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The films poster predominantly uses red and black, commonly associated with murder and

vengeance. The poster uses a conventional theme of many common thriller action films using the
colours red and black to present the amount of action that might be presented within the film. The
use of colour in this poster is particularly striking; the heavy use of bright red, a colour commonly
used to connote danger, is very eye-catching. It suggests to viewers that the film will feature peril
and violence (red can also connote blood). It also denotes a large silhouette of a man holding an axe
in one hand. Especially when the word dead is highlighted red out of all the text, reaffirming this
point that the film heavly involves death and violence throughout, appealing to many audience
members perhaps such as a diversion in the uses and gratification theory. The axe is an important
object of the poster and lies close to the middle of the poster and just below the title as the reader
follows the words. The quote is in full capitals. It is designed to draw interest. That it calls the film
distubing ties in with the danger of the weapons. The large silhouette depicting the main
protagonist is extremely large compared to the rest of the poster. With the antagonist a small frame
with a gun looking up towards the protagonist, we can assume that he is of a higher authority even
though one fights back on his own out of revenge. This is presented within the theorist Todorov,
who believed there are five stages to a narrative and that the protagonist has chosen to attempt to
repair the damage of the disruption.

Around the main image of the poster we are presented with snippets of writers reviews on the film.
This is beneficial for the film because it is a way of attracting audiences knowing that famous critics
rate the film. There is some minor use of white on the poster for text; the white stands out against
the extremes of the red and black which is beneficial as it makes the text more visible and easier to
We are also presented with the directors name 'Shane Meadows' in font similar to scribbled
handwriting. This emphasises the words on the poster and help bring it to the readers attention so
they not only attract fans of the director, but also help readers identify this famous independant
director whos produced award winning films such as 'This is England', creating the belief that he may
produce a film similar to the ones hes already produced.

We also have the tree silhouettes in the background of the poster. This can help give a sense of
depth and create an idea of the possible location the movie will be situated. This then suggests to
the audience that the film will be based on rural landscapes rather than conventional built up areas
commonly found in thrillers.

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