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History of the world has been forgotten.

Civilizations which covered the globe and

beyond, are only remembered by the ancient relics left behind. Conflict and tragedies have
brought mankind to the brink of extinction. All that is left are stories passed down of the hero's
who fought against evil. All these stories are fractured, incomplete, and near unbelievable.

Civilization was turned to ashes by savages who cared only for themselves. Raiding
parties formed to claim territory. These raiders grew to become warlords that battled with each
other over the scraps of the old word. For many years, innovation was stifled by lust for power.
Knowledge was forgotten. A race of people that once sailed the stars began to struggle with the
task of basic farming, as marauders burned all in their path. Famine claimed those that war did
not. The warlords could not sustain their battles with one another, and eventually became
hunters and gatherer tribes just to survive.

Great cities became empty husks, and mostly rubble after the events which was now
simply known as The Time Of The Warlords. With the absence of people nature reclaimed the
lands. Sands of deserts burried highways, tropical vines climbed skyscrapers, and ocean tides
washed away seaports. The old worlds secrets were left to be rediscovered.

With the major conflicts of war now over, society began to reform. After establishing the
necessities of survival, philosophy and creativity was rekindled. However, the process of
invention was much slower then simply excavating the knowledge that was already forged. This
lead to the greatest scientists and engineers spending their time exploring, and studying the
past, instead of traditionally working out an original design.

Many tribes and societies formed to meet the needs laid out. Among them were a group
of warrior philosophers who wanted to create a perfect balance based on three core concepts;
ability to combat threats physically, competence to participate in critical thinking, and
compassion for fellow people. Body, mind, and heart. They called themselves, Tre'Nello. The
Tre'Nello's principles took roots organically, and soon enough there were those seeking to
master the teachings.

The major milestone that set them apart from others was when a member studying
paranormal powers actually recreated it. Countless hours were spent translating books that
described heros who could control the elements without the help of any tools. Armed with
advice from the past, a Tre'Nello disciple began meditation sitting on their knees. They thought
on the ideology of the order, and held their hands in front of their chest, palms together, and
fingers flatly pointed upward. This was a pose seen on many tapestries in ancient places of
worship. They felt a warmth grow within and moved their hands away from their body. Others
looked on with interest, and all were left speechless at the results. The mediator blurted a quick
roar, and in a flash spread their palms apart. They had kindled a ball of flame between their
hands. It was no larger than the finger tips it floated between, but it was undoubtedly there!
This event is remembered simply as The First Fire, and it is credited for being the Tre'Nello's
dynamism that set them apart from other forming tribes. It was proof that not all the ancient
legends were fairy tales and myths. All Tre'Nello began to study ancient powers to ascend to a
new level of enlightenment, and the tales of their modern accomplishments spread quickly.

A scavenger had spent years collecting weapons off the old battlefields, roaming
between settlements to trade them for less violent supplies. Among all of his finds, he found a
pair of warriors each armed solely with something he had never seen before. They were metal
hilts of beautiful swords, with no fixed blade present, but knobs and switches gave way that they
were ancient weapons of the past. When activated, a hot flame was ignited outward into a
controlled beam of one meter long. These swords would cut through anything, except each
other. When the arms dealer heard the story of The First Fire, he considered is a call of destiny.
He set off to the Tre'nello monastary at once. When he arrived, he gifted the Tre'Nello both of
the Kiemlua he had found.

The Tre'Nello began to form their combat teachings around traditional sword play after
obtaining the Kiemlua. All members of their society carried a sword, and the most prestigious
and well trained, wielded a Kiemlua. Without the ability to craft a Kiemlua, Many went on quests
to find these weapons themselves, some never returned to the original Tre'Nello monastery.
Those that did, with new Kiemlua of their own, rose to power quickly, and a hierarchy formed.
The Kiemlua were passed down through the generations, keeping the strongest of the Tre'Nello
warriors armed with a weapon worthy of their talents.

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