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LOWER RISK SECONDARY FIELD TRIP PARENT CONSENT FORM es pie eles activity _duertioge i Te Art Teacher ___ Meecha. bth Location ppeeniD Severe patel) Tal Arvaltime back at school Departure time from school Qverview kinerary for the Fielé Trip Program __ THiS 8 9 Clntene Pork Fen busine ( Fee bP pete Nit he Hed = : : [2 waking to and fromthe actiity J Transported by choo! bs (1) riven private vehicles (21 orivers required ‘ir bag on tte font passenger side uniess the passenger s 12 years of 3g@or elder rivers ae responsible for complying with a child 73 Volunteer Orwer Farm ‘Transportation: ‘estraintfeccser seat requirements, Oaver must have completed 2 50 Parent Helpers Required: Yes [] No Lunch Required: ves ["] No L~ Fee to be Paid ves EF]. No EY — Amount Required: § * This permission sip must be returned for your child's participation - written nates or phone calls ae not acceptable. PERMISSION SLIP nave read and am informed about the proposed field trip to a participate in this trip. | understand there is a cost involved request that my child with this form and haveenclosed § |, the undersigned parent or guardian of the above name¢ student, request that my son/daughter be allowed to participate in the event described above. Both my son/daughter and | understand that Board Policy 4240 Student 1 drugs and/or inappropriate student conduct may Behoviour- Discipline applies on al field trips. The use of alco result in suspension from school. Students engaging in these behaviours are liable to be sent home at thei families’ expense List medical conditions/ medication the staff/supervisor should be aware of Please supply the schoo! with: family physician, Care Card number end emergency numbers (if not already on file Parent/Guardian Signature: Phone: Sc lean help drive # - students with seathelts. I can help supervise: Yes No O Yes 0 No O Ihave completed the Volunteer Oriver Form Ihave 3 Volunteer Driver Form an file with the office and ail information is still current: Yes () No O Teacher/Office Use Only Fee for Field Trip Received: Yes 1 No QO Amount Initials: _

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