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Elisa Goins Harris Product Assessment and Project Overview Statement AIL 630

June 18, 2015 Google Classroom Dr. Benson

Project Overview Statement

Google Classroom

Problem Statement

We have a small school system that has experienced a failed effort to implement Edmodo as a learning

management system to manage student learning. We have recently added wireless networking to our school system

which allows teachers to implement more technology in the classroom. With the implementation of wireless

technologies and students bringing devices to class, it is desirable to find an appropriate technology to help teachers

and students manage learning. There are some faculty that use very little technology in the classroom and this may

provide a way to encourage more technology use in their classes. Once accustomed to using Classroom, teachers

will discover that it can save time and create a lighter workload by students uploading assignments. Our school

district has laid the foundation to add Google Classroom as a learning management system. The requirement for

using Google Classroom is that the school system use Google Apps for Education as a domain. That transition has

occurred and it is time to begin the next phase.

Project Goal

The goal of this project is to establish Google Classroom as the learning management system within each

school. Classroom will serve as the LMS by all teachers and students in the junior high school beginning Fall 2015.

Classroom will provide faculty with time saving tools to manage their classrooms at no cost to the school system. It

is a user friendly program that provides tech support.

All other schools will be implementing the use of Classroom as well. The continuity of the entire school

system using the same LMS promotes parent and student support of the innovation. Students can begin learning

how to use the technology in the elementary school and know that their account will be the same until they graduate.

There are features of Classroom that can be used offline. There are also mobile Classroom apps for both Android

and iOS devices. This can allow students to work on assignments anywhere that they have their device.

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