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Human Emotion Recognition: An Interval Type-2

Fuzzy Inference System based Approach

Kartick Subramanian
School of Computer Engineering
Nanyang Technological University

AbstractIn this paper, an Interval Type-2 neuro-fuzzy infer- A given emotion recognition system involves two tasks:
ence system based emotion recognition system is proposed. The emotion representation and emotion recognition. Emotion rep-
employed fuzzy inference system is a four layer network realizing resentation involves extraction of facial features that could
Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy inference mechanism, with an input
layer, a rule layer, a normalization layer and an output layer. The efficiently represent the various emotions, distinctly, whereas,
rule layer employs an Interval Type-2 fuzzy membership function emotion recognition involves learning and identifying different
to handle the uncertainty in the facial emotions of different emotions based on the facial features. Facial action coding
individuals. The rules for this network is generated by employing system (FACS) [1] is one of the first complete work on
a meta-cognitive projection based learning algorithm. The aim facial emotion representation and it involved human operators
of the proposed approach is to approximate the decision surface
separating different emotions based on noisy input features. to observe face for a given set of characteristic movements
During learning, as a sample is presented to the network, it to analyse the emotions. Such systems are not reliable, as
calculates the prediction error and knowledge content in the judgement may vary drastically over the human operators.
sample to decide on whether to learn the sample, when to learn However, these systems possess the human characteristic of
it and which technique to use to learn it. The meta-cognitive the ability to handle uncertainty over the facial emotions.
learning mechanism helps in avoiding overtraining and achieving
better generalization performance. The projection based learning In the past two decades, various emotion representation and
approach employed to learn the knowledge in a given sample automatic recognition systems have been proposed.
works by minimizing the total energy in the network in a linear In [2], authors have employed linear discriminant analysis
least squared sense. to classify principal component features of the face images,
The proposed emotion recognition system is tested on two well- while independent component analysis based approach for
known publicly available datasets: Japanese female facial expres-
sion dataset and Taiwanese female expression image database. expression recognition was used in [3]. Here, the authors
Local binary pattern based features are extracted from these employ wavelet based features to represent the facial emotions.
databases, as they have been shown to describe facial features In literature, authors have also employed general discriminant
such as edges and spots, efficiently. Two different studies are analysis for extracting representative features from facial im-
performed: a 5-fold cross-validation study on the emotion recog- ages [4]. Facial expression contains different motion informa-
nition ability of the system and a database independent study.
The performance comparison with other approaches clearly tion which could be separated by employing motion based
highlights the advantage of the proposed system. information. This information was employed by [5], [6] to
Index TermsEmotion recognition, fuzzy inference system, develop optical flow based technique to model facial features,
Type-2 fuzzy set, meta-cognition as optical flow based features could intrinsically capture the
apparent movement in pixels. However, optical flow based
I. I NTRODUCTION features suffer from their sensitivity to lighting variation and
Automatic recognition of emotions has wide implications disturbance caused due to nonrigid motions, in addition to
in the different applications such as data-driven animation, inaccurate image representation and discontinuous motion.
operator fatigue detection, and human-computer interaction. Recently, local binary patterns (LBPs) [7] have been shown
However, there are various challenges in the state-of-the-art as effective features for facial image analysis [8], [9]. LBPs
approaches, with a few being less researched than others. are non-parameteric descriptors that describe the local spatial
Intra/inter-personal variability in expressing emotions is one structure of an image. They are extracted by employing LBP
such challenge in computer based recognition of human emo- operator, which thresholds a given pixel in a window of an
tions. The gravity of this issue becomes evident upon consid- image with respect to its neighbors. The derived binary thresh-
ering the fact that people may express emotions differently olds are represented as LBP codes. In [10], a meta-cognitive
at different times. Further, there are certain differences in neuro-fuzzy inference system based classifier is employed for
how emotions are expressed across culture. Although various efficient recognition of facial emotions. A local binary pattern
research have been carried out on automatic emotion recog- based feature is employed here. Another efficient feature
nition, very less work is available on handling uncertainty in representation technique is Gabor filter based features. Gabor
the emotions. filter based feature is obtained by convolving a given image

978-1-4799-7171-8/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE

with a 2D Gabor filter, which is a Gaussian modulated by In order to study the working of this emotion recognition
a sinusoidal plane wave. A Gabor filter bank is created by system, two data sets are considered, Japanese Female Facial
varying the frequency and orientation of the wave components. Expression Database (JAFFE) [22] and Taiwanese Female Ex-
Features are extracted from the filters. A Gabor filter faced pression Identification Database (TFEID) [23]. LBP features
facial features obtained by employing filter banks with five are extracted from each of these databases and two kinds of
frequencies and eight orientations is employed in [11], [12]. studies are performed. Firstly, a ten-fold cross-validation study
A K-Nearest Neighbors classifier principal component analysis is performed, followed by a database independent emotion
based technique is used in the study. In [9], authors have recognition study. The aim of the database independent study
compared local binary patterns with Gabor wavelet based is to analyse the uncertainty handling ability of the system
features and illustrated the effectiveness of the same on low while dealing with emotions within different cultures. In this
resolution images. study, the McIT2FIS is first trained on JAFFE and tested
Scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) [13] is another on TFEID and vice-versa. The performance of the proposed
feature representation technique to detect and describe local emotion recognition system is evaluated on a set of benchmark
features in images. This technique works by first extracting classification systems available in literature including. The
SIFT key points from reference image and comparing SIFT performance comparison clearly indicates the advantages of
key points of test image with it. In [14], a discriminative McIT2FIS for emotion recognition.
scale invariant feature transform is used for finding facial The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next
keypoints, while [15] proposed a speeded-up variant for gen- section, we shall describe the LBP feature extraction and
erating keypoints descriptors for facial images. In here, a McIT2FIS based recognition system. The Section III shall
Kullback Leibler and weighted majority voting classifier is provide a performance comparison of the proposed approach.
employed for classification. In [16], a curvelet transform based The paper would be concluded in Section IV.
approach for facial feature representation is proposed, where
a curvelet transform [17] is a multi-scale directional transform
for optimal sparse representation of objects. In [18], curvelet
transform is combined with local binary patterns for efficient
facial feature extraction.
The above described emotion representation and recognition
In this section, firstly the local binary pattern based feature
systems, however effective, has one main issue: they cannot
extraction is described, followed by McTI2FIS based classifi-
handle information uncertainty, such as measurement uncer-
cation system.
tainty, variance in emotion features, efficiently. In the literature
of soft computing, Type-2 fuzzy sets have been shown to be
capable of representing uncertainty [19], by virtue of their A. Human Emotion Representation
dual memberships. The computational effort in computing
In order to extract LBP based features, first a sliding window
the dual memberships was reduced by the development of
is considered. As the window is moved across the image, the
Interval Type-2 fuzzy sets [20]. These Interval Type-2 fuzzy
center pixel in every window is threshold with the every other
sets have been extensively employed in combination with
neighboring pixels. The derived binary numbers for every
neural network based approaches for various applications
neighbor is represented as a decimal and is used to codify local
requiring noise/uncertainty handling in combination with good
primitives in the window including different types of curved
learning capabilities. These combinations are referred to as
edges, spots, flat areas, etc., i.e., every LBP code could be
Interval Type-2 Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems. A review
considered as a micro-texton [8]. An snapshot of LBP feature
of existing Interval Type-2 Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems
extraction process is shown in Fig. 1. From the figure it could
could be found at [21]. In this paper, we propose to employ
be seen that from a sliding window of features, first the center
an Interval Type-2 neuro-fuzzy inference system known as
value is subtracted from every neighboring pixels and then it
Meta-Cognitive Interval Type-2 Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Sys-
is threshold. The decimal equivalent of the binary number is
tem (McIT2FIS) [21].
employed as LBP feature. The choice of window size plays a
The employed McIT2FIS is a six layered network with
an input layer, a fuzzification layer, a firing layer, a type-
reduction layer, a normalization layer and an output layer.
The rules in the network calculates an Interval Type-2 fuzzy
membership by employing Gaussian membership function.
During learning, a Projection Based Learning algorithm (PBL)
estimates the parameters of the network such that the sum of Fig. 1. Example of LBP operator
squared error of the network is minimized. In order to improve
the generalization of the network, a meta-cognitive learning crucial role in the effectiveness of the features. In this paper,
mechanism is employed, which decides of efficient strategy to we consider LBP operator with eight sampling points and
learn a given sample. radius four [24].
B. McIT2FIS Classifier 2K nodes and each node in this layer calculates the Interval
In this section, the employed McIT2FIS classifier is de- Type-2 Gaussian membershio for i th input feature with
scribed. First, the problem definition is presented, followed k th rule as,
by the architecture and finally the learning mechanism. (ut ik )2
tik = exp i 2 ik , ik , uti
1) Problem Definition: Let us assume we have a set of (3)
N 2ik
training data {(xt , ct )}t=1 , where xt = [xt1 , , xtm ]
where, ik 1 ik ,2 ik and ik 1 ik ,2 ik are the left
Rm is the m-dimensional facial emotion features and ct
[1, 2, , n] is the corresponding emotion, with n being the and right limits of the center and width , respectively.
total emotions in the database. In McIT2FIS, the class label The footprint of uncertainty of the membership is repre-
ct is converted to coded class label yt as sented as a bounded interval in terms of upper membership
function up and lower membership function lo , as
if j = ct

yjt = j = 1, , n (1) !1
ik ,1 ik , uti

uti <1 ik
1 otherwise
up,t 1
ik = 1  ik uti 2 ik (4)
The aim of McIT2FIS classifier is to efficiently learn the !2 2
ik , ik , uit
ui >2 ik
decision surface separating the emotions based on the facial
features. The input space x provides necessary information on (
(1 ik +2 ik )
2 ik ,2 ik , uti uti
the probability distribution over the observed data to predict lo,t = 2 (5)
ik (1 ik +2 ik )
ik ,1 ik , uti
uti >

the output with certain accuracy. During learning, McIT2FIS 2
estimates the function relationship F(xt , W yt ) between
The output of each node can be represented by the interval
the facial features and their corresponding class. The predicted
tik = [lo,t up,t
ik , ik ].
output yt is given as yt = F(xt , W), where W is the
Layer 3- Firing layer: This layer consists of 2 K nodes
parameters of the network. Next, the architecture and inference
where each set of K nodes represent the upper and lower
mechanism of McIT2FIS is presented.
firing strength of K rules. The firing strength of a rule is
2) McIT2FIS Inference Mechanism: McIT2FIS, as shown
calculated by T-norm of membership of the rules. The output
in Fig.2 is a six layered network with an input layer, a
of this layer is an Interval Type-1 fuzzy set given as
fuzzification layer, a firing layer, a type-reduction layer, a h i
normalization layer and an output layer. It realizes a Takagi- Fkt = Fklo,t , Fkup,t k = 1, , K (6)
Sugeno-Kang fuzzy inference mechanism. Without loss of
generality, let us assume there are K rules grown upon where
learning t 1 samples. The detailed layer-wise inference m
Y m
mechanism upon presenting the t th sample is given next. Fklo,t = lo,t
ik and Fkup,t = up,t
ik ; k = 1, , K (7)
i=1 i=1

Layer 4- Type-Reduction layer: This layer consists of K

nodes. Each node in this layer performs type-reduction [25] of
x w11 Interval Type-1 fuzzy set to Type-1 fuzzy membership value.

The output of each node is given as
1 Fkt = Fklo,t + (1 )Fkup,t ; k = 1, , K (8)

where is the weight measure of uncertainty. In our study,
n we choose = 0.5.
1 Layer 5- Normalization layer: This layer consists of K nodes
and each node normalizes the firing strengths of rule that is
generated by the type reduction layer:
1 Ft
Fkt = PK k , k = 1, , K (9)
Layer 4 Layer 5 p=1 Fpt
Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 6

Layer 6- Output layer: This layer calculates the output of

Fig. 2. Architecture of a six layered Interval Type-2 Neuro-Fuzzy Inference
network which is weighted sum of the normalized firing
strength of the K rules obtained from the previous layer and
Layer 1- Input layer:: It consists of as many nodes as the is given by,
number of facial features, m. This layer merely passes the K
input to the fuzzification layer. The output of this node is yjt = wjk Fkt , j = 1, , n (10)
given as k=1
uti = xti i = 1, 2, , m. (2)
where, wjk is the output weight connecting k th rule with j th
Layer 2- Fuzzification layer: Fuzzification layer consists of output node.
Next, we shall describe the learning mechanism employed the inter-class then the sample overlaps with other classes. The
by McIT2FIS. width in this case is assigned as
3) McIT2FIS Learning Mechanism: During learning, as a
K+1 = dI (18)
sample xt is presented to McIT2FIS, it learning algorithm
monitors the prediction error and knowledge content in the where, determines the overlap between the new rule and
sample. The prediction hinge error is given as nearest rule in the same class and determines the overlap
yj yjt if yjt yjt < 1 between the new rule and the nearest rule in the inter class.
etj = j = 1, 2, , n (11) is usually chosen in the range [0.5,0.9], so as to induce
0 otherwise
overlap among rules representing same class and is chosen
and absolute hinge error E t is given as in the range [0.1, 0.4], so as to reduce overlap between rules
of different classes.
E t = max |etj | (12)
j=1, ,n

The knowledge content is measure by spherical potential and Upon adding a new rule, the corresponding output weights
is given as are estimated by Projection Based Learning (PBL) algorithm.
1 X PBL algorithm aims to find optimal weights to minimize the
t = Fkt (13)
Ks sum of squared error in the network, i.e.,

where, Ks is the number of rules with Fkt > 0.01. w = arg min J(W) (19)
Upon monitoring the above measures, the meta-cognitive where,
learning mechanism decides on three strategies, sample dele-
t X n  ! 2
tion, sample learning and sample reserve. X yjl yjl if yjt yjt < 1
J(W) = (20)
Sample Deletion Strategy: If maximum prediction error for 0 otherwise
l=1 j=1
a sample is less than delete threshold, then the knowledge
contained in the sample is similar to that present in the network The optimal solution to the above minimization problem could
and hence it could be deleted without being used in learning. be obtained by equation the first order partial derivative of
This helps in avoiding over-fitting and reducing training time. J(W) to zero and re-arranging as,
Sample Learning Strategy: A sample is learnt by either X N
k X N
growing a new rule or by adapting the parameters of the Fkt Fpt wjk = Fpt yjt , p = 1, , K; j = 1, , n
network to learn the knowledge contained the sample. k=1 t=1 t=1
Rule growing strategy: If maximum prediction error of (21)
a sample is very high and the spherical potential is below which in turn is written as
novelty threshold, then a new rule is added to the network to X
capture the knowledge in the current sample. When a new rule wjk akp = bpj Aw = B (22)
is added the center is initialized as, k=1

where the projection matrix A RKK is given by

K+1 = [xt 0.9, xt 1.1] (14)
The width of both the left and right limits of the rule is akp = Fkt Fpt , k = 1, , K; p = 1, , K (23)
assigned by considering the inter-class/ intra-class distance to t=1
the nearest rule. Let nrS be the nearest rule in the intra-class
and the output matrix B RKn is
(same class) and nrI be the nearest rule in the inter-class
(other classes) for any of the left or right limit. They are N
defined as bpj = Fpt yjt , p = 1, , K; j = 1, , n (24)
nrS = arg min kxt l k; nrI = arg min kxt l k
l==c;j l6=c;j From Eqn. (22), the optimal output weights W is obtained
(15) as
Let the Euclidean distance between the nearest intra/intra rules W = A1 B (25)
be defined as
dS = ||xt nrS ||; dI = ||xt nrI || (16)
Parameter update strategy: A sample containing novel
When the current sample (xt ) is closer to the nearest rule knowledge but less familiar to the network are employed
in the same class then the sample does not overlap with other for updating the parameters of the network. The network
classes. Then the width is assigned as parameters are updated as,
! T
K+1 = dS (17) A = A + Ft Ft (26)
! t T ! t T
When the current sample (x) is closer to the nearest rule in B = B + F y (27)


Database Rules Test S.V Test Rules Test
mean S.D mean S.D. mean S.D.
JAFFE 84 83.29 4.21 139 76.71 4.15 77 86.34 3.9
TFEID 76 80.31 2.95 140 73.85 3.33 73 82.54 3.1



Database Rules Train Test S.V Train Test Rules Train Test
Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy
Train: JAFFE, Test: TFEID 105 95.29 40.3 213 100 29.38 97 94.28 46.67
Train: TFEID, Test: JAFFE 96 93.66 42.5 268 100 30.15 95 95.5 47.5

and the output weights are updated according to: McIT2FIS in achieving better recognition than McFIS.
! T ! t T Database Independent Study: The performance comparison
WK = WK + A1 Ft e (28) of the three classifiers for database independent study is
Sample Reserve Strategy: A sample satisfying none of the tabulated in Table II. From the table it could be observed that
above strategies are reserved to be considered for learning at for both the cases, none of the classifiers is able to obtain
a later point in time. good recognition. However, among the classifiers, McIT2FIS
A detailed description of this learning algorithm could be achieves better recognition. More work needs to be done in
found in [21]. Next, the performance on the proposed emotion database independent automatic emotion recognition systems.
recognition system is analysed on two benchmark emotion
recognition databases. IV. C ONCLUSION
In this paper, a Meta-Cognitive Interval Type-2 Neuro-
Fuzzy Inference System (McIT2FIS) based emotion recog-
In this study, two databases JAFFE [22] and TFEID [23] nition system was proposed. The use of Interval Type-2
are employed. JAFFE database consists of 213 images of fuzzy set has helped the system handle uncertainty in the
seven frontal shots of facial expressions posed by ten Japanese representation of facial emotions. Further, the use of meta-
female models. The TFEID database is a growing database, cognitive learning mechanism in combination with projection
however only frontal facial images are considered in this study. based learning has helped the system in attaining better
It consists of 336 images with eight emotions out of which 268 generalization employing lesser resources. The performance of
images with the matching emotions as JAFFE is considered the propose McIT2FIS based emotion recognition system was
here. evaluated on two databases: JAFFE and TFEID. Two studies
Two different tests are performed: 10-fold cross-validation were performed: 10-fold cross-validation study and database
study and database independent emotion recognition study. In independent emotion recognition study. Based on the study it
order to extract 10-fold data for JAFFE, one image per person could be concluded that McIT2FIS is able to better learn and
per emotion is employed for testing and rest of the images are classify emotion within a database. However, the performance
used in training. In TFEID, as the number of images per person degrades significantly in inter-database study.
is not same, 66% of images per emotion are used for training In the future, more research would be carried out to better
and rest for testing. The performance of the proposed approach represent and recognize emotions across different cultures.
is compared with two state-of-the-art classifiers McFIS [26] Other feature representation techniques such as curvelet, Ga-
and SVM [27]. bor filter, optical flow features would be analyzed. Further,
10-Fold Cross-Validation Study: The performance of the fusion of data at feature level as well as classifier level would
three classifiers, McFIS, SVM and McIT2FIS is tabulated in be studied.
Table I. It could be observed from the table that McFIT2FIS
outperforms the existing classifiers. It should be noted that R EFERENCES
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