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Critical Appreaciation of the poem Annabel Lee

The poem Annabel Lee was written by the American Gohtic writer Edgar Allan
Poe. Known for being part of the American Romantic movement and had wrote a lot of
sories and poems.

This poem is said to be the last poem Poe had written before he died. His works
are also known to be subjected to loss of a woman comparing it to his experience:
including his young wife who died two years before him. So, it is believed that this was
addressed to her.

As for the structure of the poem, it had shown the different rhyming pattern in
each of the stanza. The theme stongly revolves around love. The narrator and Annabel
Lee had shown their love towards one another. No matter what the challenges and trials
they would encounter they can still surpass it.

1.) Critical analysis means you are evaluating other s literary work to attain
understanding in it. It will clearly state your opinion and evaluation for the work.

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