12




IM - Missed - Intercept C - Caught!

Caught: If the ball is caught, all is well and the
receiving player now· has the ball.

Interception: If the ball was intercepted, it may

be caught by any opposing player who is
eligible to intercept the ball (as determined by
the ruler; see l\bove). The opposing coach can
choose which playar intercepts if there is more
than one. If there are no eligible players, count
the result as a miss unless t he throwing player
is In an opposing player's Tackle Zone. If this
is the case, the thrower has fumbled the throw,
and the ball will scatter from their square (see
section 8).

Note that the ball can only be Intercepted by

players from the opposing side. not by players
on the same team as the thrower.

Missed: If the ball misses, roll for scatter to

see where it went. If the ball ends up in a
square with a standing player they have
caught it. If it ends up in a square with a prone
player ft will scatter again from that square.
If it ends up In an empty square It should be
placed on the ground in the square.

A Short Pll.$$ has bo•n thrown to p/4Y(tr A. but ha$ mjnedl TMIYJ(Ol'f ir will scatter from player AS square.
The eight-sided 'scatter dice' is rolled, coming up with a 7, and the ball is moved IIS shown in the dlegrem.


Whenever you have to roll for scatter, use the When a ball scatters off the pitch it is
Scatter Template as described on page 3. If Immediately thrown back in by the eager
the ball scatters into a square with a standing spectators! Use the Throw-In Template to
player, that player may pick up the ball work out where the ball goes, using the last
immediately. If it scatters into a square square that the ball crossed before going off
containing a knocked over player, it will as the starting point. If the ball is t hrown into
immediately scatter again from that square. a square containing a standing player, that
player has caught the ball. If a ball is thrown
If the ball scatters off the pitch, it will be to a square with a prone player, the ball will
thrown back in immediately. A ball may scatter scatter from that square.
into the End Zone, if a play~, from the
appropriate side manages to move into the Throw-ins may not be intercepted. If a Throw-
ball's square, a touchdown is scored, see in results in the ball going off the pitch again,
section 11. 7ouchdowns for what happens it will be Thrown~n again, centred on the last
then. square It was In before it left the pitch.


Stand up any players who are lying face up It is important to always place a player face•
at the start of each Team Turn. Having done down when they are first knocked over. This
this, turn over any players that are face down is because whenever a player is knocked over
so that they are face-up lbut still lying on the they must stay down for the rest of the turn,
ground). Note that the players from both and the whole of the next Team Turn. This
teams are stood up and turned over at the start means, for example, that a player knocked
of each and every turn. down in the Defensive Team Turn w ill not be
able to stand up until the start of the next
Defensive Team Turn.


A team scores a Touchdown when one of their Reatartlng After A Touchdown

players moves into the opposing team's End After a Touchdown has been scored, play is
Zone while holding the football. As soon as restarted and the match cont inues !unless
this happens, play stops, the crowd cheer and someone has won, of course I), First of all,
whistle, and cheerleaders dance about waving however, each coach should roll one die for
pom•poms. The coach of the scoring side has each injured player. On a roll of 5 or. 6 the player
our permission to leap about and cheer a bit is fit enough to return to play. on any other
too, while moving his score marker along on result they must stay in the Dug-Out. The
his Dug-Out. coach may try again after the next Touchdown
has been scored.
Any player may enter either End Zone at any
time, even if they are not carrying the ball. If
the ball is thrown to t hem and they catch it,
or they are able to pick up the football while
in their opponent's End Zone, they score a
Touchdown. If a player is tackled when moving
into the End Zone, or ilthey injure themselves
by moving extra squares, t hey do not score
a Touchdown, and the ball scatters as usual.
Both coaches may then set up any fit players
Either coach is allowed to concede a just as they did at the start of the game. The
TouchdownattheverystartoftheirTeamTum. team against whom the Touchdown was
You may wantto do this if you have too many scored becomes the Offensive Team and is
injured players off the field, as it will give you given possession of the football. And then the
a chance to get some of them back into play. · mayhem starts all over again I


A game of Blood Bowl is played until one team As an alternative, try playing to a time limit,
has scored a cenain number of Touchdowns. such as an hour or ninety minutes. At the end
The coaches should agree between them of this time the team with the most
before the . match starts how many Touchdowns is the winner. If you are playing
Touchdowns will be needed to win. For your to a time limit, each coach is only allowed 5
first game, we suggest the first team to score minutes to take their Team Turn, to stop time
2 Touchdowns is the winner. This will give you wasting by a team that is in the lead! If a coach
a chance to get the hang of these rules before runs out of time they must finish their turn
you play your first competition game! right there.
S.t up your own plrfmg ~ and follow th/1 .amp#
by moving tltt1 ~ • a, 1hown.

- -
We join the game at the
start of the third turn. The
Ore team, The Gouged Eye.
"'• • "":'
~Bob/Andnow h's
time for tonight's gem,,
which we're joining just
' '
won the toss and are the
Offensive Team. Their
human opponents. the
Relkland Reavers, are the
eftw th, whinle's blown.
7INI Gougod E'{fl have th•
ball, but for how longl St•r
Ro,vor p/11y111 Griff
Oberwald said to m, just
Defensive Team. The
diagram illustrates the
state of play on the field.

befo,. the match that ha "'· First up, it's the Offensive
waan't going to lat any Team Turn.
quot, grH(Hkinnedscuzz.
buclu1t unquote get in the
way of him and the End
Zone today, and I kind•

• A s ~ , thl,yvegiwn
Urlrik Skullhack fim ,niff of Ore A tSkullheck) moves
the action. Ha m,r look • one square and then
little rough 11nd ready,
a,,ortafans., but this is the blocks human player A
Ore who cht1Wfld an Ogre's (Himmelstein), Two dice are
leg offit;, tM semi-finals of rolled, coming up with a 5
th• 8/oodweiser T,ophy and a 3. The total of 8 is
only last yttar. He's a real looked up on the Block
mean cuswmer, and, yes, it Table, result ing in both
looks like h's going to be 11 players being knocked
patent SkulJhack head-slam down.
on Htlnr1( Himmfllst,in. Ker-

.,,.,.., .. ~---.,.- ◄

Ore B fPainspear) moves one square. attempting to

close on human player D (Oberweld). However, the,
"And there goe.s Krug O,c is moving from the Tack.le Zone of human player
PafMpear, putting on a C to the Tackle Zone of human player B, so the latter
rara burst of sp,ad. can attempt a tackle a.s the Ore enters the square.
Hawn't SHn Krug move
like that since the time The Reevers' coach rolls the die. needing a 5 or more.
he intercepted a pass and gets a 61 The Ore is duly tackled and placed
amidst11groupofseven face down in the square.
Werewolf p/aye,s and
made II b1esk to, the
End Zone/ Looks like
he's heading to,
Oberw11/d, Bob/ Trouble
is. vaz va11,k has othe,
ideas about that! Ph&wl
I wouldn'tHka that to fall
onm,r Ore C moves 3 squares. As human A has been knocked
down he has lost his Tackle Zone. so he can't tackle the
Ore as he moves. Once the Ore has finished his
move he attempts to block human player 0
..As you can SH. f11ct-lans,
(Obe,wald). The dice come up with a total of
Gurk Halftoad's body-
swerw has come on nicely. 7 - a stand off - and both playe,s ,emain
Oh-oh, but Ifha thinks htls standing. The Ore cannot carry On moving,
taking on Griff Obarwafd because he has attempted a block,
ha's got • v1ry short and can't make another as each
momoryl Hr,, Jim, ,wh4ps player cen only make one block
h• w11nts his nos, b10k1n aher their move.
again, ehl It'd certainly
Improve his appearenc,11"
Ore D moves as shown. As ha moves,
he goes from one square In a Tackle Zone HN(lvtlrm/ndHalftoad, Bob
to another square in a Tackle Zone twice. • just look fJt \.1,r,g Ghoul•
Chewer go/ Wahoo/I The
The Reavers make two attempts to 'Chewer musta ~ taking
tackle him, but the coach roll-5 a 1 and ballet dancing IH1ons
a 4, not enough to bring the Ore down. during th• sum~ judging
After moving his normal m0\18 of 6 t,y the wayhoavoltffil those
squares, the Ore is two squares from the tac.Iciest What's mo,,, that's
End Zone. left him • Cl(Jlf path
right into the Re~n•
End Zoner·

The Gouged Eye coach decides to move him two

extra squares. When a player moves extra
squares a die must be rolled for each
square • with a 6 meaning that the
player has hurt himself. .,\.itn,gputs on an mra
burst of spefld find
The die rolled, it come.sup 3 and then mak.H it to ihfl End
5. The Ore is still standing, just waiting Zcnfl. He', just waiting,
in the End Zone for a pass to come his way • &bl v.1,/rlng for thot o/1-
important Touchdown

'7het's new boy Haf{J

Vail'ls/,ryer with the ball.
Ore E twho Is holding A summfJf transfer from
the ball) moves 4 Chaos Cup wlnnflf'I
squares and prepares lroncrag Dflc/mators,
to throw the ball to he's SBid to heve • n,a/
powtJrful right hend,.-
Ore D.

"No kidding, Bob/

Claulc technlqua in
it and It's caught/
The range ruler is brought out and
w efll And a, thfl
the range measured. Its dist.ance C.B{MCity crr,wr/ hflre in
makes it a short pass; then the dice
Midd•nh•im go
are rolled, Scores of 3 & 4 give a crhy with
total of 7, which is looked up on delight, w fJ'II be right
the Throwing Table. back aft•r this
m•.ssage. .. ,;
The ball is caught and, as the Ore
player is in the End Zone, a
Touchdown is scored tool It's a
quick 1·0 to the Gouged Eye!
The Veterans Rules which follow are all The rules below add more detail and 'realism'
optional. In other words, you don't have to use (if you can say such a thing about a fantasy
them if you don't want to. Indeed, if you do game I to Blood Bowl, but at the cost of greater
want to try some of them out in a game. we complexity and a longer playing time. Don't
insist you agree with your opponent just which feel that you have to use all these rules to play
you are going to use, and which you are not, the 'proper' version of Blood Bowl • play the
before the game starts. version of the game you and your friends enjoy
the most! Above all, have fun!


In the Veterans Rules the number of players

in each team is increased to 16, from whom
11 players are on the field at any one time (so
you now have reserves to substitute for injured
players). Furthermore, each team also now
includes a number of specialist
players who are expert at doing
a specific task. This is why
we've included the coloured,
special-player bases, for you to
tell the different players apart.
The special player bases are
attached to the slotta•bases
like this:

Each team now consists of the following


2 Blitzers (red base)

4 Blockers (green base)
2 Catchers (yellow base)
2 Throwers (white base)
and t hen a further
6 Linemen (who are distinguished by the •
fact that t hey don't have anything attached
to their bases at allll Catchers are the opposite of Blockers. Lightly-
armoured and very agile, they can't afford to
• giving a grand total of 16 players in the team. get into fights. In t he open field, however, they
However, as we said, only 11 players may be are unmatched - and nobody is better at
on the field at the same time. catching the football. Catchers specialise in
waiting in the End Zone for th at all-important
Blltzers are just about the best all-round Touchdown pass to come sailing in out of the
players on t he field. They are quite fast and blue. The only problem In being a Catcher is
agile, but strong enough to smash their way if someone should catch youl
through an opposing line w hen they have to.
Ace Reavers player Griff Oberwald Is a typical Throw ers are the most glamorous players on
Blitzer: fast, strong and just a bit too flash! the field, able to throw an inch-perfect Long
Bomb to the waiting hands of a playerfar down
Blockers are very strong, and wear extra the pitch . Or at least that's the theory;
armour to protect themselves in the powerful throwing the football well takes admirable skill.
head-to-head blocks that are their speciality.
However, they are not all that fast, and a·gainst Unemen are the standard players of the team,
an agile opponent with room to dodge they not brilliant at any one thing, but capable
w ill almost always come off second best. enough to fill in for an injured player when
Ogres and Storm Giants seem to make the necessary. Some teams seem to be made up
best Blockers, usually because of their great of nothing but Linemen • which is why they
siz8, but all races have their experts. are always at the bottom of the league!
To show their diffaring abilities, each player
has seven characteristics which show how
fast, strong, agile and accurate they are, as THE TEAMS
well as how heavily armoured:
Movement-Allowance (abbreviated to MA):
This shows the number of squeres the player
may move In the Team Tum If they don't Sprint
(see section 4. Movement • p16).

Sprint Allowance (SP): This is the number of

extra squares the player can move if they

Strength (ST): A player's Strength represents

how physically powerful he Is, and is used to
block opponents.

Agility (AG): The higher a player's Agility, the

more likely they are to be able to avoid tackles
attempted by opposing players. T he different types of player have the
following characteristics:
Throwing Skill ITS): This shows the player's
skill in throwing the football across the field. MA SP ST AG TS CL AV
Lineman 4 +2 3 3 0 0 9
Blltzer 4 +3 4 3 0 0 9
Cool (CL): The Cool characteristic reflects the Blocker 4 +1 4 2 -1 -1 10
player's ability to remain calm and concentrate Catcher 4 +4 2 4 0 +1 8
under pressure, especially when trying to Thrower 4 +3 3 3 +1 0 8
catch the football.
This information is also found on the 7eam
Armour Value (AV): This shows the amount Card, one of which is provided for each team.
of armour the player is wearing. The higher The Team Card also contains all the new charts
the number, the more armour the player has and tables used in the Veterans Rules, so that
on. Catchers, for example, have very light you won't have to flick through the rulebook
armour. each time you want to look something up.


Each coach should take all 16 players in their set up a maximum of 11 starting players on
team. The special player bases should be the field. The remaining five players are placed
divided evenly between the coaches (so that in the Reserves box in the Dug-Out.
each has 2 red bases, 4 green, etc) and The remaining rules for setting up given in the
attached as described above. Each coach may Standard Rules are unchanged (see p4).


The sequence of play given in the Standard Rules is unchanged,

and still consists of the following:


- Stand-up players (both teams) - 'Stand-up players (both teams)
- Move/block/tackle - Move/block/tackle
- Throw/hand-off - Throw/hand-off

Repeat A & B untll a touchdown is scored.


Instead of moving tha standard six squares, It isll may attempt a Heroic Tackle. Heroic
each player may now move a number of tackles represent those truly desperate leaps
squares equal to their Movement Allowance. to bring down an opposing player • usually
(You'll notice that Ore and Human players all made just as they are sprinting for the End
have a basic MA of 4. Details of the MAs of Zone and gloryl
other races can be found on page 22 of this
rulebook). A player making a Heroic Tackle may move as
If a player moves into a square with the normal, and may Sprint and try to move extra
football, they may pick it up. However, they squares. Unlike normal Sprint moves the player
may not carry on moving - unless they Sprint. . is allowed to enter a Tackle Zone, although they
must stop m.oving as soon as they do so. After
Sprinting the player has moved, they must make the
After they have taken their normal move, a Heroic Tackle against any one adjacent
player may Sprint on for a few extra squares, opponent.
as long as they are not In a 7ilckle Zone when
they have finished their normal move. When The Heroic Tackle is resolved in the same way
a player makes a Sprint they may move a as a normal Veterans Rules tackle (see 5,
number of extra squares equal to their SP below) except that the player making the
characteristic. This move is carried out exactly tackle is always knocked over - no matter what
like a normal move, except that the player may t he result - and must also subtract 2 from their
not enter an opponent's Tackle Zone. AV when making their Armour Roll.

A player who Is Sprinting may then try to move If a player tries to move one or two extra
one or two extra squares, exactly as detailed squares, they must roll for injury before making
in the Standard Rules (but note that a player the Heroic Tackle.
may not try to move extra squares unless they
Sprint). A player who rolls an Injury is placed Sometimes a coach will want to make the
in the Injured box in the Dug-Out, and may not move to enter a Tackle Zone, but not make a
return to play this game. tackle at the end of it. In this case the coach
must roll one die. On a 4-6 the player has been
Heroic Tackles knocked over by the opposing pl eyer and must
Once per Team Turn, a single player on the roll for Injury as above. On a 1-3 the player
moving team (le, the team whose Team Turn remains standing.


Whenever a player moves from one Tackle The player who is moving is the defender
Zone to another they may be tackled, as except In the case of Heroic Tackles (see
before. However, instead of rolling the dice and above), when the moving player is the tackler,
getting the tackle on a 5 or 6, the Veten,ns and the player being tackled is the defender.
Tackle Table given below is used instead.
To resolve a tackle, roll two dice and modify
Tackles the total depending on both players' Agility
when resolving a tackle· , ihe player whose scores (see p17). Then refer to this table:
Tackle Zone is being moved.into Is the tackler.

4 or less Where'd he go? The defender

may keep on moving.
5-6 Tackler is knocked over; the
defender may keep on moving.
7-8 Both players are 'knocked over.
9 or more Defender is knocked over.

If the defender is knocked over, he is placed

face down in the square he was moving to.
If the tackler is knocked over, he is placed face
down in the square he Is in. Any player who
is knocked over must make an Armour Roll to
see ii they were injured (see Ths Armour Roll
• p17).
Agility The Armour Roll
Whenever a tackle Is being resolved, compare Whenever a player is knocked over, their coach
the Agility scores of the two players involved. must make an Armour Roll to see if they were
If the tackler has the higher score, add the injured. Roll two dice. and If the total is greater
difference between the two Agilities to the than the player's AV score they have been
dice total. If the defender has the higher score, hurt; roll the dice again and refer to the
subtract the difference from the dice total. Veterans Injury Table to see just what has
happened to them:
Multlple Tackle Zones
Even if a player moves out of a square that is
in several OPPoSlng players' Tackle Zones, only
one of those players gets to tackle. Their coach
may decide which player attempts the tackle.
However, for each extra player that could have 2-6 Stunned.
made a tackle, an extra 1 is added to the dice 7-8 KO'd.
roll. 9-11 Serious Injury.
12 Dead.

All players who are injured are immediately

removed from the board and placed in the
appropriate box in the Dug-Out. After the next
Touchdown is scored, all the players in the ·
Stunned box are moved to the Reserves box.
A die is rolled for each KO'd player: on a 1-3
they are moved to the Stunned box, but on
a 4-6 they are moved to the Reserves box.
Players who suffer a Serious Injury are out of
the game and cannot return to play. Players
who are Dead may not return to play (and
EithsrOrcA o, Bm1ymake the tackle with +,
on thff'()/1, won't be playing next week either!).

And there goes Varag

Ghoul•Ch 1wsr, tht
Gouged Eye:S stllf Blitzed
But w 1itl Hi$ ft)Ufl 10 1he
RUvtf$' End Zont it
blocked by Gruff
H1clt.sonl HackJon le1p:
for him • and the~•s that
fsmout Chewer body
. SWflrvell Bob, that boY
just doesn't know how to
stop/ He's clear right to
Varag Ghoul-Chewer has moved Agility of 3 to Hackson's 2. wa get
the End Zone. with only
one mo,s plrfer to best. three SQuares, but since he's now a modifier of -1, giving a result of
I think W,,ag is going all , - - - . moving from one Tackle Zone to 6. Hackson crashes to the ground,
the way/I another he can be tackled by Gruff but is lucky because his armour
Hackson. The Ore is a Blitzer, the p rotected him from further
Human a Blocker. The dice are damage this coach rolled an SJ.
rolled, giving a score of 7. Varag keeps moving, heading for
However, comparing Varag's the End Zone. ..


When a player is injured, he cari be replaced TEAMB
by another player from the Reserves box of
the Team's Dug-Out.

Substitutes enter play at the start of their next

Team Tum and can be placed in any square
beside the team's Substitute Entry Line (as
long as the square Is not occupied by another
player, of course). Each team has their own
Entry Line• the four squares beside the steps
on their half of the pitch.
Substitutes can move and attack normally on
the turn ihey enter the pitch. TEAM A
Players on tho moving team may still attempt A stunned player should be removed from the
a block after making their move. To resolve a board, and placed in tho Stunned box in tho
block, roll two dice, modify the total depending Dug-Out. Do not make an Armour Roll for the
on the players' Strength scores (see belowl player.
and then refer to the Block Table: When making a block against a player who has
been knocked over, add 2 to the dice roll, in
VETERANS BLOCK TABLE addition to any other modifiers.
Dk:e Roll "-It Strength
Whenever a block is being resolved, compare
2 or less Attacker is stunned. ·the Strengths of t he two players involved. If
3.4 Attac~er knocked over. the attacker has the higher score, add the
5.7 It's a stand-off - nothing difference between the two Strengths to the
happens. dice total. If the defender has the higher score,
8 Both players are knocked over. subtract the difference from the dice total.
9-11 Defender is knocked over. Thon look up tho result on tho above table.
12 or more Defender is stunned.

Whenever a player is knocked over, make an

Armour Roll to see if they were injured (see
5 - above). Players who are knocked over but
not injured should be placed face-<lown on the
board, as usual.


Throwing the football is handled in a similar Missed Throws
way to that in the Standard Rules, apart from With a missed Long Pass, roll for tho direction
the following modifiers which are applied to of scatter as normal, but move the ball two
the dice roll. In addition a player may not throw squares In that direction. With a Long Bomb,
th~ ball is they have moved in the same turn. move the ball three squares in the direction
The dice roll is modified by the thrower's TS indicated by the scatter roll.
and the receiver's CL values. For example, a
CL of +1 means add one to the die roll.
Subtract 1 from the dice roll for every opposing
player that exerts a Tackle Zone on the
thrower's square, and subtract 1 for each
player that exerts a Tackle Zone on the
receiver's square too.

TM bd 1$ tlNown to ti• ,. ., 1qw,. •nd mlunl A 4

'-,,,..,, for ,un.r. H,.,,. th,ow WU . Jong /NIU, ,.,,. bal
wll•r two aquarN to :.c: If h wa, • long bomb, 3
,qwru to ·s :

All the other rules given in Standard Blood
TM . _ rol wll H modlf1-d by -3. 4 for Ore A nut to Sowl are unchanged - for the time being. Feel
the tN'O'IIIIW, • nd • nother -2 for Oru B & C; nut to free, however, to experiment with whatever
'""~- / modifications you decide on yourself. There's
An unmodified roll of 2 on the dice is always only one rule - that you and your opponent
an Interception. agree on them being in force before the game
An unmodified roll of 12 always means the ball starts. Apart from that, the game's yours -
has been Caught. have funl

"Gort SJr.ullhacJc's away,
Jim/ This young Ore is
having a truly epic game
today. Incidentally, fact
fans, Gort Is no relation
of Gougad Eye lfnsman
Urltik Skullhock, belng
i n fact thll younger
brother of Severed
Heads rocord·breoking
Elf•maimsr Griskar
HUMAN BLOCKER ATTfMPTING TO Skul/hackl Vaztek's on
TACKLE ORC CATCHER 8UT FAILING his case, though, and
boy oh boy is that guy
having a great gamer

OrcA(GonSkuUhacklisacateher, player B (VaztekJ C8{' try for a knocked over result, so Vaztek
and is going to attempt to get tackle. As human player B is a ends up on the ground and must
down-field to receive a catch from Blocker I.AG 21 he must subtract 2 make an Armour Roll to see if he
the t eam's Thrower, Harg from the die roll. The coach rolls was injured. The dice are rolled,
Vainslayer. He moves as shown. a 7 which, minus 2, gives a final coming up with a total of only 5;
When he enters square 1, human score of 6. This is an Attacker this is less than his AV, so he's OK.

Well, Bob. I'm not sure

I saw that Vaztek's
mlssad hlm, and I thlnk
tha t hurt/ I can only
guess that Gort must'vs
put in extra prayers to
Xlangruul, the Orclsh
GoddO$$ ofFootballand
Violent Death before
this match started/ The
Reavers have certainly
never let any Ore team
get the better of them
'Vainkllf's powerful n'ght
arm goes back, andlets
fly with a ROCKET/I
POW/I Straight into tha
waiting hands of Gort
Skullhackl And the
crowd a re going
ebsolutely wild with
excitement., Jim. I'm just
glad I'm not down there
with them/I"
,-..,.._, .,...,

The Ore with the ball prepares to + 1. The dice are rolled, and come
pass It to Ore A (Skullhack). The up with a total of 7, which is
dice roll will be modified by + 1 for increased to 8, and a complete
thrower Vaink.ill's TS, by + 1 for the pass I And now it's the Defensive
catcher's CL, and by -1 because Team Turn, and a chance for the ~
Vainkill is in human C's Tackle ReiklandReaverstostoptheOrcs·'
Zone. for a combined modifer of Touchdown drive,

"Go get hlm, Griff/ He's

gaining.•. he's galnlng..,
he's gothim/I Whsmml
And Skullhack's down.
That's a bit of the old
Oberwa/d magic/ Guess
I spoke too soon just a
minuu,sgo when I said
t he Resvers were done
for, Bob/ Hoo-wee, what
s gsmelr

Human player A (Oberwald) makes which he proceeds to do. The two

a desperat e bid to stop Ore A players' Agilities are even, so there
scoring a Touch~own. After are no modifiers. The Reikland
making his normal move, he still coach rolls the dice and gets a 10
tsn'tadjacenttotheOrcsohecan't which is a successful tackle. Ore
'And the ball's loose, mako a block. His only hope is to A crashes to the ground and tho
Bob! The ball's loose! sprint and make a Heroic Tecklo. ball bounces free.
But Oberwald's dawn,
and Skullhsck looks like HUMAN IIUTUA MAtl.lHG ,.
he's out far the count. 'HIROIC TACllll ' OH OAC CA~HEll.
The Reavers are golng
to have to put an a real
burst ofspeedif they are
going ta recover thet
ball, especiBl/y BS it'$ so
nsar ta their own End
Zone. Griff Oberwsld's
boys aren't out of tha
cooking pot v,t/1"

Oberwald also falls over, because the coach must roll on the Injuryif Oberwald was injured, rolling 2
he mede a Heroic Tack le Table to·see what happened. This dice and adding 2 to the score
(remember that a player who time th• dice come up with a total
because Griff made a Heroic
makes a Heroic Tackle always ends of only 4, resulting in the Ore being
Tackle. Fortune smiles on the
up prone). Furthermore. 1 both stunned. Skullhack's figure is Roaver's star player again as the
playersmustrolltoseeiftheywere remoVed from the board and dice come up 1 and 5; this, after
injured in the tackle. The Ore coach placed in the 'Stunned' box of the
2 Is added because of the Heroic
,ous a 5 and a 6 for a total of 11. Gouged Eye's Dug-Out. Tackle. is st ill less than his AV of
This is more than the SkuUhack,..s 9, Griff is down, but far from out.
Armour Value, so he's injured and The human coach now rolls to see Now where did that football go7

Apart from the teams you will read about In you be the successful coach of the Darkside
this Rulebook, and in the Blood Bowl Cowboys? Read on.
Handbook you'll find in this set, there are many
others, playing in recognised leagues all over You can use these teams either with the plastic
the world. There ere many other Human and figures provided, or by using the appropriate
Ore teams, for example, which you can play figures from the Blood Bowl range of Citadel
using the playing pieces in this set. Miniatures. If you are using the plastic figures
you'll need to write down what type of player
each player is, as the special player bases
All the different races that play Blood Bowl las
provided will not always work with these
well as specific teams and star players) will
teams. For example, if you were using an Elf
receive detailed coverage in future team you might say that players 1 and 2 were
supplements. However, so you can get stoned
Throwers, players 3 to 6 were Catchers and
with your very own Elf team straight away, this
so on.
section presents the basic rules for the most
popular Blood Bowl-playing races. For now, Obviously, the normal Veterans Rules apply,
you'll have to use the Human and Ore playing and you should substitute the team's
pieces, but at least you'll be able to recreate attributes as set out below for the Ore and
some of the famous games you will have read Human attributes that were used in that.
about in the Handbook staright away. Could section.


O,c Catcher Ett Catcher Ore Bltzor Del1c Ett Uneman

I ~•
Ore lineman Dort Ett Thn,wer Ett Bltzor Dwarf Blocb,


Dwarf Bl12er Ett Unemen Suloton Unemen Dertc Ett Throwor
Oa,k Elf teams use similar tactics to their more The ter;:hnical deficiencies of Halfllng teams arE
reasonably behaved cousins, since they are most legendary. But tactically, they present even mo re
suited to a throwing game. But sheer spite makes problems. How can you rely on a Catcher whO migh
th e Dark Elves enjoy the running game. particutariy slip off the field for a Hot Dog? Most Halflln1
when a side th rows up a remarkable running player Coaches, aware they are short of material, try tc
like Jeremiah Kool. In fact, it is hard to believe that make up fo r quality with quantity. If you can g et six
the Flashing Blade won' t be tempted out of Catchers in the en emy En d Zone and, by some
retirement, if not by the Darksid e Cowboys, then miracle. you manage to end up with the ball, then
by some other team. one or t wo of them might not be jelly by the time
MA SP ST AG TS Cl AV you throw the thing ...
u- 4 +3 3 3 +1 +1 8 MA SP ST NJ TS CL AV
Bit- 4 +3 4 3 +1 +1 9
C.tcho, 4 +4 2 4 0 +2 8 Lineman 3 +3 2 4 ·1 ·1 7
Tlwoww 4 +3 3 3 +2 0 8 Catcher 3 +4 2 6 -1 +1 7
A stand ard Dark Elf team is made up of 8 Linemen, Halfling teams have 6 Catchers and 10 Linemen.
4 Catchers. 2 Th rowers an d 2 Blit zers.

In complete contrast, Dwarfs know they are never
going to w ork out a successful passing game against It would be a m istake to believe that the recent lack
teams who can intercept th eir pass.e-s ' while they of success enjoyed by Skaven teams in Blood Bowl
are lying down. There have been Individual Dwarfs means they aren' t Potentially useful p layers. You
w ho mad e good catchers (nerves o f steel), but that don't have to go too far back into hist~ry to the time
icy calm ls better di.splayed by noted Blitzers, like when the Skaven Scramblers won th e Blood Bowl
Grlmwold Gri mmbreath o f the Giants. Most trophy two seasons running I Of cou rse, their close
successful Dwarf teams work to the principle that association with Chao t ic Warpst one and the
if their Blitzers can take out all of the other team's resulting m utations help s. but the basic Skaven
potential scorers, and then wear down the rest they p layer has a lot going for him. And t hey have
ought to have somebody left over to score t he managed to produce great players In most positions.
w inning TOs.
Lineman 3 +2 4 2 -1 0 10 Llnomen 5 +1 3 3 0 ·1 8
Bl..,._ 3 +1 5 2 ·1 ·1 10 Blitz• 5 +2 4 3 0 ·1 8
Bittier 3 +3 4 3 0 +1 10 Cat- 5 +3 2 4 0 +1 7
~ 5 +1 3 3 +1 0 8
Dwar f teams h ave 4 Blockers, 4 Blitzers, and 8
l inemen.
2.kaven teams have 2 Blltzers, 4 Catchers, 2
h rowers and 8 linemen .
Most Elf team s reckon that senseless violence has
its place. but the quickest way to get out of the cold
air and back to somewhere they can recite lyric SKELETONS
poetry is to score quick Touchd owns. M ore than Even Tomolandry, famou s coach of the Champ ions
most teams, Elves rely on the accuracy of their of Death admits you can' t expect a lot of Individual
throwers and the icy calm of their catchers. Valen skeletons. They aren't fast, they th row poorly, and
Swift of the Elfheim Eagles is the most famou s they are habitually carried off the field in batches
etuent example, but one can also think of the much • of threes and fours. But, w ith j ust a small dab. of
fancied Cloud Spiralth orn, of th e Unsettled Sea the magic sponge. the Undying Coach can have th e
Elve-s. w h o play In the l.ustrlan Central League. The whole squad back in rattling good form. The longer
unglamourous Linemen simply hold off the other the game goes on, the more likely it is that the
sides' more homicidal players until t he pass is opposition will be bone-tired.
thrown. Being lightly armoured, they don' t
app reciate it if this takes too long. CL
MA SP ST NJ TS CL Al Uneman 3 +2 3 .2 ·1 ·1 7
Uneman 4 +3 3 •3 +1 +1 8 Thrower 3 +2 3 3 0 0 7
Catcher 4 +4 2 4 0 +2 . 8 Cot - 4 +3 2 3 ·1 0 7
~ 4 +3 3 · 3 +2 0 8
Elf teams have 2 Throwers. 6 Catchers. and 8 Skeleton Team s are made up of 12 linemen, 2
Lin emen . Catchers, and 2 Th rowers.

GOBLINS Being Undead, Skeletons are ra ther difficult to kill

or injure. Use th e following special rule with regard1
The game p lan of a Goblin team like The Lowdown to in juries:
Rats seems to owe more to hope th an potential
M any Goblins make supe-,b Catchers, since they dart KO'd, Stunned, Serloua Injury and Dead results
into clear spaces where their lack o f height isn't a rep resent variou s levels of d amage to the skeleton
problem. However, the art of throwing is almost lost (a skeleton who has been stunn ed may have h ad
to them, and many Goblin Catchers • 'Handy' his head bona disconnected from his neck bone, fo
Slitsid es, for example • have spent whole games example, while a 'd ead' skeleton is a heap o
w aiting for one of their comrades to send someth ing separated bones). When skeleton s are injured, placi
over the top. But " da flghtz d a fing" with Goblins. them in the appropriate box of ffle dug-out. However,
and the ball ls only ever an Incidental t~lng. instead of recovering after a Touchd own has been

0 · -1
0 .+1
Goblin teams have 4 Catchers and 12 Linemen.
scored, the Skeletons coach may move on e playe
one box towards the reserves box at the stan of eact
of their turns. After a Touchdown is scored, th1
Skeletons coach may move all of their players to th1
Reserves box .
The Sequence Of Play: The differ ent types of p layer have t he
following characteristics:
- Stand-up playars MA SP ST AG TS CL AV
- Move/block/tackle
- Throw/hand-off Uneman 4 +2 3 3 0 0 9
Blltzer 4 +3 4 3 0 0 9
B. DEFENSIVE TEAM TURN Blocker 4 +1 4 2 -1 -1 10
- Stand-up playars Cetcher 4 +4 2 4 0 +1 8
- Move/block/tackle Throw er 4 +3 2 3 +1 0 8
- Throw/hand-off

Repeat A & B until a touchdown Is scored. "flERANS TACKLE if.

Dlcj Rol flNuli'l-
4 or less Where'd he go7 The defender
BLOCK TABLE may keep on moving.
DlceRol Rault 5-6 Tackler Is knocked over; t he
defender may keep on moving.
2 The blocking player is 7 -8 Both players are knocked over.
injured; remove him from the 9 or more Defender is knocked over.
3-4 The blocking player is
knocked over.
5-7 Stand-off - nothing happens
to either player.
8 Both players are knocked
over. "'
9 -11 The defending player is 2 or less Attacker is stunned.
knocked over. 3 -4 Attacker knocked over.
12 The defending player is 5-7 It's a stand-off - nothing
injured; remove him from the happens.
board. 8 Both players are knocked over.
9 -11 Defender is knocked over.
12 or more Defender is stunned.

The Armour Roll

DlceRol Whenever a player is knocked over, roll two
dice. If t he score is greater than the players
2 -3 The blocking player is AV they have been injured.
knocked over.
4-9 Nothing happens.
10-12 The defending player is
Injured; re,:nove him from the

2-6 Stunned.
7-8 KO'd.
9-11 Serious Injury.
12 Dead .

Quick Pass 2 3 -5 6 -12

Short Pass 2-3 4-6 7 -12
Long Pass 2-4 5-7 8 -12
Bombl 2-5 6 -8 9 -12
What can one say of a
team like the lowdown
Rats? Well, some
unkind folk would say
that 'Lowdown' refers
to the team's perpetual
position in their
Division, or to the a.bitty
of their players on a
seals of 1-10. Still, tha
Rats do try hard and,
who knows, maybe one
day they'll actually
manage to win . a
game. ..

The Cowboys are, many
say, the tMtst of the
Dark Elf teams. Their
combination of high I
Intelligence, natural
grace, degenerate
violence and a hatred of
au other living beings
has helped them to the
top several times.

The Reavers are the
finest all-round team in
the AFC, if not the
entire NAF, with no
other team coming
close to matching their
consistent winning
record (4 time Blood
Bowl winners, 18 time
Chaos Cup winners!).
Under the captaincy of
star · Blitzer Griff
Oberweld, they
continue to go from
strength to strength. I

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