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Antes de comeares l tudo com muita ateno!

Good Work!

a Complete with the verb to be:

1 - ________you Spanish? Yes, I am.

2 What colour ________ your book?

3 What ________ your surname?

4 His favourite number ________ thirteen.

5 My parents and I are from Portugal. We ________ Portuguese.

6 Is that a desk? Yes, it ________.

7 I ________ a student.

b Complete with the indefinite articles (a or an)* or zero article:

1 This is ________ dog.

2 These are ________ cats.

3 I am ________ English girl.

4 Sarah and Amy are ________ sisters.

5 This is ________ apple.

6 That is ________ red book.

a antes de uma palavra iniciada por consoante

E.g. : a baby

an antes de uma palavra iniciada por vogal

E.g.: an elephant

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